
I Jet Set Six Uccan chiinml. l cilli. 555 mm ll) 3Upin Ll5 ll.llllclL‘ \niniilm. Hub} \cngnll. Dino \l.iiiini illlll Ilic \cgm \llH\‘-'_'lll\ hmi onc oi Ilic lit-\l pnilicx in [own lIHIllll] Ill nionili oin. illlll licrc Ilic} pnll ol ,1 '\cv. \oil. cl'lll’c'\ lo \L-gm“ cwnl. |L'lllll_'_' Ill Ilic \\oil\l l‘gilliolh l’olll.ilil Siflc‘h lo [iclloilli \iiliic ol ilicn lcjgcnilni} hmlqunc li'llllllc\ \cc plinth c.1pllull. [Mgc "h

I All Day Punk with UK Subs and Argy Bargy \Vlicnhlicnl. 3llfi’3l’” llnlgiccn Roml. i~1(i‘l.\lll

noon llllllllllell Ll3 Ll5 l l\' Milk and My} limp} l.ll\L' llic licmllinc \loi .il Ilnx l3 lioin punk ni.n;illion -\l\o lulllHIHL' lk'lllHlM (iiilillilmlc. llhlalll .\_‘_'HH_\. llulclnl. llnpp} Spaxlicx. (N 'l ). l’l'/L'\L'll llllilfJL'\. :\cnl 'lonjgnc. l K l)c.nli ( 'li.ii_~_'c gilnl \nxl} \iixly

I The Blackjack Blues Band, The Rodents and The Usual Suspects \Vlnxllcliinkicx. l (i Soulli llinlgc. 55" 5| l-l (ipni l‘l'k'L' licloic lllltlllllellL Ll gillcit (iiiil.ii. lilncx nnil lunk lioni (ipni I Ansley Lister 'l'lic liqiinl Room. ‘lc Vicloi'in Sli'ccl. 335 35(il Spin ‘45 Ll” lop lilncx pungn‘ixi pl;i_\in;_' ;l\ pail oi llic lnlcingilionul (inilni' l'L'\ll\;ll.

I Magdelene, WMD, Leona and The Virgin Teeth liilllllt'llllilllix anrlr} Sli'ccl. 55h 335-1. Nl5pin. ‘31 Night ol original nnlic.

I The Stage lgln. 3h .l;nn;iic;i Sliccl. -l7(i 5 i 3 3, lllpin. l'i‘cci llll\lt‘\l h} \'oc;ili\l unil (inilgn‘ixl. llic .\ll_‘._'lll) llouainl. llic Slugc Ill\llL‘\ gncxl lllll\lL'l;lll\ lo llll\ I'cgggic and will lllllllL‘llL‘L'il lull] \L'xxinll,


I Fence Homegame 2: The Rematch l',l‘\l\lllL‘ ll;i|l. .'\ll\ll'lllllL'l'. Inc. “1333 31 l7lll. l33llpin. £3“ loi Ilic

\\ cckcnd. .'\nol|icr [no iln} C\ll';l\il_‘_'.lll/;l ll'olll llil\ lilllt‘l ol loonx l".\cnl\ ;ill o\cl' llic loun l'oi' o\ci' I3 llHlll‘\ cncli kl;l_\ \\ llll lminlx :ippcui‘ing including: King; ('I‘L‘Hxlm‘. .l;nnc\ Yorkxlon. liilnmp. .'\le‘lll. HMS (illlilllll't‘. l’ink} .\lcl.inc. Ilic Rt‘ll \\'cll. (illlllllll Buko. .'\l\‘l'lk‘lll_\. l’ip l)_\l;in. llol (‘lnp and man}. mun}


I Babygod nnd Dresden 'I'hc l’incgipplc ('luh (il llic l.oi'clo. l4 llUll\lUll Sli'ccl. Spin. Lil. l)}ii;iiiiic‘ lllllllllllL‘tllil pop and mpcr-punk-lunk.


I Asian Dub Foundation and Monkeytribe (Killing .-\c;nlcmy |3l liglinlon Sti'ccl. ll‘)ll5 ll3ll .3‘)‘)‘)/ll.\’"(i ""l 3(lllll, 7pm. ()\L‘l‘-~ l»l\ \llU\\. l'ilL‘L‘ll‘lt‘ concoction ol .'\\l;lll inllucnccx and urban lil‘lll\ll lllll\lc \l} lL‘\. .'\l)l'~ ll;I\L' \lL‘kllt‘ult‘il lllL‘lll\t‘l\L‘\ lo north} t‘;lll\L‘\ in ilicii' o\\ll l.oinlon connnnnilicx ninl liii‘llici' illlk'lll. pl;i}iiig gig in llic lli'n/ilinn \lllllh. .-\llci‘ lllill. Mining; llic (ilnxxxcginn croud \llllllltl lic u hrcc/c.

