Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy© Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.

Thursday 28


Jongleurs Comedy Club .IlillleL‘lll\. l '( i(' Building. Rt‘nlit-u 8iit't'l. “8—H,” 870-7)“ Spill LT ll’I\li \liil}lt‘llt'l llit'ndun Iillllkt'. d_\ii;iiiiit‘ \ldllil up I)lL'\\ liriii. l);i\t- \Villiuiiix and lmutt'i lllL'I\lL'l' I<|\'ll.'ll(l .\loi'ion \uppl} tlit- laugh» The Thursday Show 'l’lit- Stand. Hi \\iiii(ll.‘ill(l\ Riigiil. H.870 (illi) ()lIS§_

8 illpiii. UMU Ur. ll;ipp_\ (illlllk‘l (inn: lIlll kt't'px iht- l;iu;_'h\ llilllllj.) iii lIlt‘ L‘Hlllllilll} ol hardcore Il'l\lllll;lll l;iii (‘oppiiijgt'ip dud luiiii} iii;iii Sit-w I).'l_\. (it-ii") \lt'l );idt' illltl I'.\\illl .lohii.


Billy CDnl‘IOIIy l \lit'i ll;ill. l.ollii;iii Road. 338 ll55. 8pm. 8( )l .l) ( )l "l'. 'l'ht‘ tiilhlllllllltllk' xiiii‘}it'llt-i' continin lll\ ll.’lllHll\\ Itlt' loui in which llL' illl\ lll\ lt';ii\ .ihoul dt'ulh. Big Word Performance Poetry 'l'ht- lion. ‘) IIllllIL‘l Stiurii‘c. lligh Sli'u'l. 33o ll‘Hl. ‘lpiii. Li 1L3). Mort- |Ul\t‘\ in l'll_\llllll_L' t'ouplt'lx lroiii th'lltll’tl \lcdi'iiiggloii. .IL‘llllllL‘l' \Villizuiix. ’l'i‘oon'x .-\nd_\ I'lL‘llllllfJ illlll dt'udpuii llltlll Sit-pht'n Burnuh}. \upporlcd h} .\l( '\ .lt'iii Rollx illltl .lcnii) I.llltl\;l_\. The Three Tuns Comedy Night 'l'ht' 'l'hiu' 'l‘uiix \Vinc \';iult\. 7 l l IItlll(i\L'l' Sii‘cct. (ll 3| 335 5—1l3. ‘lpni. l‘rcc. chgulur 'l'hurxdii} night L‘UlllL‘tl} ollt-ring. lmiiiriiig \'l;idiiiiir \lt’lm l\ll. ()uciilin l<t'}iioldx illltl .-\\hlc} l'ric/t'.

The Thursday Show 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lricc. 558 7373. “pm. l (3 £5). IIill'tIL‘HI'L' (il;i\\\ cgiiiii I'l‘dlllxlt‘ Ho} lc cnlt'rluinx iii lhc L'Hllllltlll} ol cool lli(i\L‘l' |;in \loorc. luid hack \\'cl\liiii;iii Rhod (iilhcrl. Km in Bridgcx :ind \Vood}. The Snatch Social 'l'hc liquid Rooiii. ‘lt‘ Vicloi'ui Sliu‘l. 335 35(i4. lti.3()piii .iuiii. £4 iUSlli. l‘ilih) k'ill‘ill'L‘l'tth'U l'iixioii l'czituring t‘oiiipt'i'c llgirr} .-\iii\\\orth l.-\K.'\ (inrlh ('i‘iiikxhunki illltl 'l'on} (‘zii'lci' \\ itli lluhcx illltl 'l‘rcnd} \Vcnd) lllliilillll} rcxidcnii \uppl} lllf.‘ hip hop illltl lunk} lllllL‘\. 'l‘oiiighl. l'oi' ihcii' lilih hirthdzi} t't'lchrniionx. (it'i‘niun) '\\l\ Shall rock _\oui‘ \xorld.


