“a \iirr'riirij;\IIiL' Rim}. :33 1155. fl’. H] Hans Christian Anderson Thu Zh‘ 8.11 *0 -\pr "pin iuurualc piuc pertnrincd b} IIIL' Junt- (IUUIIIIHL' Sthiml ul Danet- Whisky Galore \M'd I Sal " \Iii}

—' me t" I95» I will 'I IiL‘dUk‘ [‘It'\CIiI\ ('«unplun \Lu Ken/it"x Hillin lumi Inuit-Ii} .iImuI .I targn \hip IhuI runs aground \‘-lHl .i \L‘l'} [Tlt't'lfllh “kid.


I i 3‘) \lk'HIMiI] SII’L'L'I. 52‘) ()IMNJ. III. \\ ( '. \xuxi

Highland Fling l'nul Sui I0 .-\pr.

" Nip”: «Sal “ml 2 30mm

L l ‘50 L35 5“ \I'L' (ilmgim. 'HII'IIII‘C RH};II.

Scottish Dance Theatre Wed .1 Ma}. ". Winn. £8.50 L'l-l 501L050 LIZSHI A III\L'l\k‘ Iriplt- bill il'Hlll our naImnul I'nnII-uipurai} dunn- umipan}. Icaluring Mit‘hut-l i’uppt'l\ laugh-um loud lunn}. III [in I \iIIl I (III In? /’ (I L'HI'I/ I/HL' (IUHH. lml I/u' i/m: null/14mm: [/le ll 1/] Arr/r [rung In ui‘l up. The IIIIL‘ .IIHIIC should uixput- )iiu In 310.

Compagnie Katig: Corps Est Graphiqe I‘ll (r Ma}. 3pm. {l0 {In It? (I ii. l)_\n;umt~ hit-akilant‘ingg. (It'l'llhilllt'\ and general growl-pleasing IIIU\L'\ il'HllI IIIL' ut‘t‘lulmcd I‘l'L‘llL‘Ii i'uinpan}. l’mI \Iltl“ (Il\L‘ll\\lI)ll. Sec pm rm.

Scooby-Doo! in Stagefright Tue

10 Sail M Ma}. 7pm Iulw Fri/Sal 4pm. Sat maI lpuii. [I550 U950

(£7.75 £9.75). Sec (ilaxgim. l’milinn ’l‘licali't'.


IX 23 (ilt't'nxidt' Place. 0370 0063424. “I, \V(', \VAI

Starlight Express l'nIil Sal T Mu} IIIHI Sum. 7, §0pm Nit-Ii «k Sat mat 2.30pm). U0 US. Special!) redesigned [or leI ccnlur} illltIlL‘liCL‘\. lIllx pmdut'linn rim-x \Iutc nl' Ihc :II‘I Icchnulng} u iIh an cit-unit) ing xiiumlli'ack and Ila/Iling stage \L'I\.


3 Ru\hur3_'h Place. 037i 7S0 0077.

Ubu Thu 28 Apr Sun I Mu}. 7.30pm. £7 ((5 i. 'I'hculrc Mode pl‘L‘\L‘lll Alfred .lari'} '\ uhxurdixI \uIirc on Ihc greed ul‘ IIIL' llilIiIilt‘-L'l;t\\c\.

The Noise of Everything Wed 4 Sat 14 .\l;i_\ Inut Sun 3 Tue l0 Mu} ). 7.30pm. £7 ([5]. ()wrlnuk i’ruduclx mplurc Hit‘ sun i\;il inxlincl and apathy. ;ix :1 huuwhuund \wallh} couple agree In IL‘I a \Irangcr share Ihcir home. but onl} it he agrees In a rumor \Ii‘ungc \CI of t'nnililiunx.

I ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (irllitHd) SIrch. ZJN JWN [l’. H. '1']. \H'. \\'.-\l

Laurel & Hardy l‘nIil Sat 14 \Id} iIInI Sun/Mom " 45pm «\M'Ii ex Sui mat 2.30pmi. Ll” LII till {13. quub LIN 9,40. 'l'nm Mdirth'x pla} iHHnu \ Ihc Il\t'\ ml the tannins gamed} din». Irwin Ihcu' humble I‘Cgllllllllgb unIIl IIIL‘ lIIHllIL'lll \xhcn Ihc} Iinall} HICI


(kimhridgc SIrch. SSH IJIH. ll’. H. '1']. \\'( ‘. \\';\I

In the Bag in 2‘) Apr Sun 23 Ma} InuI Mum Tue-Sal 8pm; Sun (rpm {'10 ILJSU List“ “any \I.IHII\ IIiL‘dilt' PIL'L’L' play on Ihc Mandarin il';tll\I.IilUll nt ‘in the hag'. “high can lllCdll t-iIht-r mic or Iruppcd. Xianli t'\;lllllllt'\ qu (“UPIle Iiillit‘ultlm. L'IHUIIUILII and Iinuneml. in Ihcu‘ Hilrilc\. Soc pm it“.

Mancub Thu 5 Sat 7 Mn} " Winn {I I INS” £6.50». Nu“ \Ill)\\ Imm .iu'launcd Ihculrc gunman} \umxhing l’ninI. adapted lrum The High! u/ l/Ii' (‘uwmurx h} John l.c\’crI. Dullglax Mauwll'x \I'I'ipI lcllx lhc hI/Iil'rc litIL‘ HI a ho} \inU \litl'h hiking on Ihc t'li;iI‘ucIcI'i\IIt\ oi tIIIIL‘l'L‘lH unimalx, Soc pm lo“.


