I The Frequency, Phelix Culpa .utd The Rate Brigade Burtlt. 3m (‘lttle Street. 0370 (20‘ WW Spin L4

I Undying and By My Hands littl'll} lllp\l;ilr\l. 360 ('l}de Street. HIS-‘0 90" “(NU Split. L5. (her-14x \lltm.

I The Moneyshots, Panda tllltl The Lunarians The I 4th Note ('ttte. 50 Ni King Street. 55i INS. ‘lpm L4 tUt l’oxt- punk und \hoegtt/e} \Ulllltl\

I Grabba Grabba Tape and That Fucking Tank Stereo. Kelxtnhttugh Street. 57o 50lS Spin. Li (iruhhu (iruhhu 'I'upe ure ti Spuntxh underground pttttk duo ttot ;t\et'\e to drexxtng up tn tttrr} L‘USIltlllL'x. \tltteh it e um onl} upplttttd.

I Tempercalm, What the Dead Know, Drive by Argument tutti Amongst the Arrows The ('uthouxe. I5 l'nton Street. 3-1Soo0tt. 7. illpm. £4.50 llltl\llllL’t'l. U) ldoot i. ()\L‘l" l-l\ \hou. Rock and metul line-tip.

I Roar Acoustic Night Stet-'tt'Slettx}. ~l3l Sttttelllt'lltlll .Slt't‘t'l. “5 WM)“, ‘)p|n_ Slitlut'dSt' lor Ioettl Still}:\\rllt'l'\.

I The Ronelles The Bunker. I‘H IW Buth Street. 33‘) I437. lllpm. l‘i‘ee. l.e;tlher-elud roek'n'roll.

I Gregor James, Paul McLaughlin, Eddie Maguire and Figure 8 ()'llt'ttt‘)\. l4 l)rtir_\ Street. 34S ,i75l. Spin. l'tee. (illhgtm \tnger/songut‘tterx' etentng.

I The One Who Flew Bur Blue. I l7 littlll .Slt't‘t‘l. 57-1 (tl)(i(i. ‘lptlt. l'TL'L'. Sittger/xongttriter.

I Valour RUL‘KL‘TS. l-l Nlltlltmd Street. 33l 073b, 7.30pm. l‘ree. Roek night.

I Michael Simons 'I‘elttti ()tnu. lot) l)t';lll\l0ll l)ri\e. 64‘) 7353. 3pm. £3. .Siligt‘ngllllltl‘lxl.

I Sing & Drink Stereo. Kelttnhttugh Street. 57o 50lS. 8pm. Free. Weekl} opett mie xexxion.

I Acoustic Open Stage The llttlt Bur. l(t0 \‘l'oodlttnth Rottd. 353 WW». Spin. l'TL‘L'.


The Czars, Josh Martinez and Bikini Atoll Tlte \‘enue. l7 3l (’ttlton Bond. 557 3073. Spm. H0. Betttrtil'ttl hegttilittg eount) und httl} iu/l lt‘om the ('Ittt'x heuding llllx Bellu l’nion Reeordx \hoxteaise with (‘unudittn rupper .\l;trtine/ und po\l plllik‘cl‘S Bikini :\tho||. Part of l7"l[’l_\'t 'lr.

Money Mark, Kama Aina ttntl Mask The Bongo (‘luh. Morn) llouxe. 37 llttl}‘l't)titl Road. 558 7604. Spin. 9; 10. The “CilSllC Bo} .\ huekhone and ti migth line mu~ieittn itt hi\ own right \Hil‘klllg \tith the likex ol' Beek. Mo' \\'tt\ und tlte l)u\t Brothers \\ ith hix l'unked orgttn lit/l. l’urt of Ii'i'ptt't'lt.

I James Blunt Queen‘x Hull. ('lerk Street. (tux 30W. 7.30pm. U0. llotly- tipped \oltg t‘l‘tlllxllltili.

I Rhythm Rooms Open Mic Q-Bur.

5 l l l.eith Street. 8pm. Free. See Wed 30. I Remnant Kings, Jesleppi and Doc Daneeka Bunnermun's. .\'iddr_\ Street. 556 3354. 8.45pm. £4. More indie und roek do“ n the l'nderttorld.

I Scope, Kubrick, Mr Nice and Gram Solo \VltisllehinkiCS. 4 o Sottlh Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm. Free. ()rtginttl guttur roek.

