Funk soul bro her

GILLES PETERSON, the king of funk, worldbeat and jazz, talks to David Pollock about his upcoming Triptych dates.

I on man} i‘eeni‘dx do I nun'." niuxex (iillex H I’t‘lt‘l‘vtli. '“t‘ll. IIIL‘}.\L‘ gttl IIICII' tmll I‘lttl.

\Vlien \\ e had ehildi‘en and the i‘eeni‘dx xtai'ted creeping tip on tix. Ill} \xil'e told me In wit it ntit. I thought. “I‘uek it. I better get a ne\\ )ai'd". xn I hniight them a Hat in ninth l.niidnn. 'I‘Iie} pa} their nun i‘eiit. it’x gi‘eatl‘

l)expite hix e\uhei‘ant. I‘ll}I\IlI) enthuxiaxiie telephone iiiannei‘. l’etei'xnn NH \er|. “Yeah. I \\;1x I‘la}ini—‘ Bai'eelnna nii Saturday he i'eeniintx. ‘Hiit it \\ ax hell. 'l'he) had in drag nie l'i‘nni iii_\ hed tn the \eiiue. and I ‘Ill\l hit the aiitnpilnt and let in} .\I(' help me ihi'nugh it. Then I had in dn lli_\ i‘adin \Ilim nii Sunday \xhieli \\a.xn't nice. But I ha\en't inixxed a \Iltl\\ tlii‘nugli illnexx in Ill )t‘tii'x. xn I had tn he there.‘

That laxt eniiinieiit ix a telling nne. made in a tlii‘n\\a\\a_\ niannei‘ htil xn nln iniixl} a badge nl linnnui'. It‘x not a textanient In either i'einai'kahle luek ni' enld- e) ed pi‘nlexxiniialixni ax it ix a xiniple iiiatiei‘ nl hix gning he)nnd the eall nt‘ dtit} l’ni‘ the eattxe. .x\nd I’etei‘xnn’x eaiixe ix intixie. ax an_\nne \\Iltl hax heard nne nl' hix mai'xellniix|_\ eeleetie i'adin xlin\\x \\ ill attext. In xa} that I’etei‘xnn ix the I'K'x t'ni'eiiinxt autlini‘it} nii tunk. xnul. law and ;\ti'nheai \xnuldn't he tnn \\ ide nt‘ the mark.

The other higgext gi\ea\\a_\ in l’etei‘xnn‘x tnne ixn _\nuthl‘ul and xpnradie eninpai‘ed \xith the xnl't. \xixe \niee nn the radio; it'x uneei‘tain. at liixt. \\|lL‘lIlCI‘ l'\e dialled the right (iillexi ix an element nl liniiext nindext_\. Ask him Itn\\ hix |n\ e nl iiiiixie tii‘xt de\e|nped and he etitx hix entire tun-and-a-halt deeade eat‘eei' dim n iiitn a matter-nt-l‘aet in e minute i'ainhle. \xliieh xtai'tx nlI “uh ‘I bought deekx when I \\ax l5 alter hearing nld hlaek

34 THE LIST . ~- ' '

niuxie nii pirate radio and xtai'ted Wing at \xeddingx and hat mil/\alix . . .' and endx \\ ith a keen xuniniatinn nl the l'nui‘ ( iillex I’etei'xnn ini\ alhunix due thix )t‘tii‘.

.-\niidxt the hixtni'}. he kind nl' glnxxex nxei the pirate i'adin )t‘tii‘x. \xlien lie and a l'i‘ieiid ran a xtatinn lt‘niii hix pai‘eiitx’ garden xlied hel‘nre heing xpntted h) the I'K‘x largext xniil pirate. lmieta. 'l‘lien eaine the eluhx. like \ie‘k) Ilnllnua} ‘x Special Bi‘aiieh. hix nun 'I‘alkin‘ I.nud in (‘aiiideiL and later 'I’hat'x Him It Ix ten-run hy l’etei'xnii and .\In'\\a\'x .laiiiex l.a\ellei. ’I‘hix \\ ax l‘nllnued h} the mine intn inainxtreain i'adin. lirxt with Jan I".\I li'nin \\ItIL‘Il lie \tax a\ed l'nr ei‘itieixing the (hill War and then gi\ing ll'ni'li/ii'itlt' itx debut on Kixx l5.\l: and hix tun xeniinal lahel ei‘eatinnx. .-\eid .la// and Ialkin’ l,nud. \xhieh he xiiappil} xunix tip “uh ‘I think l ei‘eated a enuplex nl' geni'ex at one pnint.

(‘itiiig the ad\eiit nl' nnline xti‘eaniing and digital radio ax ilttpni'tanl tn hix enntinued \lIL'CL‘\\. hix iiiexxzigehoard. he xa_\x. ix the htixiext nt' BBC Radin'x. and hix xIttm ix in the tnp ten ninxt lixtened tn. 'Ynung penple are much inni‘e niuxieall} npen-niiiided than e\ei'.' he xa_\x of the eulttii'e lie‘x eniiti'ihuted xignilieantl} tn. "I‘hey lixten tn I)n\ ex at nne pniiit. (’nlti'ane the nut. and then I’lantlil'e. )nu knnu 1’ I it} and t'epi'exeiit that on [11} xhnu. even thnugli ii‘x teehiiieall) a dame programme. but I‘ll play t‘nlk ni‘ .lnliii \I;ii't}ii atid penple get it. When I “ax _\nunger )nu new a punk or a mod nr a xnulhn). hut thexe tla}x it'x inueh inni'e npeti. I In\ e it.'

Gilles Peterson will appear as part of Triptych at the Tramway, Glasgow, Fri 29 Apr; Venue, Edinburgh, Sat 30 Apr.

list >I<


Candi Staton loo much good stuff at Triptych so picking the highlights is next to impossible (check the pi'eViews and listings lot more into). But the vocals of Candi Staton shouldn't be missed. Bongo Club, Edinburgh. in .75) Apr; Henlrew Ferry. Glasgow, Sun I May.

Greg Wilson More lriptyeh nonsense with this electro pioneer. Ralph lawson ioins him for the Edinburgh date while Billy Woods is the support out west. Cabaret Voltaire. Edinburgh, Fri 29 Apr; Riverside Club. Glasgow, Sat 30 Apr.

Rising Sun: Manga noticed there was no drum & bass at this year's Triptych so they went and did summit about it. Future Engineers (pictured) IOITI the regular crew. The Honeycomb, Edinburgh, Fri 29 Apr.

Mission Hard rock authority the Mission reaches its sixth birthday worshipping at the alter of the mighty rift. Studio 24, Edinburgh, Sat 30 Apr.

Transmission Rhythm and Sounds Paul St Hilaire and Basic Channel are the very special guests on this date as part of Triptych. Henry Wood Hall, Glasgow, Sat 30 Apr.

No Formation Two bands. Tiny Montgomery and Laker, on the bill here. Oh. and don't forget DJ Verbal, who Will be filling out the night with his usual nonsense. The Universal, Glasgow, Sun 7 May.

: Punktrap Hard-ass. sometimes politicised punk music is the DJ diet at this May Day party. The Barfly are goung to have a hard time containing the clientele. The Barf/y, Glasgow, Sun 7 May.

: ' White Trash Cooking This is a great new club. and it's got the fine French band the Lovers appearing at it. What more does one need to say other than ‘turn up"? Brunswick Hotel Basement, Glasgow, Fri 6 May.