Wednesday 4 '

Activities 8 Events

ENDpapers 2005 Short Story Prize Launch Bordcrx lllNIlA. ‘l8 Btithanan 8Ircct. 333 "Hill ti " illrttii lndcpcndcnt [tllltlhlllllg' lltith' l‘.\l)[‘.l[\t‘l\ 18 looking lot budding \klllL‘h to \llltlllll a ililili \toi’d \lill} ill‘illll 3l\l \L'Illlll'} (il.l\f_'ti\\ (iii along to Iiiid out tltc rulcx. tltc pit/cw and )oui dcadliiic

Self Regulating Poster Wall ('( ‘.-\. i5” Satithicliall Strcct. ‘53 ~l‘)t)tl Scc 'l lIll 2.x


Curator’s Favourites Hunt-II ('ollcclioti. 3W“) l’ollithliaux Road. 35” 355‘) 13 ill lprii l‘rcc l‘.llllll.l l.ciglttoii. t triatoi oI ('ltiiicw and ()riciital

t |\ llI\;tllUlI\. tll\\'ll\\t'\ (‘liiiitwc llan l),\lia\l} (‘crariticx ol Ihc .-\Itcililc


Beginners’ Capoeira Workshop ('aiitnal .r\rt\. 3nd l-looi. i-l s\|brort Strcct. 553 8(tl7 () " itlltiii. tL-ll, Scc Mon 3.

Thursday 5

Activities 6; Events

Self Regulating Poster Wall (‘('.\. 35H Saucluchall Sticct. 553 JOHN, Scc Hit: 38. I Family History Open Surgery Mitchcll librai'}. 30! .\'oth Strcct. 38," 30W. 5. itlpiit. 'l'i'acing _\otlt‘ lillllll} lll\ltil'_\ \til \lllL' \\lIL‘l‘L' [it look .’ ilillL' L'\pL‘l'i\ III'L‘ t‘lI liartd oitcc again ollcring hpr and ad\ icc at llll8 drop-in cxcntitg \urgcr}.

Food & Drink

Asparagus with Attitude! lziarii. I’r'rriccx Stltiar'c. 335 5(i3tl. U”. ’l’akc adtaiitagc ol axparagux \caxon. \\ itli a \ltccialh coiicoctcd Iixc cotirxc riicnu coiitbiniiig tllllt‘l't‘lll Itpcx ol tltc dchcac} Iioiit lauropcan \xliilclippcd Io lillll8ll grccn. Booking ad\ ixablc,


:I: The General Election \‘arioux \ciitic\. Scotland. 7am Illprn. 'l‘akc part in tlic dcinoci'atic proccxx. (io on. \\ c darc _\ou. SL'L‘ llllllxl.


ArtBites! \lclcllaii (iallcl‘lw. 37H Sauclticliall Strcct. 5b5 4 ltlll. liini, lircc. Short talk oit l)a\ id \thkic'x "lhc ('ottarx Saturda} \igltt‘.

Hamilton Lecture (ilaxgou l‘nixci‘xil) Bo_\d ()ri‘ Btiildirig. 38" 3504. 7.30pm. £3. l’rol' lii‘lcndur llai‘aldwon gi\c\ llIl\ Iccturc L'ltlillcd ‘l lo“ (loud I\ llIL‘ li\ ItlclIL‘L' litil’ llliC bcl'orc birth ."


How to be a City Gardener: Advice on organic gardening techniques lllL' llltltlt‘ll (iill'tlclh. ilil';llll\\;t_\. .Nllk‘l’l l)ri\c. (I845 33H 35”]. Ht) 3.30pm. l‘i'cc. liitproxc )otti‘ gai'dcning \klll\ lll thcxc \tcckl} \\til‘k\lltip\. Bookiitg i‘cquircd. Hip Hop Dance Classes (‘('.-\. 35f) Saucliichall Sircct. 553 4‘“), 7 8pm. £5 if-li. Scc Thu 38.

Activities & Events Self Regulating Poster Wall (‘(‘.-\. 35H Saucliicliall Sti'cct. 553 .1001). Scc Thu 38.

Activities & Events Self Regulating Poster Wall ('('.i\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 Will). Scc Thu 38.