Thursday 28


I Tears for Fears ('l}de .-\ttditorium. Sl{('(‘. liinnieston Qua}. 0870 040 4000. 7pm. £37.50. The pomp pop duo \\ ho straddled the 80.x like u Betttlex-uping L‘ttltixxlls are htiek “ith ti ne\\ ulhutn It‘t'erjt'lmdi‘ [mm (1 Hap/W lint/rite \\ hieh piek\ tip \\ here the) left off mum moons

I' Laurie Anderson 'l‘rttuttxtt). 25 Albert Drive. 330 550l. .S'pm. {IS .\'e\\ Yoth perl’ortnttnee tut do)enne returns to Tript}eh with tt BC“ work. The [ind oft/re .llutm. “hieh came about during her time us .\'.-\S:\'.\ t'trxt e\ er lil’ll\l-Ill-TCSltlL‘nL‘C. Part of Ti'lprell.

1- The Fall and Uncle John & Whitelock The l-‘erry. 43 (‘lyde l’luee. 01698 365 51 l. 8pm. £14. (irlllT indie

86 THE LIST 14—238 Apr 2035


He’s one of the most interesting singer songwriters

around at the moment, and Blunt's songs are a curious mix of the twee and the suicidal. One part Chris de Burgh to two parts Lloyd Cole, his remarkable singles ‘Wiseman’, ‘You’re Beautiful' and album Back to Bedlam suggest a talent of considerable longevity.

" Queen's; /‘/t't//. Min/mum, ll/otf Apr.

dtehttrd .\l;trk l'. Stttitlt IS huek \Hlli tlte lutext inettrntttion ol the lull. \thoe\ er tltttt tnigltt lli\til\L‘. .\'o ehunge m lllllSlL'lll \tutm though tt'x ieonie rumxhttekle indie punk till the \ttt}. l'nele John & \Vhiteloek \\;llL‘lt ttnd lettt‘n. I’url of 'l'rtpttt It.

iii Money Mark, Kama Aina tutti Triosk The Stth (‘ltth. 33 lumttieu Street. 348 4600. Split. L' H). The Beuxtie litt)\ keyhotird pl;|}Cl' \\ ho hux :tlxo donuted lll\ oil-killer \er\ ieex to Beek l'L‘llll'll\ l'rom the \\ ildernexx. I’tirt u/ 'I'rtprt't‘lt.

3 3 Aberieldy, King Creosote :llltl My Latest Novel Tron Theatre. ()3 'l'rongttte. 553 43(t7. Spin. L'S’. ('hurming lolk pop from lidinhurgh romttntiex .‘\herle|d_\ and u glimpxe iitto the lo-li kuleidmeopie “mid of the l‘enee (‘olleetn e mutnxtgt} King (TL‘USUIL‘. I’rll'l n/I'I'I‘I‘Itlu'lt.

I Youu-:“ ' miln, Modey Lemon, The Fallout Trust ttnd Engerica King Tut's \Vtth \Vuh llttt. 373a St Vineent Street. 33l 537‘). .S’ptn. £050. ()\Ct'-l-1\ \hott. See lixting\ punel tor YoureodenumeixzmiIo. l’lllS rt ettxuleude ol' Moog ttetion. orchestral \lllliplt‘x tind \L‘ll/l} indie lrom the \upport hill.

I Weird War and Alamos .\'iee'rt‘S|eul}. 43l Suuehiehttll Street. 333 0900. 0pm. £8. \Vttxhington l)('\ eoolext retro \oul lunk roek moxerx like J;lliiC\ Bt‘tmn tor pllllkS.

I Sluts of Trust and Quinn (‘Itth 'l'romolo. the :\rehe\. 353 Ari—WIS Sm“- 5h5 I033. 9pm. £5. ('Iuh 'l'romolo reloeutex to the .‘\rehe\ \\ ith _\ottr tripp}. dream} littxlx Quinn and the L‘tlllll‘llxllllg metul/gttruge onxluught ol' the ineendittr) Slutx ol Tl‘llSl.

I Loki, Respek BA, Major Threat and Mac Gee Freak MCI]00\L‘I\. (iltixgtm Seltool MAN. [08 Renlrett Street. 353 4530. l lptn. £3 t£3 \tttdenh/l‘ree tor memherxt. Line-up ol loeul hip hop .\l(\.

I New Ideas Society and Orko Burll}. 2hr) (‘lttte Street. 0870 907 not»). .S’pm. L‘o. l-‘euturing memherx ol~ neo- proggerx (‘;t\ e In.

