As a test of whether your wee one has got the dedication to look after a four-legged friend through thick and thin, you could do worse than Pippa Funnell’s Stud Farm Inheritance. Despite the dubious title, it is strictly in the realm of childhood fantasy: your aunt leaves you a dilapidated farm, complete with stables, a horse and glowering stable boy. From here, the aim is to build up your skill levels and a stock of horses by completing courses and winning events.

The adventure starts with various tasks around the village of Appleton, but it's once you get in the saddle that the fun really starts. First you have to get your horse ready by washing it, picking out its hooves, clearing out the stable and feeding it using graphics that almost make it seem like you‘re tending a living beast. Next you have to prove to Davy, the moody stable boy, that you can ride competently by completing the dressage, show jumping and cross-country courses. Each course is harder than the one before, especially with controls that vary between hyper-sensitive and incredibly slow. Unfortunately, this rider failed to get past the third post (cross-country) but once you get used to the pace and idiosyncrasies, this is a strangely addictive game. (Rachael Street)

Dance Kids Sgii lo .-\pi'. liliiiii. I luni. llfillpin tk lillpiii. t-l it'll; incinhci‘x ol lhc (iood Ncighhoiii' Schciiic US”. North l'.dinhiii'gh ;\rt\ (‘ciili'tx l5il l’cnn)\\cll ('oui'l. H5 SIS l. (ict )tllll' \hoc\ iind \ocltx oll ;ind pi'cpui‘c to \ltllllp. \lltlt‘. iiiinp and lcup. Illiiiii ;ind lliiiii: l -l _\c;ii\. llillpni :iiid |..illpiii: i (i)c;ii'\.

Make a Monster! Sui ll) :\pl'.

ll). illuin 3. illpiii. t-l it‘ll; iiicinhcrx ol' ilic (iood Ncighhour Schcnic USU. North ladinhiii‘gh .-\l'l\ ('ciiti'c. lSAI l’cnii_\\\cll ('otirt. {IS SIS l. l)c\ign :ind iniikc _\oui' \ci') on n grucxoinc iiioiNci' out ol' liunk} iiiodclliiig iiiiilcriul.

Comic Workshop Siit lo Apr. ll).3();iiii. til it: i; incinhcrx ol' thc (iood Ncighhoui' Schciiic l; I St). North lidiiihtirgh .-\l'l\ (‘ciiti'c. lit l’cnn}\\c|l ('oui‘t. 3|5 Zlil. ('icgitc _\oiir omi crciitiii'cx \\ itli l)octor Sinipo.

Drama Kids Sui lo Apr. Illuitliiiii & l|.ill;iiii. til ((3); incinhci‘x ol thc (iood Ncighhour Schcinc USU. Noith l-.diiihiii'g|i .-\rt\ (’ciiti'c. |5ii l’ciiinucll (‘oui't. H5 SIS]. .\ ltin introduction to diuniu. \toi')tclling iind ph} \iciil thciiti'c. Stiitiihlc lor .igcx 3 (i.

Family Workshop Sui lo Apr. 2 4pm. Ll. l~i'uitni;ii'kct (itlllt‘l'). 45 \lurkct Strch 325 3383. Mint :\iithon_\ Nolgin dclixcrx ii l'iin kitc iniiking \xorkxhop inxpircd h} Simon l’;ittci\on\ largc llltlll-lllllllg‘ kitc. ‘.\l;iiiiicd Kilt“. :\gc\ 3 (i gind onc giitii'diun. Hooking cxxcntiul.

Family Workshop: Enchanted Bug 8. Fairy Silk Cushions Sun I" Apr.

| .i..‘\llpiii. H. l.;lllrl\ltlll ('iixtlc. Iii

('r;iinoiid Rtltltl South. 33h Itlotl. \lgikc )our

o\\n l';iii‘_\ :ind hugthcincd \ilk Cll\llltlll. huxcd on thc ctixtlc‘x \Ktltltlldlltl. Hooking t‘\\L‘llll;ll.

National Gallery Art Cart Sun I” Apr. 3 4pm. lircc. Natioiiiil (itlllL‘F) of Scotland. 'l'hc Mound. M4 0200. 'l'hc .‘\rt (lirt \\ ill hc loudcd “llll tl \urict} ol tlll lll;llL'l'l;ll\ and idcux to c\ploi‘c thc collcctionx through ltiii cl‘dll} tlt‘ll\ lllcx. l‘iii‘ ugh 3 l3. Family/Children’s Workshop: The Woodland in Spring Sat 23 .-\Pl'.

