Chop Chop


Manager Mark Paterson

Established 1990

‘l've worked here for l 1 years. ever srnrte loayrng schools We make all our own pros and sausages here. The old folk come rn nearly ovenv day and you know what they want. She'll say, "Hall a pound of rnrnee." and you'll say. “Aye. ah ken," My tayour'rte rnoat rs prohably the rrh eye steak. It you roast rt rn the oven Wrth a couple of onrons rt owes rt a really nr(;e flavour. lhe large hag of hones rs rnarnly for dogs. hut some people do make soup Wrth thorn.

28/ (sort/r Walk. [drnhurg/r. 07;?! 40‘? /‘-1:'>'9



Manager liawns Herd

Established 900:3

'I had a shop rn tho late 70s hotor'o krds came along and then had a stall rn tho 3020 craft tarr for 20 years. I make most of the worm-Ens hats. With some made by outsrde desrgners. Tho whole goth oornrnunrty love top hats - they buy thorn to go Cluhhrng rn.

‘Some of the nroest and most unusual thrngs happen when the orrcus comes to town. I made a hat Irke rn Bow/res “Ashes to Ashes" yrdeo for an ltalran clown once.‘

73 Corrrgateneaofi Europa/gr: U78 7 93:3 92:73. it Wit fab/ratrn; corn

Wards Footwear Repairs


Manager Er‘rC Ward

Established t945

‘l‘rn the HMO generation of my tam-l; to run the shoe Srnce we opened .n 1945, M\ gr'ar‘dtathe'. Thomas Ward. started the busrness no the home of cooolers. Nonhampton. We have an old-fashroneo style and we look after all shoe types from cheap jrmrny shoes to expensrye Guco heels. One guy asked rt he coma we: whrle we frxed hrs Shoes: \‘.8 sard yes. so he ro:leo up hrs trOLrsers. took hrs otrmrm leg o and Dot rt on the COunter With the shoe strll attacr‘ed.

70 Merk/and Sr. G/asgou. 07.17 33w! 0778

