I Roulettes Dares, Mistaflips, The Contra Band, Catbuster and Against One of the State Killers 'lhc (‘allinthcz l5 l ninn SIIch. 24.5 N10“

2 30pm L4 50 Iadmnccr. Idnan ()xcr- l4\ \llii‘J. l.ncal hand lmc up

I Shrinking Violet and Big Red l’iarll\. :(Iil (lxdc \IIch. iiVll 90" 099*) Hpm 2L" licnclil mng In |.II\C IImd Inr \laggic'x (cum-

I The February Solution, What the Dead Know, Paige and The Day I Snapped llarll} iupxlan'xi. 260 (lulc SIIch. 0V” 90" 0999 Rpm L5 law» and all Inck lmcvup

I Starskill and Kiale XII-rcn. Kclxmliaugli SIIccl. 550 50”. 5pm. £4. (imIaI licaunxn}.

I Texas Express (iIand ()lc- ()pl'}. l’al\lc_\ Rnad 'lnll. 429 5 39!» 7.30pm. L4 IL3 lllL'llllK'l'H ('nuIilI'}.

I Bismark, Green Door Clinic and Room 1 'l'hc liIli NnIc (me. in (in ng SII'ch. 553 INK. 9pm. um. ltclchIc Inck and mcIal mgliI lrnm l.a/}grnnu‘ l’rnmnnnnx.

I Cold Night Song 'l‘hc (inal. IZHT ;\Ig_\lc SII'ch. 357 " 323. 3pm. l'rcc. ('liarlic and NHL lnrmcrli nl .-\\Ii'ld. arc Inmcd h) .lcnn} Rcc\c and Slacc} Sic-\cunglu nl Ilic Rcmdccr SchInn lnI' a ncu .lUllhllL' mgliI \kllll \lll']H‘l\L‘ gucxlx.

I Ernest llic Scnlla. |l2 l|4 Sinc‘ku cll SIIch. 552 KIN. 4pm. l'I'cc. (i|l\-lll\pll‘L‘kl nIIgmalx and cn\cI\.

I Big Blues Jam SIuIlrn ()nc. UHMH'IIHI' lliilc'l. (il‘iHH‘IIIH' ’l‘L'llilL'L‘. 54 l (i5lh. 7.30pm. l'I'cc, llancd h} Ilic .\'c\\ lilucx Surlcrx \\ llll L‘Unll'll‘llllullx lrnm Sludin ()nc I'cgulaI‘x \ucli ax Rm l)nc and Ilic \immn lirnlhcrx.

I Phil’s Sunday Session l'ixgc licaIlia. 232 \\'nndland\ Rnad. 5(i4 I590. (rpm. l-Icc. lirmg _\nuI' nun ianrumcnI.

I Acoustic Open Mic liar lilnc. I 17 Bath SII'ch. 574 NW». 9pm. l‘I'cc.

I Live Music Rnc‘kcrx l4 Midland SII‘ch. 22| 0220. 2.30pm. l‘I‘cc. linur indic l'UL'lx liandx

I Live Music MacSnrlc} \. 42 Jamaica SII'ch. 243 X53 l. 9pm. l'iI‘cc. 'l'lu‘cc lncal hanle In lic cnnlirmcd.


I The Bluetones 'l‘hc liquid anu. 9c \icInria SII'ch. 220 0000. 7pm. £12.50. 'l'hc mclndic cnmhn l'rnm llnunxlnu I‘clum In dixciplmc Ihcn' liluc arm} in Ihc aI'I nl chirp} Iuncxmillicr).

I I Am Kloot 'l'lic \cnuc. l7 2| ('alInn Rnad. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £10.50. .\lancunian acnINic II‘nulxIdnqu \\ iIh gI'caI. cliaracch'l'ul \ncalx.

I Kate Campbell and Will Kimbrough Quccn'x Hall. ('lcrk Sli'ccl. 008 20l9. 7.30pm. Llll. “00th hill 0|. .\'a\h\ illc \mgcr/xnnguI'ilcrx.

