
I Craig McMurdo and Alyson Orr: Fancy Meeting you Here

Motherw ell 'l'heatre. ('i\ re ('entre. \k'indmillhill Street. HINM 3039‘)”. See 'lihti 3 l.

Paisley I Melomania Kwok Br'axxerte. 3b 3 Mom Street. (r30 ‘)prti. See Sun 3.

Monday 4


I George Kidd’s Muso’s St Andrew "x in the Square. St Andrew ‘\ Square. 54S (i030. Spin. L5 1L3 ineriihersi. l.ed h} talented ll'ttlttlttttthl (ietit‘g'e Kltltl,


I Jam Session 80 Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. St) Queen Street. 336 5007. ‘)pm midnight. l'ree. ()pen \exxion with the “mid l’atrick 'l‘rio. (‘ome and plat or come to hear a whole load (it new talent.

I New Bands Night S'ektar. 253 ('owgate. 557 3780. 9pm midnight. liree. New night with ditlerent haiidx \howeaxing their lit/l talentx each week.

Tuesday 5


I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet Nektar. 353 ('owgate. 557 3780.

‘lpm midnight. l‘ree. Drummer Bill K)le\ latext grouping. lt'ulltt'lttg' Doug 'l‘iplad} (\a\e\i. l’aul Kirh} tpianoi atid Kevin (ilaxgow thaw).


I Razz Big Band: Swing, Swing, Swing! (ileii l’a\ilion. l’itteiicrietl l’ark. ()1383'3I4l27. 7.30pm. £8. New litte- haxed outlit serx ing tip a big \lice ol \wingiiig Sinatra era lllllL‘\ while lidinhtirgli Swing Dance Societ} lith lree dancing lexxons to eiixtire _\oti look ax good on the datieelloot' ax the Ran \ottttd.

Wednesday 6


I Catriona McKay and the Chris Stout Quintet Merchixton (‘axtle School. 39-1 (‘olinton Road. 473 84-16. 7.30 8.45pm. U) (9.7). (‘atriona performs her new Suite/or (‘e/lre Ilurp with a trio drawing inlltieneex from world. l‘olk. ja/l and from Shetland to ScandinaVia. Part of the 341/t Edinburgh Interriulrmr Harp I'eslrt‘ul.

I Fat Sams Band llenr} \ Jan ('ellar. S Morrison Street. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £8. Join l-‘at Sam‘s Swing Band lot' toe- tappitig ttinex. coVering jtiiiip-jix‘e to

\w irig. lroin jaH greats like (ilen Miller and l’atx Domino.

I Chaos Theory Nellar. 353 (‘ow gate. 557 3780. 0pm. l‘ree. ()riginal funk) tour-piece pla} trig li\‘e improxised jau atid standard»

I The Arabian Mustache lglu. 3h Jamaica Street. 476 5333. 10pm. Free. l'tht' piece playing l)itrlStitlt~Sl} le _ia//.


I Madeleine Pritchard The (ioat. l3tS‘7 .-\r'g}le Street. 8 l0pm. liree. Funk inltixed. Stiltllttl. .-\tlatttic~\t) le ja/l from the e.\-(’omrnitment\ singer and [K Songwriting (‘oritest littztlixt whoxe songx ha\ e recentl} become part of Jethro 'l‘till‘s lart Anderson's .xolo repertoire.


I Brass Jaw Henry's Jan Cellar. S Morrison Street. 467 5300. 8.30pm. £0. Henry's debut for this exhilirating sawphone quartet. inspired b} 39th Street and starring Paul Tow ndrow. Martin Kershaw'. Brian Motley and Alton Beauvoisin.

I Freddie King Quartet .S'ektar. 253 Cow gate. 557 3 80. Qprn—midnight. Free. See Thti 3|.

88 THE LIST 31 Mar—‘4 Apr

I The Dyad 'l'he l.ett Bank. 37 (itittirie Street. 335 97-14. 0.30pm 13.30am. See Thu 3].


I Martin Speake’s Constellation - the Music of Charlie Parker 'ltrlhootlt. Jail “Mid, 0l7iS’o 374000. 7.30pm. {l3 tL'Sr. The acclaimed alto \axophonist mark the 50th anniterxar} ol'ja/x geniux ('harlie l’arlter‘x death

w itli a collection ol original compoxitionx and Via/x \tandardx.

Friday 8


Laura MacDonald Octet llenr} \ Jan ('ellar. .S' Morrixori Street. «lh'f 5300. 8.30pm. £7. l’itSSIt‘ltitlL‘ )et precixe. creatn e hut controlled. rixing Scottixh \a\oplione \tar l.atira MacDonald ix joined h) an imprexxn e line-tip. delnering a rich mi\ture of new coinpoxitionx and tau \taridardx. I Paul Mills’ Impulse S0 Queen Street Bar and Re\tatirant. St) Queen Street. 330 5097. 9pm. liree. litin tour-piece led h} [IS-horn. l-‘it‘e-haxed drummer and \ocalht .\llll\. who hax worked with the .-\\erage White Band. (‘halta Khan and (‘reorge Benxon. I Edinburgh Underground Jazz The Left Bank. 37 (itithrte Street. 335 974-1. 10pm. £3. See [in l. I Live Sciences llenr} K Ja// ('ellar. S Morrixon Street. 46' 5300. Midnight. £5.

Saxophonist Martin Speake is sure to have his own distinctive take on the music of Charlie Parker when he brings his excellent quartet north for a short tour celebrating the 50th anniversary of Parker’s death. To/boot/i. Stir/mg, 77in 7Apr.

'llip hop grunt' on their own wordxi mi\ing in plerit} ol ia/l tunk on hornx. \l(' and D].

