Around Town

Activities & Events Mary King’s Ghost Fest \‘arioux Venuex, Timex yary. See Fri 13.


Charity Second-Hand Book Sale St Andreyny and St (ieorge'x ('hurch. 13 George Street. 335 3847. 10am -3.31)pm. See Sat 14.


De T’a Hoti Ts’eeda: We live securely by the land Royal .\1uxeum l.ecture 'lheatre. 3 (‘hamberx Street. 347 431‘).

3 3pm. £3. Join ('hantal Knoyylex. curator of lithnography. to hear hoyy the National .\luxeumx of Scotland are yyorking with the Dogrib commtmity 111 the north yyexterii territoriex to bring back xome of the muxeum'x collection of objech from the ('anadian 1-irxt Nation. Booking ady ixable.


The Bongo Social Swing Club The Bongo ('lub. Moray llouxe. 37 llolyrood Road. 553 76114. 7 ()pm. 1.11 per claxx £6 for both 19.3 per claxx £5 for bothl. Learn xyying dancing yy ith inxtructorx from the ward-

yy inning l-‘lyright dance cotttpany. the fier hour ix for beginnerx. the xecond for improy'erx and at 9pm the tutoring endx and xocial dancing beginx.

Wednesday 18

Activities & Events

Songs at Sunset llolyrood Park. 556 1761. lake a gentle xtroll to hear bird xong ax duxk fallx. (iood for the xotil or yyhat'.’ Booking exxential.

Mary King‘s Ghost Fest Varioux Venuex. 'liitttex \ary. See lit 13.


Charity Second-Hand Book Sale St Andre“ ‘x and St (ieorge'x (lunch. 13 (ieorge Street. 335 3S47. ttlam 3.3()pm. See Sat 14.


Inside Histories: An Edinburgh Icon, John Knox House: Catholic and Protestant John Kno\ llotlxc. High Street. ()131 556 ()57‘). 3pm. Storytelling ('entre director Dr Donald Smith xetx otit to

dixcoy er the real John Knox and the hixtory of the hotlxe.

Inside Histories: Woman Hater or Soul-Friend? John Ktto\ llottxe. lligh Street. 11131 556 957‘). 3pm. The xecond of the day 'x talkx by Dr Donald Stiiith


Strictly Dance Fever Kirk ()‘l-‘ield l’arixh ('hurcli. Broyyn Street. l’leaxance. (179111) 315 566. S31) 11).3()pm. £5. (let your bobby xockx on and get ready to lear'n thix fun dance. .-\bxolute beginnerx yyelcome. no partner necexxary. Beginnerx claxx S.3()pm. improyerx at ‘).3()pm.

Thursday 19

Activities & Events Mary King's Ghost Fest \‘arioirx \‘enuex.

'l‘imex \ary. See Fri 13.


Charity Second-Hand Book Sale St Andreyy 'x and St (ieorge'x ('hurch. l3 (ieorge Street. 335 33-17. Illam Spin. See Sat 1-1.

Activities & Events

Summer Nights at the Observatory Royal ()bxeryatory Vixitor ('entre. Blackford 11111, 668 34111. 7 3.45pm. 1.351) 0) family ticket 11.3.5111. See lit 13.

Mary King’s Ghost Fest \‘arioux \‘enuex. 'l‘imex way. See Fri 13.


Charity Second-Hand Book Sale St Andre“ 'x and St (ieorge'x (lunch. 13 (ieorge Street. 335 38-17. ltlam 3.311pm. See Sat 14.

32 THE LIST 1? '21} May 71%)?)


This Scottish writer whose work is studded with

fiercely honest, socialist conviction, opens the 9th

Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair. He is followed by readings from Writers Against the G8, including Alan Bissett, James Kelman, Angus Calder and Alasdair Gray. See Books section for full listings. I Assembly Row/its, Frirnburg/i, Thu 1? May.

Activities & Events

Jem Rolls’ Charm Offensive Royy- An llouxe. 3 Roxburgh Place. 11871 751) ()1177. 8pm midnight. 1.3. Performance poetry from Jem Rollx ax part of I'ftli'iilitu'e/i Ruy/i 2005.

