I Female flatmate want- ed tor a doublc room in tur— nrxhcd gardcn (lat in .‘xlilgaxrc. (lax »tr‘rcndl_x. n/x prctcrrcd. (low to train xtation. \upcrmar- kct A; \ptil'l\ lttc‘lliltc‘x £390 pcm including billx (& ("1. not plionc. 11012 (17811 (129 476.

I Flatshare in Strathbungo, 9 mrnutcx to ccntral \tation. \urr'oundcd bx parkx. must haxc oxx n duxtcr. £290 pcm. 'l‘clz 07836 700 999. I Rooms To Let, l)oub|c room 111 \pax‘ioux cit} ccntt'c tlat. \Voodcn l'loor‘x. bright. Sk_x 'l‘V. lu'oadband. 5 rnincx to Buchanan St. Would suit pro- tcxxional n/x tcmalc. £325 pcm all iltx‘ltl\i\ c pith lL'lL‘pliUnL'. 'lx'li 07736 955589.

\VL'xl l.otlti;tn

I WEST Lothian, Room in a countrx housc. 6 mrlcx cht ol' on a main bux routc. lxlcal lot’ lixingxtonc. & llcr‘riot-\\'att. Modcrn tacilrticx. 'l‘cl: 0131 333 4901.


I Lovely modern flat Spacioux \inglc room in xxcll locatcd. gax lr‘icndlx (lat to draw xx ith onc othcr prot'cxxional malc. Suit n/x protcxxional or maturc xtudcnt. l.ong-tcrm lct prctcrrcd. l’rixatc parking and own \L‘ptll'alc li'l‘ linL‘ (llCCtl\ conncctcdi. £250 pcm + ("1‘ + \harc ol billx. 'lx‘l: (1131 661 3282 tlcaxc mcxxagc it out) or (17940 3(18 71 l or

limail: kcxx ldonm hotmail.conr I Fun, easy-going llatmatc xxantcd to xharc \l}'li.\li rrrain door tlat xx ith onc othcr. l.argc loungc with dining arca. 2 dou- blc bcdr‘oomx. lull) cquippcd kitchcn & modcrn bathroom.

In l.cith. £290 + billx. ('ontact Albic on (179(1456 14 10.

I Double room in gax- lricndlx .\lcadoxx‘bank (lat. \harc xx ith onc othcr malc. non- smokcr. prolcmional xx anch £320 pcm all incluxixc + dcpoxit. 'l'c1013l 620 2217 or 0777 963 0351

I Beautiful room in \hat‘cd (lat (txxo othcrxi xx ith grcat \ic‘\x. lit‘L‘xlil} dccoratcd \x'illt ncxx carpctx. .-\11 mod conx ctc. .\'o lix ing room. \Vould \uit all round casx to gct on xx ith pcr- son. liish cating x'cgctarian /non smoking prctcrrcd. .-\x'ai1ablc from mid March. £248 pcm including all bills. l’lcasc call (17976 58.3 782/0131 552 4668.

I Fully furnished luxury flat in superb localc ncar all amcnitics. 2 bed mastcr cn- xuitc. xidco critrx. (‘arporr £550pcm. Dcp. Rct‘s. 07989 385 708

I Double bedroom in

toxx n ccntrc. txxo-bcdroom

t'ullx -t‘urni.\hcd (lat. suit caxx - going. wring. n/s professional. £250 pcm + bills. Tel: 07917 152208.

I Double room in (lrangc arca. sharing xx ith txx'o Ullk‘l'x. Suit n/x. prot'cssional t‘cmalc. £270 pcm + bills + ("l'. Tcl: (11.31 668 2046.

I Study bedroom in tarni~ l_x homc. Barton ar'ca. \urt n/\ \tudcnt or pr'rrlc‘\\tort;rl tcmalc. no bill\. all lacilrtrcx axarlablc. £26l1pcm. ’lcl :0131 339 6558 I Double room in txxo bcxl» room t‘lat m lill6 xxith loxclx xicxxx. tcnralc. 25-35 _xcarx old. prctcrrcd. £260 pcr calcndar month + ("1' + billx. 'l'cl: 07979 603 (126.

I 2 large rooms, central llgtl \cckx txxo nicc \L‘lhtblx‘ [ico- plc to \harc xx ith txxo othcrx and onc cat. rnalc or t'crnalc. all mod conx. £340 largcr‘. £310xrna|1cr1 Inc all billx. 'l'c1207762 610 425. I Central Newington, single room in \harcd tlat xxith 3 othcr girlx. \paciorh kitchcn/dining Room. no lixing room. All rrrod conx. n/x protc» \ional t’cmalc, £165 pcm. 'l‘cl: 0131 667 8549. .-\t'tcr' 5pm.