Watson’s Wind-Up (iluxgtm l-‘ilm ‘l'ht‘uirt'. l3 Row Sii‘cct. 333 8l38. lpiii. l‘rt'c hut liclwlcd. 'l'opiuil conicd} lun :il lliL‘ i’t‘t‘ol'dilig ol BIK' Scull;ilitl\ popular \I\L‘ICII \him \lill'l'lllg .liiliilllltlll \Vritxon.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlt-urx. l'(i(' Building. chlrcu Sircct. ll87ll7 870707. 8pm. U3. Soc Thu 38.

The Stand ‘I‘llt‘ Sltllltl. 3‘33 \Viimlltillilx Road. 0870 (illl) MISS. 8.30pm. £8 19.7 i. lrixh ixiconlcur lun (‘oppingcrioinx coined} t‘lltll'lllL‘l’ Sicxc Du). (icri"\ .\IL'I)iltIC. Km in lli‘idgt‘x :ind cli;illci‘ho\ hoxl Siixgin .\lorri\on.


Billy Connolly l'xlicr Hull. l.olhi;iii Road. 338 ll55. 8pm. 8()l.l) ()l'l. 80c Thu 38. Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. ()nini ('cnirc. (irccnxidc l’lucc. U871)“ 870707. 8.l5pin. U3. Bunicr-iiimxlcr 'l‘ini ('lurk \hui'u gi \iugc \\ iih

Check out the

on now

llll\\lllk'\i'll\ ‘-‘~ll lot' Ilt't'lldll. iii.xi::. gt'oidit' (l.l‘~ iii \\t'l\\it'i .iiid illi‘it' toiiit'd} lllt'liil\

The Stand llit' \ldlhl. \oil. l’l.:t.~ ‘58 "333 ‘lpiii :8 Mfr I.lll \looi.‘ \llH\\\ oil lll\ di_\ .1\ .: hoiit' liuiuoui 2n Illt' Lilllll‘dll} oi \\t-l\ lx’liotl (iilhci't. .lohii \lt lliidt: \\ootlj. .zntl lli‘\l .IilllL' \l.itl\.i}

Saturday 30


Jongleurs Comedy Club lHllL‘lt'lllx

l (i(' lliiildiiig. Rt-iilicxi \iicci. “CH” 8"li"li" \piii ill \t't' lliu 3\

Madcap Comedy Club Hi.- \\' Hal. H8 lloll.iiid Mini ;‘3 3H" \ mpin 25 it“. ll.iidiii.iii ( Ln} | llllt' llt'.lilllll\'\ \iiih xiippoii lioiii Ill\ll \lllllh l I.lll\ l\ llmh and \cil \lt’l .lll.lllL' ()pt'ii \i‘oh .ilw .i\.iil;il\l\‘

Blackfriars Comedy iii.“ Limo. in Hull Slit't'l. ‘5') i(Ch “pm to I 9 V I’lt'iii} ol l.iu;_'h\ lioni llljjll ll_\t'i l’.iiioi_ \Kiilil\lllllll \i\ (luv and Simon lliouii The Stand lllt' .\l.ilitl. 1;; \\Hl‘\lltlll\l\ thltl. llhqll ()IIII (illSS ‘lpm L Ill 1 LNi \t't' I'll 3‘). hui \\ illi t'oiiipt'it' Lint- \latko


Billy Connolly l Kim “.1”. I ollil.iii Rllilll. 338 I Iii 8pm. 8( )l .l) ( )l l \‘t' lliu 38.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlt-uix. ()iiiiii ('t'iilit'. (irt't'iixidt' l’ldu'. “87V 8”ii“rti". 8,l5piii. [I i. 811‘ I‘ll 3‘).

The Stand 'l'lit' ~\luiid. 5 \oik l’'t'. 558 "3‘3, ‘lpiii. [Illit8i. Sct' l ii 3". ;illlioii;_'li81i\.iii .\lorri\onlulu'xowi .l\ Il(l\l.


Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service llit‘ Stand. ‘3 ; \\iiiiill.iilil\ Road. “8‘” (illil (illss, .\'_3llpiii. L71 (Ll Ur. ('oiiicd} _\.ii'n \piniit-i' l;in ('oppiiigt'r ioiiix \Vt'lxh lio_\o lx’hod (iilhci'l. Km iii Bridgcx .iiid tlt‘dtll‘dll lioxl \Ilk'lltlt'l Rt‘tIIllllIltI,


Whose Lunch is it Anyway ‘l'lit- Stand. 5 York l’luu‘. 558 "333. lpiii. l‘rt‘c. ligixc _\our\cll iiilo lht‘ llliil‘lllllfJ ;illt'i lllt' night ht‘l'orc. \\llll \Ulllt‘ lrct'xl} lL' t'oiiit'd} ol'lt'riiigx ll‘iilll l’;iul (ii';ili;iiii and Stuart .\lurpli_\.

Bank Holiday Special 'l'lit- Sunni. 5 Yoi'lx Plan: 558 “333. 8.3llpiii. L8

(Ll L31). Ha} Ha} liiii \xilh \xit‘lu‘d llii\l llrucc l)c\ liii. \\ ho \it'lt‘onit'\ dmdpnn iii;in l;iii Moore and tlt‘ill t‘oiiiit' Slat- l);i) iiilo Ilic t‘oiiicd} l’old.


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance 'l'ht- Sitilid. 33.: \Voodluiith lx’imd. “hall NW 0055. 8.3llpni. Lil. .\lut'h lowd t'illllt'tl} iiiipro\ night \\llll 8;ind_\ \t‘lwn.

Ru} iiioiid \IL‘Jl‘lh. .\llt-n (‘h;ilincr\ and [RN \lcl .cuii. plux their trim} guitar and piano loi' t'oiiipun}. 8w l’rolilt‘ lor Sand} \L‘IMIII pagc ll.


Bed Raw 'l‘lit- Stand. 5 York I’Lit-c. 558 3333. 8.30pm. Ll .\nd_\ Rcid \llH\\\ ;i hunch ol' lrcxh lulcnl lhc t'oiiicd} ioptw

Tuesday 3


“Ed Raw llk‘ Sldlid. .23.; “Midldiith Rtl;ul_ ox‘n moo (loss. xfiiipm. {3 tr]. ('oiiipcrc (‘hrix llcnr} and lituidlint-i Mid} RCId arc lht‘ ;it‘l\ lo lollo\\ loi‘ .i llC\\ group ol coiiicd} “CHUHHCH.


Comedy Benefit Evening 'l’hc \ldllil. 5 York l’lm‘c. 558 “3‘3. Upni in NJ. Vladimir \lt‘lax I\ll. Sand} \clwii '\L'L' Profile» and lliiil‘L' coined} t‘riixitlcix imit- iokw for lauglh to llliillL') tor the lii‘ilhli RL‘d (luv. it it uh t/t HM w Muir/1.

Has Mark Thomas hung up his mic through election apathy?


Where have all the comics with a conscience gone?

With the general election looming, you‘d have thought that the world of comedy would be buzzing with ‘Tony Out!‘ gigs, Blue Wedge tours or ‘Hands Off, Howard‘ benefit shows. Yet, as X gets set to be marked on the ballot paper, the only one-off social awareness shows on the horizon are charity nights for the likes of the Red Cross and Scottish Community Foundation. Away from the nation‘s stages, all we have in the way of telly satire is 3 Rory Bremner election night special on Channel 4 with not even Mark Thomas inspired by this most insipid of campaigns to hear his teeth and take a chunk from the establishment. Could it be that the political battleground is in a permanent state of ceasefire?

Tommy Sheppard, owner of the Stand and former deputy general secretary of the Scottish Labour Party, is not so sure. ‘For a while the New Labour mogadon left performers and audiences bereft of political comment,‘ he states. ‘When many comics have some political references in their sets, it‘s usually about very obvious stuff like the war rather than any subtle commentary about political ideas.‘

He cites John Flint as one Scottish comic at the top of his political satire game, while you could also throw in a cause-motivated Bruce Morton and even Miles Jupp, who in his own way has pithin off-colour comments to make about class. Perhaps some comics may simply be averse to having too much of a go for fear of what could take its place. Sheppard believes that audiences are grown up enough to handle Blair—baiting. ‘Most anti- Blair comment from the stage finds a warm reception. Our audiences tend to be fairly liberal and warm to any commentary about the deficiencies of the government, especially when criticised from the left.’

(Brian Donaldson)

;. THE LIST 43