Sunday 20

{,'.’/I/ '

I BBC Radio 3: Cutting Edge

Haydn 2 I’m': II.rII Itrl‘.t‘l\ll} or

(r'; tum-waif. \-\'IIIIK'. HH llt‘t.‘ ,r, I an 'rtlt't :utprrrt‘tI IIrt‘

IMKI l.,f.'n~.:rrlr\t. RHIIJItI

I'Ha ' 'Ir -- .rlr .IIIIIIK'IIII\

I, t‘ “I II.I:-\IIl-\ \\ \H\

h llrrI 1‘ r-rr tIrt' turtt'prarro

I Russell Watson \I ('( '. I IIIIIIK'\I|‘II n.1,. ox 'trtrur ztrrrtr "pm {fir 95H IIrt' Iiirtr

-rr.rt*rrrpurar; Irrtx partlr popular upcra

Ir It‘llHt '.‘.Illt \t'.rllIIt‘\\I_\ llll‘\\'\

I Junior Academy Orchestra

Concert l<\ \\ll >. lHH lx’t-rrtrt-v. \rrt-t-r. \‘ "IV ' Mprrr 9_\ MRI (‘Irrrstoplrt'r

\rL \ turrtlrrt t- .r torrt t'rt \\rlIr a I<rr\\r.rrr

lI.r‘.r'ttl It Irarlanxky I\.rI\.rIt'\\I\).

I\~r \alar‘. .rtrtI ( iIa/rrnm \\ rtIr \HIHI\I

Irtw'l‘Il \loarr \krrrrrt'r ol IIIk' _|urrror

\ .rtlt'rrrx ( out t'IItl ( .UIIIPK'IIIIUII

l wlrx‘xrrrrromlr

I Kathryn Stott I m’Ir\\rrrrrrrt‘|r I’arrxlr

( hurt Irt Iurrt Ir \IIKK'I Irt'kt'h at «qul ‘Itltltr Ix’arxrrrt' IIIII(I\ to rcturIrrxlr IIIK'

tlrurt I] up t II.III\III.III\ \IIIH ot

x.r‘~_rr[\IlurlH\t I \'\I\'II\I' \Iorrrlt'lt‘r \\rlIr

I\all1r\n \lott on plant» IoIrnlx lull/mu

Int/UNIV/n'rr .rrrtl \IIIIrarrtI\ Sr ammo/u [It

.rrt' ruxt tuo I‘lt‘kt'\ Irr \Irtm oll lIn‘rr

\ rrurouxrt}. \‘.Irrlt' I’r.r//ola latter“

\ t‘IIIIIIlIt' IIIt' \orrtlr \rrrt'rrt'arr rrroml

\I.lIIt'(I HII I‘} \lHll lll Ilt'l \HIH H't‘llaI I.t\l



I St Giles’ at Six: Music for Passiontide \I (III\'\. ( 'alIrctIraI. I\'rr}.rI \Irlt'. .‘I‘ “HI (rprrr. I'IL'L‘. rt'trrrrrjn t‘ollt't‘lrorr IIrt‘ St (irlt'x~ (‘atlrt'rlral ('Irorr pt'rlorrrr Ilt'rrrrrt‘Ir \t‘lrlIl/xlulu/11mx/uzururr

I Edinburgh University Chamber Choir ( 'arroufsalc Ixrr k. |< 4 (‘rrrrorrgatu

NW Gian mph. L" It‘r Hathx rrrtrrtatc \' Lust: /’a\\.~r 1\ pt'rtorrrrctl l\_\ m; \'\I.1I‘II\II'\'\I t hurt. turrtluttctl l\_\

I rrt \wrr II‘It'I ukttfr \ontxh Ix’nt‘rr. Iturlt‘tnvrr. \rzx-I Brooks .tII\I IIcr.rf, IX'aurll

I The Garleton Singers and the St Andrews Chorus I'oIk‘.artIr I’arerr ('Irurtlr. I’mluarth It'rratt‘, 11" fall

