Around Town

Name Shaun Kelly

Job Monkey Business Fancy Dress Shop

Background I JOITiCd the family business of fancy dress hire at 16. and took over as manager five years ago. In fact. we are celebrating our 15th year in business this year.

What is the most enjoyable aspect of your work? Everyone is always srnrling and in good spirits when they come to the shop. espeoaIIy the stag and hen parties that make up a large percentage of our customers.

Is there any down side to the job? Having to define the term ‘damaged goods'. Some peOpIe rust refuse to acknowledge therr mishaps.

What are your most popular outfits? The Abba and Sergeant Pepper costumes are Our biggest sellers. closely followed by the Brave/read outfit.

And masks?

Slightly w0rrying. but the Michael Jackson mask rs always in demand. The King. or Elvrs. as he is known to hrs friends. is still number one. What would you do on a day off in Edinburgh?

I only get one day a week off and I usaalty spend it playing guitar and recording rnusrc. Give me two days off and I would probably head down to the Meadows or the Queen‘s Gardens to relax.

Open 9.30arn—580pm Monday to Friday. and 10am—5pm on a Saturday. closed Sunday.

I Monkey Business. 767 Morrison Street, Edinburgh. 228 6636 Profile by Brodie Govan)

The Leith Market ('ommercial Qua). ()cean l)ri\e. 467 0422. .-\ rwrmanent market with food. fashion. design. antiques. furniture. book\ and music.

Food & Drink

Farmers Market (‘axtle Terrace. 652 5040. 0am 3pm. .-\ chance to bu_\ fresh produce direct froin the farmer‘s.

Tea and Whisky Tasting l-‘oodrnarket arid \\'ine\hop. Har\e_\ Nichols. 30 3-1 St .-\ndre\\ Square. 524 8332. Free. Taste .-\uchento\han and Bo“ more as \\ ell as the best of herbal teas at this drop in tasting.


Playwrights in Partnership International Workshop Tra\ erse 'l'heatre. ('ambridge Street. 22S I404.

| lam 5pm. L'ltt i£6i. l’la}\\ right Rona Munro joins Tra\ erxe liter'ar} manager Katherine Mendelsohn to di\cu\\ \xhat's in\ol\ ed in bringing foreign-language play to the LR stage. Ticket price

28 THE LIST 3‘ Max—‘3. -\t" .‘f't‘f‘r

lllcltltlL'S entr} to the reading of L\el.\ne de la ('henelieres 'Strauberries in January


Storytelling Step by Step ( it} .\t't ('entte. 3 Market Street. 5:" “N:

llam liflpm. Heard a \tor} ’Think _\ou can do better ' ThlS IS art Ilttt'tKltIcllHll for all those \\ rshing to de\elop stor}telling ttl‘lhtIeS. Part of (ti/[ill] (ii/rim JUN."


Scotfairs Antique Fair Meadimhatlk Sports ('entre. l W London Road. “1'64 654555. lllain 4.3Ilpm. l."l. lil'iMSe stalls laden \titli ieueller‘}. c‘itIItS. linen. medals and itllthtleS.

Scottish Holistic Health Festival l‘reemasonx Hall. 06 (ieorge Street. III 5H6 S73 75”. llam ‘pm. See Sat 3.

Monday 4


Contemporary Acquisitions: Howard Hodgkin Dean (killer). 73 Beltord Road. 634 63”). l2.45pm. l‘ree. Philip Long. \L'lllttl' curator at the (Ballet) of Modern .‘\rt. gnes a talk on the recent acquisition of \\t)l'i\\ b} Houard Hodgkin.


Focus on Fabric: Create with Colour and Draw with Threads National (ialler) of Scotland: ('Ioi'e liducation (‘entre. The Mound. 624 6560.

II).3II;iiii I2._i(lpttt. £6 IL-ll. Artist l.llttl\tl} Hamilton e\plore\ a range of te\tile techniques iii this taster session. Bii) tickets from the Weston Link info desk or call betueen 9.30pm 4.30pm Mon l-‘ri.


The Monarch’s Munros: An Account of Victoria and Albert’s Expeditions National (ialler) of Scotland: Hautliornden Lecture Theatre. The Mound. 624 62f)“. 13.45pm. l‘i'ee. Writer and mountaineer Ian R Mitchell. author of ()II the Trail of Queen \ir'toriir in the Highlands. looks at Victoria arid Albert's r'exidenc} at Balmoral.