I Brunsfield single room in gorgcoux. ll/\. lottt‘-px‘t‘\x1n tilat. all rrrod conx. £245 pcm + bills. 'l‘cl: 0131 4663453.

I Room to let in a txxo-bcd- roomcd (lat in Stockbridgc. .-\x'ai1ablc immcdiatcl}. .\la|c tlatmatc pr'ct'crr'cd. £330 pcm. 'l‘cl: 0131 332 9932.

limail: cixagrax (U hotmailcom I Small room in Marchmont axailablc. Looking for a clcan. rcxponxiblc. lid}. maturc malc to \harc a clcan. modcrn (lat xxith thrcc othcr mach £175 pcm + £100 tlcposil. 'lx‘l: (1131 229 7360.

I Polwarth large double room axailablc noxx. lull} -1ur- nishcd. \pac‘ionx. \liat'cd gardcn. Sccking a n/\ pr'olcxxional lo \lttll'c‘ xx ill] onL‘ olltL‘t'. £275 + (“l‘ + billx. Tel: (17884 (147488. I Double room available in modcrn l’olxx'arth (lat. \har- ing xx ith onc. caxx -going. mid- 2(1_\ gu_x. :\ll rrrod conx. oxx n parking spacc. n/x houxc. :\x'ailablc lxt April. £300 pcm + ("l' + bill\. 1612 (179(19 900 I24. I Large double room in Marchmont. xxith xx alk-in clox- ct. axailablc thc lst Ma}. l'or prot'cxxional t'cmalc. in n/x \harcd tlat. lncludcx Skx 'l‘\'.

xx axhing machinc. (1(‘11 & moxt mod conx. Sharcd bathroom ck .xitting room. £260 pcm + ("l‘ + billx + dcpoxit. 'l‘cl: 0131 228’ 6004.

I Single room available in \Vx‘xl lind (lat. (low to lla_xmarkct station. N/x protcx- \ional prctcrrcd. £210 pcm + billx +("l‘.'l'cl:01314763177. I Double room in uniquc (lat. xcrx ccntral location. to \harc xx ith txxo othcrx ck a dog. .\'o \tudcntx plcaxc. £233 pcm + ("1‘ + \harcd billx. .-\xailablc mid-.-\pril.'l'c1: 07736 053 536. I Spacious single room in bright. modcrn 3 bcd flat. on" l.cith \Valk xxith prixatc parking ck gardcn. \uit n/x protcxxional. axailablc immcdiatclx. £220

pcm + (“l3 + l‘ill\ + xlcpnxil. 'lx‘li

(17855 466 856.

I Large double room axailablc in l.cith. largc lixing room. lull} tittcd kitchcn. lx\\ C- l_x bathroom. \harc xxith l tcnralc. \uit laid back rcxponxi- blc pcrxon. £300 pcm + ("1‘ + billx. ’l‘cl: 07946 553 461.

I Room available now, m \unnx. \pacroux \lornrngxrdc tlat xxrth balcon}. largc krtchcn. cxccllcnt local amcnrtrcx plux tranxport lrnkx. xurt couplc or \rnglc pcrxon. £36( 1/£320 pcm + lilll\ + (l 'lx'lj(1l5l 44" 3596.

I Leith, 1 double room xxith cn-xurtc. modcrn. \pacrom. xxarm. ground floor tlat ncar (1ccan 'lcrrnrnal. ca\_\ acccxx to buxcx. caxx parkrrrg. axarlablc l7 .'\prr|. £320 pcm + ("l + litll\.'lx‘li(1773l 504 185 or (177(18 886 "(12.

I The Shore, attractive doublc bcdroom. Cit-\ltllx'. to \lrarc xx ith rclaxcd tcrrralc. (low to all arncniticx. .-\xailablc l\l.\l;t}.£32l1pcln+liill\ + ("l2 'lx‘li (17949 696 998.

I Room to let in liulgrccn ar'ca. \uit _xoung prot'cxxional to \harc xx ith l othcr. grcat bux routcx ck parking. £350 pcm incluxix c ol ("1‘ & billx. 'l‘cl: 0131455 7353.

