Classified Personal


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124 THE LIST 25 Dem—‘2 May 232:"


VI Saw You in bltre. tit yellow. rri black. tit red arid Ill green. I tell it I‘ll \lely now, maybe it is because ot the cake The tie\t time it's on tiie' All my sweet loye \\ J. [7520/l

V I Saw You looking at strange glitter on the Internet. My. yoti are a se\y worker. [7520/2

V I Saw You Jenny. marble- eyed girl in IIotatties. You wanted to play iii the trees btit I lust smiled. I bought you cake altltottgli yoti took the biggest bit. I);tll0tllls are I'orey er. \ [7520/3

O I Saw You lass III the window. dark hair. green top. marathon phone call. (iibsoti Street. Why don't you phone rite tie\t tittte'.' ('hap iri wirtdow (AKA 'I'oiiii. [7520/4

V I Saw You iii the Arches (are Bar and I thought yott were Iroin heay en. Yoti had your hair iii a pony tail arid Iiad a loyely sniile. [7520/5

V I Saw You Italian litirik I)Jing in Reyolyer. Will yoti play me a loye song'.’ [7.520/0 VI Saw You Saintly MacRobet't technician. Stirling. Please ask the lot a spark plug‘.’ [7520/7

V I Saw You location: I.aya eliib tnow kel‘i itt Aberdeen. When: 2/3 years ago. (iirl iii red and black T-shirt with black cat and ‘()n the l’row I' design

on it. Saw you. dark-haired guy.

denim. with blorid trieitd. Yoti kept staring/smiling at me. I still remember? ['/520/.\’

V I Saw You se\y Wagarriarna man iti black. I)o )‘ou liy'e III the btishes'.’ You seryed me my rarnett. l-‘aney slurping on my noodle soritetime‘.’ [7520/9

V I Saw You ()ptiiiio. 10 April. You stood in ITOIII ol‘ me on daneelloor. Was it jllst me or could you not stop looking'.’ Also outside you had on the same jacket as me. great minds. eh‘.’ It you fancy dis- eussirig the liner points ol‘ men's tailoring then get iii touch? [7520/l0

V I Saw You \Voodlands Road I‘)/0-I tan ambulance was in the road? i. dark haired bloke. walking along wearing hoodie. headphones and a cute smile? You're ('l'Tli? I I‘m the guy with the green sweater. ['/520/l l

V I Saw You Aimee. IIB()S. Sauehiehall St. I see yotr on my way to work eyery other day. You are “the most beautiful girl iii the w'orldl' How about a drink some time'.’ [7520/I2

V I Saw You in the Lott on Sat 9th. Your name was (‘laire and we talked for ages. I loyed your shirt from .\'Y arid your smile. Would low to see you again and talk about teeter X [7520/I3

V I Saw You at Mono. I was I)Jing and you hugged me. I was happy that at least one person was listening. Fancy hearing the rest of my collection? [7520/14

V I Saw You lulah at .-\titeehre. ['ntot'ttinately. I didn't get to smell yoti later \antlla tk (‘oeontits [' 520 I5 V I Saw You the 2 se\y guys behind the counter at the Kings (ale. Sunday I'll take your sausage supper arty day limit the I‘lttlttle title I’[ 52” I0 VI Saw You the \oth gtrltes. I I,()\'I'. Y()[' \I I."' You really make me Iiappy. arid I on e In mg with yoti. loye. your little housepansy \.\\ I' 520 I"

VI Saw You g‘itlg'etttlS beauty in I‘I-10s green l)or'is I);ty dress. We danced Ittl ages at ('ltib \otr on ‘Ith .\pr‘t| I was iti top liai and [ads I‘ 520'IS . I Saw You at the lrtusw iek Ilotel You were playing the [Miss \\ till your I‘iIIIII the ltiyisablesl I think you're really hot and se\y. I‘ll be looking lorwat'd to seeing you again' [752009

V I Saw You Wendy. at Molly 's party. and eyer srriee lll my dreams. You: datt wooly hat. Me: Brad I’rtt. iii a lat and bald way. I'aney a cheeky Iiall [7.520/20

VI Saw You Holt. ()n tube. reading .Ilt'rm. You: black boots. beatitiltil l’aee ck ('eltie bag. Me: bloride al'ro'n'spees. .Mitid there's a job in May. brirtg young snoutage. It's et'ys tal time . . . Yeehahlll [7520/2l 0| Saw You in seat .‘I; on