Food & Drink

Farmers Market Quccn‘x Park. 53” langxidc Park. 38' 3501). Want 3pm. l-‘rcc. .-\ cltancc to but trcxh producc dtrcct trout tltc llll‘lllt‘l‘x


Write-Tron for All Trim 'l‘hcati'c. b5 ‘l‘roitgatc. 553 43W. I 1am 1pm. £5 t£3.5tli. Stcphcn Barrio runx llli\ crcalb c \ti‘iting \\0l‘k\llOP tor adultx. Booking L‘\\Cllli;ll.

Activrties <3 Events

Self Regulating Poster Wall ( ‘(‘ \. i5” Saucliichall Strcct. 1534‘"th \cc 'l liti 38

Monday 9

Activities & Events

The Local Pool Tournament llic local. ’13" Satlcliicltall Slt'ccl. 553 81”“ "pin. UH Shaikx at tltc icad}. gct wt to out L35“ iii lC.llIl\ oI tuo. l)l'llll\\ proiitox and l).l\ kccp )oti critcrtaiiicd \tlicn itot p|a_\trig.

Self Regulating Poster Wall ( ‘(‘ \. 55H Silllclllclldll Silt‘k'l. ~l‘)lli) \t‘t' Thu 38.


Beginners Capoeira Workshop ('arni\a| .-\rt\. 3nd l'looi. i4 .\lbion Slrcct. 553 NH”. (i 3. 5llplll. Ut rL-lt SL'L‘ \ltill 3

Tuesday 1 0

Activities & Events

Self Regulating Poster Wall ( ‘(' \. 35H Sauclticliall Slrcct. ‘53 JOIN). Scc Thu 38.

I Tours of the Mitchell Library Mitchcll library 3Ill \oi'tlt Sti‘cct. 38“ 390‘). 3pm. Bchiiid tltc \cciicx at (illhgtm \ l'aiiioux .\litchc|l librar}. \lL‘L‘l ill I'L'L't'plltill till KL'lll Road.


Conversation Pieces: Richard Holloway Ro}a| (’oticci‘l Hall. 3 Sauchicltall Strcct. 35.1 8000. lpiii. £3.50 iii ad\ancc; H on tltc da}. ()nc ol tltc Illti\l ouhpokcii and colill'o\cr\ial llglll'L‘8 iii tltc niodci'ii clturch. Ioriiicr Bi\llop ot' lidiiiburgh tand IIC\\ hcad ol tltc Scottixh .'\rl\ (‘ouncili Richard llolloua} ollci‘x a nu“ and

lllIL‘tilh cntional undcrxtaiiding of tlic ('hrixtiaii l"aith. llc is alxo tltc author ol’ \ucli Iillcs ax 'l'lir' (iru/lr'u .llnltr/m arid [hm/m (Ulr/ /.Ul‘r'\.

Wednesday 1 1

Acttvrties & Events

Self Regulating Poster Wall (‘( ';\. 5.5” SlllIL‘lIlL‘llllll SII'L‘L'l. 5.53 4””). SL‘L' Thu 38.


Curator’s favourites Buri‘cll ('ollcclion. 3(l(i() l’ollokxltatxx Road. 387 3550. I330 lpiii. l‘icc. liIi/abctli llancock. dircctoi' oi postgraduatc \llItliL‘\ ill tltc DCCUI'IIIIH‘ :\l'l\ lllltl l)c\igti lll\lUl’} at (ilaxgtm lithchit}. talks about a ltttlt ccntur} cupboard.


Beginners’ Capoeira Workshop ('ai'ithal Arts. 3nd l‘loor. 34 Albion Slrccl. 553 8037. () 7..‘~llprti. (Hi. SL‘L‘ \lon 3.

Activrties & Events

Self Regulating Poster Wall (‘( ‘.-\. 5.50 Saucliichall ~\‘II'CCI. 5.53 490“. BLT Thu 38.


ArtBites! .\lcl.c|lan (iallcricx. 37H Sauclticltall Sti'cct. 5(t5 4 Hill lput. l-i‘cc. Short talk oil “(9 ()i‘chardxoit'x ‘Nlar‘i‘iagc ot' ('onwnicncc'.

