THE Assit‘ssmmon OF RICHARD leon (15) 95min 0...

Roud'l Cuts

Film news and giveaways for beautiful cineaste types

When you are handing in your nail clippers, having your picture taken (for no apparent reason) and answering inane questions from airport security staff. just remember this: arguably the first terrorist attack on American soil in the last 100 years was committed by an American citizen. His name was Sam Joseph Byck and on 22 February 1974. he drove to Baltimore-Washington International Airport and attempted to hijack a plane. He intended to crash into the White House in the hope of killing President Richard M Nixon. What followed was tragic but Byck (here played by Sean Penn) was a tragic character. Divorced and lonely, he had spent the previous three years stalking his ex-wife Marie (Naomi Watts). avoiding his Hassidic businessman brother Julius (Michael Wincott) and sending insane tape recordings

4 ' ' a: .. h”. ' . : detailing his plan to news columnist Jack Anderson. He had also been 55' '. ’l .' ' : °' w ' '- ' arrested protesting in front of the White House. dressed in a Santa suit in . f) z . 1,: l .z " z : :~ ': .' December 1973 and had come to the notice of the Secret Service in 1972. Macaw r . i' . z" ' -- ' when he had first threatened Nixon, who he had resented ever since the o . .vi ,w -- :‘fi- ‘. : ‘," a" . :' : Small Business Administration had turned him down for a loan. Byck had . Composer Geo“ Sm'th m" be .°_ l ~ :T v i t' I also sent bizarre tape recordings to various other public figures including

returning to the Edinburgh .,

. . . , . w: l. 2* '~ i "w: : ill I ' .' _'. Leonard Bernstein. Paul Schrader certainly didn‘t have to look very far when F'lfnhouse “"1 h's new project "'gl‘. , it" 2 -' t' ‘1 i-f he was researching the character of Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver in 1975. a me soundtracF performance to H4, 4 2' {-2 l f Some of this is explored in Niels Mueller‘s extraordinary film. more a Mlumau’s 1926 mm FaUSt . ml“ itll’l kw ' w : .2 ' l :w a: character study than a straight conspiracy theory. The Assassination of (p'th‘red) 0') Tuesc‘ay 19 Aprfl' ' til‘fl‘ttll‘lfl a l f!» --_l' . w Richard Nixon is a dissection of one man‘s growing frustration and madness The mnovatwe new score m" be .Ji ills: tin/lie? '~ ' f3; l I. “" in the face of irrefutable governmental corruption. From depression and Dale performed 0" prototype [Hi i. ‘url‘s.‘;t", mm; H ; T“..:'_ r at Carnegie, he quickly progresses to anarchist indignation: ‘All I want for hammered du'c'mers and "Utes' I‘;‘»l.‘"f~ tilt: in» l: w- ‘1 ill ’_ .zi'x " Christmas is my constitutional right to publicly petition my government for a 800k 90‘" through the. N: at 'x; ., ill -.~. .- .«. ii -.:.i w ilwt’ ' :3 redress of grievances.’ he says at one point. Don‘t we all? Playing the www’f'lmhouse'com or 0131 228 Smlvi (:rl 22w. «:3 .'.‘l1 iwr: la protagonist. Penn subtly captures Byck‘s tetchy, dysfunctional descent into 2688f . g I . uiluullmi iii-l tritium: : \hm u :l‘x his own personal hell. He is also ably supported by Watts. Don Cheadle as I An'mate! 'Slakmg Sme'SS'OnS‘ Hick“ .'.l‘.ilir (llil.‘.i.'l€; m ram, '17‘ m. his only friend Bonny and Jack Thompson as his sleazy boss at a furniture lmereSted? V's" . l ‘2 mi im.‘ mi llltgitw in. (9.. v? Hy“. sales shop. Mueller accesses Coppola’s The Conversation. Scorsese‘s Taxi WWW-an'ma‘eof"'”e-O'9_a”d mm. haw,- llltlt lost gammy ms. i:l.t [m l; Driver and, to a lesser extent, Alex Cox’s Highway Patrolman for the look down'oad dela'ls (deadhne 29 tlt 3f;t'l‘.(}t; tilt?! izt :1 )l ittltllflfifil'lt, Tllér and feel of his film yet things never feel derivative or laboured. This is a slow Apr'll' The Emma“?! team (D'Ck w illlffllllitilill‘. issues; and «I .l'tlrlgi .ll, moving, fine, raw, thought-provoking film that will probably sink without a Arnan' Magg'e Ems and Ma" HUlse) ‘.‘.’lil‘l a British lilll‘. mth ’(llt: lillll‘f lll' trace to the bottom of some cult barrel, which is a shame, because it will W'” be S9’ee”"‘9 MO Programmes mm (mm; mum If (ii iii? Harm also be among the finest us films you will see this year. (Paul Dale) Of eXpenmental anlmatlon on I St‘lthfltki ’t'P/th'ift‘t,‘ "()N‘ ff. {‘3 Mi”, 8! ‘t? I 82:93. fix} "War " " "" I” " /.‘..’ Uri/“174’”. .’ :ll" ' "

Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 April at Filmhouse. On the Saturday they will be available to answer any CRIME (AM is (It ME in" questions you may have about the BE COOL animate! agenda and submission (12A) 118ml” 0. process. Tickets 83/52 concessions. Visit

I Rough Cuts has it on good authority that someone had a little accident in the Cameo’s Cinema One during a screening of Michael Winterbottom’s 9 Songs the other week. Apparently there was a milky substance left all over the back of one of the seats. Now, come on people, let’s have a little more decorum when you’re watching sexy movies in future.

