tcxpcctcd riIirilxI and teacher. \Ialll'lcc Hourgue. lcatttx up v. ith the S( 'U to perform \Io/art'x xparl.ling (Ilmr err'lr I III I' and U/uu (errrr I III ('

I The Ian Tomlin School of Music Composers’ Concert with the Edinburgh Quartet St (irlex‘ (alliedral. l<o_\al .\Il|e. 225 0442 bpni I'ree 'I he quarth are routed b} \apier l'nnerxit} xtudent xolotxlx to pertornr new \xorkx b} .'\Ie\ander \ella (ir'egor). I'.\‘..’tll Santer. Marger} (iibb. I.indxa_\ I)a\ idxon and Sonia .-\I|orr

Monday 18


I Oboe Masterclass l<S.-\.\ll). lilo Renlreu Street. 332 5057. llam. I‘ree. ticketed. Directed b} \Iaurice Hourgue. I Organ recital St Mat} \ ('atliellral. 3H” (it'eat \Vextet‘tt Road. 3 3‘) MN I.

7. 30pm. LS rL'5r. .-\ recital b) \Ircliael Ilautree. including \xorkx b} Marchand. Ilach. Izlgar. .lttdith Hingliam arid I.ang|arx.

Tuesday 1 9


I Lunchtime in Russia Rarnxhorri 'I'heatre. US Ingram Street. 552 34S”. l.l5 2pm. L3 Scotlandbaxed duo in .»\tlax and Anna .\Ia\ romatidi pa} homage to their Rttxxtan rootx in \ iolin and piano \xorkx b} lt‘lldllxt“ xk). l’rokolim and Shoxtakoxich.

Mr McFall’s Chamber 'l'lie ;\rchex. 25.3 Arg} Ie Street. .505 I023. Spm. U0 1 5|. :\ welcome return to the lixtittgx b} the chamber group \\ ho xeek ottt muxic that deliex categorixalion. I’ortned on the prctnixe that popular inuxic'x inl'luence on claxxical ix undexerx edl) unexplored. the} prexent a ne\\ cotnpoxition b) Napier l'ni\erxit_\ ‘x compoxer ilt rexidence. Kenneth I)etnpxter. ctttitled .Sll I‘i't'l rt] Blond. 'l'he text of the progratnrne \\ ill comprixe tier} tangox b} I’ia/olla and eclectic xoundx b) I‘rank Zappa.


I Get Organised! l'xlier Hall. l.othian Road. 223 l I55. |.I0 I.5llpttt. £2. Inl'ormal lunchtime organ recital l'eaturing the l'xher Hall'x magnificent organ.

I Scottish Opera St Andre“ 'x and St (ieorge‘x ('hurclt. l3 (ieorge Street. 225

3847. 7.30pm. [5. See Sun I7.

Wednesday 20


I Glasgow University Contemporary Music Ensemble (ilaxgou I'nixerxit} ('oncert Ilall. l'nnerxit) .-\\enue. 330 4002.

l.l0pm 2pm. It'ree. .-\couxtic l'ree imprm ixation b_\ xtudentx ot' the muxic department.

I Flute and Piano Masterclass and Recital RS.-\.\ll). l00 Rettlt'e“ Street. 332 5057. 2pm. l‘ree. ticketed. Scottixh-lmrn llautixt I.orna .\Ic(ihee directx a flute tnaxlerclaxx. l'ollou ed b} an informal recital \\ ith pianixt Scott Mitchell.

T3 BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Ro)al Concert Hall. 2 Saucltiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. .\ rare performance ol‘ .\Iexxiaen‘x hugel) influential 'Iiu'uneu/t/u Syrup/turn b} the SSH under Ilan \iollxok .\Iexxi;tett\ ltl;t\lcl’\\0l‘l\ ix a momenloux xpiritual journe} ot‘dix ine lo\ e and mode atmoxpherex. The huge orchextral I'ot'cL‘S include bright (iamelan-inxpired per'clixxion. piano pla_\ ed b_\ the talented )ottttg Stex'en ()xborne. and one ol‘ the earliext electronic inxtrumentx. the ()ndex Martenot. to be pIa_\ ed b} ('_\nthia .\Iillar.


if: Mr McFall's Chamber The Bongo Club. Mora) lIouxe. .37 Hol}r'ood Road. 558 7604. .S‘pm. £8 r£5i. See 'I‘ue It).