:rrprrr Llllrt.l LN \cc \at I”

I Linton Singers and the Scottish Gabrieli Ensemble ( irtgx trrarx lx'rrk. (irt-_\trrar\ I’latta lll‘Nr\ hhl “I

" :trprrr L\ \Iurra§ ('arrrprII turrtIrrttx a torrtt'rt ot Ik'II.II\\.lII\k' rrrusrt trorrr Ital} .IIIkI \totlarrrl


I Baroque to Rock I,.lI\I\"\ Ionrr \I‘I‘t'} (‘Ith'~ ‘I (x I It» .PHI

Lb b” t LIV I’arxlc} I’IrrIIrarrrrorrn ('Irorr .IIk' rorrrnl hx rut-Ho \Hpralrr‘ ( 'olt'ttt‘ Rrrrltl} tor IIIt' trrxt ot lIrvrr \prrrrj:


I Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group IIIt' l’lt-axant-v IIIt'dIIk'. ()II I Ilk‘ I’It'axarrt’t'. llfi\l I (\\(r If I

iltprrr L" (‘5) \ I‘k'IIHIIIIJIItt' ol \\II\i\ll.\ //r¢ “IN/Ilr'llr/

Thesday 22


I Chamber Music Competition RX \\ll). llltl Ix’ctrtrcu Strut “3 SUV. Illarrr Irt'c IIIL' (iowrrrorx‘ Ru'rlal I’rr/t' ('orrrpt'lrtrorr

I Panu Sundquist 8. Gavin Brady Rarrrxlror'rr Ilrcatrc. ‘IN Irrfgr'arrr Stru'l. 552 Nb"), l.|5 3pm. I; i, Ilcr'lrrr

.\'_\ rrrplrorr} Uruhmlr‘a u-llrxt Surrtltlurxl arrrl Stollrxlr prarrrxt Itr‘atl} pcrlor'rrr prr'u‘x It} Iiccllrowrr. Ik'lurxx}. St'lrurtlla' and ltr'alrrrrx.

an oxymoron?

New classical music. When was the last time you were moved by

Conductor - Stephen Layton The Chapel Choir of Selwyn College, Cambridge

Music by:

John Reeman

Paul Patterson (Scottish Premiere) John McCabe, Julian Allwood Matthew King, Graham Lynch Richard Peat, Nicholas Peters



. MEMORIAL Musrc for goosebumps



Onyx Brass Daniel Cook - Organ

19th MARCH

St Cuthbert’s Church EDINBURGH 7.30pm

BOXOFFICE 0131 668 2019

92 THE LIST ' ' ~‘

I Glasgow Sinfonia \'

(izllx'rtk ('hurtti. \‘f“\.'..-.ig {H mph. LIL: L‘ (r mutiltw‘ \ turrrtutix .1 l‘t‘ffr‘tfflaiftt' l flunk (,r,.“_'_’I', () ,t-p, \ I \ l‘~‘t‘t;:.:! ( t t r t r

wlwrxt Itcttx l_t\ Err;

Isa nhuruh

I Edinburgh Quartet l\';:ar t‘Ilt IIaII. IIrrxtn \ttuarc, '5" f Ilct'tlrnxcrrk (jam '. .' Hr' .' :\ turrrplcrrrcrrtctl I\\ \twl'.I\I‘,Ir'l‘1t;tl'.1t torrrptm-r \Itl \r..:rr\ Iarrrcrrtatrurr t'llIlII‘t'iI ICU ’fr Hi"-

I Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group Ittc l’lt-amrra- llrt-arz; “It IItt‘ I’It'rtxtllt t't ‘I .\I I “\V‘ I‘ ‘I