I Box room in bright corn- t'ortablc Hat. “1 minutcx (torn l’rinccxx Strcct. all mod conx. including cablc 'liV ck clcctric \hoxxcrx. £2(1(1pcm. ’l‘cl: (17941 899 305.

I Single bedroom for rcnt in 4 bcd tlat. back gardcn. cloxc to \hopx & major bus routcx. l5 minutcx lrom cit} ccntrc. £180 pcm. 'l'L‘lZ (1778(1 64(1 386.

I Meadowbank delight- ful double room to t'Ctil lot onc. n/x protcxxional. .\lain door. uppcr x illa. to xharc xx ith onc othcr licnralc. £300 pcm. all lllL'lll\l\'L‘. 'l‘cl: (178(19 l(1(136l. I Large, lovely sunny room in clcan. \pacioux llillxidc tlat. \harc xxith 2 t‘cmalcx. xxood- cn tloorx. largc \unnx loungc. dining kitchcn xxith all mod com. um n/x protcxxional tcmalc. £300 pcm + billx. 'l'cl: 0131 466 1679 or (1796(1 386 595.

I New Town, room to rcnt in bcautit‘ul (lcorgian flat. to \harc xx ill] 2 n/\ pt‘olx‘xxionatlx. £280 pcm + .xharc ol ("l~ & bill\. 'l‘cl: (1131 557 8848.

I Large, bright double room in loxc1_x l.cith (lat. \uit tcrnalc \tudcnt or protcxxional. xharing xx ith 2 tcmalc ck tricnd- 1} cat. \pacioux (lat xxith xandcd tloorx. poxxcr \hoxxcr. (l(‘ll ck cablc TV. £320 pcm cox crx all bills. cxccpt \liar'c oi phonc bill. 'l‘c‘l: (17979 (166 330.

I Flat overlooking meadows, 2 doublc roomx. £320 + ("l' + billx. l’(’.\1. .-\l\t) largc loungc. t'ullx tittcd kitchcn. x‘L‘nlt'al hcating. L‘lcc‘lric‘ \lioxxct‘. axailablc noxx. 'l'cl: 07956 422 151.

I Marchmont, double room in 3 bcd (lat. \liot‘l tcrm 1caxc till Jul_x. £300 pcm + billx. 'l‘c‘l: (1131 659 78.33.

I Fantastic double room, lull) -t'urnixhcd in largc. t'ricndlx Victorian houxc. 'l'rinitx arca. Sharing xxith a tamilx. lilcxiblc lcaxc. .\'/\. tid_x. rcxpon- \iblc tcmalc rcquircd. £265 pcm including bill\. 'l‘cl: (1131 554 1301.

I Large Room In Spacioux Marchrnont Hat. Would Suit Young. l’rotcxxional .\'/x. (ircat




location. in”) rturnr~hcd \\ Rcccntl} choxatcd Krtchcn Sharing \\ llll 3 (irrlx, .-\xarlablc .-\prrl. £225 l’cm + lirllx + ('t 'l‘cl: 0131 44" 7152.

I Flatmate wanted to \har'c xx ith onc otlrcr l1oublc room rn cxccllcnt tlat locatcd 111 liltL‘ \lcadoxxx, “ixittlxl \ttll n \ pt'otc'\\lonal. £260 pcrn +7 l‘lll\ + ("ll 'l‘cl: 07977 228 059

I Newhaven/Ocean Terminal, 3 xltllll‘lt' roornx to rcnt in 3 bcd ()ccan \icxx tlat. xcrx clcan. all mod conx ctc £260 pcm. 'l‘c-I: 07990791 519 I Spacious double room axailablc noxx in \pacroux Stockbridgc t'lat. \har‘c xx ith 4 grrx\_ mid 20K. £28(1pcrn + ('l tkbrllel‘c1107779 108 171.

I Bright, fully furnished doublc bcdroorn rn cxccllcnt. modcrn. ccntral t'lat. \urt cou plc. \x‘par'atc loungc & 2 bath t‘oornx. cxccllcnt \har‘cd lacrlr ticx. £90 pxx includcx ('1. (cl: 01%| 2295l2~lxu'(178(18 29" 812.