I Organ Recital with Wayne Marshall I \llcl IMIlllalt Rilatl. 22S ll55 7 30pm LI” LI5 \elxatilc recitalrxt “brie \Iarxliall. organrxt in rexidence at the Ilr‘idgeuater Hall in \Ianchcxtct. cottch Io lhel xhcl Hall to perlorrn \xorkx b} \Iulet. \\ rdor. (irnlniant and \icrne. arid \kith lucl. hrx I.t\ttlll'llc part} lrrcl. ot improx rxrng on an audiencegnerr lhcttte

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra (Jueen'x Ilall. ('lerlx Street. him 201”

7. 30pm L3 rL'l 5th. 'I he xecond phaxe ot the (‘ompoxer laureate tor Schoon xcherne brrngx abotit the premiere of Ror} Ho)lc\ Hit /114 \ rrl li'rrl/r IIlc xcherne prox idex an opportunit} lot _\oung muxiciarrx to perform e\crtrng llc\\ tnuxtc alongxtde S(‘() pla}eh Ill llnx caxe tlte I’ot'tobello Illg‘h School cltott illltl the otchcxll‘gt‘x \\ ttttl octet


I Stirling Male Voice Choir 'l'oltmurli. Jail “5nd. titrsrt 3‘4000 7.30pm. {'7 lL'5l. Sand) Sinclair conduch the annual concert \\ ith accornpanixt .Iean .\Ic.\'all} and _\oung \ocaltxtx and muxicranx lrom local xclioolx.


I Lunchtime Concert ( llaxgrm I'nnerxit} ('oncert Hall. l'nnerxit} .v\\enue. 330 4092. \Vorkx lor llute and piano in combination b} .\Iexxiaerr. I.rebermann. Younix. 'I‘imoxxi. (Ilmka Halalxire\ and I.aghid/e. pertormed b} honourx xtudentx of th


I Scottish Guitar Quartet ()ueen‘x Hall. (‘lerk Street. (ioS' 20l‘). Spin. ch. See 'l‘hlt l-I.


I Stirling Male Voice Choir 'l-UHWUUHI. .ltlll \\'_\ttd, ()l7.\'(i 274W)”, 7.30pm. £7 (£5). See \Ved 20.


I Lunchtime Concert RS;\.\ll). lot) Rentreu Street. 332 5057. Iprrt. L'o tL'4i. One or liurope'x leading clarinettixtx. Iiinar .Iohannexxon. pertornix three \xell- lo\ ed norkx from the romantic clarinet and piano repertoire. \xith pianixt I’hilip .Ienlxinx.

I Clarinet Masterclass RS.-\.\ll). I00 Renlren Street. 332 5057. 2.30pm. Free. ticketed. Directed h} Iiinar Johannexxon.


I St Giles’ Lunchtime Concert St (illex‘ ( athedral. Ro}al .\Iile. 225 0442. I2.l5pm. I‘ree. \Vitli Belmont High School (’hoir l'rom .\Iaxxachttxettx.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xlter Hall. l.othian Road. 228 I I55. 7.30pm. £1 I50 [27. 'I‘he RSNU chartx a journe} ol' I’rokolim ‘x \xriting beginning “ith the Sr‘i'r/rlurr Suite. Inxpired b_\ the Rite of Spring. it hax the xame capacit) to xtun \\ ith itx bold uxe ot' the orchextra and harmonic and l’h}lhlttlc la} erx. I’rokolic\ 'x fiendiin l’runu ('um‘ertu .Vrr 5. \\ ith xoloixt Dmitri .-\le\ee\. ix Iollo“ ed h) the (tritium for Illt' 2111/1.-l/mrt'er\ur\ of [/l(' ()l'tu/n'r Rein/rum”. (me ill hix largcxt-xcale achie\ ementx. the large orchextra ix

joined b} militar}. accordion and

percuxxion bandx u ith t\\o choirx. in xettingx oI emotionall} charged \erxe b} .\lar\. Lenin and Stalin.

Save Money

see pageZSfordetails

I The Glorious Company: The City Never Sleeps ('lirixr t‘liurclr. \Iorningxtde Road. Ni“ 3“ 33 3Hpin

\ pertorntance ot \xorkx b) (‘harpenlrer and (iabaldonr. and the \xotld premiere ot tour “orkx b) Izdinbuigh baxcd contpoxer .Ianrcx I)ouglax

Glasgow I Old Meets New - Singing Workshop Strathcler l nnerxit}. .lohn .\nderxon ('arnptzx. I n rngxtonc loner. Richmond Street. 54S 3444 5pm £5 1L2 L3 50: \ \xorlc‘lmp in e\plotc the linkx betuectr medic-\al tnuxic and cornpoxerx ot the da_\ Hooking required I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Raul ('oncet't Hall. _‘ Sauclucltall Street. 353 S000 " 30pm Sec III 22.

Lh tL-ol


I Edinburgh Philharmonic Orchestra ()ueen‘x llall. ('leik Street. HMS 20W. "pm. L'S {l5 «L3 Lilli I’opular orchextral entertainment b} tlrrx large and cxtahllxhcd otcltcxtta. including [hurl r' .llrrr (Ill/r . I'm I (lint and Sun nu '\ .\/r/ru'rrrrr r. concluding \\Ilh Ht'tllett'x lirrute ’r‘l'nrrrK (irrIi/r' In l/Ii' ()Ir /l(’\l/(l. (L‘Illtlll IHHHHx lllk' concert; both are in aid ot .\Iaric (‘urle ('ancer (‘are.

