I Freakmenoovers at (ilaxgou School ol .-\rt lltpiit zaiii L” ILJ UH chH} ‘l hc licxt dcdicatcd hip hop club in thc cit}. in thc iiicltiiig pot ot ihc \rt Sclitml c\ci‘} Saltiitla}

I Groovejet at MKS llptii ‘aiii L3 tUii \Vcclxl} chin \lcl-ailaitc aitd Stcphcn l.cc pla} hoiixc. \kllllt' Rav. ll dropx nrhan aitd pop ()iic ol thc old 'liaxh nightx ittn‘. hotixcd tn tlitx downtown \t'llllt',

I The Hip Drop at Bic-l Spin lain l't'cc \Vcckl} I-tinklticllcd i‘h_\thiiix pitchcd li'oiii thc lainaican dancchallx aitd \cu York hloclx pai‘ticx ctiddlc itito hcd \tith itchiit' clcctio. xucct xotil and tlt)\\lll'lj.jlll tllll_\ dixco Rolc\ aitd \cl pcixtiadc )oti to lcaxt oit tltc iniixical "'11)-

. Homegrown at llaiiihoo,

Ill illttiii iaiii. LS lUH. \Vcckl}. Sic-\c .\liddlclon. l)oiitinic .\lai’tin. and Scott} ll likc to put on a hit ot a \lttm tor tlic llatnhoo iiiaxxcx on a Sat l'lllllx} hotixc iiitixic aitd xoinc top itotcli Rtkll.

I Inside Out at lhc .'\lcltc\. \t‘\l tlalc it) Apt.

I Jet Set Go-Go Lounge at lltidda. llpiit .iaiii. L'thc. \Vcckl}. (‘olin llai‘i' aitd .laiiicx llcxt dccidc to turn on thc l’ttcci xt_\ lc at tltix llt‘“. glainoi‘otix part} at lllltltltt. l’atronx arc lll\ itcd to hook a lttltlt' ttlltl gt‘l tlL‘c‘atlc‘tll.

I Kate Bush Special at lllc Butt (‘ltih Upnt lain. t'thc. 33 Apr onl_\. What a gicat idca loi‘ a club niglitl \Vc lo\ c a hit ol Katc licic at 'I'lit' /.I\I. and thix night ptttx thc xpotlight right onto thtx iiioxt intriguing xtngcr xoiigui‘itcr. li\pcct "l'hc Sampltonc Soiig'. "l‘hc Man With thc (‘lllltl itt lll\ l'i_\t'\. tilltl. Ul‘ cotirxc. “\Vnthcring llcightx‘.

I Lite at (’oi‘inthian. Upiii .iani. L'thc. \Vcclxl}. llcatitil'til itcu inodcrn hai' aitd club at thix goi'gcotix lngi'aiii Sti‘cct iitc-g;t~\ciitic. 'l‘hc} alutnx put a lot into thcir \citticx. xo ii} to inakc an cl'toi't. “ill )oti‘.’

I Manhattan Rooms at (‘ortnthiait llpiii 3am. £3. \Vcclxl}. l'ptonn cltic and tl()\\lll()\\ll groowx at thix itcu cltih. Stunning xotill‘iil hoiixc iiittxic coitic'x ll'ttlll l,ixa littlcuood and Krix chgan. \\llllt‘ it‘x Rtkll li'oiii Scott (iraingcr atid cltih claxxicx ll'ttlll l’atil Rca. ’l’licrc‘x a llarlcin room. a Manhattan \'ll’ loiiitgc and thc Untold)” llcightx /onc.

I One in Ten at Baxtii'a Blanca llil‘lllt\\\lc‘l\ llolcll. lllpin Jain. [5. lo Apr. .\lontli|_\. :\ndrc\\ Back ll'tillt liittcrgcnc} attd .\'ial| ('onnoll} ol' Radio Magnctic pla} at thix xinai't tindcrground part} do\\n in thc .\lcrchaitt (h) 'x Coolcxl littwltlcttl. 'l‘ltc‘} ‘l'c tlL‘\tllL'tl lo ct‘cating a ll'lL‘lltll}. rcla\cd attiioxphcrc tor ga_\ pcoplc and thcii' l'ricndx. (lood tor lliL‘lil.

I Red and Gold Room at .'\i‘la.

ltipni Rain. l'i‘cc hcl‘ot'c l lpni; t'h' al'tcr. \Vc'CkI}. Bill} .\li||igan nianx thc dcckx at thix tinc tiiglit ot' |.atin hottxc. ll' _\otir lilc nccdx xpicing up. look no l'tii'thcr.