Mould, Model, Shape and Cast National (iallei') of Scotland: ('lore liducation ('entre. The Mound. 624 6560. I(l..i(lain l2..‘\()pm. £6 (HI. .-\ taster session in uhich artist Liitda liarl} e\plore\ a range of techniques using c|a_\. BU} tickets front the Weston Link info desk or call between UNIpm 4.30pm Mon l‘r'i. Oedipus Wrecks: Writing Fiction About Parenthood (iorgie (it) t'arm. 5| (iorgie Road. 623 703]. 2 4.30pm. .\'e\\ short stories are “tinted for a forthcoming issue of Pulp .\'er. on the theme of ‘()edipu\ \Vrecks'. Take )our short stories along to recei\ e feedback. as well as taking part in practical \iriting \xorksliops on the theme of parenthood. The Bongo Social Swing Club The Bongo (’lub. Mora} Home. 37 Ho|_\rood Road. 07047 I76 (I74. 7 9pm. £4 per clitsx. £6 for both if;i per class. £5 for bothi. Learn S“ ing dancing \\ ith instructors from the auard-u inning H} right dance compan).

Wednesday 6


Artist’s Talk: Nathan Coley National (taller) of Scotland: Hauthornden Lecture Theatre. The Mound. 624 6200. 6pm. Free. Nathan ('ole) '\ sculpture. ‘The Lamp of Sacrifice. 3‘46 Places of Worship. “as recentl} acquired by the (iallert of Modern .-\n. The Dundee-Mixed irtternational artist gixex an illustrated talk on this remarkable “ork.


Edinburgh Stop the War Coalition Friends Meeting House. 7 Victoria Terrace. T._‘~(l»t).3(lpm. Free. t'pdate meeting.

Workshops Strictly Dance Fever kirk i it icld l’aTISh (hutch. hirmn Street. l’le.:\.::tce.

truth] <hh \ 1H Ill Hip”) 15 Put kill” hohi‘} socks on and get iead_\ to learn HHS tun dance \i‘vthlte beginneh xxclcoirie. and no partner necessai} Beginners c lass

S lIlpm. llttt‘tiueh at " 1Ilpm


Paolozzi of the Month Dean Gallery “I Beltord Road. 6:4 62H“ 13 4*piii l-ree Lach \ieek Hamel Herr'maii. the l’aolo/xi curator. \HH gi\e a talk on a different \wrk in the e\hibition


Marks, Strokes and Washes .\aironal (i.illei‘_\ of Scotland. (‘loie lidiicatron (’entre. The Mound. 624 656”

lIl..‘~IIam lliflpm. Uri‘e4i .\ tastct \t'SSIitlt in \xliich ai‘trxtx l'.ltlti_\ Leaimont and .-\ndre\\ Macken/ie e\ploie a range of drauing arid painting techniques. hut tickets from the \\e\ton Link info desk or call between ‘Hllpm 4.3Ilpiii Mon l'll Silver Jewellery Making Sparkle (TilliS. 1H 3 Mai'chmoiit Street. III IINII 3 4pm. £45. .\ chance to learn him to make beautiful ieueller} \xrthout the need for \Ultlel'lllg‘ and \il\er-\itiithing \killx.

Activities & Events

Artists Film Screening: I’d Rather Jack and Pentland Rising .\‘airorral (ialler) of Scotland: Hautliornden Lecture Theatre. The Mound. 634 621M. 6 Spin 'l’entland Rising‘ IS the first public screening of Jenn} Hogai'thx' \kl [X‘t‘foriitance at last )eai'S l'estnal. ‘l‘d Rather luck “as curated b_\ Michelle ('otton and Mattheu Noel Tod and brings together arts films and \ idem about music.


A Little Bird is Singing: The Art and Craft of Phoebe Anna Traquair National (ialler') of Scotland: Hautliornden Lecture Theatre. The Mound. 024 6266. l3.45pm. l‘ree. lili/abeth Cumming. author of I’lioe/ie sill/It] liar/rum: IS": /‘/.\'6. gixex art illustrated talk about this \alued member of the British .-\rt\ and ('rafts mmemeiit.


Somthing to Draw On National (iallei‘) of Scotland: ('lore liducatron ('eiitre. The Mound. 634 6560. 3 4.30pm. £6 i L4i. See l’ri I.

Activities & Events

Meet a Mum Cocktail Party Botanic House Hotel. :7 lmerleith Ron. “"6" S43 86S. 4pm. U). Meet other mums for c;tll;I|te\ attd e\otic cocktails at the bar. Lea\e the kids at home? Booking essential.

Food & Drink

Smokin! l‘tNKhttttl'ket and \VltteShUp. Hane} Nichols. 3f) 34 St Andre“ Square. 534 3333. Free. A drop-in lthtlhg' and a chance to taste the Old Smokehouse meat and fish as \\ ell as l’ouill} -l‘ume from the Loire Valle}.


Pedlars’ Tales (at) .-\rt (‘enire. 2 Market Street. 53‘) 3903. l larii l..‘~Ilpin. USU

iii i. liwerience the rich and untapped legac} of the tra\el|ing pedlarx \\ ho took their tales ttL‘rtt\\ Scotland iii the lh‘th and Nth c‘L‘ItttlTlCS. Part of (Tl/Ir”) (tr/titre Bur/5.