Lulhiun Road. 323 l155. II’. “(I \V:\l Dancing in the Streets in Mu}. 8pm. Soc (iluxgim. Rn};I| ('unt'crl Hall.

Outside the cities



Ta} Square. 01382 223530. [R H. \\.'('| The Emperor’s Opera 'l‘uc 3 It Wed 4 Ma}. 7.45pm. {I0 I95 £8). Sec Edinburgh. BrunIun Theatre.

Iceland Dance Theatre Sat 7 Ma}. 8pm. £1005 {Hi The Hill} l'K dalc on l|)'l”\ currcnI qur. so catch them \ihilc _\UU can. Sec pl‘L'VlL‘“.


I ROTHES HALLS KingduchnIrc.015‘): (iII I0l. ll’. H. \\'(‘, \\'.»\|

Scottish Dance Theatre Hi I) May. 8pm. £8 IL‘I» £7). Soc Edinburgh. limIixul 'l'hcutrc.

Over the Rainbow Sat 7 Mu}: h‘pm. U: (“U U I I. SCC (iitlxgim. I’III\|L‘_\ Town Hall.

St Andrews


Ath} SII‘ch. 0|33~1 475000. [R H. \\'(‘_ \VAI

Noises Ofll IIIII Huh 2 Ha} \l‘lli i\.:I mat: 10pm L" z" W." \ highl} Haunt Luv; about Ihc InitksIagc .lIHh \ nI a «mind IaIc turriimn}. damn; Haul BLIIHC} Ilmrl r:.:} Mr. Philip 1 i.IliI\\

II]: t;':’“( Ii." IIHII \\ [\C\It‘i \I\(.i‘\ ‘/)'

II m. '

St Andrews Student Arts Festival l III]! \11 ‘0 \I‘I lunox mu \icrinaidx. in .I\\ikl.llli‘li \HHI IIIL' Hin- IiIt‘dIlL'. [‘It'wllh .I \himeaw Hi pcI'ianant'c and \le .qu ilHlli \IlltIk'IH\ .iI SI \ndrcxu and .i \cictlrun «\I l‘IIlk'I paIIieipquIg umwmncx

Blue/Orange lhu < .\ I110 \In spin L" {I; See (il.i\;_'m\. (‘III/cnx' lhmIIc The Good, the Bad and the Botoxed Sal - \1.I} \pm t" {I; \L'\\ urinal) drama ilI'lll InulIi .murii-xxmnin;


7’) 81m 7"

I Ar'r,‘/'I<,>:;. GIL'II:I}<)'.'.. II/e:


I‘l.i_\\\r1ghI Rona \iumn. \xhit‘h mi‘lun'x Ihc darker mic HI nun \Iugital .mIi .igclri: IIcaImt'nh \ct' pm It'\\



l lll\\‘l\l1_\Ui\Illllll§."Ifi\(‘ WNW“ W- H. \\I} \\ \.

2005 One Act Play Festival- the Scottish Finals lhu is \h 1H \pi

Winn t\ HII' tum] oI [ill\|‘1t‘\1lj._'l«‘ll\ .umual I'n'nI “uh Ith‘ plats pcrtnrmni meh I'M-urn;

Shopping for Shoes lhu .‘\ \[‘l

l Winn .\ " ;0pm :1 \k'\' (lI.i\;'|‘\\. Iron lhcaIIc

The Emperor’s Opera “at I 1 \I.l\ MM: 1\ *0 t" \‘I‘ I Iiiniurzvh lizunInn


Another unorthodox night of entertainment at the Arches as twenty actors act for an audience of twenty. The evening utilises the many nooks and crannies of the labyrinthine Arches building, as each audience member is led about by an actor and sees a succession of very short plays from such writers as lain Heggie. Pauline Goldsmith and Andrew Dallmeyer, to name but three.

This grid includes theatre and dance performances at Glasgow and Edinburgh‘s main theatres. More information. including events at smaller venues. can be found in the listings above and over the page. Performances shown in brackets are free Or reduced price prevrews. Thursday 5 I Friday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday 8 Monday 9 Tuesday 10 Wednesday II Thursday 12 I J n Irwiie—athem/eight T See Pot; n Rock 8.7 Pop ; IContess ; IContess I I Confess : Arches 1771-3. III;7;T'if{.';§;.lif"J"[I 1331.75." " f ' I ' .44 ~e ~ ' citizens eaéfiéece Threw? aeese-i"jiffff “ow j Kim's .\ \‘HM v rm» “.i’r it .2,” ~~~~ A we \ ‘.‘.'.i~\ '_"!' p.1'h "' »- "w Oran MOT I r l N a u 7 u See claSSIcal ' Ramshorn .. , n . is . u I n I. Theatre Royal we“? 1 BTW“? -..‘3‘?T".’T'F‘?, _ i - , __ Le 82”" mm" s12 .1“ s1, = se. i I .... -. . ,..:'..',.:A.w.i.; ' Tron I See Jazz i Blue/Orange [ J Over the Rainbow : Brunton cu. my: a, I Church Hill 3' I CompagnieKafig l I SeeRock8iPop 1 n _ "m . i Scooby-Doo! Scooby-Doo! - Festival Theatre 5 say an: s 83.»: .:~. s \i‘wss say-er: E WW” _ . . . Playhouse 2 mammawmmw L mmdevewe Mmsedmm Roxy Art House a s _-~. Nam). ea. 5 mm “W I . I ' Royal Lyceum I the BaflMancm/inihe Beg lecub/ln the Bag 1 In the Bag H '7 In the Bag In the Bag In the Bag I Traverse

'.‘7:. I/ " THE LIST 101