I Lloyd Banks Bni‘i'oulnml. 344 (igilloxxgulc. 553 Jolll. 7pm. £1050. Bunkx ix u nicnihcr oi Ilic (i l'nil ci'cxx “ho \pun llL‘kl 5U ('cnl. llix \ll{k‘l’\l;ll' nmtc nmkcx u gucxl :ippcgii'uncc on Bunkx' illl‘lllll I'ln' Hung” I-or .llun'.

I Damien Dempsey King ’l‘u1\ \\';ili \Vuli llul. 3‘11 Si \'inccnl Sli'ccl. 331 53"‘lc 8.30pm. L"). .-\l'l't'\llll:_‘ ll‘l\ll \ingcr/xongui‘ilci‘ \\ illi ;i lull—on gulluml \ocul \I}lc lliul'x lound llixour \\ illi \lUl‘l‘lxxC}.

I Michael Marra and Heather McLeod .-\cou\lic Allan; 'l‘i'on 'llicun'c. 'I'i'ongulc. 553 43¢»? Spin. {l3 'l'lic lll;l\lL‘l‘ \loi‘)lcllc'i‘ I‘roin Dundcc \\ iIli \UPPUI‘I li'oni _\onn; folk} \ingcr/xong“rilcr llcnlhci' \lclcod. Scc folk llxlillgx

I Steve Young and Jubal Lee Young 'l'lic Slnic Bur. HS llollnml Sli‘ccl. 333 3|5‘). 8pm. ill). \cici‘un .-\mcric;in;i luncxniiih \cn in; up ;i hum of lilncx counlr}. l'olk. gmpcl and rock. \\ illi acconipuniincnl ll‘Ulll hix xon.

I NBV, Capturie, Final Chapter, Fractal Jack .zlhl Civilised Iii;

(fiillionxca l5l moi; \ttcct. 31‘ WW“

_ Winn :1 5" uulmnccu L'i oxci' ll\ \lc-M .m. .p

I The Surrogate Pink Floyd Show li.‘.lll‘~. 3h“ ( lull: \Hc‘c‘. "\"H ""5 H‘l‘l‘li llll‘lln‘c‘ l logl {It‘iiztu in: ii lioni \oilli l .zIIJliAllllc‘

I The Organ, New Rosy Jewels .nnl Uter \icc‘iihlgix}. \incliiclmll \Iiccl. 333H‘W' "pin 1" \ll j_'nl klllllll’c'l lioin \.lll\|‘ll'-\'l unli .1 lnooil} pox! punk \I‘llllxl l’l.:_‘.cil lllc‘lll\\'l\c\ on I\ K lw / Hun;

I The Suspects, Jokermann .izzii Emma Dunlop \icico. l\cl'.ir1li.ni;'li \Iiccl. 5"“ 5lll‘ \pni 2.1 \conmc \l'llf_'\‘-l|lt'l\

I Trampas (imnil ()1; ( ipix. l’.‘.l\l\"\ lx’o.nl loll. 13‘l53‘Ni lllL‘llll‘k‘lw ('onnli} I Cold Night Song llli‘ ( ion. IDV‘ \ig}lc \iiccl. 35“ 5 353 \pni l icc ('li.nlic ,nnl \cil. loinicil} oi \\lll\l. .nc Il‘lllk'll li} _|cnn_\ lx’cc\ c and Nanci Sicwuiifgln ol Ilic lx’cinilcci \cciion loi .i ncu .lt'lllhllt lllf_‘lll \‘.llll \llll‘ll\\‘


Winn L i i: 3


I Ernest lhc \colm. ll.‘ I I 1 ~\lockncll Slicci. 553 MAI lpin licc (ilk inxpncil lilllell.ll\ .lllll con-ix

I Big Blues Jam Slinlio ( lnc. (il(i\\t'llHl llolcl. (iimxcnoi lcii.n c. 3-ll (i5lliv Winn. l i'cc llmlcil l\_\ Ilic .\'c\\ lllum \llllt'h unh \Hllllll‘lllli'll\ lioni Slinlio ( )nc li‘f_'lll.ll\ \llcll .l\ lx’c\ |)oc .nnl llic \iiiinio lilillllt'H

I Phil’s Sunday Session l mu- “L'Jllld. 3 i3 \\iiiiill.lllil\ lx’imil. “ll lR‘Ni (ipni. l-i'cc. lli'inj; _\oin o\\n iiNiinncnl I Acoustic Open Mic ll,” Bloc. ll" lidlll Sin-c1. <71 mum Upm. I m-

I Live Music Rimlu‘lx ll \llillJllll Sliccl. 33| Hfi3li 5. 3llpni l icc lliinlc ol lllL‘ linmlx

I Live Music \l;ic.\'oilc_\\. ~13 l.nn.iic.i Sli'ccl. 3~l.\‘ .\5.\I. ‘lpni l'i'cc, lliicc loc.il lmnilx lo lic conln'nicil


I Electric Eel Shock llic \cnnc. l." 3l (Xillon Road. 55" ill": Ui. Scc l'i'i l.

