rung; iil' cilyxx iii; sci‘x i.':\. including xix-cilit‘ xiiplmrl llti‘ )i 1.;n~__i pgiaplc lll\(3l\L.‘Ll in drug and alcohol UVJ. RCA Trust Mirrcn llt‘Ll~c‘. Buck SngtlJnn Sii'ccl. l’;ii~lc_\_ 887 0880. l’i‘i‘._ic.‘l ghing l2 25-}cur-iililx ii(l\icc

& (in addiction i~~.;ic~. EN'V‘HW

Kali. .A/Ul a Alcoholics Anonymous 38 (\‘t'khiirzi Slrccl. ('zzll 22.< (1000111?

niacling limos.

This page lists a selection of organisations which provide

expert “Seam” “M” and 2:0 3.4.03. Main Sul suPport m Glasgow and l 5pm. Thu 4 8.3m. lnlin‘nxitiqm 011 Edmburgh’ ili‘iigx 21ml wx'uzil llCZillli leltl l'i'icnill} , .. . :x.l\. l'mzn [ruined \xin'kcrx.

Alcohol and Narcotics Edinburgh 8. Lothian Council on m Alcohol. (3 (‘lif'liin 'l‘cri'ziitc. 337 Xlxh‘. OBSgCK‘.’ lnlin‘nizziiiin. zi.l\ ice and \lliiliui'l. Alcoholics Anonymous Turning Point 3 Smith‘s Plus. 554 .‘0 “cilia-glam Sii'ccl. 22h 22l4 "5H1. Mun l'i'l ‘).3li;im 5.30pm. ()nc Li .\ln:‘. l‘i'i ‘);:::; <pin. 03145 76‘) 755‘ .24 an: citiznwlling l'i‘i' :i.l.li;is and support l‘..‘..l';. (hump \Lll‘l‘iif'l In liglp l;:;kl.‘ l‘i‘i‘ Elixir iiilillillc'x’.

;;l.‘iil‘i;‘li\:i‘i. West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Dumbarton Area Council on Service 43 :\;l.‘l:ii.lc Sii'cci. (‘rizlgyliill Alcohol .\2 l).;ii:li;::‘lil:i anid. l.i\ ingsinn. 0|F00 4 3.0 225. (‘ininxcllizig (‘lylsl‘uztk 952 088i. (lilt‘l'N gum-ml liclp in dealing \iiili lumil} lxxllLN and iiilltz'mulinii zinil :iil\i;L‘ including (inc—:0— liulp in \wi‘kiiig lmxzirtlx L‘llllTlll}lil.‘lil on: counselling l‘nr _\ hung psi‘pli'. \lITlilil'llliiillL‘\. Glasgow City Council Addiction Youth Action Project do

ESEELIIJZ-lifl‘i.L'Sfiliiif.Qififié’lfiig. HEALTHY PILL POPPING

.'\(l\ ice and inl'iii'inzitiini for ) mung

5 ms fu' mum l’t‘iil‘lt‘ ill’iilil Wh‘lil'k‘c 'iil‘-ii‘~‘- I Vitamins and minerals are the organic and inorganic chemical