I Seismic and Point One at ('ltth (N. llpin Rant. {7. 23 .-\pr. Moiitlil}. ('clchrating thc l'txc \xc‘c‘kcnd inonth. Scixinic and Point ()iic hring thcir hcadx togcthcr tor a night ol' clcctronic inachtitc tank with thc \ci‘) tinc liitxtrcatn. 'l‘hc) rat‘cl} gct thingx likc tltix \xrong. xo it~ _\ott ltkc lc'l't-l'icld clcctronic innxic. chuck tltix out. litix lca\c'x ll‘Ullt Brttnxxx ick (‘cllarx at ll)..‘~t)pin.

I Sola at ('ltih l.i\ tng. Upin 3am. £7. \Vc'c‘kI}. l)J .lttlcx pla_\x xotill‘til houxc and .-\Ian Nlackcti/ic pla}x rctro claxxicx in thix nicc aitd taxi} ncxx har/cltih tn .\'clxon .\landcla place.

I Subculture at lhc Slll‘ (‘hth

ltlpni 3am. L'IZ. \Vcckl}. lt'x all rcxidcntial do“ it Stihculttirc \xa} ax Haiti and Dotti pla} thc hcxt hotixc and techno intixic to an adoring. hcdoiiixtic cl'tm d. I Symbiosis at thc Soiiiidhatix. lll.3ltptti 4am. 23 Mint. 23 .-\pr. Monthl}. l)t‘tiin ck haxx in _\otii‘ tacc \\ ith lidnh: hc. l’atil Rc'xct. DJ Rtickxpin and l.l)5(). .-\ gt‘cat ttndcrground part} \\ ith all thc frustrated hcatx onc pct'xon can dc‘xtrc.

I VEGAS! at chl‘rcxx l-‘crry Nut datc 30 Apr.

38 THE US l-i—QS Az‘t .‘CCF‘

I Voodoo at tlic ('athotixc' _<;‘It‘. ";‘711 L; '23» “cc-H} \cotlantl'x oiil_\ tinch l\x cltih lltc xtght ot all llic 2|. ptiittcix ditching tipl titoii \ticct liax pat lllL' l'c‘al til (ll‘\l titli‘ llt'c' gi‘i‘tl t‘c'o;‘lc til (ilaxgou tot xotiic lllll'c' iio'a. xo ll jmti at: tinch thc agc ot l\, uh} not xcc '.‘.lt.:l all thc ttixx ix ahottt’

Chart 8‘ Part;

I Cubism Hedonism at ('tihc

llt ‘Hpin Jain L\ «to. “cc-H} \ott plaj.x thc hcxt tn tutti.) hotiicgioxiti and l \ liotixc. tttxcd \kith coiiiiitcicial aitd cltih claxxicx tn hai onc ('tit/ aitd l)a\ c \l alxo continiic to lxt't'l‘ lhc tl.tllcc‘lltittl\ packcd iii (‘iihc JJ \kllll tiihait hcatx

I Saturdays at Wigwam at \\ iguaiii llpiii iaiit. t“ itht \\cckl_\ Rohiit ll iiii\cx tip Rtkli. xottl and cltih c laxxtcx \xlttlc tltc lcgciidai‘} loit} lahak Na)» tiphcat coiniitcicial ttincx .tt thix ncu \ciittc

Glasgow Sundays


I Bite at thc ('athotixc ltt. ittpiii iain l’rcc hcloi'c ll itllttn; {3 WI 5th attct \Vcckl}. :\ iitildci' ini\ ot indic and rock than )ttlldl liiid at thc cit_\ ‘x picinici rock \cntic oit l‘l'l or Sat

I Brazilia at ('ltih l,l\ iiig, ‘lpiit iaiii. l'icc hclorc l lpin, watt}. .\ ncu hat that ttii‘itx into a chih. iit lltc coi‘iici‘ ol \landcla Stitiarc ott Buchanan Sti'cct. lt’x l).l action and lixc pci'ctixxion all lhc \xa}. \\ itlt itihiqttitotixt i‘cxidcnt 'l'ilt l’cacltcx and a lioxt ot tiitiitciitioiiahlc tllllt'l\.

I The Butt at ()i'an .\lor. lttpin .ialll. £5. \Vcckl}. l).l \lark Rohh lll\ itcx _\oti to c-\pcriciicc tltc ttiitk tn lhc hcai't ot thc \cht liiid. ’l'hix night lcattii‘cx a xclcction ol )ttlll' la\otii'itc Bull all»xtat' l)Jx. ('hcclx lhctt' \xchxitc to lind otit thc gticxt hand.

