
This page lists a selection of organisations which provide expert health, advice and support in Glasgow and Edinburgh. The List gratefully acknowledges the support of the Scottish Executive in funding this page.

Alcohol and Narcotics


Alcoholics Anonymous

50 \\'e|litigtoii Street. 22!) 22M

Mon I'l'l ‘lam 5pm. 0345 7N) 7555 12-1 houri, (iiotip \upport to help tackle alcoliolmn.

Dumbarton Area Council on Alcohol 82 Dumbarton Road. ('|_\dehank. 052 (lHXl. ()flerx general information atid ad\ ice including otte— torone counxelling lor _\oung people. Glasgow City Council Addiction Partnership \\ \\ uglaxgougovuk. :\ range of cit} -\\ide \er\ icex. including \pecilic \upport for )oung people itt\o|\ed iii drug and alcohol

Glasgow Council on Alcohol

lxl Iiloot'. Bristol and \VL‘xl Ilottw. 32 l'nion Street. 220 3383. Information. ad\ ice. one-toone counselling and training for those affected h} alcohol. RCA Trust Mirren IIUll\L‘. Hack Sitcddolt Street. I’ai\|e}. 387 0830. Project going 12 25—}cat‘-old\ ad\ice on addictioti i\\ttc\.


Alcoholics Anonymous

38 ('ockhurn Street. (‘all 225 (illtltl for meeting times.

Crew 2000

32 (‘ockhurn Street. 22() 3—103.

Mon Sat I Spiii.'l'lit14 8pm. Information on drug\ and \e\ual health and Il'lL‘lltlI} ad\ ice from trained \xorkerx.

Edinburgh 8. Lothian Council on Alcohol (l (‘Iil'ton 'l'errace. 337 8188. Information. adx ice and \upport. Turning Point 3 Smith\ l’laee. 55-1 75H». Mon I-‘ri 0.30am 5.30pm. One to one counxelling for addictx and \ttppot'l for their familiex.

West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service ~13 Adelaide Street. ('raigxhill. l.i\ ingxton. 01500 43() 225. ('ounxelling. help in dealing \xith famil} ixxue\ and help in uorking lo\\;ll'd\ emplo) ment opportunitiex. Youth Action Project e/o ('ommunit) Home. 33 .'\|ler l’lace. Iililiurn. l.i\ittg\lott. ()lSllh 4M 588. .-\d\ ice and information for )titiiig people about \uhxtanee misuse.

National Drinkline (Nit) Ul7 82%2. Mon Fri ‘lam I lpm. Sat & Sun h l lpm. liree confidential

information and \ttppot't.

Alcohol Focus Scotland

lhh Buchanan Street. (ilthgtm. (ll-ll 572 (i700, \\ \\ \\.;tlcoliol-foeu\— \cotlandorgtik With itx informatn e. :tt‘L‘L‘\\lI‘IL‘ \\ L‘I\\lIL‘. lhl\ group UIIL‘B an e\cellent \ource of information for people \xorried about their drinking. Know the Score (Nil) 587 587‘). \\ \\ \\ .kntm thexcoreinfo. (‘onlidential drug\ information. 24 hour\ a da). 7 da_\ x a week. (‘all\ made from a landline \\ ill not show up on a phone bill and are free. (‘all\ from a mobile \ar} in cost depending on nemork and ma} \hou up on _\our bill. The \xebxite has lots of ad\ ice for amone

116 THE LIST "1-28 At" 2035

allccted I‘} tlrtlg\ and dL'l.ttI\ HI IlkdI \tlppitl'l \et‘\ ch'\

Smokeline oxoo 54 54 x4 lznciiuragement and \upport lor thme “It” \\ ant to \top or no e t‘ecettll} \topped \Inoking,

Mental Wellbeing


Breathing Space (NM) x15 5.x" or Minicom lNlll 3|" loll. xxu\x,hreathingxpacexctitlandcirut. (rpm 2am. free. confidential adx ice lor ati_\one feeling lou or deprexxed 9pm.

Sexual Health and STDs


Body Positive Strathclyde

U S;ttid}lot‘d I’Iace. Sauchtehall

Street. 243 9235. \i\xwhod}poxitixeorguk. l)ropvm centre open Mon. \Ved. I‘l’l ‘lam Spin. 'l'ue & Thu. 1 lam 3pm, Information atid \ttppot‘l for people u ho are HIV po\llt\t‘.

Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinic CIII’IIC) Ihc Sand} I'iil‘tl Inittalne. 2 (i Sattd_\fot'd I’Iace. Sauchiehall Street. 2| I will]. Drop in t‘IllllC\ .\Ion I'l'l 8.30am Illani. H} appointment at other IllllL‘\ until 7pm Mon I'It‘i.

Rape Crisis Centre (ll-H 552 32W). \\ \\ ix.i'41pect‘i\i\\ciitland.org.uk. Tue \Ved & Sun 7 0pm; 'l‘hu | 3pm. Free and confidential \er\ ice offering information and \upport lo “omen and girl\ \\ ho ha\ e been or fear the} ma} have been \e\ual|_\ ahuxed or a\\aulted.


GUM Clinic I.;ttlt‘l\loll Building. l.auri\lon l’lace. 53o 2 ill}. Mon I’ri Hiam 5pm h} appointment. I‘or urgent prohlemx. there ix a walk—in clinic

\\ here no appointment ix necexxar} from 3.30 Illilllam. .\lon I’ri. Edinburgh Women’s Rape 8. Sexual Abuse Centre (HRI 550 9437. u \x \\ .t‘;tpect‘i\i\\cotlandorgttk. ('all for opening IlUtll'\. See Rape ('rixix (‘entre. (ilaxgoxx.


National AIDS Helpline (Nil) 567 I23

Sexwise ().\’()(l 282 030. 7am l2pm. I’rm ides information and ad\ ice on \e\ualit_\ and \e\ual health for _\oung people.

Sources of Advice


Crimestoppers (Nit) 555 I l I. ('all at an) time with information about an) crime. (‘allx are free and cannot he traced.

Victim Support Line 0345 30 St) 000. limotional support and practical ad\ ice for an_\one affected h} crime. It'\ confidential. of L‘Ulll‘\L‘.

Women’s Health 8. Support


Glasgow Women’s Aid 4th Hour. 30 Bell Street. 553 2022.

0.30am 4.30pm Mon Fri. except Wed \\IllL‘Il l\ 0.30am lpm for drop-in. and afternoon h) appointment onl). Drop- in and telephone counxelling for


Edinburgh and Lothian Women’s Aid 4 (‘he_\ne Street. 315 8] ll). Mon. \Ved. I-‘ri Illam 3pm. Thu

7pm. Sat lllam 12.30pm. Refuge.

\upport atid help for “omen \uffering phyical. mental or \e\ual ahttxe from their partner-x.

National Domestic Abuse Helpline (Nil) ()27 I23412-1houri.



I The message about falling out of the pub and into your car is pretty well known don’t. Anyone who isn’t an absolute cretin will generally pay heed to ‘he warnings. However, there is just as much

danger to be had from falling out of bed and into your car the morning after a big night out.

Obviously, everyone’s metabolism is different, and the rate at which your body processes alcoholic units depends on a variety of factors such as height, weight, hydration and timing of the last meal, but you can’t argue with the statistics. After four drinks during an evening, most motorists who drive the next morning will still be over the limit. It can take up to 12 hours to be safe to drive after drinking one bottle of wine, and about the same amount of time to become safe after four pints of continental lager or ale.

Just because it’s the next day doesn’t make it OK to drive, as far as the boys in blue are concerned. You face the same penalties if caught the next morning driving under the influence as you would have the night before. Just so we’re clear, a minimum twelve-month ban and the risk of a £5000 fine and six months in prison.

Despite this, according to a Direct Line survey of 2000 adults, a third of drivers admit to driving a vehicle first thing in the morning after a heavy drinking session the night before. This could be ignorance rather than a deliberate attempt to ignore the law - after all, only one in ten people correctly identified the length of time (six hours) it would take to be safe to drive after drinking half a bottle of wine.

It’s not like the subject is taken lightly after all. An RAC survey found that 90% of drivers thought that driving over the limit was an extremely grave crime, nearly on the same level as armed robbery and worse than mugging the elderly. Yet only 70% agreed that driving the morning after a drinking session was dangerous.

We’ve all had that feeling the morning after, when you think you might still be a bit drunk from the night before, especially if you’re getting up early to go to work. Well, the chances are you’re still over the limit and certainly not safe to drive. So the best advice is simply, don’t risk it - you’ve too much to lose . Make other arrangements, take public transport or walk.