I The Maria Speight Quartet Scotti\|i .-\rt\ (‘ltilx 3-1 Rtitland Square. 33‘) S15". S llprii. See Sat 3.

Saturday 9


I The Paddy Flaherty Quartet Bret. 3‘) 43 .-\\ltttttt lane. 3J3 JUN». 3 (rpm. l‘lL‘L'. .ltt/l qttartet lL‘tl l3} trip claw drtiitiiiier l’add} l-laliert} \\lllt .\lario (‘arihe on haw and Konrad “ix/mew do


I Jazz@Lunch an Queen Street Bar and Reflattt'ant. .S0 Queen Street. 330 SW)“. 3 5pm. l‘t'CL‘. See Sat .3.

I Tangalgo llenr} \ Ja// ('ellar. S .\lorri\on Street. 40" 5300, 5.30pm. L" Taking oti tango with tan. thi\ ltISIttll IS a hreathlexx torce teattiring l’htl .'\le\ander on piano. Mario ('arthe on ha“ and .\lattie l‘ottldx on [tL‘l'L‘ttSSIttlt

I Nick Gould’s Jazz Main S0 Queen Street Bar and RL'Slttttt'dttl. S0 Queen Street. 33h 50‘)". ‘lpm midnight. Sa\-led quartet pla}trig _|a// \tandard»

I Rumba Caliente Henr} \ Ja/l ('ellat‘. h \lttt‘t‘lvttt Street. 4“. .530“. midnight. i". Si\-piece hand led h} Salxa ('eltica trumpeter 'l'oh} Shrppe}. proxrding the llltL‘Sl in hot raurieh} l.atin SUUllLlS.

'\ i" .113

I Fromesier Rose with Inge Thomson l ax: lxiihtitie \th t‘entie. (lid t«~.:ci:l\‘\~.:d."'.155Ittit't't‘ 3 30pm 1" :5 l‘:.:n~ arid fitltlie tozii‘nt whtwe

t .e;..:::i .' :nfiectet‘. :twh wur‘d IS titawx fruit; t'ei'iz. ind Standing tar: tiatlitiviix. untied on “[315 octaxiuri in Hart \ an \

lnge lltttttixrtt‘i

Sunday 10

G astiox‘.

I Kenny Paterson Trio \tezt iiantk ('orner. ‘:\ luiin Street. 553 35"} 5 ‘t‘tn lree See Sun 3

I Big Blues Jam Studio t lne. (iiouenor lerrate. 311ml!» '3 30pm lree See Sun I Tangalgo lti‘ti theatre. M lrnneare.

553 1%3 Spin :10 See Sat "


I Melomania l .'. linitiie \ re. l" 51

(Litiwwatxide. l thn See Sun 1

I Jazz©Lunch SH Queen Street liat and

lx’extatirant. S0 (‘tueen Street. 33!» 50"" 5pm l tee See Sat 3

I Bill Kyle’s Electric Fire llttttian lie

ltt.3 \ \\e\t( rowtauxewat. 00,3 SSH"

‘lpiii See Sun 3

I Nexus3 llie | ett Hank. 3'(iutliiie

Street. 335 0" ll ‘tprn lree See Sun 3

Pdlalt ,3.

I Melomania l\wok liraweiie. 3S 3. \ltr\\ Street. 0 30 “pm .See Stiti 3


I Jam Session SH Queen Street liar and lx’extatiraiit. S0 Queen Street. 33!» 500“ “pm midnight lree See \lon l

I New Bands Night \eMaI. 353

(‘owgate 55“ .3S0 “pm midnight lree

\t‘t' \littt -l

Tuesday 12


I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet \t‘klat. :5 3 ('ttwgale. 33“ 335“

‘lpm riitdniglit lree See ltie 5

Wednesday 13


I Chaos Theory \ektar. 3.5 i (irrigate. 55‘ 37S0 ‘tprii lree See \\ed h

I The Arabian Mustache lglti. 3i» .laniarca Street. To 5 3 33 10pm l tee See “ml (t


I Jazz Mouse \l.l\l<tll\‘ll.l rnxemt; or Stirling. 0|"Stt -1(t(l(t(i(t llatii {-1 'l he tale ot .la/l \ltIlISt' wlio\ pla}ed \‘-tllt all the greatx and teaclre\ krdx aged (r and o\ei all ahotit pla_\irig lttlISIc

Thursday 14


I Glasgow Singers Night 'I lie I lt|\L't\;tl. 5" 5‘) Sauchiehall l.arie. 3 SW” Spin L5 .ltrri ('Ieland. Ronnie R and Ken .\l.tlltlL‘\Htl protrde ltltISIcal \tlpl‘ttl'l at [MS open mic night tor (ilmgow \ingerx lttixlc‘tl h} \lilte Roger\ and Stie \lclltigli. lt )oti are interexted in pertortnirig call l)erel. on WW~ 50" l 13


I Freddie King Quartet .S'elttar. 253 (mt gate. 55" 3350. 9pm midnight. l'ree. See 'l'hu 3 l.

I The Dyad 'l‘lie l.ett Bank. 37 (ititlirie Street. 335 ‘)"44. ‘). 30pm l3. 30am. See Thu 3].


I SCOtfiSh Guitar Quartet 'lttlltrmtlt. Jail \\‘}rid. 0|"So 374000. 7. 30pm. £8 W550i. The popular guitar enxeriihle entertain with a lttl\ ot ra/I. latiri. traditional and world \t} lex. pla_\ed on their lllltlrtSllC l‘fittltc‘Vurt'lw guitarx and the Roland \'(i—.S.S '\irttial guitar'

\} Stem.