I Luxury Car, Swimmer One, Desc and Saint Jude’s Infirmary (‘cllar Bar. l ('liamlicrx Sum. 467 2539. 8pm. £4. Scc plinIn capIinu. pagc 30.

I Charles Wood, Mark Mullholland, Joe Armstrong and Oatbeanie \VliixIlcliinLicx. 4 (i Snulh liridgc. 557

5| l4. (rpm. l‘i'cc. .-\|I.cnImI_\ and lilucgraxx l'rnm Mullhnlland and .-\I‘m\II'nng.

I The Drum Thing llcnr} \ Jan (‘cllarz X .\|an‘i\nu SII'ch. 4h" 5200. 8.30pm. U». .\'n 00th liari‘cd. l‘I‘cc-Ilnxx mg. I'h}lhmic imprm ixalinn c‘IiIII‘Ic‘\} nl' alIn \a\nphnmxl l’aul 'limmli'n\\. liaxxixl lid Kcll§ and drummcrx SIuarI lirnu n and .-\l) n (‘nxkcit I Super Shitbox, Graystar and Tam Lin liannci'nmn'x. .\'iddr) Sirccl. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. llcadlincd h} l'cncc ('nllccln c mnh Supcr Shithm.

I Hobo 'l'hc linngn ('luh. Mora} llnuxc. 32 llnl) rnnd Rnad. 558 7004. 10pm 3am. l-‘rcc licl’nrc {I le'. £3 aI‘IcI‘. Scc Sun 3. I David Allison 'l'hc l.clI Bank. .35 (ithI'ic Slrccl. 225 9244. £41L'3I. Scc Sun


I Kaiser Chiefs, The Cribs and Hard-Fi Barrnxx land. 244 (iallimgalc. 552 4N0. 7pm. 80H) ()L'T. ()xcr-l4\ \hnu. 'l'hc l‘c‘xl c.I' Ihc \arinux nc\I big

|lllil:._'\ Ihrnmi up n\ cr Ihc 1m! chx Illnnllh 'l‘hcir dcl‘ul album [mp/mun n! l\ up Ilicrc mm I’m-Um Inr immcdiac} and L‘c‘lccllc'hlll :\lld did _\HU \L'L' lllL'lil nu II In,” n! {In I’m/H Suppnri cnmcx m punk and Incl». rcggac \I}lc~ rcxpchncl} Hard- l-rk dulwhcd nut \crxinn nI 'Scxcn \aIrnn Arm}. l\ a wund In hchnld

I We Are Scientists, The Pedestrians and The People King 'luI'x \Vah \Vali lluI. 2"2a SI \mccnI SII'ch. 221 5259. 5.30pm. £5. 'licnxc calcli} pnp \nngx lrnm llIl\ lirnnldyi Inn. I Emer, His Girl Friday and The Low Mifls liarll}. 2N) (‘l_\dc SIrch. Iix‘n m)“ 0999. 3pm. £4.

I Modo, One Bullet Left, Capturie and Nothing but Vengeance SIcrc-n. Kclunhaugh Slrccl. 57) 5018. 3pm. £4. |.ncal mclal hand\.

I Danny Schmidt and Rick Webster lc‘liai ()\na. 42 ()Iagn l.anc. 357 4524. 3pm. £3. l'nklc linli IrnnIman \Vclixlcr Icamx up \\l|l| ’l‘c'uix-linrn Irnuhadnur Sclmiidl.

I Alan Nimmo Acoustic Evening Sludin ()nc. (iI'Ii\\L‘IlIiI‘ llnlc‘l. (irimcnnr 'lL‘l‘l'RIL'L' Hill li}l'L‘\ Rnad). 54l (i5l(i, 9pm. l'i‘cc. lilucx mgln.

I Acoustic Jam \ic'c-‘ii'Slc-ul}. 42| Saucliicliall Sum. 33.3 0900. 3pm. l‘rcc. \Vccld} \hnncaxc l‘nr Incal \niig\\I‘iIc‘I\ pcrl'nrmmg nriginal malcrial.

