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Steve Cramer spea s to young writer CATHERINE GROSVENOR about lost folk and those left behind in the Traverse premiere Some Day All This Will Come to Nothing.

ixxing in .v\ction ix an aul'ul pliraxc which man} a \\;tl’lllllL‘ \xil‘c or child liax had to tlcal \\llil. Hut cxcn inixxing in .r\cton ix pi'ctt} traumatic. \\'hat happcnx to l'ollx \xlicn tlic} tlixappcai' \xitliout cxplanation‘.’ \Vilitl. niorc to thc point. liappcnx to tlioxc \\|ltt arc lcl‘t licliintl'.’ In that xituation. tlic crticllcxt lilo“ ol all ix \ll'llL‘ix. ior tlic onc lci't hcliintl ix Ici't \\lliiUlll tlixcourxc. \\ll|i no tlixciixxion. and no plauxihlc c\p|anation l‘or tlic cxcnt.

'l‘liix tlilcinnia ix c\aniinctl in a mu pla} h} a \\lio||} nc\\ \\i‘itcr at tlic 'l‘ra\crxc. (‘atlici‘inc (iroxxcnor xitx licl'orc inc in tlic 'l‘i'a\ bar and gi\cx inc a big. crookctl. prctt} grin \\licn l conlcxx l‘\ c nc\cr licai‘tl oi. lici‘: 'I hadn‘t tloiic an_\ \triting hclorc. tlicrc'x no rcaxon _\ou \xoultl lia\ c licai'tl oi~ inc. l \\ ax working at \Vatci‘xtonc'x. and xtartctl coming to tlic \\ritcrx‘ group licrc. l‘or tlic laxt t\\o _\carx. But I‘m too old to tic a _\oung \tritci' no\\. liccauxc I‘m So. xo I can't gct a _\oung pcrxon‘x railcard.‘ Sltc xtill xccinx iniplauxihl} )Ullll}! to inc. gi\cii tlic cann} cniotional inaturit) licr tirxt pla) \llt\\\ x.

In it. a policcuonian lcl‘t guarding a corpxc \\liilc \ilc‘ ;l\\;til\ TUI‘L‘lixic‘x TU tiL‘Lti \\ ilii _ill\l :tliUIliL‘l‘ \lliL‘itiL‘. liiitlx tltc cadawr atltlrcxxing lici' about xoniconc “110 liax gonc inixxing in licr o\\n lit-c. licr bintricnd \xlio liax lclit ltcr lilat a tcu tl;i}x hct‘orc. nc\cr to i'cappcar. .-\ car hax hccn tountl. but no xign oi hcr ho}. .-\nd no mplanation to citltci' licr. or thc latl'x tlixtrcxxcd parcntx. In a pai'allcl plot. a ho} tricx. LllliTL‘ litcrall}. to bur} liillixt‘ll. and ix rcxcucd b} a xlightl} xadixtic bar ouncr. .v\|l arc unil'ictl h) a xcnxc ol' xoniconc inixxing. and no c‘\planation.

'l'liat tlic 'I'ra\crxc. \Kilii a rich t|i\crxit} oi

cxtahlixlictl \iritcrx in itx xtahlc. xliould go l'or tliix _\oung litlinhurgh-horn \tritcr l‘or itx lirxt nc\\ pla} xiiicc tlic lcxti\;i| xpcakx \oluincx l'or tlic )oung latl_\. So too docx thc caxting ol tlic c\cc||cnt .\lo||_\ liincx ax tlic policcuonian. .-\nna. But oh} a policcwinian‘.’ ‘l.otx oi littlc tliiiigx L‘Ulill'lhlllL‘ti to licr hcing a policcuonian.~ (iroanor c\plainx. ‘l xuppoxc tlicrc‘x xonictliing about \xanting to xuhwrt authorit} ligurcx. hut alxo pcoplc ti'cat policc ol‘liccrx tlil'l'crcntl} than otlicr pcoplc. I don't incan that in a ttcgati\c \xa}. l nican xlic‘x got xucli a rolc to pla}; that it'x a tiucxtion

ol \tlicthcr pcoplc arc rcxpontling to tlic unit‘orni or

tlic pcrxon. Hcr rolc in lilc ix xoi'ting pcoplc out. "_\ou Lit) lliix. _\Htl gt) UNIV". llthl xi) tilt. .-\H Hi? that lx {Niall} c\plodcd. Soinctiincx \xlicn x|ic"x on xtagc. \\ c don’t ixliU“ \\ licthcr xlic"x .-\nna or a policc oliiccr.‘

'Hiix ixxuc ol‘ idcntit} \L‘L'ITT\ [0 go to [itc itcat't Hi lltc pla}. l-‘or \tc knoxx ottt'xcl\cx h} tlic pcoplc \tc think \\ c knou around ux. \Vlicn onc oi" tlicxc hcliawx in a inanncr “c can't c\p|ain. it‘x a cliallcngc to our o\\li xcnxc ol xcll‘. ’l‘lic c\ci'_\tla} tliiiigx that cxixtctl in lilc hcl‘orc arc not thc xainc. hut appcai' to hc. (irtmcnor cntloerx thc rc-cinhracing oi cxci'}tl;i_\ lil'c: '\\’licn xomcthing had happcnx. likc hrcaking up \titli xoniconc. or going into tlcht. or tlixcmcring xoinconc'x ill. _\our gut inxtinct ix to xta_\ in )otir hctl and iTiLlL‘. But _\ou can't. _\ou'w got to pull _\ourxcll togctlicr. that‘x \\ hat _\ou do.' Don't go inixxing tor tliix onc.

Some Day All This Will Come to Nothing, Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Fri 18 Mar-Sat 9 Apr.





3): Anna Karenina John Clifford's adaptation of Tolstoy's novel promises to cut its sprawling narrative to the essence, creating a tale of love and politics relevant to Our day. Muriel Romanes directs. and with Raquel Cassidy and Liam Brennan in the cast. you can expect quality. Royal l yceum Theatre, Ed/nburgh, Sat 19 Mar—Sat 9 Apr.

3: Beckett 2: The Basement Tapes This double bill of Krapp's Last Tape and Rockabye makes a mighty strength out of the dark underbelly of the Arches. Andy Arnold‘s production brings with it strong design and fine performances from Kay Gallic and Andrew Dallmeyer. Arches, Glasgow. until Sat 79 Mar.

8 One Day All This Will Come to Nothing The first new play at the Traverse for some months features the skills of first-time writer Catherine Grosvenor. Molly lnnes leads in a tale of people who go missing. and those who are left behind. Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Fri 7 8 Mar—Sat 3 Apr

#2 Pyrenees In a Paines Plough production which promises much for the new Scottish National, David Greig's story of a man found in the snow With no memory of his former life is both ingeniously challenging and entertaining. Directed by Vicky Featherstone. this piece confronts our stable sense of identity with questions about love and selfhood which will last long after the event. Tron Theatre, Glasgow, until-Sat 26 Mar.