
TRAVERSE WEATRE COMPANY present the European premiere of

In g by Wang Xiaoli in a version by Ronan O’Donnell

'Must have'. 'dream shop'. 'clear trend'. 'top flight manager - the business worlds and the boutiques of Beijing are alive with :50an and buzz words. Hard-edged but tender. Wang Xiaoti's play explores the stories of tour individuals grappling wnh lite in modern day China. A Traverse Theatre Playwrights in Partnership project. In the Bag IS the first production by a British theatre company of a contemporary play from mainland China.

PREVIEWS Fri 29 Apr - Sun 1 May 2005 - DAIES Tue 3 - Sat 21 May 2005 (not Mondays) TICKETS & INFORMAIIDR 0131 228 1404 - (no booking fee)

ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE COMPANY 22 April-14 May“»fl.1‘y7111A11'1l.ététrm Talk and film show with early film comedy expert Barry Kendall. E3 /E7 concessron /under 185 free

box othce 0131 248 4848

Groups 8+ 0131 248 4949 025111.”. '* online \ _l_ Grindlay St. Edinburgh mi \ ,

100 THE LIST 28 At”



Laboratorium 33 presents this intriguing metaphor about consumerism and destruction. In a devising

process since 2003, David Priestley's piece contrasts a couple finding love in a war-torn city with the relationship between an affluent Western couple. A powerful and thought-provoking night out is in prospect here.

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Laurel & Hardy l‘l‘l 22 Ai‘i Sul I4 Mu} lllHl Sun/Mimi. ".45piii l\\t'tl tk Sut riiut 2.311piiii. Ell) t2l (£11 £17); luriiil} £28 till). 'l'nrii Mdir'uth'x phi} lllllti\\\ thc lI\L‘\ til lllL‘ ltlllltllIS (Ulllk‘tl) dun. ll'tllll tht‘ii' huiiihlc liugirinirigx until lltc Clltl Hl‘ lltt‘it‘ t';tt‘L‘L'l'\. l’iixl Shim tll\(ll\\l(lll \\ itli thc cuxt Well 27 April.


5 l.nthi;iri Rlltlll. 22‘) ll42.

Don Juan in Egypt 8. Phaedra 'l'liii H A Mi l5 Apr. 7.30pm. £0.51) iL‘Si. A puiring «it mined} untl trugud} pcr'l'nr'riit‘tl in RUSSlttll. tl\ Nilmlui (illltlllL‘\ ‘\ lllllllltl'tllIS plu) zilmut Dun Juun ix pcr'tni'iiictl ulnngxitlc Mur‘iiiu 'l\\cl;i}u\;i\ ti'ugml}. l’lim'i/rii.

I TRAVERSE THEATRE (Xiirihi'itlgc Street. 223 1404. [l’. H. 'l‘l. \\'(‘. WA]

More Grim(m) Desires Sui It» Apr. 8pm. U I 4924.51) £0.50). qulnux}. litlclit} untl hurtiin ull figure in Mun-xii \iiri Stuckcr't'x tlur'k lniik ut liur‘npcun lllll‘} tulcS. phi) L‘tl nut thmugh dunn- lllcttll‘t‘. SCL‘ [)I'LW it“.

Ouside the Cities



'l'u} Stiuui'c. (ll3h’2 2235311. ll’. H. \\‘(‘| If Destroyed True l'iitil Sui 23 Apr iniit Sun/Mun). 7.45pm (Sui riiut 2.3llptril. £5 £14 (£5 Lllli. l’uinux l’luugh and Dundee ch linsciiihlc pci'tnrrii Douglux .\l;i\\\cll\ ncu winn- plu) uhuut \‘incunt. un unlut‘k} I'L‘\ltlL’lll Ul- \L‘“ l‘liiiitl “hit 1‘ tlL‘lL‘t'ltttnCtl [littl lllL' 1mm “in “in ‘\\'iir\t 'l‘im ii in Sciitluntl' tun )uur‘x running untl rcup the £51m” ll) pri/u imuc “1011'.


l)untlcc ('nllcgc. ()ltl (iltlllllS Riiaid. t)l3.S2 S349“. |\\'('. WA]

The Red Thread Thu 14 Sui to Apr. 7.3(lprn iSut riiut 2.3tlpiiii. Uni-1i. Dircctcd h} Adrian ()Sllltilltl und \turring (‘).\ll '("x 2nd Ycur Acting (’uiiipun}. thc Rutl 'l'hrcutl mplurtw thc iritcrtuincd liwx tit 21 chuructcrx from u ('hincxc philmuphicul \ icu point.

