Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to kids© Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.


Activates 8 Fun

Sunday Craft Club Sun * .'\pr it Sun l0 .\pr. llani lprn l‘tee (ilaxgtm \IlISL'lIIIIS chtttttct' ( 't'llltt'. 3”“ “ill ltlllt'lltl Rihttl. .\Il\lllll. 330 0 WI! [hop in cralt club \xith a diltetent tltetne each neck Suitable Iot

b l3 )t'al -Hltl\

Saturday Art Club Sat 3 .-\pi it Sat 0 \pt. lllattt lptn l'lcc (ialler) oI \Iodern \II. Queen Stteet. 33‘) WW» l'un .irt .I\l|\lllt'\ Iot clnldren aged i l0 relating to art on tlISI‘ltl} \\ tth dramng. collage. \tulpture making and _L'.IIIIL'\ parentx cart get \tuck III too

The Light Show In I Apr. noon. 3pm S .1pm £0 U5 t£4 05 t. (ilaxgtm Science ('entte. 50 l’actlic ()ua}. 430 5000. Ste\ c .’\Ilrnan \hmu uh} llIIIIfJS aren't aluayx \kllttl the} \eetn lhxcmet tlte \ciencc ol light III llll\ magic \hon. l-ice \Hlll Science .\Ial| entr_\,

CCA Kids Club: Change Your World Sat 3 .-\pt. I“ llillattt. £3. (‘(‘.-\. 3.5“ Sauclnehall Street. i53 4000. \Vtilkxllttp ll\lll_*_' tllSt'llSSIUIl. dramng and pattititig to create ptMt‘l‘x to tnakc tlte norld a better place ax part oI tlte RISK e\lubttion.

Pigs Might Fly Sat 3 tk Sun i .-\pr. noon. 3pm S 4pm. £005 t£4.‘l5t. (il;t\go\\ Science (cutie. 50 Pacific Qua}. 430 5000. 'l'he (iS(' Science Squad \houx \xhat our earl} attetnptx at Ilight \xere like.

l-ree \xith Science .\lal| entr}.

Gross Animals Mon 4 Apr. noon. 3ptn & 4pm. £0.05 t£4.‘)5t. (ilttxgim Science (‘entre. 50 l’acilic ()ua}. 430 5000. (‘otne lace to lace \\ ith \HIIIL' )tick) anitnalx. l-‘ree \\ ith Sctettce .\la|| entr}.

The Philosopher’s Garden Inc 5 .-\pr. I0 I Iain & ll.l5ain l3.l5pin. l‘ree. (taller) oI Modern Art. Queen Street. 33‘) I‘lllli, .\ 3|) \Htl'lelltlp baxed on the Ho} lc l’anul} artnork in (ialler) 3. led b} ttl'ltsl Karla lllack. .-\ge\ 5 l3. Booking required. The Greatest Demos of Dr Wood Inc 5 & Wed (i .»\pr. noon. 3pm it 4pm. UNIS (£4.95 I. (ilthgtm Science (‘L'IIII‘LZ SI) l’acilic ()ua). 430 5000. White“ a h_\drogen e\ploxion and an e\citing balloon burxtingl} linale l-‘ree \xith St‘lt‘llt't‘ \ltlll L'IIII‘}.

Plastercaster! 'l‘hu 7 Apr. I0ain noon. l‘ree. (iallel‘) ol' Modern :\rt. Queen Street. 33‘) I‘M». 'I"r_\ )ottt‘ hand at casting plaster? .-\ge\ 5 I3. booking required.

Professor Bedlam’s Potion Show Hit: 7 & I‘ri .S‘ .'\pr. noon. 3pm & 4pm. £0.95 (£4.95 l. (ilttxgtm Science (l‘ltll’t‘. 5” Pacific Qua}. 430 5000. “Ill/AN. llaxhex bang\ and e\ploxionxl l-‘ree \\ ith Science .\Iall entr_\.

Barbershop Science Sun It) & .\Ion I I .'\pr. noon. 3pm it 4pm. £(\.‘)51£4.‘)5I. (ilaxgou Science ('entre. .50 Pacific Qua}. 430 5000. Watch l)r lien get a ne\\ ltaircut and drum er \\hat\ hot arid \\ hat\ not in thix ltaitvraixing detno. l'ree with Science .\la|l entr}.

