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124 THE LIST 51 Mar—‘4 At“ £305


V I Saw You .-\nna at I-elt\ l)a llotlxeeat. \Ve ehalted and )iiti \.tltl _\oti lo\ed ltl_\ .-\ll\[I’;tll;tIl aeeent and I and _\our Seottixli aeeent w .I\ eute' I'd low to ehat again \ome tiine. ['i’5IS/l V I Saw You Julie .-\ trom l’ortabello' Your bod} ix roekm' and )our moxex are bitehin'. Yoti \a\ ed in_\ tl’od\ \treet ered I thiitk )ott dexerx e a drink tor that'. Stephen In)!” [men ['/5 I 8/: VI Saw You \'iek_\ dri\ mg a blue l'lL‘\I;t 1(33 YKYi tip higlt street. [' xiiigle'.".’ ['/5Ih’/.‘~ V I Saw You eurl} girl} dix iitg oil a high board. lill/alk‘lll Bear L'Ullltl llau‘ dotte better? ()nl} joking . _ . lta lta. [7518/4 V I Saw Your e} ex iii theatre one da}. Yoti \aid )ou met me at It's ('hrixtmax part}. You and _\our \tll'ilittIlL‘ a work oI art. tune} meeting up‘.’ ['/5lS/5 VI Saw You prett} linglixh girl in Ieeland B}re\ Road. You rexeued in) beer ean\. I admired )our 'I‘unnoek'x waterx . wanna explore \UIIIL‘ new atltlietionx'.’ ['/.5lb’/(t V I Saw You tirml) iii the light. It's darker now. I miss u. ['/5 I 8/7 V I Saw You eating the entire eraytixh bagel. 'I'hankx. l.tiekil} I'm atti'aeted to gimp} wee girls. ait )ou‘re the gimpiext. And you're beautit'ul. Alter two )earx wait. I think you‘re worth it. I)a\id. ['/5ltS’/S V I Saw You. Ill} handxoine knight iii shining armour. when )ou pieked nie tip. bruised and bandaged. at the Western :\+Ii. Your \inile'x the best painkiller. I ma} be a \pud. but do _\ou still love your little Ilobbit‘.’ XXX ['/5I.S’/() V I Saw You w ith the red in _\our hair. we shared IIIL‘IIIt)FlL‘\ o\ er coffee. and you kissed me gotttlh) e.[ '/5 l X/III V I Saw You cute blonde gt!) with eheeked \hirt in Tunnel Wednexda} 3nd .\Iareh. ()tir e)e\ met more than onee a\ we daneed. l tltink w e're neighbours'.’ [/5 I S/Il VI Saw You Jon bo} iit Walkabout. _\ou \e\} monke} _\ou. How about write more one— on-one ne\t time'.’ The “()I'tlS are \hort but the sentences too long. (let w riting? [’/5IS/I3 V I Saw You 'I'wo )L‘itTS ago and \inee then. I ean't \top thinking about _\ou. lt‘x been so hard to make it happen. but exentuall} i'Il be with )ott in Iew than a month. but )otl petii ehat. t'/5l.\’/13 V I Saw You angel at the end oI~ in} table in the Ben .\'e\i\ tSunda} 3l\[l. I stared. lots. You smiled and said eheerio ax )ou Iel't with )our palx. l’romixe not to let you get aw a} again? [/5 l S/H V I Saw You dream) girl bu)ing One New ()I'l’l' The ('tu‘koo'x .Yes! in liopp (ilaxgow Nth March. while I dithered o\ er Bukow \k‘i and 0m ell.\ ewhange notes'.’ ['/5ltS’/l 5

V I Saw You Izating \oup llt IllL‘ BCJIIu‘CIIC (‘I'L‘xxw t‘ll l..tII[' \Ionda} II i light. tipped learn and red eai'tligan I ong dark hair. \e\_\ e_\e\ and piett} \Itlllt‘. Stall knew _\oii. do )tltl work there ' [' 5I.\ to

V I Saw You I'.Il['k'll [llt‘ pieleen \taring at I'ltom .Ionn_\ era/} will get )tiit "' (‘heexeeake J e\a' lrin \I‘Iatl} ['r’5lS/I"

V I Saw You (ii'eek gtil III the (ioat liar laxt iitoiitlt. ti'oin Mountaineer ["5 I St I .\'

V I Saw You l‘ltlt‘-[‘_\t'tl. [lttl‘k eurl} -liaired ho}. \Ve otten paved on (heat \Vextern Road. You li\L‘tl at St (iL'tlI’KL't'.\ ('loxx Where Inn e _\ott gone l axt \aw _\oii III Ba} 'l‘ree (‘ate

w eating a red iaeket. [V’5lS/l‘l V I Saw You ('lttnexe gti_\ otten at the end ot plattoi‘iii I at lixhibition (‘entre \tation. Yoti take a train around .S. l 5am. You went like a eool trtentl to ha\e' You ha\ e a black anoi'aketl equall} eool i'.’i admirer" (Itilileei’ [/5 l 3/le

V I Saw You at the Honda) ('lub daneing )our little ga} axx oil to Simplextoi'm and Wall Street .-\mmunition hero do _\ou want to ding} the lop Shop thing} and eome and see l-igtire 5 that night inxtead‘.’ Remember _\ou ean take napperx in the brunnie . . . [llttl\ it? ['/5IS/Il VI Saw You the h boiiib hiIot’ineixtei'tle\athtinxtrapaIan gadingdongbiteh . . . going to the big \inoke . . . IIIIII one }oti biteh and will ntixx )ou it\ well ...['/5lS/23

V I Saw You handsome Her} tallli polieeinan. attending to ait ineident at a pub on l)umbarton Rd. I’ai‘tiek. 'I‘hurxda} 24th l'eb. 5.5%)an ('oIIee'.’ [/5 l 3/3“

VI Saw You oit 2nd .lan in the eue tor ()ptimo. You had red beanie hat on aitd glared at me. Wax it em I jumped the queue or do _\ott lane} a drink some- time'.’ ['/5IS/2~I

VI Saw You ll] l.‘~th .\'ote Ill/IH/(l5 3pm. You had eool gl;t\\L‘\ and big aIro-xt} le hair. He. \ipping blaek eott’ee. ehain

\llltik‘tltg in booth. lane} a pint .’

