


FORCE VS THE (Ubisolt) 00.. THIRD REICH " " '

(Digital Jesters)


Not all technology fulfils a function. Henry Northmore m: x {n I. it. looks at why we desire the beautiful but useless. " ' " = * -'

c it” ltlii ill itt\L‘ \\i[il tcchnolog} to L1 tlcgi'cc. but I llL‘\L'l' l'cztllwd . i ;«~‘. f'w Iv: : ' ' :"- :: ' thc \cwul illll'ilL‘llUll l could ilil\ c to inuchincr} until I haul Sk}+ *ii tr ° iv : littctl. .\i_\ L'llChUitiL‘ti i’iit} Station 2 mm look on \\ilh gltmct‘ing .' ‘ll tut". ~ v M" " v t: z" w: : :~ " .- : circuitry :\t iL‘tl\[ hoth thcsc \hiny hits ol‘ tcch LtL‘Illtlii_\ littllil :1 function: it'\ It (i am rim}: r‘2; . w ~ ~- ' "’ so cttx} to lull in lo\ c \\ ilh tccltnology l‘ot' lcchnolog} \ \itixL‘. * izllllil“ . , z It At” \Iill'lL‘ti hilL‘ix in tlic h’llx. Hotnc iCl\lll'L‘ “us cxpzintling ill itll gltl"\tf‘»‘\'f"l‘ insomn- . ;.:' :' : z cxponcntittl i'tilc illlti \xc \xcrc gctting hi‘cc/c hitlL‘i'x-\l/L‘Li \‘itlco pitucrx to minutotnu " a i v ' " -- '= -‘ z - - - ' : ' :: littctl. Thc digital \Vutch \\;t\ ti thing ol' hcttut}; ztntl \t'hcn it cutnc \x'ith ill] .-."'i\. [met I v w i : :" ' " r ~ . : : titltlctl L‘itiL‘lliLtlttl'. \Vc tlroolctl tlI thc pi‘ospcct ol' ounng such ill] ‘uth'zincctl' and: it ,. l: v v f" a a ' " w z :- piccc ol' Lilllli pt'occsxing cquipincnt. 'l'hut thc huttons \x'ci‘c too tin} cx'cn l'oi' lértlilfil" « wt mi ~ 2' ' z . 1 i 2 our schoolho} linch \\ll\ ll‘l'L‘iL‘Htlll. must-hint; w or tl'l'l v ; . : 'l‘hcn cttntc tlic Iii/ioi-uiiom ctittilogtic Llllti its gzitlgct—puckctl Pilgc\. It \\;i\ saith“: “WW-ti" T'r=' 3' thc hcxt mud in thc Suntlzi} punch. hut you chci' mct unyonc \\ ho‘tl hought tit/ant; ring; it ,‘viitrl‘ « ' '_' . : tlll}litlllg l'ront it. 'l‘hc cutuloguc ix no inoi'c hut thc outlit still c.\i\t\ comm [)trJr’l/fi't} 2: ~-: . " v: :1 onlinc. ol~ L‘t)lll'.\L‘. 8o imctct‘utc nccdlc lill'L‘tltiCl'S t'Dil'licult} thrczitling .(Dtll tléllltl Nti.‘ -- ' ncctllcx'.’ No mot‘cf l ctttt \Iill log onto \\‘\\'\\'.iImthtItottxcottk. tli.‘.;i'fliw_; mil MN" m 2 law ' : . :l -- :' But thc llllllllilIL‘ tlcsignci' hit ol‘ kit is Soii_\'\ ;\lB(). thc l‘irst mass «In! as; llthtl‘il"‘L.f» tia T' pi‘otlucctl ‘cntcrttiinincnt i'ohot‘. complctc with artificial intclligcncc tchcck it'll). motion t'wc: m- a .. " ' I" ' u\ux.uiho-curtipccoin for mom inl‘o). It looks shin}. hut it has no l‘L‘Hi tisc Estiil t: It's. Al ' \VilillMtLWL‘l'. lt‘x :i cutc littlc ptipp}. hut . . . that‘s it. And \xith u pi'icc tug ill failtl'lf 'i“."" ; vvw“. ' o\cr £l.(l(l(). th l‘oi' \ttlttc i'cuxon thc_\' tirc cmincntly tiL‘\ll'tlhiL‘. \xhich ix 11 mt,- l : tr. lot morc than _\ou can \11} for thosc lunnmowcr-Iikc chmn' ll'illl\pt)l'IL‘l'\. :;.«;:<;~w 'r‘: v t'it- :tti'W' E ‘,"'-~- WHAT YOUR FAD GADGET SAYS ABOUT YOU .";l.'“- w " Calculator watch Doop :uuitmi tloruio to lnt? in Buck Rogers .'.oii<i of space ,isttiim. f'wa r' " w babes and mixer htiii. f'w 1 I Hi! " ‘w‘ w' "-1 -Ei - :' : " a? .‘2' Innovations addict Lack of .llftiglllttlIIOll nootl fOi others; to tell {.Lto just shat fin-8h ('2': :‘ti't : :t. 'r : .' -- : 2 2 : do. Do \oti maln need it Video Rouxintio' to 'stixo illl‘é,‘ and saw your VCR fmn‘ an muggy" s.- i‘ " w ': :, :' ' :" '

unit and 1041i" ;‘ Please. ("lulgtfl-f’ i ,mwgt: 1' " ' , '~- , z :' 2 ' Sony AIBO Atlttictcti to the :titcrzf t'ontti More n‘onot than. :zséntst: hot loans; of «tr‘y. téag‘irirs'i‘ r: 1" t "' .' '. .- v ." ;" cool \ct useless - tic-tin Or t‘o'htips HST i0'tt‘l‘.. *l‘ szg: on": ['1‘ 31' ': r: w 2‘ : " -- " ~'

Segway Human Transporter Onc .‘ui‘l’tli .iiit‘v’t. one-2 m Uzi. '. .~ ; '1' i ,2. 2

I FOOD & DRINK W BOOKS m ,_—____J (1i BRO. cl {‘lit: t0 trtli d'hl (t steam. '/ 3'11 " i I '1 ,‘"' ‘* ~— ‘_~__-' 11?"? POEM? Unit". nix: ’tft-E tr‘égt’: to» ~ .7' 1'; . .; z.’ ' -.‘. - ‘-‘~ xit‘t) \ A, 1' ' Ct" I 4'6! 9’ ' " ' 4‘ G»! k4? I, l t '..... - » hi“. ,3 '7 - , . l ' f' 15\K 9: a a \ r ' but ‘k.’ ~ " 7 A l.‘ “A “.‘o ‘\ x , \o o o ~Or O ' ‘i ‘L as! 50' col vb .Jti .‘.t:' t JO l 'tnt: ' h '. .4 a ' - 2/! ' M“ U _ I'lel‘é‘r‘.0'; c105. t1".’}"t}'z:‘ 1' ' l" '7 ° .e‘.{‘-~. ‘3 o,\ x x , x0, _,\ Vo,‘ m , ,- ,x,‘ 0'", ‘r 1: I 332-. Volt}: Lk mil t' 5.1' cit ac/u' :‘ J c. ‘1' i. 7 , .___—__ \ «111$ 514‘er .' _' 'Jti PCT: 12‘: :w: : . , I ..' -: a aztype.tha.]p/

:.. THE LIST 117