I Blob, Pigscum, The Punchline is Murder and Evidence of Trauma Burll} lllp\l;llr\l. 360 ('l}de Street. 08.70 907 0909. Split. .‘sloxhuortln metul line- tip.

I Electric Wizard, Firebrand and El Chupacabras The (‘tttltottxe 15 l'nion Street. 348 6606. 7.30pm. £7.50. ()\er-l4\ show linglixh \toner roek hund.

I Shoeshine Records Night The l ltlt Note (tile. .5” (ill King Street. 5.55 lltih ‘lpm. £3. l.tne~ttp to he eonlirmed httt there'x \lll’t‘ to he \otlle \ueel eottntr} textil)tn‘ tn tonight‘x mtmeul diet.

I Jo Mango The (itltll. 133" :\t‘g_\ le Street. 357 7373. Spnt. l'ree. (ilttxtiegtun \ongurtttng lilttlllSltl} pt'otttolex her ne\\ 'The .v\nttdote' lil’.

I Kobai und Jendell Flight Mission Sottndxet. the StilllltlllllllS. 47 ll}de Park Street. 33l 405‘). S..‘~llptit. £4.50. .\lenther\ und gtlexlx. Slum euxe ol loettl lMlltlS.

I Carina Tehtti ()\ ntt. 43 ()tttgo lune. 357 4534. S'pm. £3. Singer/gttitut'ixt.

I The Free Candy Sessions The liquid Ship. l7l I75 (il't‘dl \Vextet'n Rottd. 3H l‘)0|. Spin. l‘t'ee. lzeleette \kt‘L‘kl} \L‘SSltlll.


Roots Manuva and Kano The Liquid Room. ‘)e Vietorigt Street. 335 3504. 7pm. £l4. Spirttlling. inxentit e hip hop lrottt one ol' the l'K'x linext e\pottettl\ ot the urt.

\\ ith l‘dL‘K—llp lrom tip-gtntleointng l.ondon ruppet' Kano \\liti eomex lrom ll \tmtlttr \tute ol mind. l’tirt u/ 'Iri/tttt It.

I Proxy ttnd Tiny Monkey Stthuu} (‘o\\g;ite, (t‘) ('tmggtttz 335 (For), 7.30pm. £3. ('ttteh} pop-punk lrotn l’rm} ttnd melodie roek lt'om tridie primtttex.

The Earlies, Micah P Hinson, Sam Prekop .mtl Archer Prewitt The Venue. l7 3l (.illltill Rodd. .55— 3W5. 3pm. Llll. .SCL' \Vt'd 37.

I AC Rid, The Bridge, Amplifico und Nine Miles High B;ttttler'ttt;ttt\. \iddt'} Street. 550 53.54. S.45pm. £4. Another Slettdotu l’extnul l’undruixer.

I Born to Be Wide The Street. 3 l’teurd} Place. 550 4373. 0pm lum. l-ree. Killll \lL‘KL‘tt/IL‘ ll.lqllltl Rttttttll. l)l\L'lplL'\ ol' l’unte liut'tlt ttnd Sttrult t(';th;trel Volttttret ure the guext I)J\ tonight.

I Mary & Co, without Malice :tnd Elysium \\'hi\tlehinkiex. 4 6 South Bridge. 55" 5| l4. 9pm. Free. l-‘reneh hlttegrtm trom Slur} tk ('o.

I Open Mic Night (‘ttledomttn BilL‘KPiICKCrS. 5 ()llL'L'llSTL'lT} Street. 477) 7334. 9pm. Free. See Thu I4.

I Out of the Bedroom \‘l'ttterh Bur. St Slur} \ Street. 55o SS55. Upm. See Thu 14.

I The Dyad The Left Bunk. 37 (ittthrte Street. 225 9'44. 0.30pm 030mm. See Thu 14.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to jules.graham@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 14


I Glasgow Singers Night llte

l lll\t‘l\,lt. 5“ 5" \Jlklllt‘lldll | .ttte. U.‘ \S‘N \pm :5 ltm t‘lel.tntl. Ronnie lx'.te .tnd Ken .\l.ttlttewn ptm itle lllll\l\.ll \uppott .tt llll\ open mu night lt‘l (il.l\_'.'t\\\ \tllg't'lS. llt‘\lt'tl l‘_\ \llkt‘ l\'t‘}‘t't\ .tnd Site \lelluelt ll tou‘te tttteteded lll l‘ettotmtuf: hill lletek on 0'3"" ' 50‘ ll.‘