68 THE LIST $1738 At"

llHllgun |3.3llpin. U. l.;iuri\ton (Xixtlc. In ('ruiuond Rtldtl South. Uh Idol). Join ('il} ol' lidinhurgh Riingcrx looking l'oi' \ignx ol spring ihcn pgiiiit L'Cl'illlllk‘\ \\ itli )our linouritc spring \ccncx. Hooking L'\\L‘lllltll. Splish Splash Sui 23 .-\pr. lllizin. HHSuin & I l.~15;iiii. H it‘ll; lllL‘llllk‘l’\ ol' lhc (iood

Ncighhotir Schcnic US“. North lzdiiihui'gh .-\l1\ ('ciitrc. lSu l’ciiinxxcll ('ourt. NS

I” l. l’tldtllcx lo pondx. lo \\ Idc opcn \cu. Join in thc inimc \Hlll \ongx iind lll\ll‘lllllL‘lll\. \ltll'IL‘\ .iiid giuucx. 'l’hc lll\l \L‘\\lilll l\ ltll‘ l 3}“. lllt‘ \L't‘ttlltl l\\ii lill'

.‘ 5w»

Destination Arts are coming over from India to

present their colourful musical theatrical adventure with dances, songs and comedy. I Tris/iiiigii. G/t'isgoi'.. Tue ’9 t“; 11w 1.? Apr

Miffy at the \\cd .\[ll “ml 37 Jul. Mon 'l'hu llltllll Hpin; l'll

llluni 5pm; Siit ‘kiiii lpiii. l‘lt't' (‘ciiti.il l.ihr;ir_\. (icoigc l\ lliidgc. 3-1.? .\‘l_‘l x\ll lntcriiclhc cxhihition loi pic \choolcix cclchi‘uling thc 50th itlllllH‘lMll} ol l)l\ k lirtin;i\ l;iiiioii\ huiiii} Stoulclliiig. chili iiclixiticx gind \l\ll\ li'oin .\lill_\ llt'lxt'll

Theatre & Dance

Traditional Tales from Brittany \.ii 3% Apr. lliini. Lil it'll; lllt'llll‘t'h ol lhc ( iood Ncighhoui‘ Schciiic tl ill Noitli lziliiihuigli :\l'l\ ('ciitrc. l5ii l’t'llll} \xcll ('oiii'i. il‘ 3l5l. 'l‘hc tiilc ol it Scottixh hiid .iiid .i l’rcnch hiid \xho lcll ciich ollici \lilllt‘\ lioiii

tlicir hoiiic ctllllllllt‘N l‘ill .igm


Storytime for under Fives lllll H .-\pl. ’l‘hu ll .-\pi tk 'lhii 3H .\pi. Ill li lll«l§;llll l‘l't'c. “t‘flcl ll.lllc\ l.ll\l';tl'_\. l \\ t'\l\lilt' Plum. 53‘) SN); ('oiiic iiloiig illltl hc;ii )oiii liixouritc \toricx and plii} \\ llll puppctx lixcryinc \Hlll childicn iindci ll\t‘ \iclcoinc.

Musiscal Storytelling: Splish Splash Sul 33 Apr. lll lll ilkiiii. Ill-15 ll ltluin tk ll.~15;iiii llillpiii L11 (Ll 5” Bi North ladinhtirgh .-\rt\ ( 'ciitic. Iii l’ciiirxiicll (‘oiiit HS Zlil l'i‘oin [llltltllt‘\ .iiid piilltl\ to lhc iiidc opcn \L'd. ioiii lll thc inimc \kllll \oiig\ lll\ll'lllllL'lll\. \ltilli‘\ .iiid giiiiicx l‘ll\l \cxxion l\ loi" ttht‘\ l 4. \ccontl txio loi iigcx 3 5 _\c;ii\.

Doodles and Tales Sun 11 Apr 2 ~lpiii l'rcc. l)c;in (itillcl"\. “i llclloril Riitiil. “:1 (i300. .-\gc\ 5 ‘) ttlltl l;iinilic\ Join \tor}tcl|cr Jud} l’utciwn .iiid .tlil\l Johann (Xipcx lor lotx ol liin .ictniticx lll\pllctl h} thc inodcrn and coiitciiipoiiir} art on \lltN. ill thc l)ciin (hillcr).


Musical Storytelling 'l iic In .I'xpr. llgiin llfillpin. Li iLlSll LZi. North ludinhiirgh An‘ (‘cntrc. lSd l’L'llll} \icll (‘ouit 315 3l5l. Murgurct Smith crciitu \oinc luii tzilc\ and lltlliihllc lliil\L'\ ;it llll\ intcraictix c \C\\lt)ll.