Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.



3; i x\l_L"\ l1“ Sll1'1'l. 5(15 lllli I“ ( '. 111.11

A Little Laugh I Lost Somewhere 'i 111- 5 8.11 ‘).1\pll "pm. 1(11L111..1\ 1'11lle1'ti111111t ll|11l111'lil\ 1111111 the .-\11‘he\ 'l heatie (011111.111). pl.1}111g 1111l1 the 11.1} penp|e\ penpeetnm ehange .1xthe_\ g1'1111 11|de11 ’111'11111/11 .111 l11'1 [71111111 [‘1'111111/05.

Snuff Tue 5 Sat ‘) .-\pi. 331111111. U1 1H1. l).11e_\ .-\11de1\1111\pieee l111'11xex 1111.111 .111111111x \kinhead \111111g 111a 11111111 111.111111ei l1|11ek.1|111'11111e111111g the 11111'I1I .11'111111d him and 111111;; 111 111.1l1exenxe11l 1‘1111x11111e1 eultui'e. l1111dan11-11t.1|1\111 and lL'l’l'Hl‘l\lil. .111'1/11-1 I/11'111/1' I'1'111111/ ()5.

Schlock Sat 01k Sun It).1\pr. 711111. £8 ((51, l'11111111e1l (1111‘\1\.1nd \111111d ttl'llxl l)un1'an Speakinan e11l|al111rate in this 11111‘k addrexxing the appeal 11l the darker \ide 11l lile. .111 /11'1 'I’/11'11111' I'm/1111] ()5,

Chaos 'l'ue l2 .»\pr. 7.3011111. {H 151. .-\/111.1 l).1r\ trantie and l1lae|11l_\ e11n1ie e\.1111111.1ti111111l 111111-1'1‘1-1-11111'11/1 l 1111 .111111‘1linar} .\lu\|in1 l’.11111|'1..-lr1'/11'1 HIM/111’ l'1'1111'11/ (l5.



I I.l.‘ Sd'lock

Doublethink line I: .1 \\ ed 1 1 Apr ' “111111. U11LJ1 R11111/.1/.1retur11\ 111th .11111llter 11111'l1 C\Pl11l'llif_‘ unrehearxed theatie. .1\ 11111 .11‘111rx 1ditterent eaeh 111ght1 reaet 111 taped 111x1rue111111x, 111/111 [/1111111 [1'111111/ U"

Bells \\ ed 1 ‘1 .-\pr. " 31111111. 1.8 11.51

i he \ee11nd pla} 1111111 Kali 'l heatre I1111L111g at 11111de1'11 .1\\1an lite 111 Britain centred 1111 a \l111p that l111\l\ .1 huteher during the da} and .1 l11‘11thel l1} night .l/‘i [11'\ [71111111 l'('\lll(1/ “5-


ll‘) (i11l'l111l\ Sll’L'L‘I. 43‘) 111133. Il’. ll. 'lvl. \\'('. \\Z-\|

A Handful of Dust l'ntil Sat 3 :\pl 111111 Sun/M11111. "31111111 18.11 111.11 3111111. U1 £1411" U11. l:1e|111\\'.111gl1\

11111 el 11111111111113; the l111red11111 and reeldexsnesx 111 the 111ter-11ar wars 1x l11‘1111ght 111 the stage l1} ttl‘ll\l|1' direet11r .lere111_1 Raiwn. 'l'he hreal1d111111 111 Brenda and 111111 l..111\ 111.11‘1‘1age l‘L'l-lL'L‘l\ built the 1l1‘lL‘l'i11l'ttllHlt 11l- \111'11'1} and \Vttllglt‘x 111111 1li\1111‘1‘.

Magic Spaghetti “ed |_‘1 Sat 111 Apr.

See Kids llxlingx.

Mystery of the Rose Bouquet Tim M .-\pi' Sat 7 Ma}. 7131111111 18.11 111.11 3111111. 1.12193 £51. l’\_1eh11l11gieal drama l1} .»\1'ge111111e.111 pla1 11 right Manuel l’uig about the turbulent 1'el.1ti1111\hip l1et11een a patient and her nurse 111 .111 e\1'lu\i1e lltlc1111\:\lt‘1‘\ ilt\lllttli1111.


‘) l‘ni1-erxit1 .'\1e11ue. 33115533. [\\'('. 111-\1

Moby Dick the Musical Comedy

This icky, gory and slightly yukkie show for the Arches Festival of Theatre incorporates horror films, hospital

dramas and political subtexts to comment on a contemporary, media- driven society. Expect some stomach-churning effects from the UK/German company Uninvited Guests.

I Arches. G:’.’i$g(11‘.. 8:11 9—81111 70 Apr

'l‘hu .‘~l \lar Sat 2 .-\pr 31111111 is 12.111 l-un ‘11].11 1111l1111.1pl.1}'.1h11ut .111 all-gtrlx‘ \1‘h1111l pr11due11111111t .1 tale .11111111 the great 11 hite 11 hale that\ \taged 111 \.1\1‘ their \eh1111l 1111111 tinaneial 1'11111 ('.-\.\‘('lil.l.lil). Goldilocks and the Three Bears 81 Other Tales .\l1111 4 Apr See Kl1l\ ll\lllig\.

