CINEMA'IRAN Channel 4, Mon 9 May. 8pm 0000

A ' AAJ' ' I. "I‘. " l A Alli Ar ' ’\l{ A n' rrrtw“ ' "rrzrw' 1" l (H I)" .‘ "'1’" '1 r , l r, , , ‘o t 0 t, v 111‘.'{' h,

AllSllx‘Al |/'\Nt;()lvll [)Y = :r I. z, ' KATH AND KIM r . -,, _ , BBC2, Thu 12 May, 10pm O... ' ,, w, mm” L

‘l’ve been in 29 netball premierships, I've played indoor cricket in four states and I’ve shot-put at national level and I think I know what I’m talking about. The sooner you realise all men are bastards and develop an interest in sports, the happier you'll be.‘ So says fat Sharon, second-best friend to selfish, lazy Kim, who’s left her husband and moved in with her tarty, fortysomething mother, Kath. The word ‘Australian‘ isn’t exactly a stamp of quality when it comes to comedy but this series capitalises on the Aussies‘ endearing ability to laugh at themselves.

Inspired in part by toe-curling docusoap Sylvania Waters, it’s a slice of bad taste petit bourgeois suburbia in which each of the characters is pretty Ur at ' tun «t' A: Man: real and utterly unsentimental. The accents are strong and, while much is , (I .. made in Australia of the catchphrases (‘look at moiye‘ and ‘woine toime’ 7' '7 " .fr‘“ r' {r ,r» mu » r’l-- are Down Under’s ‘yeah but no but’), the malapropisms are delicious. '11-“: ' ° m" a" te". r: :lrrllt- :f. " wit r’rrw Wedding guests are invited to hear the couple ‘denounce their vows', Kim '* vw-vrxz. r‘ t V. H wishes she was ‘effluent' and when she tells her mother she looks like In l.4r;'~',. r'). r /: rtf‘ mutton dressed as lamb, the compliment is graciously accepted. w: tux. l

If there is such a thing as female comedy, this is it writ large when 8%" /: 53a“ ‘3‘." 'e: w-xuw: ‘.'.’:rr l wt" u Shane Warne-obsessed Sharon (as wide as she is tall) - comes in with a ,‘ . . " v: a m l1il'.£t‘,""«'lli

‘Aliéll‘ My! irttm

/ .’l.'|f [/7 L)F'/‘l..‘/‘

THE ROBINSONS 8802, Thu 5 May, 9.30pm 000

. '11. 'w. sheepish expression and a violently red ‘pash rash’ round her mouth from a ' w I ' A" } Ml » ‘f’l‘fi'n night of snogging. It’s the highest rating comedy in Australia and has cult _ t . , .r fr A, ll,r",(1’_}»’,ll r 'r 1' 1 status in the gay world. Toipe it, hornbags. (Ashley Davies) ,:,'r‘- t; ’,.(:'»ti'w: Twp ao' fro . ' 'r w" rhl"

. l 'r ’:' (2' ' 1.x? .r‘ntormr, ' ' rrxlato Revrews : ~ ~ ~ A ~ r: r . . ,. I 't' 1' "2 H L l,"1’.ir"l,’ tt' SOLIAL ooeumr NIAHY \ a , , . , , , BAD BEHAVIOUR y," r m , '3' ,ii' i f1,

Channel 4, Tue 3 May,

DEA'rH or A 9pm .00

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102 THE LIST 3:: At" ‘,‘.‘~.. '3

Doctor Who BBC 7 . Sat 30 Am, 7pm For

those ll‘OLl'ltrrtE; (up

rr‘rr‘rrrrerrt \lPl‘llSP or Eec‘estwr as the DCC. It's time to hlov. may, that parh as we r'ree‘. the [)aleks .Agmrr alter all these

Dr Tatiana‘s Sex Guide to All Creation (f/r.r!rrret .1, Mon 3 Mil. (Men: Over three nrgl‘ts, it's the world's trrst srnerree-sex lV lllllSlL‘Lll wrth tunes soon as 'The llerrhaphrmlrte Sohq'. ‘So l ()lltl .r:< lhev're Pretty to Look At" and Pocket Rorket'.

Bad Boys of the Blitz: Revealed Hue. Tue (1‘ r. lax, fw‘prrr When the l;f)lltl)t3 dropped orr l orrrlorr, not everyone was pulling together. Due to black outs. ratrorrs; and a lack ot holrhret; on the heat. crime was at an almighty hrgh.

VE Day Poem Hue, Wed 4 May, 7. 30pm An eprc poem from Srmon Armrtage accompanies archive footage. reconstruction and rntervrews With those who summed the bad old days.

The Secret Election Channel 4, Thu .5 May, 17 .SOpm We jern the party leaders as they prepare to hear their fates bC‘hll'ld the scenes. Deon/e Take style.

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