Fifteen-year-old Saimir leaves Albania for a new life in Italy with his father Edmund in this tender rites

of passage film from director Francesco Munzi. Part of the Italian Film Festival. I film/1111151). E1lI/11111rg/1 Win/1 I 1 Apr only). GFT. Glasgow 171/1? 1.” 11111 111111 1


Hotel Rwanda (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 1 12A) 1030:1111. First Daughter 11’( 11 12.30. Downfall 1 151 2.15. 750. Hotel Rwanda112A1 3.15. Break Free 1 151 11.00.

Oberhausen Programme 1 1 151 (1. I 5.

The Miracle 1 l2.1\1 8.30.


Someone Like Hodder

(En Som Hodder) 11'1 12.31).

My House in limbria 112.31 12.45. Downfail1151 2.15. 7.511.

The Miracle 1 12A) 3.011.

Fifteen (Shlwu) 1 181 5.50. Salmir1 181 11.15.

Love Returns 1 151 8.30.


Matilda 1l’(11 12.30. Downiali1151 2.15. 7.50. Saimir1181 3.00.

My House in Umbrla 1 l2.1\1 5.30. Pater Familias 1 181 (100. Working Slowly1151 8.30.


Magnlfloo1l’(‘11 12.30. Downtall1151 2.15. 7.51).

Agatha and the Storm 1 12.31 3.00. Chaln1l51 5.45.

Angellna112.-\1 (1.15.

On my Skin1l51 8.30.

Ashton 1.11111: 1111111111111. 0141 53‘) 8444. 15ri~~Sunz £5.50 before 0pm: £0.50 :11‘tcr; M1111: £5.50; Tue» Thu: £4.50 hcl‘urc 0pm; £5.50 iiilCi‘. Students/(TAP: £3.50 111111 101111111110 :11‘1c1'0p111 Fri Sun); ('111111: £3.50: Kitis' (‘luh 8:11 Morning: £2.50.


Hitch 112.-\1 1.00. 11.35.

Hitch (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 112.-\1 1050:1111.

Hotel Rwanda 1 12.-\1 3.30.

The Machinist 1 l5 1 8.50.

The RingTwo 1151 9.10. Robotsd'1 1.20. 3.45. 11.20.

60 THE LIST 31 Mar—14 Apr 20125


Dark Crystal 11’(‘11 51.111111‘1‘81111k 81111: 10.50.1111. Hitch 1121\1

[)1111}: 8.50.

.'\|\111"1'1 Sun: 0.20.

.1\1\11 1111111011: 1111': 10.30.1111. Peter Pan 1l'1

Multncc 8:11 1& 81111: 10.50.1111. The Ring 111110 1 151

[)1111}: 1.20. 5.45. 0.40. l). 111. Robots 11'1

[)2111}: 1.110. 5.50. Somersau1t1l51

.\11111 T1111: 0.20.

.-\1\11 111:111111‘1'1'111‘: 10.301101. Somersault (Parent 8. Baby Screening) 1151

Thu: 1050:1111.

IMAX Theatre

(ilztxgmt Scicncc (1111112 50 1’111‘1111‘ ()1111). 111-11 4211511111). £11.95 (£40.51. 1(1‘1 discount 1111 [1111110 111'111111'1‘ 1111111 1111111


AllenAdventure 3D11'1 12.311. 1.45. 4.15. Cyberworid 3D11’(i1 3.00. 5.311.


Alien Adventure 3D1l'1 11.111); 13.311. 1.45. 4.15. Cyberwond 301l’(11 Dull}: 3.00. 5.50.


Alien Adventure 30111 [)1111}: 12.30. 1.45. 4.15. Cyberwodd 3011111

0.1111: 3.00. 5.30.

Ddeon at the Duay, Glasgow

()11‘ 1’111511‘) R0101 11pp11x11c 11.1r1’} Rumxdcn's. 0141 4180111. 111111 .11111 (’(' honking: 0870 50 50 007. [1)]. Iii]. .\111111 £4.50 hcl‘orc 011111; £5.50 1111cr 1.11111 .111 11.1} Sat 1& Sun). \Vcd 1111 tickctxz £3,011. Sludcnlx/(‘hiltl undcr 14: £3.25. 15.111111} 11(11ch £14.41). 1.1L‘L‘lht‘tl 11.11.

11 11111S1)1\Y :11

Constantine1151 12.30. 1.15. 1.15. 3.45. 5.45. (1.30. 5.311. 11.15. Hitch112.-\1 12.45. 1.50. (1.15. 0.15. Hostage1151 3311. 11.15. 0.1111. Meet the Focker51l2.\1 11.311. 015. Million Dollar Baby 1 l2;\1 11110.

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and

Fabulou5112.\1 1.1111. 3.45. 11.311. 11.15.