It“ \cu \Inr‘. A‘I

I George Heriot’s School - No Strings Attached ()acunx llaii ( Tat. \IIL'CI. NW :ltl" I lltprrr {1127‘ \rr t-xt'rrrrrp or popular rrruxrt \I‘\‘\\\,r\ill:' IIIC \t'rrror (‘orru'rt Harnl. IIIK' Irrrrro: ('orrt'crl H.1IItI. I Iutt' I rrxurrrhlc, \\xrrrx' Itarnl .IIItI .|a// ()uartt-r

Wednesday 23


I Guitar Competition l\’\ \\ll t. lHH Ix’t‘rrlrt'u \trt't't. “.7 *HV' Iltarrr Irtx'. trt'kt'tt'd IIn' I)IIII\IK'\' ( irrrtar chtnal \\‘IloIahItlp I’rr/t'. \\rtlr crrtrarrlx rcqurrt-tl to pcr‘torrrr rt'pcrtorrt‘ rrrt lutlrrry a IIIl‘tIk'III \\‘HllhIl [\lt‘t't' [MRI I" III

I Goritzki and Thwaites l\'\ \\ll ). ltttl I\)k'IIII\'\\ Sum. Hf RHV lrrprrr u tell I)r\trrr;:ur\|rt'tl \\IIII\I .IlIII.lIIII\'\ (iorrl/kr .rrrrl pr.rrrr\t lolru III\‘..III\'\ pcrlorrrr \\UII\\ It} Ht'ctlroxr-rr arnl Itralrrrrx

I I";‘721

input 1"


I Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group llrt- I’lt-;r\arrt't- IIIt‘JIIt'. (\(t Ilrt‘ I’It'.r\;rlrt'c. llfibl I (“trifl

" illprrr t" «Dr SW \Iorr 2|

Thursday 24


I Violoncello Masterclass l<\ \\ll ). Illlt Rcrrlrt'u Strut-l. “3 SUV Iprrr I'r'ct'. lrt‘kt'tctl. Ihrt‘t'lt'tl I‘_\ \II\IIII},'III\II\'\I t'cllrxt .lolrarrrrcx ( iorrl/kr

I Sounds Cool Spectacular I\’H}.tI (‘orrt't'r‘l Hall. I Sauplrrt'lrall \trt‘t'l. 3* .\'llt)ll_ ", Illprrr. Ll.‘ \ t'lrarrt} mum-rt to (CICIHJIL‘ IIIII )L‘ah HI Ix’olal} Ilrtcrlratroual. \\rlIr mt‘r flttt \\Ilran puprlx ilL'l'(\\\ ot t'Irorr‘x. Ixrrrtlx .lIItI (\I'L‘Itt'\ll';l\ \\llIl \HlI“.'\. \Iallt‘t‘ .tIItI Il‘IIx ltlthlt‘. I’lttu't‘th to IM' \IHIIJIt'tI lH tIn' (lI§l\“_'U\\ ()ItI I’t‘itltIt"\ \\t'IIJIk' \\MK‘IMIIUII


I Edinburgh University Savoy Opera Group lhc l’lt-axant-c llrt-auc. (ill 'I'Ilt' I’Icaxartu‘. ltfibll “\h ;.‘,I

"r ittprrr, t“ «Ur Sm- \Iorr .‘l


I Cappella Nova - Light of the World ('rr'c_\ trrarx Krrk. (II\'_\ lrlah I’Iau'. (r03 lel‘). “pm ‘4‘) «Ur 41h \t-t- llru 21

Saturday 26


I Cappella Nova - Light of the World St \rrtlrmx '\ rrr tlrc \truarc. otl Saltrrrar‘kcl. St \rnIrmx \ \trt't't. 4“ .\ttl)ll_ (rpm w tut Sn. st-t- llm 21