I Cabaret at tit: larir‘c'. :4 ‘1‘: “cclclt hc' lartric'i'x xc'coiiti ga} cltih :iigltt ll‘aiigx .tlc' tit-tinitclt fal‘a'Lotix at t'rtix \tiiid.i_\ night pail}

I Chinawhite at ('lttitauhitc "pit: 1an: to “cckh lhc tiadztioiial \al‘l‘allt xcxxioit ix gncii a tlalh. cool and c laxx} xliiitc h} ('hiitaxxhitc' \ttctito c xtatt. \\\ cct dccoi. a \l‘lll. ttiiik} \i‘lllltlllach and a gicat l‘al lll.tl\L' thix a hot dcxttnatioit

I Disco Badger at llaiiiltoo

llpin laiti ti \\ccl\l_\ llotixc iittixic claxxicx all night long tioiit l)oiiiinic \laitiii and hoogic ttiiicx ttoiit \la\ iii tltc lotiitgc

I Free Sundays at thc- l lll\L't\.ll

llpiii iatll l'lt't' “cc-kl} llll‘ hop. ltllllx. xotil. icggac. hotixc and ia// all iii thix gtcat. \iittiall} ttnlxiioun \ciitic ittxt hchttid Satichichall Sticct

I Haberdashery at tlic l ltlllltl l.ottitgc ‘tpiit -laitt ti \\ccl\l_\ \\ccl\l} Stinda} xhciiaiiiganx tioiii tcxidcntx Mann} Shaikc} aitd l)ii't} Ian)

I Optimo (Espacio) at lllt' Stilt ("tub

I“ itipiii iaiit to itii \\cckl}

\\ llUlll.ltlL'\\ lltt t\\ till .i tlL‘l.t}L‘tl .ippcai'ancc till l‘ .-\ptt l\ lllt' l.llt'\l \icapoit in lhc (ioiiiina aixcnal. a \\lltl thicc pci'xon Inc xhoxx. lt‘x .i llltt\ll_\ inxti'tiiitcntal hand that iiii\cx -l/-l ltcalx

\\ itlt icpctitnc ltiitk} haxx liitcx aitd ‘Ntx gi‘tingc and iiidic. It’x a part} tltiiig

I The Priory at lilattkct. llpin .itiiti. t5. \Vcckl}. lhtx chih‘x xoiiicthtng ol a inixnoittcr. l'nlcxx. ot cotit'xc. dancing all night to xttidcnt anthcitix aitd RXH ix hon )oti dcto\, .H’ and lltc lllllllt'l.\ Richard l.t‘\ ltt\t‘vlt .tl'L‘ lltc llt)\l\.

I Spunk at tltc (‘atltonxcfl llpiii Rain. t'thc, \Vcckl}. (ict a good xpattking on thc Sahhath. l).l Barr} pla_\x altcrnatnc. punk. L'l;t\\lc l‘itc‘lx. ltlp ltttp. lllL'llll tilttl c'l'tt\\tt\ L‘l’ tndtixti'ial to a latc \icckcnd croud.

ll :ll'ult int‘

Hopefully we didn’t get your hopes up too

much as we’re sad to report Kate Bush hasn’t embarked on a new career in the world of beat matching. However, the Buff Club provide the next best thing with their Kate Bush Special. ‘Wuthering Heights’, ‘Hounds of Love’ and ‘Running Up that Hill’

will all be present and correct.

.7 Si. T’: 4”, “x; L: .‘.' /'\ p f‘ ,“7 ,,,‘ .

I Sundays at the Buff .11 than \lot llgitt 2aitt 1‘ \\cc‘l\l_\ \oittc litlll dtxco gioowx and ttitikc‘d tit‘ t.t.'.' tront lltlll ll'c‘\\ gti} \ttiait

I Trade Night at t'hiitaxt hitc

‘lpiii laiii 1<tllt'\" \\c'c‘l\l} \ night aiiticd at lltoxc' \xotktitg iti tltc l‘t‘.tlll\. ic‘tail and lcixtitc ittdtixtticx lhc' tiigc‘ _\oii to ct'lllc‘ h} ltcic and 'chaxc tltc \llaz'i‘lh a\\a_\. i

Glasgow Mondays

Chart & Path

I Burn at lltc lltilt ('ltilt llptii iaiit L5 lllt't' L i' \\t‘t'l\l} ll'\ lltc‘ \ l.t\\lc night lot thoxc making iit tltc licciixing tiadc linin adiitttx tlioxc \\|lll a no \lll‘ toi altxoltitcl} hcc ha“. \\lllcll ix ntcc'