I Gilad Atzmon Quartet llt'lll\ \ l.l// ('ell.ti. S \lotttwn Street. 10' \‘Hll

.S illpm t'ltl \luxtt \\llll .t mexmt'e. .t\ imptexxne l\l.tt‘ll \.l\ \tttumo \t/mon \\k'l\l\ e.t\l l utopeuti loll. \\llll ll.ll\l hop. tttnk .tntl l tetult .l\\l‘l\ll.lll lllllt'\ to tell the \tot} ol I’.tle\ttne

I Freddie King Quartet \ekl.tt. .‘Si (‘otxgutth 55“ 3W0 “pm midnight l'tee (‘ool |.t// \tltllltl\ .tt llll\ llllllStl.l_\ mt'ltt textdent} tot lll'.‘ \ttt.tll§ .ltl\t'llllllt‘ll\ ‘Ktng ol Se.tt‘ .md entottt.tt'e

I The Dyad llte l elt Bunk. §‘(itttlnte Stteel. 3350714 0 illpm l3 ilktm llte l)}.ttl. :\K \ (‘ltttx Ru“. Betti.tttittt Seltoglet. l’.ttt| Keene. l).t\e Row .tttd \tt .md l‘tm Moore tuxe eleettomt \ \kllll mnoxutne lll\lllltllt'lll.tl gtooxex .tt \\ tlkte llouxe'x |,elt Bunk B.tt


I Scottish Guitar Quartet lullmtttlt. .ldll \\V'\lltl. lll-‘Ni zilllllll 7 {HIth {S tL'550i. l'lte popttlut gtnt.tt enxemhle entertum \tttlt .t llll\ ol |.I//. l.tttn. tt;tdtttoti.tl .tnd \\tilltl \ttlt‘x. plated on their lllllll'ISIIt' I l.tlllt'\\titk\ f..'llll.ll\ hid the Rolttnd \'(i SS ‘\ tttu.tl guttut' xtxtem


I Niki King with Marcus Ford llenr) \ .|.t// ('ell.tt. .S Moritth Stteet. 4t»? 5300. .S'. illpm. LS .-\ltet .t )eut .tp;ttt. l’errter .t\\.tltl \ttnntng |.l// \l‘x'dlISl Klll‘.‘ ltIIHS gttttttrtxt lord to tlt'll\t‘l .t ltedt t‘ttllt'elltlll t'l .tt'ttthllt'. llllllllttlt' el.t\\lt' h.tll;td\ und l‘lllt'S

I Lorna Reid 8: Trio H0 Queen Street Bur ;tnd Rextuutttnl. S0 Queen Street. 33!» 50‘)". ‘lpm. l tee Seleetton ol l|\t‘ i.t// numhetx ltotn the tool and el;t\\} \tlt'dlhl .tnd tho.

I Edinburgh Underground Jazz llte l.ell Bunk. i"(itithrte Street. 33507-14 lllpm. {3. Jun mgltt \lltl\\L.lSlll}_’ the eretttne ldlt'lllS ol \ome ol latlttthtitgli'x linext _\ottng muxtetttnx tneludtng fillllttlhl \ltke Shite-l und l\;l\\l\l Ket in (ilitSjJUV- I Continuum llenr} \ .l;t// ('ellur. S .\lorrt\on Street. 467 5300. \ltdntght. L5 (itoote-lttden new get tip led h} drummer

l’ttul \lillx.

Saturday 1 6


I The Andy Alston Quartet litel. V) ~15 .r\\llltitl lune. 543 496“. l (tptti Tree. The orgttnixt lL'lltlS lll\ tillltl'lt'l through ;: \et ol tilllltISPllL‘l‘lt' Ill/l \lundurdx and lilm worm


I Jazz at the Balmoral Silk But. The Bultnorul Hotel. I l’l'lllL'LN Street. 9pm tntdntght. l'ree, Brund next tieekl} iii/I night \htmeuxmg u rotuting line-up (ll L'\L'L'llclil \t)L‘;lll\l\ bricked h} lop-elm“ [film and quartet»

I JazzGLunch S0 Queen Street Bur und RCSlilurdlll. S0 Queen Street. 336 5097. 3 5pm. l'ree l.unehttme |;t// \‘.llli the SH Queen Street ptuno trio ktdx \kClL‘ttlllC.