BAl-Ih'o. tile in 7|). You told me

about Maehu I’ieehtt. Meant to say goodbye. Maybe you tray el ultra-lite? \Votlld ItI\L' [U see your ties. [7520/22

VI aw You with your goth baby hanging abooi London Road with ('atlierine /.eta. Spiti round dead last III your skirt and we'll chuck mice at yotr' [7520/23

0 I Saw You Scottish Ballet dancer Mark tI tliitik I. first guy on stage lor‘ 'I'lit' I'iryl [Urn/Iron on I-‘riday l5th April. I think you're so ('[ulilill Me. llttlslc teacher land a guy Ill [7520/2-1 V I Saw You tall dark boy with bright blue hoody. loitering without intent Blytheswood Square ION/05. You smiled at me. I smiled about it tor the rest ol' the day. Thanks \u [7520/25

VI Saw You Big Socks checking to see it you are still ‘the best'. You are and you always will be \ [7520/20


VI Saw You Dolly. Bjork. Tina and Bananarama strutting your l'unky stint on Saturday. Jtist to say thankyou so much for eyeryihing. I am oyet‘- whelmed by your et‘t'orts. You are I‘abulotis. Madge \ [7520/27

V I Saw You lat larti speeding past. I wiin I could go on his rooli rack . . . one lrorti oo la Iain [7520/23

V I Saw You iii the Venue first then at l)ogrna and the Venue again and we went to Manga alter that. Why doth you come back to mine again'.’ Alice. [.7520/2‘)

VI Saw You outside I lltl‘u drinking cottee with two sugars I like your 50s style I think your name is Steye I e: s sneak oll to \iiiiie's sortietiirie soon [ 5jtl1ti

VI Saw You llasetnent liai I. bored. sattastit liedontst i I'.» lattIasIle loyel. saw yHII. dark stranger wttli se\y. teinrriiiie stiiile. sitting on lucky seat. Saturday night Iree tot .r dante ‘I 520 ll

VI Saw You on the IIlz‘Il Street on Sunday III a tall blat k liai l 530 y.‘ V I Saw You III the llasernent' You are older now btit so much se\iei (let ha. I. behind [Ilt‘ l‘dl. j.‘l\e Ille g'lll\ .t tieat"' Still into you alter all those years I 22” 5;

V I Saw You Spoon and /.' (iettnan. intrepid e\p|orers teaehrng the suiiiittit ot your incredible elieniu al tourney lots and lots til I[I\I\ to you both its all down IIIII ltoiii liete \ \ \ I‘ 520 H

V I Saw YOU \\ee Is’etl II.” l;t\[ \\ eeketitl I \\.t\ llI.tItlle artist. intelligent. ltiguhtiotis. itito Reyes and Is’eage. you were the dark. I .itin siren \\ hy not 'ttiipasto instead ot 'wash [‘xsgor :s

U I Saw You talented \totti Hortibs. \\ Iiistle litrikies Iue I2/‘I/II5. ttlltl \\.ts stltltlellly Itielled by air uncontrollable urge to rock. You did IIIIII_‘.'\ with those guitars we rieyer knew was possible W hen t an we see you again I 520 so

V I Saw You in Mtl)ona|d Road library. You are the se\._‘. dark haired library assistant Are you single Do you like bookwor‘rns Sriitle


VI Saw You I..'t\\lellce III I’lanet ()ut bein' a twat in a hai' [7520/IS

VI Saw You at It]! Iliriger. 'I'httr'sday night. with your thigh high to the sky boots that were kicking' Walk with ine' See you at the tie\t one. kinky \. [Bin/W ' V I Saw You loolslrtg as beatitiltil as eyer. with your I‘l'ellell tnatt wrapped around you. Already missing you eyen belore my glass ol caya is enipty' Rerneriiber ll you eyer want to yrsrt just click your shoes together and say

‘there‘s no place like home" low you ('alrni \ I /520’-10 VI Saw You Sally hostess with the itiostest trying to look alter a bunch ol era/y drunks Saturday MN. 'I hanks tor a lab night \\\ [7520/lll

VI Saw You I)Jirig at Maddogs. you‘re so sL'\y you big bloride thing. (‘an I get your number. l)ar'reii. [7520’42

O I Saw You on the liltrcl. run (ilelllress Sunday it'd Ar'rl. ll you watit sortie corripany on your tie\t adyenture I will let yoti fix my puncture this tune. [520/43

0 I Saw You at llre I‘ilrnhouse mm. with your little cards. I'd like to read what you‘re reading. You'll always be a winner to me. [7520/4-1