I Oi Polloi and Atomgevitter 'l‘hc l3lli \iilc (aid. 50 ()0 King SIrch. 553 IMX. 9pm. L‘Ilic. ()riginal anarclin ccn- cnnxcinm punk nulliI \xlin ha\ c had n\ cr 50 mcmlicrx \mcc IliciI' l'nrmalinn in

I98 I.

I Live Music lirunxuick ('cllarx. 239 Sauchichall SII‘ch. 33| lh’20. 8pm. l-‘rcc.


I Love with Arthur Lee and The Primary 5 'l'hc Liquid Rnnm. 9c Vic'lnl'ia SII‘L‘L‘I. 225 2504. 7pm. L47. l.cgcndar_\ acI li'nm Ihc 70\ back nn Ihc I'nad again and dill mming audicncc» I The Longcut and The Little Flames 'l‘hc \cnuc. l7 2| (‘alInn Rnad. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £5. .\lanclicxIcr-hascd ianrumcnIalixix citing Snnic Ynth and .\lnguai ax inllucnccs.

I Taylor Made Mondays 'l'hc linngu ('luh. .\lnI'a} llnuxc. 37 llnl}rnnd Rnad. 558 7604. 3pm. £2 Il'rcci. Scc .\1nn 4.

I Stovepipe, Unknown Feeling and Corca lianncrman's. Niddi'} SIrch. 556 3254. 3.45pm. £4. Stnxcpipc rnck nuI

xx iIh clcmcnis nl \ka and rcggac in Ilic mix.

I Open Mic WhisIlchinkicx. 4 (i Snth Bridge. 557 5l l4. 9pm. l‘rcc. Scc Mon 4.

Tuesday 1 2


I An Evening with Nancy Sinatra (‘arlmg .-\cadcm_\'. l2l liglinlnn Sn"ch 0905 020 3999/0870 77l 2000. 7pm. £47.50. l'ndcr- l()\ In hc‘ accnmpanicd ii} an adulI. ll‘ hcr pcrl'nrnuincc aI '1' mi Ihc l-Iingc a cnuplc nl' )‘carx agn “ax any harnmclcr. llll\ mcning i\ gning In hc a treat. ax [lll\ class} pnp icnn and alw nnc nl .\lnrri\\c_\ '\ \mcn I‘ricndx aIIackx hcr pcrl‘nrmancc \\ illl \nmc ahandnn. )‘Cl nc\cr hax a hair nuI nl' placc. chpch.

I Hell is for Heroes King 'l‘uI\ Wuh \Vah lluI. 272a SI Vinccm Sirccl. 221 5279. 8pm. £9.50. ()VCf-l-ls slum. limn and hardcnrc l'rnm Ilicsc \lal\\;II'I\ nl‘ Ihc l'lx' li\c \ccnc.

I The Features and Dresden Barn}. 200 (‘|_\dc SIrch. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. U». 'l‘hc hcadlincrx arc 'l'cnncxxcc rcIrn I'nckcrx lirxl pickcd up nn h} Ihc highl) aaIuIc l‘ic‘rcc Panda lahcl in Ihix c‘nunlr). I Bismarck, Haze, Milight Kiss and Kitten Crime Barn} Iupxiairxi. 260 (‘|}dc Sum. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. £5. I The People and Rosco and the Pit: 'l'nm lnm. 207 Bath SIrch. 248

2 I23. 9pm. l-‘rcc. anal hand \hnucaxc. I Finniston Tchai ()\ na. 42 ()Iagn Lanc. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. BrnIhcr/sixlcr dun nn guitar. fiddle and mandnlin.

I Impossible Flowers Tchai ()ma. IN) Deanstnn Drixc. 649 7258. 8pm. £2. lilcclric and acnuxlic l‘nlk.

New album ‘Calabasas’


www.thesundowns.co.uk ‘C-~~?<"r-’-’"5f”‘ '




EDINBURGH GLASGOW box office: box office:

0131 668 2019 0845 330 350] tickets: £I3/9 tickets: £13/9

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