Na Esra] compounds that are vital for the body’s metabolic processes, working I Glasgow Buddhist Centre “coho. Focus Scotland together in the field of growth, repair and overall health. While we 329 Sauchiehall Street, im Buchanan Sir-eel. (men... n l 4l should be able to source sufficient quantities of these all important Glasgow, 0141 333 0524, S72 6700. \\ \\ \\illoiil‘liil-liit‘lls- . substances from our diet, some experts claim that modern farming glasbudggcompusemacom ‘~:“l!11’?~l-‘jl':-‘ilk-:‘illh.ll‘ l_I‘-i:"‘i'llli}}'\.'~‘. methods have so depleted the nutritional content of our fruit and i.» r~ . 5" A»: t1 :::;.:‘I§T:1‘L;:'il“j1m:‘ ““ vegetables that supplement consumption is now essential for a healthy v ‘7 in": 1’ 5273:: 333777 pcnpl: \mi‘i‘iul iihznil ll‘icii' drinking. metabmism' {fits 5:125: :~::;~;::;.,~:,~;,::::, Th 3 ,9 g; 7 More specifically it is suggested that those who may benefit from the :;--:-< 33.79::- écrij :1 tie, intake of supplements include pregnant, breastfeeding, or heavily r:;-:r:3:;: 3.6.12: '31 Re;.;...:.r National menstruating women,.smokers, heavy drinkers, drug users, crash- .,,:‘-"f.§-.'.é:‘§; 3-3;: (173'; _:‘ by. Thursday . , ,. , _ dieters, some vegetarians, those With food allergies, the elderly, and , Breathing Space 0500 5.33 587 (7r . , 3,5329; 23;: if, 9:33:31 :5 Minimm (mm 3 ' 7 W, people who Sit on their arse all day. Uncle Tom Cobley and all then. I Kagyu samye along \i (i \i,hummingtpugctgiillzllkli'llllk. I Before we all go raiding Holland & Barrett however, it should be stated Theosophical Society, 28 Great (iijm 2:101. l-rcc.wniulcnnal udx is: M' that munching supplements is no substitute for a varied diet; thefoods King Street, Edinburgh. 0138., d“) “(it lull”? '0“ iii ~li‘l‘i<‘\\t’il- wle etattdeliver'a yuzrirgy Egtcktzil of Vlt'al'tfurl: andbmlineracfialontgsme . v pancemicascae p oc emicas aare eieve oac :7aanijiiciza'l' mfo©edmburgh sexua' Health and STDS positively against cancer and heart disease, and all three bear influence N333: a. :3: Glasgow on each other’s absorption into the body. Calcium, for example, requires 3 3.13:]. ruflurugltv Q 9. TM, Body Positive Strathclyde vitamin D for it to be absorbed, and vitamin E needs zinc to work its “WM 2151124513213)Slice. Sziuchichzill magic. Furthermore, many cheaper pills and potions are broken down

by our stomach acids and much of the goodness jettisoned into the toilet bowl.

.n. \\ u \\ .hml} pmim (.lil‘gllk. liz'np- in

New Kadampa Tradition ccnlr-c upon Mini. \Vcd. l’ri 9am Fl‘ni.

(W (c 'Hm I (um 3pm (“liqmanun and Taking high doses of a vitamin for stress, tiredness or medicinal NKT) St Columbas-by-the- . - ' r - ~ - o - l - \lil‘piill lin' pmiplc \\ hm arc lll\ purposes (such as cramming yourself full of Vitamin C at the first Sign of Casue’ We“ to Game ROCK Pl‘ulhv- _ _ . . a cold) is also considered to be futile, and could even be dangerous. Fat Home” J°h”5t°” Terrace, aesazgg'ifirll,‘ Mfdifl’ne 3",??? soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K are stored in the body Edinburgh. For further 1 (, 9mm i‘m-il Hire gigglinSlT,” cm. .L, and can be toxw if absorbed in quantity, as can some water soluble information email 3| I 8m]: “mp in (“ma Mm, m ones like Vitamin 86. Overdosmg on minerals can bring on a whole lfll'li0@medltatelnSCOiland-Ol’g- 3mm, mam, (if uppmnlmqnl a: miller world of hurt too; over pitch your zinc intake and you’re inhibiting the H Ami? ~ <1: 9951 NA??- ;} limcx umil 7pm Mon l-‘ri. body’s absorption of iron and copper, which could lead to anaemia; an K ‘3 . fan. A I"‘ ,t ' '1 \‘V . . . . . . . " ' -'“ " “"‘"‘ N ' Rape ens.” centre “'4' 52- ~‘~”“~ excess of fluoride can weaken teeth; guzzling fish Oil might impair blood #5:: ‘. 42:1, 5‘5: foi. iii»; ::::..r:=,::- :13: \‘i‘“liliit‘x‘l"Nx'l‘llillhl-lil'glik- - . o ) bl k. t - . . d - . " 'l‘uc \le & Sin 7 0pm Tim 1 1p.” clotting, too much caICIum and you re oc ing ou your iron again, an £039.23. 3.1 if}: :‘1; C. 4755, * - ~ ~ - - a «I a . hm. and wnhdcnml (m m. “Mn”? lust a little too much in the way of iron can bring on nausea, black 3 ngpa Edinburgh inl'in'mulinn iinil summit in “union and Stools, coma, or even death! Salisbury Centre, 2 Salisbury girlx u hn haw hccn or (our th‘} mu} The long and short of supplementary intake is that diet and lifestyle Road, Edinbur h . Main address llim‘ l‘t‘i‘” WWII“) iihlht‘d 0" should come first. There is, as ever, no quick fix; if ou’re eatin a varied g 'i \‘ll'll"tl y (with shrine room): 2 Eldindean diet, exercising and sleeping sufficiently then you can think about Place, Bonnyrigg, 0131 663 7564 Edinburgh supplementing your vitamin or mineral intake - although you’d better Meeting 31‘. lxlcndags; :3: 7,4532: 9,3 mm. cnnic lam-Ni,” Building make it short term or you could overdose and do yourself a mischief. the Sairsluiry Cceir'o. Teac.‘""§is l,:llll'l\l(lll Place. 536 2103 Mon iii But above all else, our advice is to supplement responsibly, buy the ."iSC'fES’ l‘," Rial/:2! Relt'iitccl‘e‘s "i mm" -‘P'" h} lil’liiilnlllii‘lil. l‘ul' urng best, and know your vitamin. (Mark Edmundson) T only ngk I: MW. ,mq p” pi'uhlcmx. lhcrc l\ ii \izilk-in clinic \\ hci'c ~ - >1 <-~ ~ A l :1 nil iippiiiiilmcnl ix necessary {rum I Kagyu Samye Ling 8.30 H) 00am. Mun -l"i'i. _