Mary King‘s Ghost Fest Varioux \enttex. lilttc‘x yary. See lit 13.


Marchmont Street Party Warrender ('rexcent. Marchtnont. 1 5pm. 1.i\e muxic from lidinburgli-baxed rock hand 1’otbelly. a goxpel rock choir. a barbecue. juggling. Bollyyyootl dancing. lace-painting and xtallx. .-\ll prolitx are going to local charitiex.

The Leith Market (‘ommercial Quay. ()cean Driye. 467 9433. See Sat 14.


Birds and Scented Flowers Royal Botanic (iardenx 1\\'ext (iatel. Royal Botanic (iardenx. lnyerleith Royy. 553 7171. 6.311arii. [8. .-\n early morning xtroll to xee xome interexting wildlife and lloyyet‘x. l-‘olloyy ed by breakfaxt in the "lettuce ('afe. Booking ady‘ixable.


Poetry in Action .\1ttxetttn of Scotland: llayythornden ('ourt. ('hamberx Street. 347 431‘). 11.45am. 13.45pm. 1.45pm & 3.45pm. liree. Four of Scotland'x leading [X'rformance and page poetx. Suliayl Saadi. Anita (ioyan. Richard Medrington and Baxhabi 1’raxer. perform their yyork arid collaborate to prexent an inxpiring and e\citing grottp piece.

Style Trial The Bongo ('ltib. Moray llouxe. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 76114.

1 5pm. 1.311;“. Building on the xuccexx of laxt year'x Man of the Year comp and itx monthly heatx. thix ix a mu open battle arena for all from the xeaxoned breakdancer to the iuxt plain curioux.

Orange Play Writing Workshops Royal 1.y ceum 'l‘lieatre. (irindlay Street. 1"i'ee. :\ xeriex of yyot‘k‘xhopx run by leading

play yyrightx to help young people to prepare

their entriex for the ()range Play Writing l’ri/e. The age categoriex for the competition are 14 IS and 18+ and the pri/e ix for the play to be profexxionally performed at ()ran .‘ylor. (ilaxgoyy. \\'or'kxliopx are free. but booking ix exxential. ('all (‘laire on 11141 333 4403.

Activities & Events

Edinburgh Festival of Sport Science Dynamic liaith. llolyrood Road. 633 51111. 9.15am 5pm. £6 per eyent: £31) day ticket 1135.51) per ey ent'. [17.511 day ticket). :\ t'extiyal aiming to bring to the public forum the xcientilic xecretx behind xpot‘ting xcenex. (‘lick‘ on yyyy’yycfxxorgiik for a lull programme.

Mary King’s Ghost Fest \‘arioux Venuex. litnex \ary. See Fri 13.


Heinekin Cup Final Mllt‘rttylieltl Stadium. Riyerxdale ('rexcent. 1187111141) 1‘)35. 3pm. £15 £45 1f11) £351.1he 111th 11einekin('up liiiial comex to Slurrylield in the climax of liurope’x premier club rugby comrx'tition.

Tuesday 24


Curator‘s Talk Wexton link. National (iallery of Scotland. the Hound. (i3-1 (i561). 13.45pm. Ian (ioyy. curator at the National 'l‘ruxt for Scotland. talkx about “by the adoption of the Scotch Baronial xty 1e poxed problemx lor liouxe furnixherx and cabinet makerx.


Performance Poetry Workshop Royal .\1tixeum litlucation ('entre. 3 ('hamberx Street. 347 4319/4433. 11am 3pm. £3. Releaxe your creatiy ity \yith performance poet :\nita (ioyan. 1.earn baxic techniquex to prexent poemx yyith clarity and flair. .\'o prey ioux e\perience required. luxt bring a xmall xelection of poemx. Booking exxential.

Poetry Slam .‘yltixeum of Scotland: llayythornden ('ourt. (‘liamberx Street. 347 431‘). 5 7pm. liree. Sixteen xlammerx. each performing three poemx of their on n choice. battle it out in front of the judgex and the audience. Book a place to enter the comp. or juxt turn tip on the day.