Gender, Violence and Art: Viewing and Making Images of Power ( iallcr} ol~ \lodcrn .-\i1. ()uccn Str‘cct. 33‘) “Mb. (x30 3.30pm. lice l)l' :\dclc l’atrick trout (ilaxgou \Voritcn'x librar} gi\c\ thix illustrach talk on tltc icprcxcntatiou ol' \HIIIIL‘II in art throughout lil\lttl'_\.


Hip Hop Dance Classes (‘(‘.»\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 4000. " 8pm. 9.5 (Ni. Scc Thu 38.



Raeburn‘s Skating Minister \\t-\ti -ii I titk. lla‘atitoiiidcit l ccttiic lhcatic. \.lll\'lllll ( i.tllt'l\. lllt' \li‘lllltl.

l3 15 l ‘ltttni\kctcd lx’ixai lccturc to Dr \lct‘lictl l lottik \i‘llit'llllillh [‘liiltii\lllitll that thc national iu‘ri tltc \katiitg lllIlIhlt'l ‘-‘-.i\ itaintcd bx lrcncli .lliI\l llciiri l’icirc l)aitlau\. and not Mr llctii} lx’aclttirii llllllcall lllitlllvll. I8 licic Io dclcrid tltc toutitrtriiaiik lion ‘lll


Marks, Strokes and Washes \attoiial (Lilli'l) ol \cotiarid (‘loic ldtication ( ‘critrc. lhc \lound. “3 i t~5ltll lll 5ll.llll l3 lllpiii UH: 1i \ l.t\lt'l \t'881Hlllll\\lllcll.llll\l\l trill} lcarnioiit and \iidrctt \l.l\l\\'ll/lt‘ c\ttloic a i.iii:'c oI tll.t\\lllj3 and painting Ict llllltlllt‘\ Bu} tickct\ lioiii tltc \\t'\lttll l irtk iiilo dc\k or call bctttccii ‘l 1“pin -1 {llttrii \lori l;r

Friday 29

Activrties €31 [-vonts

WHALE Open Day \\ halc l t'.tllllll_‘..‘ (critic. ‘sll \\c\tbtirri ( how. 15.8 Ch“

i (iitiii. l'tcc lcaiii \oiitc ol tltc .lll\ [H.tclht‘tl at tltc \\ H \l l lcarrtriij.‘ \t"1ll\'. giallilt. l).ltitg. |t'\\t‘llt‘t} making and

The Guid Crack Club \\a\cil\ Bat. 81 \ltii}\ Sttcct. 55b “53" 3 {Until 2.3 5” lhc club \xclcoriicx gucxt \lltl}lt'llt'l (‘liuck \\.itrcu. \xitli \llillt'8 arid lcgciid\ lrorit tltc ( )llaua tradition


Laura Hird: Oedipus Wrecks ( iorgic ('rl_\ l'ai‘tit. 5| (ioigic lx’oad. ii" -13ll3

3 hint. l‘i'cc. ladiiibiiigli author I atiia llird llti\l\ llII\ \torkxholt Ior' \\I'll\‘l\ iiitcrcxtcd in contributing a \lltil'l \toi} oii tltc tliciiic ol pai'ciithood

Saturday 30

Activities & Events

Beltane Storytelling \atioiial libiai) til Scotland. (ictit'g‘t‘ l\ lllltlgt‘. 33“ ~15 5l 5|tlll. Bctli (tow r'ctcll\ thc \tor} oI tltc aiiciciii (‘cltic cclcbratiori riiaiking tltc |\;l\\lllf_' ol \tiiitcr and thc coining ol ihc \L‘;t\till til liglll.