I Bright double room axailablc in modcrn dcxclop lllL‘lll.t)\L‘l'-lt1tllxlllg l’ortobcllo goll'courxc. Srrit protcxxional or maturc \tudcnt. £375 pcm. all incluxixcflcl:0131 669 3738. I Fresh, bright, spa- cious room axailablc in pcaccl'ul. ccntral lilat (or up to 6 rnonthx. \ttil protcxxional. trd}. n/x pcrxon. xharc xxith l malc. £260 pcm includcx ("1~ 4 bill sharc. 'l‘cl: (1131 477 4072,

I New Town extremer \pacioux room in irntnaculatc (lat. \kx 'l‘\' plux prixatc gar— dcnx. \uit n/x prot'cxxional. £310 pcm + ("1‘ + billx. 'l'cl: 07968 628 978.

I Marchmont, large dou- ble room in tid_x. n/\1l;tl.;t\;til- ablc April. all mod conx. \cpa ratc lixing arca. bathroom xxith \lioxxct’. (i('ll & l)(i. quicl ar'ca xx ith t'rcc parking. £320 pcm includcx ("ll ’l'cl: 07803 003 361.

I Lovely double room in a houxc in thc quict \Vardic arca. 10 minutcx t'rom Botanrcx. \harc xxith 1 protcxxional malc & 2 tricndlx catx. \unnx prrxatc gardcn & caxx parking. suit n/x pCl‘\nn xx ho xx antx a clcan. rclaxcd placc to lix c. £325 pcm includcx ("l3 & billx. 'l‘cl: 077 36 95(1 628.

I l-laymarket, comfort- able bright room in \pacioux tlat. \harc kitchcn & bathroom. all mod conx. WM. tumblc dr_xcr. cloxc to all amcniticx. (1(‘ll. no billx. £294 pcm. 'l‘clz (ll 31 667 6338.

I Bright, lovely room xxith xxoodcn lloorx in quict ('annonmillx flat. to \harc xxith lcmalc 29. xuit n/x maturc pro- t'cxxional. box room \tudx inclr'dcd in rcntal. muxt bc xcg- ctarian. 1 Max cntrx. £340 pcm inclwa ("l5 A; bill\ ck broad- band. Tcl: 07745 097 005 or (1131 466 (1653.

I Morningside, Maxwell Street, n/\ prtilcwiunitl t‘cmalc to draw clcan. attrac- tixc. rnodcrnixcd (lat xxith l othcr. £270 pcm. 'l‘cl: 0131 443 2536.

I Abbeyhill, Spring Gardens, n \ protcwronal lclnalc to \l1.tlx' \ lcan .lllle trxc. lllx‘xlk'lllhk‘xl tlat \\lll1 l othcr. .rxarlablc trorn .‘3 \prrl £2 10 pc rn lcl (1"8 34 ' 3" 4 3.1

I Leith, 1 double room xxith cn \urtc bathroom. nrod crn. \pacroux. xxarrrr. ground tloor tlat ncar (1ccarr lcrnrrnal. c.r\,\ .rxx'x'\\ to buxcx. I‘lcntx ot parking. .rxarlablc l \prrl £320 pcm x (‘l v l‘lll\ lcl (17731511418511Ht18 886 ‘n_‘ I Leith, 1 single room, nrodcrn. \pacroux. xxarrn. ground tloor tlat ncar (kt-arr lcrrmnal. caxx acct-xx to buxcx. plcntx ot ]‘.t|lxtll_‘.‘. .rx.rrl.rb|c l .\prrl 25(1pcnr x (‘l . l‘lll\

lc-l 0”“11Rntlximn‘an 886 7(1:

I Professional female required tor dotrblc roorn tn 2 bcxl tlat Ill lionrrrngton .rrca £225 pcrn x l‘lll\ lcl 0771' 827 257.

I Lovely room available m clcan. \pacroux lllll\lxlx' tlat. \harcxxith2 tcrnalc.xxtmx1cn llooh. largc \unnx loungc. drn mg krtchcn xx till all mod conx. \llll rrN protcxxronal tcrnalc £2,3(1pcnr x billx lcl 0131 466 l(i79 x11 (1796(1 38() 5‘15.

I Spacious room avail- able rrr 4 bcd llat. ncar lloll_xrood. bathroom. krtchcn. lixing roorrr. tcrnalc prctcrrcd £230 pcm 7+ brllx -9 ("l lcl 01316521833

I Furnished room in rntcrcxtrng lcith (lat. \ltatc xxith 1 tcrnalc 32. \mt cnrploxcd. trrcndlx malc ot tcrnalc. 25 )x';tl\ plrrx. £275 pcm rncludcx broadband. tclcphonc lrnc 8' cubic l\’. 1c]: (17"53 3281196

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