The Bongo Social Swing Club The Bongo ('lub. .\1oray llouxe. 37 llolyrood Road. 558 761M. 7 9pm. £4 per claxx £6 for both 1133 per claxx £5 for both). See Tue 17.

Wednesday 25


Eminent Victorians: James Hogg National Portrait (iallery. 1 Queen Street. 634 63111). 13.45pm. liree. tan ('ampbell. profexxor of Scottixh and Victorian literature at the 1'niyerxity of 1idinburgh. giy ex a talk on the Scottixh poet Jamex llogg 11771) 1S35l.

Inside Histories: Saving John Knox House John lx'no\ Home High Street. 11131 556 957‘). 3pm. Storytelling (’entre director Dr Donald Smith xetx out to

dixcoy er the real John Kno\.

Inside Histories: The Preacher and the Goldsmith John Kno\ llouxe. High Street. 01.51 5.51) 957‘). 3pm. The xccond ol the day 'x talkx by Dr Donald Smith


Contemporary Art in the 905 .‘yttixeum 111(‘1111111111011. 43 High Street. 53‘) 41-13. 10am 4pm. l’ree. li\plore the tixe of technology in art. Booking exxential.

Meet the Scientist Royal .‘yluxeum. 3 ('hainberx Street. 3-17-1310/4-133. 1 1.311am. 13.31)pm. 3pm ck 3pm. l'ree. .\1eet a range of xcientixtx and dixcoy er more about the Milk they do. li\perience xcience liye. Strictly Dance Fever lx'irk ()‘1-‘ield l’arixh (litirch. Broun Street. 1’1eaxancc. 11791)” 315 5130. S31) 11).,3Dptti. {5. See \Ved IS.

Thursday 26

Activities & Events

The Single Connection ('ellar Bar. 81) Queen Street. 633 3337. 7.31)pm..-\n introduction to thix 1idinburgh-baxed xocial clttb for xingle people oy er 31). Booking exxettlial.

Food & Drink

Rose and Ruth, River Café book signing \'iri('affe. l l .\1u|treex Walk. 557 (ltlSS. 6 7pm. £31). Roxe and Rtith come to xign copiex of their latext culinary bible. Rfl't'l' ('u/r’ lim lam. \\ 1111 a talk and (‘)t\'.r\. 'l‘icket includex a glaxx of 1’roxecco and a copy of the book.

lsole e Olena Tasting y‘alyona tk (‘i-olla. 1‘) lilm Royy. 556 61166. 7.31) t).3llpm. l’aola ix one of the top yy inemakerx in (‘hianti ('laxxico and hix yy inex are xought after in ey ery corner 01 the “mild. Al.;t\le :l xelection including Syrali. (’hianti and \‘m Santo.


Curator’s Talk: Landseer’s Patrons Wexton link. National (iallery of Scotland. The \lotttttl. 03-16501). (rpm .\ xpecial eyening lecture from guext curator and art hixtorian. Richard ()rmond.

Bothies and Bealachs: Rocking Highland Adventure \y'exter llailex library. | \Vextxide Plan. 53‘) 5603.

7 S.311pm. 1’ree. llillyyalking authorx lan R Mitchell and Peter Kemp giye an illuxtrated talk ax part of the I'll/II/mre/i (7/1 I.1'/n'tirrt'\ I‘t’yltt‘tt/ of Smithy/i ll'iitme. 'litcketx front arty lidinurgh library from |-1th .\lay.


Learning Gaelic: Taster Workshop Royal .\1tixeum 1€dtication (critic. 3 ('hamberx Street. 347-1310/4-133 l 1am. l'it'ee. (Set a taxte of thix beautiful language. Booking ady ixable.

Gaelic History in the Museum of Scotland .\ltixeum o1 Scotland: llayythornden ('ourt. (harnberx Street. 34". 431‘). 3pm. 1‘ree. lime tray e1 \xith curator 11ugh('heape through lexxer knoyyn realmx of Scotland'x (iaelic hixtory and learn about one of the oldext yyritten languagex in litirope.