* Beltane Fire Festival 2005 ( 'altori Hill-173 3llllll. ‘tpni Iaiii. L i. llll\ llllillllttlh night ol iit;i}lit'rii arid lll.l\lllt'\\ L‘HIIlllllIL‘\ atop(‘ai’ltoii lllll. .8'cc llllll\l


3D/2D Craft 8. Design Fair .\\\criibl_\ Riltllll\. (iL‘lll'th‘ Slit't'l. 33“ 3433 lll.5lllllll ~l. iflpiii. L'l tTIIIii. (‘oittciitporan ciall. tlt'\lj.‘ll arid aituoik\ dirch Iroiit tltc Ill.ll\L‘I\ lllL'lll\t'l\t'\

The Leith Market ( ‘oiiiuicicial ()tia}. ()ccaii l)ri\c. Mi- ‘l-133. \ pcrriiaiicrit iiiai'kct \tith Iood. lil8lllttll. \lL'\|_L'lI. llllllqllt‘8. lurnitur’c. book\ and IIlll\l\‘

Food & Drink

The Incredible Veggie Roadshow 8i (icoi'gc\ \cht (hutch. 58 Sltaiiduit k l’lacc. Illaiii 5pm. l'l'cc \ll )Hll riccd to knou about going. bcing and \la} iiig \cggic or \cgan. \lcat l\ riturdci It |\. _\ou kiiou.


The BT Cup Final \liir‘i‘.i_\licld Stadium. Rncrxdalc (‘rcwciit ll8qllti~1ll l‘l35. L' lll r L5 i. llauick \'.\l and l’L‘I'llhlIll'L‘ coiiipctc iii tltc B'l Boul [trial at llaiit; (il;t\go\\ ,r\ccic\ and Bcrv. ick coriipctc in tltc B'l Sliicld l‘lllitl at l3.~15piii.’l'lic iitatnc\crtt.thc Bl ('tip l'ilial. \ccx (ilaxgou llau kx takc oli l)lllltlL‘C

Fairs Scotfairs Antique Fair \Icadoxibartk Sportx ('cntrc. 13‘) l.ondon Road. It] "(A

Around Town

Name Scott Nicoll.

Job Assistant manager of Brass Monkey.

Background I studied retail management at Glasgow Caledonian and then after a briei stint at the Jekyll and Hyde. I moved on to a graduate programme wrth Mitchell and Butler's where I worked at the Crags. I was lured here about five months ago.

Best part of the job? The people. the Customers. the music. And the worst? You enioy ll so much you end up coming in on your days off.

Tipple of choice? Havana Club No 7 and Coke with lots of ice and lime.

Favourite music to work to? This week it's Death From Above 1979's ‘You’re a Woman. I'm a Machine'.

Favourite film? Over the past few months I've seen a lot of new films because of the daily sereenings we do in our back cinema. but an all-time classic is Fight Club.

Who would play you in the film of your life? (This question opened up to a bemused set of regulars and co- workers) ‘Harrison Ford'. 'Tim Roth', Ethan Hawke'.

What would you do on an ideal day off in Edinburgh? I'd start the day with a trip to my local deli Victor Hugo for breakfast, then maybe seine climbing at Alien Rock. In the evening I'd meet all my mates in Teuchters for a rum or two. take in a gig at the Venue. then head to Pivo before home.

Open 1 1 am-Iam. seven days a week

I Brass Monkey. I4 Drummond Street, Edinburgh, 556 796 I (Interview by Louise Mee)

M51555 Want -1 illttiit Ll Bioxut- \I.ill\ ladcii \‘.|ll| icttcllci}. \l'lll\. liiicii. lllt'tl.ll\ and .llllltlllL'8

* FUNK Fair l._L'll. l~l l’lcaltl} l’lact'. 55‘ liHI. \oon (iitiii L3 \otlaiidK lll\l 3lltli arid 3l\t ccnttir} tlL‘\IL'll taii roilx into toun. \tith a lllll\lL \k'kllllll tlri\‘.ll\l.tll\ \clhng \iri}| oI all gciticx lltl‘llltilh 8cc llllll\l,


Curator’s Talk \allolial Uallct'} iiI \lodcrn ,\I'l. ‘5 Bcllrittl l<ti.ttl.(i3-1(t3‘tll l3.-1.<[tlll.l‘IL'L’ l’atrick l;lliott. \L'IIIHI curator at tltc (iallcl') ol \lodcrri .\rt. j_'l‘-L'\ a \lidc talk about l)aniicn llir\t\ 'l.a\l Suttch [it'llllx

:. . " THE LIST 29