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a». .41." I”; IV W “at-"rwmigw M ’II'W’

A small pizza heaven

After months of waiting, there’s white smoke emerging from the new pizza ovens of Edinburgh‘s La Favorita restaurant. Donald Reid joined the crowds eager to meet the new arrival.


La Favorita 3155

0 Sole Mia 13/1 36 Bath Street. Glasgow ()l-'1 1 £3.51} initii'. i or to

reviews. see 7/70 / is! 1 rating 5: Drinking (Eu/1 lo. Ittfi-fif».

331 l. (zitli V‘Jalk, l (illli)tll'(_lil ()li‘Sl ass: 741:4),

:lotzitfs and

iii l‘-."( )l'liéi.(l()l ll

e are all sinners. We lime. in moments ol w ml n and hunger. been tempted hy lalse idols. 'l'lie tr pix/a. 'l‘he inicrowaye pi//a. The deep l'rietl [31”] Some ol‘ tis haye kept company with those who prel'ev d 9 pair and select toppings such as sw‘cctcorn. ayoeado or h w." .r\hsolution. how ey'cr. is at hand. To the palpahle e\eiien: lz‘ ol' lidinhurgh's Italian community. it may now he llt‘\\li‘l:. i tind a pi//a locally that has been prepared the way it \itill‘t ; :\nd the Italians. let’s remember. can he tpiite [ittt'llt‘llitl‘ a“. w such matters. [a l'ayorita is on the site ol the old Caprice. honie oi lirst wood—tired pi//a men in lidinhtirgh. l)ar|s. tired '1‘: shahhy. the (‘aprice closed last year and was talscn oyei lw

'l'ony ('rolla. proprietor ol' Vittoi‘ia’s restaurant iiist up I" road. llis amhition was to create the hest pi/xeria in i‘il'lM?‘ and at its heart are two stone— liiied. wood—tired pi/xa oyens ‘IF imported li‘om .\lodena in Italy.

In the opinion ol’ ('rolla. and W niost pix/a al‘icionados. il' A you‘re not cooking your pi//a

in a wood~lired men then you may as well giye tip on creating

the perlect pi//a.

There are certain types oi WE” l'ood and drink which you ' mustn‘t eyen consider trying to replicate at home. Proper espresso. decent cocktails. real pi//a they all retpiire \t,‘!'lt w lsit and/or e\pertise which you only really lind in a h ll or restaurant.

The ady‘antage ol a wood-lired pi//a men is two loltl l '3 hurtling wood will create the Iiiin temperatures needol it leaye the dough crispy hut still chewy and the toppir huhhling hut not hiirnt. Secondly. the smoke t'rom ilie will inihtic itsell‘ into the men and the lood eooieil ll: l [ilis YL'\[)k‘L‘l ll '\ it [ill iiitc‘ liiL‘ (iii ik‘rk‘lik‘k‘ i‘k‘i\\t‘k‘ii .! ~ l cooked on a char-grill and one cooked in a li‘y in}; pan.

\Vood‘lired oy'ens don't come cheap. and they need to n nurtured. lior this reason the yast majority ol pi//.i m heated at the flick ol‘ a switch by an electric element In llanic. [or a pix/a gourmet. thisitist doesn't cut the donut \. a temperature ol 380 .§()()(‘ a pi/xa cooks in around "I'. minutes. In a domestic or small commercial cici‘ltt eycii using a pi/xa stone. you‘re going to struggle to it nil " heat tip hcyond 35()(' and the pi//a will take ten itll'tt‘K it cook. That makes a serious dillerence to the way the h In whateycr yoti‘ye topped it with tastes.

The menu at In l‘ayorita has 3-1 dil‘l'erent pix/i elm. .- l‘roni the Marinara (tomato. garlic and oreeaiioi to l w :_, with eoreon/ola and li'esh pears. along; with ci.isstv wire and handmade pasta dishes. The look c-l the t‘i'dx‘ t\ We market and glit/y. with a hi}: glass l‘rontaee. sher wooden lurniture. shimmering; lampshades and m. l Mack and white lilin stills on the walls. \\'hat 'l'ony ('roll.

THF US" 31‘.