The Bubble Show Sun III S Mon 1 | .-\pr. noon. 3pm & 4pm. £0.05 t£4.‘l5t. (ilaxgoxx Science ('entre. 50 l’actlic Qua). 430 5000. See bubblex tilled \xith \ntoke and \teatn. plus a gt‘oo\_\ square bubble? liree \\ lllI Sciettce .\Iall entr_\.

Paoloui Workshop Inc 12 :\pt‘.

I0 Ilain ck |l.l5atn l3.l5pnt. liree. (ialler) of Modern .-\rt. Queen Street. 33‘) I000 (iet stuck into llIlS sculpture-making “orkxhop inspired b_\ Paolo/xi. Ages 5 I3 )Cill'\. Booking L‘\\c‘ttltttl.

Curious Chemistry 'l‘ue l3 .-\pr. noon. 3pm & 4pm. £005 t£4.‘)5t. (ilIISgU\\ Science Centre. 50 Pacific Qua). 430 5000. Prepare to be tuna/ed b} the \[k‘ctacular deinonxtrationx as _\ou etnbark on a roller coaxter tour ot. the chemical “Ul'ltl. l'il'CC \\ iIlI SCIL‘IICC Mall L‘IIII‘}.

Up Oor Street! \Ved I3 .-\pr.

noon 3.30pm. King's 'l'heatrc. 30‘ Bath Street. 3."l 305 I. Help create a (ilaxgou \treet xcene backdrop then join us in a

tx-rtorniance ot old \treet wings and gainex \j_'c\ - l3 Hooking L'\\L'

Sci-Circus Spectacular “ed I 1 a.- Thu 14 \pr. noon. 3pm & 4pm Lb ‘I5 12.4 0.5: (ila\go\\ Sc tence (’entre. 50 l’acttic ()ua}. 430 5000 \II the Inn and e\cttetnent ot the \llxll\ n ith the craI} norld ot \ciente added III lot good rneaxure l‘ree \Nllll Science \lall cnlr}

Paint a Story lhu l4 -\pt. llain noon l'ree (ialler_\ ot \Iodern .-\rt. Queen Street. 33‘) 10% Stor}telltng \L'\\lttll \Hlll practical actn it} v\ge~ (\ and under Hooking required

Theatre & Dance

The Blue Dress Show Sat 3 .-\pr. 3pm «k i45pni £4 50 i£i 50> Sctlllhll .\Ia\k & I’uppet 'l‘heatre (’entre. .5 l0 Batcarrex \xenue. Kelnndale. i“) bl.\5 \Vearing her magic blue drcxx. puppeteer and \tor}teller .4\tleen l'IIlltl} takes you on a iottt'nc} to an enchanted land

Goldilocks and the Three Bears 8. Other Tales Mon 4 Apr. I lain. £3.50. (iilinorelull(il3. ‘) l‘nnerxit} Meme. ‘50 5533 thglmex l’uppet\ prexent llIIS retelling ol the children\ L‘luSSIL' tale. :\ge i+ I’ll/t/u'l .Intnttttrun l'i'xtrtttl 300.5. Oscar’s Amazing Space Adventure Inc 5 .-\pt. llain H50. (itltnorelnll(}l3. ‘I l'nnerxit} .-\\enue. 330 5533. \lottxetale l’uppetx present\ the tale ol (Ixcar the mouse arid lIIS e\ctting ad\enture\ in \pace. Age 4+, l’u/t/u'l :IIIlHIllllUII l'('\!ltrl/ 300.5. Disney Live: Winnie the Pooh on Stage Inc 5 Sun l0 .'\pr. bpni tSat/Sun mat ttooti it .ipntt. £15.50 £I‘).50. Sli('('. I‘inniexton Qua}. 0870 040 4000. Join Winnie the Pooh and all ltIS lrtend\ Ior llllS all ne\\ lunrlilled ad\enture packed it tth \ongx and \urprtxex.

King Ethelbert \Ved (\ .-\pr. l lain, £3.50. (iilinorelnll(iI3. ‘l l'nixerxit} .-\\enue. 330 5533. King lithelbert and the llapp) Scamp l\ performed in lzllgllxlt with traditional llulgarian puppets. I’up/n't slut/null”)! l't'slrtu/ 300.5.

The Ugly Duckling Thu 7 .-\pr. I lam, £3.50. (iiltnorchill(il3. ‘) l'nnerxit} .-\\enue. 330 5533. Shona Reppe Puppets presents The ('e/\ Huck/me \et in a tartan norld \\ here bagpipe ltttlxtc \xhixtlcw through the trees. ()uacking galore? I-‘or kids aged 3 (i and their lilllllllt‘S. l’u/r/u't .‘Inrmutmn I'i'xtri'u/ 300.5.