St Andrews


Ath Strcct. (11334 475mm. {l’. H. \\'('. \\',-\|

Noises Off l'ritil Mini 2 Mu}. Spin «Sat riiut 2.3(lpmi. U L") iE7i. A highl} l'runlic liircc tlhtllll thc huckStLigc antics

«it u \t't'iiiitlrutu t'iiriipuri}. \tuiiirig l’.iiil Braille} ll'(1\!l.lltll'l\l. l’hilip l‘l.tlll\\ ll/i'rHI/N'illl .llltl l\t'\lt'l \l\’( in} ll)!

ll lll‘l.

The Creation of the World and Other BUSiRGSSlllll H Sui lri Apr h'. lfipiii iSut riiut 2piiii H251. Arthur \lillt'r‘\ gluxxit‘ r't'tt-Iling «it thu (it‘llk‘\l\ riur‘rutnc IS pt'r'tnr'riit'tl h} lliii'tl l‘lHlll lllt' l.clt 'l'hcuti‘u (‘iiiiipuriv

David Hughes lhu l-l Apr. Hprii t I“ 1U» £2511). Sut- (iluxgim. 'l'riiri 'l‘ht‘utit' Ubu l‘l'l IS Apr. Spin £12r£S5Ui St-t' l2tliiihur‘gh. RM} Art lltllISL'.

Magic Spaghetti “at 211 Sui 3% Apr 'l‘iiiitw \tll'}. U) (ESL Iriiugirit' Big lull} '\ Llcllglll “llL'll llt' tllSt‘iiH‘t'S Sll‘t‘gtt \Htltt'S riiugit' \pughctti put. \xhit'h llt‘\t'l \ltili\ iiiuking \pughutti' liiit uhcii llL‘ llSt'\ it he L‘lltlS up with iiinr't' thuii ht' gun hundlu Suitulilc lni‘ ugm H.

Princess Ida 'l‘hii 3| Sui 2 t Apr. Spin Ell) iUi Ur 'l‘ht' l'nixcrxit} (iilhcil tk Sullnuii Sllk‘lt'l} cnut'tx lll1\ huttlc «it tho \cwx lit-much tht' princth uhii ltllljJ\ in he t‘tlut'utt'tl. untl ht'r' llllNllillltl l’iirit‘t- llilui‘iiiii.

St Andrews Student Arts Festival Mun 25 Sut 31) Apr. '1 llllt'S \ur‘}. \lcr‘riiziitlx. in ;i\\iit‘i;itriiri mm the litre 'l'liuiitt'c. Pl'L'\L'lll\ u \llll\\ tuixt' iil pci'turiiiuncc uiitl \ rxuul ur'tx lrniii \llltlL‘lll\ li‘iirii St .-\lltllt'\\\ uritl u Solution til nthcr pur‘tit'iputiiig unnurxiticx.



l'riixcr'xit} (ll Stirling. lllTSri Mummy ll’. ll. \\’('. \VAI

Blast off with the Singing Kettle Sut It) Apr. 'l'iriicx \ttl'}. £2 1}). Slllfg'itt lung \llti“ lUl' thc lxltlS.

Who's Afraid at Virginia Woolf? Tue 1‘) Apr. Spin. {SSH «L'Si. lztluurtl Alhch l‘)(i2 lllllL‘lL‘SS Slur} (it tllllllL‘Sllk' \tritc pcrtnrriiutl h} Stirling l'niwixit} Druriiu (iriiup.

Wall of Whispers l‘TI 22 Apr. Spin. £3.50 iLSi. .\'ii l.lltlll\ thcutrc L‘ltlllpttll} hrcuthcx ncu lit’c intn llHS gcncrutiiin trunxccntling tulc. uhich uith u pimcrtul \mru untl \triking iriiugcr‘}. cxplurcx lhc critluruncc (it the huriiuii \plrll.

2005 One Act Play Festival - The Scottish Finals Thu 23 Sui RU Apr. 7.30pm. £3. The highlight (it llllx pruxtigmuS tinnuul c\ C111 \tith thrcc plu'u port'tirrncd ouch mulling.

Shopping for Shoes Thu 2x Apr. 1.30pm a 7.30pm. £4. \‘ixihlt- t'ictiiinx prcwntx Tim (‘riiuch‘x touching tale ()1 un unrequith cruxh. friendship and Shims. l-rir uch 12+.