I The Kevock Choir Annual Concert l'xhet' Hall. l.othian Road. 22S I I55. 7.30pm. U) (I3. 'I he Knock ('hotr make a \\ elconte return to the l'xlier Ilall with annual concert conducted b} (iraharn I.o\ett.

I Edinburgh University Chamber Choir 40th Anniversary Gala Concert Reid (‘oncert Hall. Hrixto Square. 050 2422. Spin. [7 (£5). Izrrc \on Iblet'. I)a\id Kitttbcll arid \licltacl 'I'urnbull conduct \xiit‘kx b} .\Ionle\erdr. l’hilipx and \Iendelxxolin. in a celebration ol' the choir'x 40th )L'ttl‘ ol perl'orming. and lollouing their tour or Hong Kong at the xtart ol the month.


I Brass Spectacular 2005 RSAMI). I00 Renlrexx Street. 332 5057. Noon. I'ree. .-\n all-da} banquet oI bt'axx. \\ itlt local arid national taleltl. l'roni claxxical toia//. \xith recitalx. \xorkxhopx. tnaxlerclaxxex and trade xtandx. luo gala concertx at Iprn and Split \xhich both require a tree ticket.

Tuesday 26


I Guzstav Fenyo Rantxhorn 'I‘heatre. ()S' Ingram Street. 552 34S”. l.l5 2pm. £3. The xecond ol' l\\o programmex ol JS llach'x ke)board muxic.

Wednesday 27


I Iona Abbey - A Festival of Praise Rll}.ll ('oncert Hall. 2 Saltchiehall Street. 353 S000, 7.30pm. £8 £15. (ilaxgou Phoenix choir prexent a liexti\al ol' I’r'aixe \xitlt o\ er 400 \oicex on xtage. \xitlt Itt\ercl_\dc Schoon Youth. Junior and 'I‘raining ('hoit'x.

I Strathclyde University Symphony Orchestra: Romeo and Juliet Baron} Hall. ('axtle Street. 353 soon, Spin. 9;? it? £5r. Shakepeare'x tragic lo\crx ax well through the e) ex ot Bei‘liol.

'I‘chailxm xlx}. I’t'okotie\. l)elitix and Bernxtein.

Thursday 28


I Double Bass Masterclass RSAMI). I00 Rentreu Street. 332 50.57. I..3llpttt. I'iree. ticketed. \Vllh Jel't'

Scottish Chamber Orchestra Don't miss any chance to catch Joseph Swensen conduct the SOD in his last season as principal conductor. especially this one With the sensational lirench oborst Maurice Bourgue in the Oboe Concerto by Richard Strauss. Younger Hall. St Andrews. ‘l hu 14 Apr; Barony Hall. Glasgow, ln 7:3 Apr; Queen's Hall, [.‘tllllbtll'lj/l, Sat re Apr.

Mr McFall’s Chamber They're back (picturedl at the Bongo Club. After a couple of years playing in more conventional concert venues. the undefrnable ensemble return to their roots. lhe second set (Bongo Club only) features Caper. a brand new Splinter group made up of personnel from McFall's Chamber and Moishe's Bagel. Should be amazing. Arc/res. Glasgow. Tue IS) Apr; Bongo Club. Edinburgh. Wed 20 Apr.

BBC Synphony Orchestra Guaranteed to be one of the major musical events this year. the BBC 880 with whizzkrd chief conductor llan Volkov perform Messiaen's gloriously over-the—top Turangalila Symphony. complete with the weird sounds of the Codes Martenot. played by the wonderful Cynthia Millar, and Steven Osborne on piano. Unbeatable. Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. Wed 20 Apr.

Bradetich. including a lecture and dernonxtration on the lam Bach Suite and Ha}dn orchextral Hill)»

I Jeff Bradetich in Concert RS.'\.\II). I00 Renlreu Street. 3 32 5057. 7. 30pm. rt."4 r. 'I he renouned dotrble baxxixt perlorrnx \xorkx b} I'alla. Bloch. |)eal\. 'Iabalan. l'ngar and more. With lelloxx baxx pla}er Iain ('rautord and pianixt .lulia |.}nch.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra ()tIchIS Hall. (.lL'l'tx Street. (m ZUI‘), 7.30pm. In the linal inxtalrnent ol the .\Io/art I’qu xeriex. conductor Izrnmanuel Krexine talxex the baton to Itead the 5(1) ill \Io/ttrl'x /’(II'I\ Smr/r/rmn arid llII/III ('unr ('rru .\'u 4. Mo/ar't ix complemented b) Rmel. including the delightful .WuI/Il'l' (irmw Suite and the da/llittg rhapxod} for

\ iolin and orchextra entitled 'I'rreum'. \Vilh onoixl Ixabellc I'iattxl.

‘-'- 2‘: i-t/ 232", THE LIST 91