Travels in a Wash Basket In it Apr. llani. £3.50. (iiltnorehill(il3. ‘) l‘nnerxit} :\\enue. 330 5533. Join S}I\ia lt'oott Kenxpeckle I’uppetx' ad\enture\ n tth (iarden (inoine and Bab) llinkleburp. I’up/u't .vlntmutiun l'i'xttt‘u/ 3005,

Adam, Alfons and Amalie Sat ‘) .-\pt‘.

I Iain. £3.50, (iiltnorehill(il3. ‘) l‘nixerxit} :\\enue. 330 5533. ('hildren‘x puppet prodttction about three Iriendx arid an apple tree. presented b} l‘igurentheater (‘heinnitr .-\ge 5+. l’up/u't Animation I'i'xltt'u/ 300.5. Ticklish Tricks Sat I) Apr. 3pm. £4.50 (£5.50). Scottnh Mask & l’uppet ’l'heatre ('entre. S III llalcarrex .-\\enue. Keh indale. 33*) (iltS‘5. What bag oI~ trickx \xill Magic Bob bring'.’ I’lent} ol audience participation. laughter arid lun.

Magic Spaghetti Wed 13 Sat It) Apr.

I lain & 3pm. £5 (£350 £30. ('iti/enx' 'l-ltt‘dll‘c. l I” (iorbalx SIrL‘L‘l. 43‘) (“33. Imagine llig 'l‘on} \ delight \\ hen he dixcmerx Strega .\'ona\ tnagic spaghetti pot. \\lIIL'lI nc\ er \lttpx making spaghetti. But \\ hen he borrim \ it he ends up n ith more than he cart handch Suitable for age\ 5+. SL‘L‘ (tlplitttt.

Activities & Fun

Dance Kids Sat 3 .-\pr. I0ain. I lain. l3.30prn & |.30pnt. £4 t£l.50 £3). North lidinburgh Arts (‘entre. l5a Penn) n ell (‘ourt .il5 3l5l. (iet _\our \hoex and \ock\ oll and prepare to \tarnp. slide. tuinp and leap. l0ain arid llarn: I 4 wan. I3.30prn and 1.30pm: 3 b )earx.

National Gallery Art Cart Sun .‘~ .-\pr.

3 4pm. l‘ree. National (ialler) ol~ Scotland. The Mound. (‘34 6300. lhe :\rt ('art \iill be loaded \\ ith a \ariet) ot~ art tnateriah and idea\ to e\plore the CUIIL‘CIIUIIS through Iun

crat‘t} actnttiex. For ach 3‘ l3.


If you have distant memories of watching the quite horrific antics of Punch and Judy battering the living daylights out of each other while being chased by a crocodile, then worry not - there’s none of that nonsense at the Puppet Animation Festival 2005.

The festival is 21 this year and has swelled from its humble beginnings in 1984 when 14 performances were staged at the Netherbow in Edinburgh, to a Scotland-wide beast with more than 250 performances in 130 venues.

Wonderful stories of Viking gods, magic and dragon slayers sit alongside more traditional tales such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and the always endearing French musical and hit at the Fringe 2004, Jazz Mouse.

The festival has an international flavour, as the highly respected Theater Der Schatten joins the fun from Germany with its interpretation of Peter and the Wolf, using Prokofiev's famous score. Figurentheater Chemnitz, also from Germany, performs Adam, Alfons and Amalie about insect chums trying to learn a wee bit of cooperation.

So, what‘s the fascination with puppets? Festival director Simon Hart thinks their popularity is easy to understand. ‘For children, taking an inanimate object and making it animate, making it alive, is something they do in play all the time,‘ he says. ‘They find it easy to make the imaginative leap. If a performer on stage says this is a character, they go with it.

‘The puppetry companies are very good at going into schools and non- traditional arts venues and presenting a high quality show. They can get in and out in a day; bigger productions and other production types can't do that. The growth of the festival has been very demand-led, in that local authorities ask us to be involved. We don't need to do the hard sell’.

There are also workshops in animation and puppetry if the little’uns fancy having a go themselves.

That‘s the way to do it! (Morag Bruce)

I U’W' L‘Xeo Apr 20. puppetan/maftonorg. See list/rigs for deter/s.

3' Mar—“r1 Au 2’10"? THE LIST 65