I Mondays at Bamboo llll‘lll 1am L-l tticc t it “cckh Soul and ltitik \\tlll Rohin ll. xttidcnt taxcx \\llll loaxt tc\ Shacki lltciox alxo RAH \\ ttlt Scottic ll

I Passionality at ("tilic ll Wpiii iaiit L' i it'll \\ccl\l_\ l’lcaxtng \ll.llll\ll§ lioiti l).l Shaun l\'til\cll\. \xlio docx liix hcxt to lt'\ll\\‘ll.tlt‘ lllL' \\ k'k'ht'lltl lttl lllt'

ga) ini\cd clit\\tl

I T-Party at .\l.r\.\‘. llpin iatn ti \\cclxl_\. lx’axx It and l)a\ c \ontig pla} titltan and pop ll.t\'l\\ icxpcctnch Mix a li'cc dooi to tiadc ctixtonicix. xo thct 'ic gi\ iiig xoitictliiiig hack to thc pcoltlc that iiiakc goiitg otit gicat lt xhoiild lic iiotcd that thtx ix onc ol thc ltaxh iiightx inadc hoinclcxx iii tltc tiic

I Undercover at lllaitkct llpin i.iiii t-l it'll. \Vcckl) (iiatilication lc\clx .tic high ax xcct'c' .tgcnt .liiii l).t llcxt lilatx otit thc ltinlx) hottxc. qttalil} lx’tkll and pci‘tcci pop. l’lL'lll} ot diiith piontox xliotild lca\ c _\oti hoth \lllll’xt'll and xtit’icd

Glasgow Tuesdays


I Bin Bag at thc (llaxgou School ol .‘\rt. lll’rllt iaiit. {I tlicct. liaigain haxciticnt indic ttincx. ltat'i'cl loadx ol chcap drink and a hunch ol ladx that tixcd to li\c in good hotitcx.

I Camouflage at tlic liquid l.oitngc. llptn iatn. t2. \Vcckl}. .»\ tic-u m-ckly that aiinx to put thc qtialtt} hack itito xttidcnl cltihhing \\l1|l\l kccptng thc tll‘llllx\ pl‘lccx ltm. l.t\c\\ tl‘c arc lhc intixical i'cpi‘cxcntatncx. attd lhc} aic planng thc lincxt hip hop. clccti'o. tcchiio. hotixc. di'tiiii it haxx and hrcakhcal.

I Essentially Tuesdays at ('hinaulntc. ‘tpin iain. L5. “cc-kl}. .loiii thc part} at thix linc. c\cltixt\c \cntic that ix putting thc glainotir hack onto Bath Sti‘cct. 'l'hc} '\c put a lot ol clloit into thc placc. xo )(tll xlionld do tlic xainc uhcn gctting dtcxxcd Up.

I Fool’s Gold at (i2, llpin iaiii. Lthc \Vt'k'hl}. :\ dcdicalctl ltlgltl til llttllL' toclx li‘oin Mr Paul (ioriiian and li'iciidx. lt'x a popular haul through tltc rich xca ol indcpcndcnt intixic lrotn Britain

and abroad o\ ci‘ tlic laxt Ill _\cai‘x

I Killer Kitsch at 'l hc litill ('lith. llpin 3am. £4 iUi. \Vc-ckl}. .\ iiiiiqtic litttl‘-tlcc‘l\ \L'l lip. ptitiiitllttg clccll'ti-clthlt Itincx attd kitxch claxxtcx down in thc hold- it‘x thix linc cltih iii Hath l.aitc.

I TIT at MAS. ll),_‘~t)ptii iain, {Sit-1i. \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc higgcxt ol thc 'l'i'axh nightx. no“ hotixcd in tliix tlttullltmn \cntic. l.txa l.ittlc\\ood plii}\ hottxc aitd (irahaiiic l‘L'l'g'llxtill pl;i_\x tirhan pop. Biggcxt 'l‘ticxda} tn thc cit} ’Wc lllllll'x

Glasgow Wednesdays


I AM at lhc ladiiid Loungc.

lltpin lain. £3. \Vcclxl}. \cu llll(l\l.L'L'l\ drtiiii ck haxx night tcattiring xoinc ol Scotland'x l)c&li talcnt on i'cgtilar rotation.

I Allure at llic 'ltinncl. l l.3lipin 3am. £3. \‘i’cclxl'x. (ilaxgtm ‘x ncucxt ga) night with thc )ottng and \cr} talcntcd DJ l)arrcn Young dixpatching xotnc xtipcrh tuncagc.