I Mo’s Company \\t'\IUI llarltw Iztlut'atrorr ('crrtr‘c I)rarrra IIrt-atrt' Zprrr I'r'cc at door: \Irrxrt‘ \\ rtIr \\L'II kuou r1 \lor'rcx troru Scotland and ar'nurrtl the world tn .1 pr'ogr'arrrrrrc \IL'\I;IIL'\I to appcaI to IdIIIIIIL". Iotla} \ purlorrrrarrtc h} \ rolrrr‘t‘lar‘rncl \IIIH o1 IIcplor' Spot! and Slrrrrohu \Irkr lc.rltlr'c\ \lwn ('u am \\th rnuxrt‘ I‘} Ik‘r’ck Hall and [in l’mrrr and the (inns: \ Harry/1ft I \k rtIr rrrusrt' I‘_\ ()lrwr' Star'lt‘

John Annitage Memorial lltzarllrrrrrrg thrs rrrrrtruv

orgahrsatrou's Rtlui» rrrograr'ww

rs a rrra;or new \‘a "Ix t». I’arrt Patterson tr ur‘turext'. ti()l‘.‘.t?ll.‘;t}l(ttt(‘tI lw JAM as rm? 0? thorr rirrssrorr to tlt’I hrgh \ILL rlrt‘, now rnusrr: Into rrrarnstwarn t'(?t)(?tt()ttt‘. HM / mt: Cont/run!

A (W I mm the Sea rs a swttrrrzr ot tour ljittfl'lf} t», Hurt Kaw- all atrout tho ltorrtnw, Marsh rrr NM and tht‘: ottottt that IIlt? athwv and tho soa haw: on rt, 8! (It/thwart (Thu/tilt, lair/thorg/r, Sat l5) Mar.

City of London Sinfonia: Mendelssohn in Scotland ()uoon VlCtOltZl rrr the: form of Prunolla Scales. host known for hm r)<,>rtr'ayal as Syhrl rrr law/tr lowers - rorrrrrrrs<:(:s on rrrootrng the young I olrx Morrdt:lssolrrr through a sorros ot scones talurrg place rn l‘drnhur‘gh. tho Scottrsh llrghlands and finally rrr l ondon at Buckrngharn Palace Presented hy the ()rty of l t)lt(I()ll Srntonra. who haw a good t'OlJUIEIIItfll for thrs sort ot (:ornl)rrratrorr of rrrtrsrt: and drama. Hoya/ Concert / {all G/asgow. I hr; 7 /' Mar.

I (lrrrlrurgh I St Giles’ at Six: Organ Recital \r (irlt‘x' ( 'atlrt'tlral Ix’oxal \Irlr~

trprrr I rm. rt'lrrrrrz' tullr-r Ille \aralr


\rttIrrwrr IIK'IIHIIII\ rrruxrr tor I .rxlr'l \urrtla} I~_\ Itatlr. \\wt'lrrrtl ’rrrwtnlrrzrt' I rarn I, .IIIKI \Ir-rtrlt'l\\«rlrrr

Tuesday 29 '

I_ r lrnhr rr'gh

I Get Organised! l \lrt-r II.lII.I|'II11rlr RoatI Jib Ilgb I III I <‘tprr: ff IIrc tlt_\\ I.l‘~lIIIIIIt' r'l;'.rlr!xl It‘Inll I\:tt Ircrr Pt'IIHIIII\ on [Irv rrr.r:'rrrtrturrrl \ltcr II.:II ozparr lll tI1r\ lllIHlllIaI lrrrrtIrtrrrrt‘ \wrorr

Wednesday 30

Edrnhur'glt I Lunchtime Concert \r (.rltu (alIlt'xIlaI. I<\I}.rI \IlIr'. if; “I”

I: I§Plll II’CK' \ [‘z'llr‘lllralltt‘ I‘:. III.‘ “wt \\llliIvtl I’I.rlll\I\\Ilr>II1:'Ir \rhrml (‘orrt't'rt ('Irurr trorrr \"

Thursday 31


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra [\IIL'I Hall. I «'lIllall Rnarl 13‘ I I<< "prrr \‘CL' prt". }‘.r;’t' ‘ll

J. lkI\\ I