I Daniel O’Donnell l‘xhci ll.lll. l.olln;in Roml. 338 l I55. ". 3Hpiii.

{3| L35. li'cl;iiiil\ iiioxi popnlni c;i\_\ lixlcning: cnlci'lninci'.

I Inge Mcllroy, Nathanial Slade and Jacobs Pillow \Vllhllt‘l‘llllxlt'x

J (\ ~\‘oulli lli'iilgc. 55" 5| ll (ipnii l'i'cc. (‘oxci'x li'oni \nllinihcl Sinilc \\llll li'.ul lolk lioni llic l \nnl Snxpcclx

I Novastream, Korova, Bad Dancer and Close to the Ground llnnnci'ninn‘x. \iilili'} Sli'ccl. 55h 3351, 8.45pm. L31. Big: liill ol Iinlic and lock action.

I The Last September and 3rddan llci'iol-\\‘;nl l‘ni\ci\il_\ l'nion. Riccnrlon. ~l5l 5333. “pm. l-icc. Rock and iinlic liilli Slinlcnh and Mimi f_‘llc\l\ onl).

I Hobo lllc Bongo ('lnli. \lom) llouw. 3“ llol}i'oml Roml. 55h "(ill—l lllpin 3min. l'i'cc l‘L'lHl'L' L'l lpin; [3 .illci. ‘l.i\ c innxic .ind ,lllt‘l'll.lll\ c \lhc'il loi nixlilicd \inncix' ll‘.llltl\ ll\‘|_

I David Allison 'l hc lccll Hank. 3" (iulln'ic Sliccl. 335 “71-1. Lil H33». Singci‘\oiig\\i'1lci'.iinl .lc'illhllc' f_‘llll,il'l\l c\li';iiii‘ilinnn‘c.

5, 3Hpni.


I Fence Homegame 2: The Rematch l'.l\l\lllc‘ ll.ill. \ihli'inlici. l'ilc. ill 333 3l I'lll. l3. illl‘llli L3H Ioi lllL‘ \\ L‘k'lxk'lltl. SCC Sdl

Monday 4


I Lemar (Killing ,\c.nlcni\. l3l liglinion Sli‘cct. «NUS Min Wm 00» ""l lellll, “pm {Ill ()\ cr- l-l\ \lio\\_ \Vlll‘tldllllllllxll -\ l'c‘;llll_\ 'l'\’ Iiilcnl \hoxx gimlnalc \\ iIli c'i‘uliliilil} .lllkl. liopclull}. \llll'dl‘llll}, l’lL‘.l\lll:3. coininci'cml \oul pop ll'Ulll A man who \lomn'I \onnd likc hc hm lo Ir} loo haul


Sunday . r? x. .- '.*\’«_‘}:»~.

in Association with Cpl

Rufus Wainwright

Glasgow Concert Hall

1 0th April

-0141 353 8000 0780 903 3444

karine nolwart | AM KLOOT

Dumfermline Carnegie Hall Cale Sunday 3rd April 0870 903 3444

Edinburgh Pleasance Bar Monday 4th April 0870 903 3444

Glasgow Tron Theatre /' Tuesda 5th April 1 0141 55 4267

Edinburgh The Venue Sunday 10th April

, 0870 903 3444


.EIH'mnII llslier Hall

Viol 6m lull 01312281155

9 linemen w



i Wills:

Glasgow The Arches Friday 6th May 0870 903 3444

lllll llllllSB lll love

glasuow arches mars 21st april

0870 903 3444

Edinburgh Queens 1331] Wed 27th Pipril 0131668 2019

Debut album “Back to Bedlam' Out How

Nanci Griffith

& THE BLUE MOON ()RCllliS'l'lLX plus Special Gnost lill\\'l.\'.\ ll.\\'l’.\‘ Edinburgh Usher llall

Sunday 24th April

0131 228 1155 0870 00:; 3444

featuring ethel

0|3$8 IISS


JUST Mllllllllla'fll Jllfl Allllllllllflll


Glasgow The Arches

2' V‘ ‘fl;

a I ' _. ,3’1 -‘

.9,” g ..

Mon 23rd May 0870 993 3444

2' ‘1 A THE LIST 75