Monasiery & Tibetan Cenue Edinburgh Women’s Rape & Sources of Advrce Mun l-‘ri. L‘\t‘L‘pl Wm! “high it Eskdalemuir Langho'm Sexual Abuse Centre (ll3l 550 ' 0.30am lpni l’ui‘ Limp-in. illltl iil'lci‘nimn . .’ ' U437. \\\\\\.l‘ll lL‘L‘l'l\l\\L‘Ulltllltl.l)I'Q.llk. National In ii i mniinn‘ni only Dru i-in :iiiil

Dumfriesshire 013873 73232 - . - -‘ . ~ ~ . - - - - v -- - l

. i . ie ( iill llll‘ opening hours. Soc Rupc ( rim Victim Support Line 0843 30 30 lL‘lL‘pllilllL‘ L'nunxclling lnr \HllllL‘ll. mail Scotland@samyelln9-org. (mu-c. (ililsgim'. uni). ifmiiliimzll ~\uppm-i and [ll'zlt‘llL'ill , www.5amyeling.org . iiLl\ lL'C l'iir unymc illlt‘L‘lL‘Ll h) L'l‘llllL‘. li‘x Edlflblllgh ': , ‘l-‘l'ir‘; 357:; A ’i’TTLI'SE it". the; National mnliilcniiul. nl' L'nurxc. Edinburgh and Lothian Women’s Nu. rm... ,i, . . National AIDS Helpline 0800 567 Aid 4 (‘hcxnc Sim-i. 315 81H). Mun. . l. ,V,_(it.. C. . .. ' ,. . '-’r~"';.~l(3r~, I'm/l T.l~p',\_.n “on” n “m l33 WOMEII’S Health 8- Support \\L‘ll. l-u l0;iiii 3pm. lhii 2 7pm. Sill "_ " S ‘1' "‘1‘" "" "'e' ' “" Sexwise 0800 282 930. "him—l2an l0iini l2.30pm. Rcliigc. \llmlill'l :iiiil Heme": l'rwimis Qxijerierice ml l’rm ides information and udx ice on Glasgow llL‘lll l'iii‘ \Hllllk‘ll \ul‘l'ci‘ing ph) \icul. ' ‘:’i‘-:fi:~;.'-l.'";’ \cxuulil} illltl \L‘\llill llL‘dllll l’iii' )iiung Glasgow Women’s Aid 4th Hour. 30 iiiciiiiil in‘ \L‘\ll;ll iihiixc lmni lllL‘ll'

pL‘nplL‘. Boll Slrcci. 553 2022. 0.30am 4.30pm piii‘lnci'x.

118 THE LIST '2 / ,l.‘:-.