Norwegian Dance ('ounting lliiltse. \VCSI .\'icol~on Street. U779: (32“ 35‘). l2.3fl 4pm. £6 iiii. .-\n Itttrtkluctttin to Nomegian song and dance. liacli \HirkShHP lasts I)” minutes.

Chapbook Songs and Broadside Ballads (it) .-\n ('entre. 2 Market Street. 52‘) 3993. 14.30pm. {"56 iL'Si. Scotland's trax elling pedl'ars of the lStli and Wilt centuries took song as \\ ell as \tttt‘} \Ntth them. ii\plore sources that still pack a

punch for toda\ x singers Part or t i;

(.4..’.i'i _" " “-


Focus on Fabric: Create with Colour and Draw with Threads \atiorial (ialleik of \otlaiid t‘lore lducatiori (critic. lhe \loiirid.6_‘16*filI lII i‘lalll l.‘ iflprii 16‘: 1. Sec Mon 1

Tuesday 12

Aetrxitios S [tents

* Beermatting! l’oiid Hat. Salariiandei Street. Spin lice II \oii're aii ideas permit. their set ki‘tIISc‘ii alone to HlIS iiet\\orkirig e\eiit Ioi . reatixe and original tillllkeh (itlt‘Sl speaker IS ('olrril \hei Iioiii lhat |\ ltht‘S :‘ood beer at the Pond as \\ ell See \\ \xv. beeiiiiattiiig cont lot more info See llIHtSl


Death Masks: Warhol. Portraiture and Mortality \atioiial (iallcrx oI Scotland ll.t\\thi‘llliiell l ectiiie llieatic. lhe\louiid.6.‘-163INI l.‘ ,lSpiri lree llie tllt'lltt'S oI death and til\,t\lt‘l run throughout lllllxlt ol \Iliik \\ailio|\ \xork. including hIS / It i (ii. ( Auto and t in (‘rrrxr'r \eIICS Perhaps the shadow oI death .Il\it I.IH\ .Icli\\\ the \llll.I\\‘\ Hi ltl\ [\iiItIdIlS \ii illustrated talk lrx .loliii (alciitt. art hl\tttl|.tll. lecturer. art clllk and


Mould, Model, Shape and Cast National (killer) of Scotland (’lore lxducatiori (critic. Hie Mound. 631 oSriii III illaiii I: ifll‘lll tort-ti See lire S The Bongo Social Swing Club lhc hoitgo(‘lub. Moia_\ House. V lliilkririitl Road. It‘ll" |~6IIW ' ‘lpni (-1. per class £6. for both iii. per \ lass 95. for

bothi See Iue

Wednesday 1 3


Eminent Victorians: Andrew Lang, Poet and Writer \atioiial l’oitiait (ialler). l Queen Street. 634 63f"! l3.45prii l‘r'ee. .\rt hlSlHIIaII \i.ilthe\\ \Vellard tilSclISSCS Sir \\ illiaiii Hlake Richmond's portrait of the poet and \klllt‘l .\iidie\\ Lang i |S44 I‘llli. a illSldIlt cousin of Robert l.Htll\ Stexeiixoii

* Challenging the Powerful: Richard Holloway \ortli Ldiiibuigli \rt\ ('entie. |5a l’enirxu ell (‘oiiit. il‘ Zlil

". iflpm. [5 it: ‘II Li Stir Hie Ioiniei Bishop of Ldinbiirgh shares hlS personal gtiide to a riieaiiriigliil life as detailed III illS book look/ire iii/o I/Ir Ilixr'iiiirr See lllHlsl


Strictly Dance Fever k’rrk ti‘l icld i’itI‘ISh ('hurch. Ht'thi Street. l’leaxant e. Noon 3|S Sort. s. to lo, kiiprrr i5 See “ed (t,

Thursday 14


The Country Living Magazine Spring Fair Ro}al Highland ('entre. llthilxtiitl. “* 62ft”. (iet into the coutttt'} lilest}le \‘.ltll local aitd national crafts. garden and home accexxories. reueller}. clothing and more


Paolozzi of the Month l)eati (taller). 73 Bellord Road. 634 62bit l3.45prii l'icc See Thtl a.

Linguist’ Talk l‘t’lltttttat'ket (iallei'). 45 Market Street. 335 33S? 6. illpiii. l'r'ee. Dr John (‘orhetL senior lecturer. Departiiieirt of linglrxh Language at LITHCTSII} oI (ilasgou. discusses the use of language and the references [H literature Ill SIIIIHII i’atterxriIIS \tiit‘k. Hooking ath tsed


Marks, Strokes and Washes \ttllttllttl (killer) of Scotland: ('lore Lducation ('entre. The Mound. 6:4 (i500.

lII.3II;irri 13.30pm. L6 “Jr. See Thu "