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I WIN THE l‘f‘lt; Milk; lastly :;t:-lillt‘:l it, i‘;i‘_iff:; (it)? AMITYVILLE .V WV: I h 5’\".". also titltiliitril iltill‘l gtl‘. l‘l'uun: HORROR 0N ‘L'Ei'jrqr ‘7: [Varmint l‘t“.t:'ll looks: f$l‘<l.'.". litlt tam; DVD. The \‘ lttt‘kr; 1.“... tilt:.:'.t- ;1"..l‘ lilt1(?.'(?‘7‘ f'xt: Amityville tum" ‘lfl'l. its til-o Still‘t' fill”. 4:3} ;‘.‘.:'. Horror is being 'lll'"”»'l'“t" 'l:‘¢l1.."‘12?‘ll Pawn,” tau". i'w:'>s‘.',‘":;t', win!" I :.;:"x .zi' , 712'..7:"’2',‘:/l.':'5“ released one .JTN’l" tk't‘l‘. .l'mi'lls: ‘i... lr‘:.l;:<,w «Wit, 11”}. than": ~::»’:.:T' ';°'»’,-' ':;:",t:/:.I:"' " two-disc, .10.: "‘tnsclt: t. :it‘fii f'w lint (‘2 fan-l ;," fax»..- :,-g-t.-.r,-:,-' .; F 0:" ~29; " warn, extras-packed .t'ltll‘ m ."M "‘l‘K f ii {I ' 1.: w: v 134 in ' .. ' 1 special edition DVD on 11 Aprii lritit.::t".. car: "we 0.5:. .l .l f" t“»;> e. t «:"t' s. .o: ;' ' "1} Car,» t: .8" " 3 ’1/ ' 'g N: at,- " t: for £19.99. It has over four PM. to t‘t.::"‘t=:::1. But .'.'\-.:'t4 (32>? Littler. ,'_'»:- E:'i‘.~:"..:' 55' ', :x’,‘ t,- 0' I. Walk" lady‘s“,- hours of bonus material l‘t‘nt‘i‘lt‘tl ‘r."‘-‘ a. .i’”. 3 King." t".lt K" ,1”.- u: .;;:"_;<,‘..: H: :zxz'ltlhtr'. a "not," I. try: 3";2'0'0'1: including audio commentaries, tux»: t'w t'w 7‘7{":‘E;t1 i 'i t‘:;-"g; ‘igi'i-e. waw {Livy-"T. 21' '1 T"~’,- ’, 1;": , .i: My. " t; ' ’g' T ' 9“; as all-new documentaries and two wiflvfiess; f".‘:"w:1 agile V. t. D : a " ;: l~’~"{, t. -;"':,;:";:és. ‘. «'1' ' ’l y:/.' ' ~’:{,’,f:‘ 4' ’1' I:' 1%: features about the real-life, .i‘rtx‘tcr Bar". .: .il‘tl S rt‘. .2 it. imp: .-.;:'*'v::»,- s: Mum w- horrlfic story 0f the house. TO F'.i"'\':1 Eit‘W‘tVil‘ ti. .8’.‘ . t} 'i: fix.) "1.53: T;“:‘:{ .251 r‘ :- " I 7‘" r’: 7:" ":“:":' i5: l’,r"':'.. 7:1. win a copy. send an email to tt‘. F 6.3:". G'd‘. .llrta "7y- .1; Jar, throng" u -; " I.l,":'1 .“ ‘r/ i' ' ::.'. '2' m ' ’5 an": 1:". In' ’: promotions©| by no 'ecxtke taxi»:- fuvv .1 TIME.) :‘f "st-Vt ‘.¢;-:;.=. ' .5 ‘;‘.' r: a 72' a ' ’.T w). a" :x mm; later than 14 April 2005. Usual Pctt—P' Sit? "Ye .l Ad's T'ts.’ . L.'Ql‘-i:.<, M "sane R'er ' (And-fl. a”: a? :: 10-2-3, .' ‘1 " [3”: Cool List rules apply. "0“ C":“81‘t?"t‘°.l‘;if 211's a? t; 3"»? "Q'Wi'C "i; J'H’: "~99," t I. .5115, 5 i,- ’1‘,“

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