Oscar’s Amazing Space Adventure Tue 5 .-\pr. See K1111 lixtingx,

King Ethelbert Wed (1 :\pr. See Kld\ ll\l|lig\.

The Ugly Duckling Thu Apr. See Ki1l\ ll\llli:_'\.

Travels in a Wash Basket l-r1 8 Apr. See Kl1l\ ll\llli:_'\.

Adam, Alfons and Amalie 8.11 ‘1 Apr. See Kids ll\lllif_‘\.


2‘)? Bath Street. 241) I l l l. Ill. \\'('. \\'.-\|

The Who’s Tommy 11111! 8.11 2 Apr. .\l11115l'hu 731111111; l’ri 5pm 1& 831111111; Sat 4pm 1% 1411111. U) £25. Ruck open h} The Who 1111111 W110. \ltil‘l'llig J1111.1tl1.111 Wilkes as the ‘deat’. dumb and blind kid‘ 111111 ‘xure p|.1_1\ .1 mean pinhall'.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat .‘111111 4 8.11 ‘) Apr. M1111 'l'hu 7.30pm t'l‘ue 'l'hu 111.11 3.3011111); liri & Sat 5pm 1% 811111 (Sat 111.11 2111111. £8.51) £24.51). The 'l'im Rice/Lloyd Wehher d11111i11ati11n 11111111111111 with the lively retelling 111‘ J11\1‘[1l1. his I l l1r11tl1er\ and that 11111111111111 111.11 111' 111.1111 e11l11urx.

The Music Man .‘111111 I l 8.11 l(1.-\pr. 7.3011111 15.11 111.11 2311111111. £11 £15. The tale 11l'l}'ii1g. cheating ‘l’r11t’ess11r' Harold Hill 11l111il‘11‘\ 111e11n all the inhabitants 111‘ R11 er (‘11); Iowa 111111

joining his h11_1'\' hand and parting 11ith

their precious eash. l’erl‘11r111ed by (1|.11g1111' Light ()per.1('|uh.



Til “35 (ll't‘dl “t‘flct‘tt Road. 15‘ (121)“

A Play, a Pie 8 a Pint: The Price of a Fish Supper t 11111 8.11 2 -\p1

l lttpni (It) \ \h111't p|a_1 i1} (atheiine ('lerkau \ka

A Play, a Pie 81 a Pint: The Prisoner M11114 Sat ‘1 \pi l ltipin U11 Lunchtime entertainment 1111111 William\l1‘lll1a11ne1

A Play, a Pie 81 a Pint: The Brother's Suit \11111 I I 8.11 I11 -\pi |.l(1piu (It). .-\ \h111‘t theatie pieee 1111111 l’etei' .\l1‘l)1111g.1||


2 Sauehiehall Street. 35% 5111111 |l’. ll. \\'('. \\'.-\|

We'll Meet Again .\l1111 4 :\Pl 2.3011111. £7 511 lake .1 trip 11111111 1111-1111111 lane 1111h llil\ lighthearted look .11 11.11'111111' liritain1'111e1111g coined}. “11th and \1111g Sing along 111 tl1e11|dtaniil1ai llit‘lti1llt'\ 111 \'1-1.1l11111. Bing (’1'11xl1}.(i1.11*11‘ l'l1‘l1l\.1111l(i1‘11lg1‘ l~‘11r111h1,

The Magic of Ireland \\1-11 I 1 ;\p1 8pm. U351) {l5 .-\11e1e11111g11l traditional ll‘l\ll 11111x11‘.d.1111'e and 11mg


332 Hope Street. 333 ‘1111111 Ill. \\(‘. \\'.-\| Rebecca l'1111l Sat 2 .-\p1. 11111111 1'l‘l111 1& 8.11 111.11 3311111111 1'7 £23.51) Nigel ll.1\er\ \t.11\a\ .\l.1\1n1 |)e \\'1ntei 111 Daphne l)11 .\l.1ui'1e1'\ elaxxle 111111.111111‘ 1111\11'1'} tale set 1111 the e11.1\t 111~ ('111'1111 all 111 the creep} 11|d estate 111 Maiideile);

Scottish Ballet \Ved l3 $.11 l11.-\pl'. 71511111 18.11 111.11 215111111, £5 {31), :\1111ll11'l' chance [11 we the (11111111111) .\ \thCl‘h rendition 11l‘ li.1l.111el11ne\ [111111 lent/1171111117111. alongside Sn l’rederiek Ashtun'x 11111) ['111'111/1' and three 11min l1) artistic1lil‘1'1‘l111'.:\\l1le} l’age. lllghl) ree11111n1e11ded. See pi‘e11e11

a new flat,

3‘1 Mar—‘4 Apr 2005 THE LIST 97