Pooh’s Heftalump Movie 111 1.1111

3.1111, 5.1111.

The Ring‘iw01l51 1.30. 41111, 11311 3.45. 0.30.

Robot511'1 1.1111. 2.1111, 1311. .1311, 11.1111. 7.1111, 11.311.

Shall we Dance?112.\1 ".1111. 11311 Valiant1l'1 12.30. 1.311. 2.30. 3.45. 4.45. 7.110.


Due to the Easter bank holiday. some film listings were not available in time for our publication deadlines. For this issue only full listings are available on

Ddeon City Centre, Glasgow

.50 RL'IIITL'IKI 51111111141 5.“: 541.“. 111111 111111 (‘(' 111111111114; 03‘11 511511110“. 11)] \1‘1‘1‘1‘10 5. (1. 5.111115. 111 5110: £5.25 1£5.251;.\11111: £51'1'111- '11111: £5 11.51. 151111111} 111111111: £12 £15.

T11 UBSDAY 1-‘1'.

Boogeyman1151 11.45. «1,110.

Dug to the Easter bank holiday, 501119 111m listings were not available In 1111111101 0111 publication deadlines. For tIIIS'iSSlie only 1qu listings are available onlme at

Constantine1l51 11111. 545 5111 Darkness1151x45

"ttCh11:\1 2 51’. :15. 515 111111 \1111. \.LR

Hostage1151 :451111 \15 Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous11_‘\1 115. 545. x45 Pooh’s Heffalump Movie1l 1 1110. 11111. 51111

The 11111911110113. 11111. I311 111111. \.1<

Robots1l1 115. :15. 315 .1 :11. 515. 11.15. 111111

Valiant1l 1 115

Due to the Easter bank holiday. some film |1stir1gs were not available in time for our pub11cation deadlines. For this 1ssue only full 11stings are ava1lable on

Showcase Cinema, Coatbrldge

51111\\1’.1\1'11*1xi111'1’.1111. 1 .111;_'1111111 1\‘11.111. (‘11.1111111lg1' 11111111111‘ 012111 4 5441-1 ('(~ 11111111111;11131111§\111111||)| H! 15 )5 1£12111\1'11111'11111111 (111111 ()\|' £4 20. 810111111 1.31 1111‘ .111 111’1111'lx £1 “5


AreweThereYet?11’111 12111. 11111 5.20.

Boogeyman1151 * .111. 11 as Constantine1l51 1111111111. 11 10.1111. 1411. 210. 125. .155. 111. "110. (1.511. 111.311

Hide and Seek1151 1155

HitCh112.-\1 11.00.1111. 11 111.1111. 145. 2.15. 4.10. 5.1111. “.15. “45. 1000. 111311.

Hostage1151 1.20. “05. 11.15.

Hotel Rwanda 1 12.-\1 “.55.

Meetthe Focker5112.\1 .150. “35. 10.15.

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulou5112.\1 11.10.1111. 155. 1.10. “.25. 10.05.

The Passion— Recut1151 11 10.1111. 1,511. .135. :11. 111,111

Pooh’s Heffalump Mov1e1l 1 11111111. 21111, 41111 (1.1111.

Robot31l'1 11.45.1111. 1215. 200. 2.30. 4.15. 4.45. “.00. " 311. 0.15. Shall we Dance?112.-\1 .315

Son oithe Mask11’111 11.50.1111. 225. The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie 11 '1 11.15.1111. 2.115. Valiant1l‘111.15.1111.1215.115. 2,15. 1.15.-1.15.515.11.152.15. 11.15.

5111111231 1111112551111'1/ .‘ Due to the Easter bank holiday.

some film listings were not available in time for our publication deadlines.

For this issue only full listings are available on

Showcase Cinema, Paisley

(11'111111.l\\1'11111'. 1’11111-111\ “mint-xx Park. 11141 387111111411111111141 313711112111‘1‘ 1111111111112111141 HH701111. [1)]. I12]. £5.25 1£4.20111'1111'1'0111111.('111111/().-\1’: £4.20; 8111111111: £4. 1111-1111 1111110; £5 "5.

THURSDA/ AreweThereYet?1l’(11 12.40. 3.110.

5.20. ".50.

Boogeyman1151 3.15. 10.30. Constantine 1 I51 1 1.0011111. 11.50.1111. 1.411. 2.10. 4.25. 4.55. 7.10. 7.411. 0.50. 10.20.

Darkness1151 1015.

Hide andSeek1l51 H.110. "n0h112.’\1 11.00.1111. 115011111. 1.45. 2.15. 4.30. 5.00. 7.15. 5.45. 10.00. 10.30.

Hostage1151 4.20. 7.05. 0.40.

The Magic Roundabout 11'. 11.45.1111.