['/.5 l 8/25

V I Saw You Kathleen llannalt at ()ran .\lor. You are ‘trex bien'l Wanna dixeo‘.’ ['/5 I S/Zh

V I Saw You bah) tat-ed \ertill} Nikew ho} on Park Road panting? You're e\ en more beautit'ul when )ou're mad. I think I lt)\C )tml [/5l8/37

V I Saw You Susan. Arehex ('ate Bar 4/3/05. .\Ie: tunk} speee) dude. You: green gtttltle‘xx. How about \tilIlC \CIL‘ltee L‘ltal'.’ [ 7513/23

V I Saw You Mr 'I'. I pit} the fool who gue‘x out with _\ou. Quit _\our jibba jabba and I ain't getting on no plane w it )ouf ['/5IH/2‘)

VI Saw You on ('louston Street. You are in} ginger \alxador. Your daneing w ax like Miehael Jackson. [/SlH/fxtl

VI Saw You working in Fopp \Yext lind. Would )ou w ear _\our Spide) \uit'.’ I'll be _\our .\Iar_\- latte . . . contact the \Vttchex tor detailxl X\‘ [/5lb/5l

V I Saw You ("hem pi.- leinonatle not in Iintleibo\ [or _\oti w ete \ltaeketl tip lll el taxo

del Rym' l [l\ }a'[ 5l.\ \. EDINBURGH

VI Saw You III l.i\le the laxl Stintla} ot .Iaiiiiatv YOU are lll\ll and I am ltaliait \\e talked about lllll\le It You tetiteinbei tiie. wiite batk" I want to we _\otl .igaiii'l 5 I S 1‘ VI Saw You )oii weie on otii totieh. now _\oti‘te gone llope _\ou won't be a \tiaiigei .tlltl be .iw.i_\ lot long (iet III Itltlt‘ll. lt‘t‘l\ [ Rlb l-l

VI Saw You lIeatitiltil Sk_\ (illl. tliiting with )tltlt Soil Ito} [‘onkeh (iloaining\ lootl .\ Se\ You .iie aiiia/ing

Kl\\t‘\ [V Slb ‘5

V I Saw You I\eten. ehet k otit girl tit lexeo. \ieolwit St \Vt' Itlllxt'tl .tiitltll ltt.t\[ tllllllt'l\ then I [hopped iii} lio/eii pea\ and )ou laughed You made tlte It) niin queue woitliwliile. Stintla_\ Itmeh ' ['5l.\ in

VI Saw You K.t}e S \It I) it'll pal li’otti lzdinbtiigli Ill_L'llI\. ill} \nowboai'ding build). nit partner iit erime in I e\ ( ietx \Vhat happened to _\Hll \I|\\ our night\ otil attd want to gel on it agaiit \ot III eo\e an} more. Don‘t haxe )titll ntiiiibei. get iti totieh. l.iiid\a_\ twueen ot Illl\\t‘tl l‘l't'uklthhl .\Ie. ton the /.ebra liar and wine naxt_\ blaek \ltotx. wax that otii [lowiilall’ ['/5l.\’/i7

V I Saw You tall. \lllll and lair III .lt'\\tip\ Stintla} Itltli Mareh. llliie \lIII'l and khaki ti‘oti\er\. \Ve eoiiinientetl on pooi \L'I‘Hee ' \la}he w e eotlltl tiieet tor a drink [7'5 | S/ ix

VI Saw You tall Spamxli Kl’ in the kitehen ot 'li;i\t-I Inn. \Vh} don‘t _\oti eoiiie to :\lll\[t‘l'tl;tlll with me. 'ki_\o‘ Yott ean't \a} that )iiti don‘t ha\e the nioiie} l'.\llll;tl|/ USN/3i)

VI Saw You .Ieiiiina R Ill .i lirxt )ear law leeltite looking intelleettial and etite with )otii dark etirl} hait tied baek and blaek rimmed gl;t\\t'\. eliarnitiig and axtute. )ou're one ot a kind ['/5lS/.Il

VI Saw YOU ltitiklllg great on lleriot Row abotit llaiii on 'lttextlit} 3 5rd. You L‘ItHSL'tl the road aitd l wax on the phone 'I‘hankx tor the \lllllt'. ['/5lS/»I_‘ V I Saw You. lat (iiiapo \onato szpanol. in lilaek lio'x lane} a dip III the loeh beloie )ou lea\e ' [/5IS/JI

V I Saw You tall + \e\_\. \ophistieated. balding. waixt eoated \uaxe gentletiian. \\e \aw )titl \trutting )otir \tutt at Blind I’oet Honda} pub tiiiix. l.o\ing the leather taekettonfl (ilIC\\ w ho.’ ['/5lh’/~IJ

VI Saw You )ou big le//er' You are Mel-.ninxh number 3. btit )ou'll alwa'u be lit} num- ber one? l.o\in )ou beautilul. ['/5Ih/45

V I Saw You when )ou were our eatxitter. Stop working \o hard and eoiite \ l\tl [is b} the sea. ’l‘here‘x a whole new world (ii men to \ntigi [/5l3/40