I Eiger, Cowtown, Moniack and Jesus Elephant God 13th .\‘otc (‘at'c. 50 (Ill King Strch 55.i i033. 0pm. £3. liigcr and (onion it both lcattii‘c mcmhci'x (Ili l.L'L‘tl\ ltatltl ilil‘L'L‘lid ()IIL‘ \tilllltl\ llkc‘ (’omci‘gc. thc otltcr Iikc l)c\o. (io ligui'c. I Waytooblue and Adam Beattie 'l‘ron 'l‘licatrc. (i3 'l'i'ongatc. 553 4307. 0.30pm. £8. .v\cou\lic Altair \ct l'roin thix lilticx} (ilaxgoii ~haxctl group it ho hai c rcccntl} liccn \Hil‘l'xlllg “llll i‘ctloulitalilc Sunxct Strip \uprcino Kim l‘tm lc).

I The Coy Dogs .\lc('huill\. 40 High Strch 553 3H5. lllpin. l‘i‘cc. Rockabilly I The Others, Boxer Rebellion, Raising Kain, Spit Kingdom and Skinnyman 'l‘llL‘ :\l'c‘lIL‘\. 35.5 .v\l':_"\ lc Sti'cct. 565 l()3.i. lllpin. l'i'c'c‘. London urchinx thc ()llIL‘l'\. llltllL‘ noixcnikx Bo\ct’ Rchcllion. local i'ock'n'rollci‘x Raixiiig Kain and l,tIlItltIlI-l‘il\t‘tl .\l(' Skiiin) inan arc among tltc li\c actx pla_\ ing at thix t'rcc Smirnoll' li\pcricncc cicnt. To claim cnti'}. log on to \\ \\\\.\lllll‘llUllL‘\[k‘l'lc‘llc‘c‘x‘ttlllx.


I The Belgranos, Mars Patrol and Carma \Vliixtlchinkicx. 4 (I South lil'ltlgL‘. .557 .5l l-l. (mill. l'l‘L‘t.‘ lDL'lVUl'L' midnight; £4 al'tcr. \Iclloxi )c‘t hai‘il ctlgctl rock ll'ttllt .\lai\ l’ati‘ol.

I Allergo, Kobai, Lukury Car, Solarise, Stillife and the Very the Liquid Room. ‘lc \lclot'ia Sli'ccl. 335 3504. 7pm. £5. lt'x that tiiiic oi )c‘ar again \xlicn thc hcxt in local actx compctc l'or thicr chancc Io pla} 'l‘ in tlic Park at thcxc 'l‘ lii'cak \pccialx.

I The Jamm and Paul Weller Experience ’I‘hc Bongo (‘lulx \lot‘a} llouxc. 37 llol_\i‘ootl Road. 558 "pill. “pm. L‘lll. .\ ti'ihutc to thc man} guixcx ol' thc Motllttllict‘.

I Girls Aloud l’la}hou\c. IS 33 (il‘L‘L‘lhltlL‘ l’luc‘c‘, llqul (3005-134. “DHPIII. 1.3 l. SCC l'l‘l l5.

I Stone Broke Sulma} (‘ougatcz (it) (’oiigatc. 335 (mm. 7.3(lpiii. £4. littlic.

I My Electric Love Affair, Rodney Relax and Love Car (‘alc Ro)al lilNll'it Bar. l7 \chl cht\lcl' SII‘L‘L‘I. 55" 4593. 3pm. £3 l.ocal p\c}|i i‘oclxcix ol’ notc .\llil.:\ tlo thcir thing it itli tlic \Vcc l).l\ pro\ icling \tIlIIL‘ tlccknical \uppoi‘t.

I Josephine, There is 3 Noise I Know Can Only Grow Louder and the Golden Hedges (‘alctloniaii Backpackcrx. 3 ()uccnxl'crr) Sti‘cct. J"(i 7334. 8.30pm. £4. Angular llltllL‘ \tll’l\ .ltixc‘PlIlllL‘ \\ itli a \uppoi'ting litlinhtii'gli alt.pop caxt.

I Lights Out By Nine and Team Solripe Banncrnian'x. \itltli'} Strcct. 556 535-1. 8.45pm. £4. \‘ocalixt .v\l llugltcx l'rontx tlic cwr-populai' \toinpiiig lilllc‘x otitlit l,oh.\'.

I Barry Vista Social Club llIL‘ '11:“. High Sti'cct. 556 (638. ()pm. l‘i'cc. Acouxtic L‘tI\Ll'\ night. \oiigx ll'tilll Sinatra. thc Bcatlcx. Hank \Villiainx. (‘oltlpla_\ and morc.

I The Wildebeests, Preston Pfanz & the Seaton Sands and Mr Keith Douglas (‘al‘c Ro}al lil\[l't) Bar. l? \chl chixtci' Strch 557 4703. 0pm. £4. (iaragc. punk lilucx antl winging \(illlltl\ l‘i‘oin tlic 'iiixtro-iiicntal‘ \Viltlcliccxtx.


I Poor Old Ben and David Leonard 'ltillioolli. Jail \\"\ittl. (H730 374W)“. X.l5pltt. £7.50. lltix _\L‘ut'\ lilcctt'ic llonc} hantl l’ooi‘ ()ltl Bcn lI;t\ c liccn tlcxcrihctl ;t\ pla} ing 'I'ai'iii_\artl pop' hut arc actuall} quitc c\ccllcnt.


I The Felsons llti\\(lL‘II l’ai'k (‘cnti‘c. lltiutlcn. lll5ll(i 43505-1. lett. U) lUil. ('otintr}. rock. and ilCt)ll\llc‘ llllk lilciitl in thcii‘ criticall} acclaiiiictl \(llllltl. Scc pi‘c\ ic\\ pagc (it).


I Clearfall 'l’lic l'iii\ci\al. 5'" 5‘} Sauchicliall l.anc. i33 380‘). 7.30pm. licc, l.ocal intlic i'oc'kc'i'x launch tlicii' iic\\ \mglc on Slim (‘ollcgc'x l'.lcclt‘tc llottc} lalicl.

I Clutch, Five Horse Johnson and Psyko Dalek 'l‘lic (‘atliouxcx I5 l'nion Sti'cct. 3~I.\’ (I(Ill(). 7.30pm. L"), ()xcr-Hx \liou. ‘('lutch ix lcw a hand than a \axt compcntliuin of \t} lcx antl c\pcriiiicnt\' according to thcii‘ \ichxitc. although tlic iiamcw l.ctl /.cppcliii. l‘i'ank Zappa and John (‘olti‘anc arc tli'oppctl in .l\ c‘lllL‘\. Stoncr i'oclx to _\ott antl inc.

:2: Beverley Smith and Carl Jones Iron 'l'licati‘c. (i5 'l'i‘ongatc. 553 420“. Xpm. L'h‘ tUil. (ioxpcl. lilticgi'axx and mountain \ongx from Smith tulio \\;l\ gi\cn hcr lii'xt guitar Ii} (ii‘atclul l)catl honclio .lci'i'} (iarciai & .loncx. l’tii'l u/ If]: li’ic (him/H.

I Cold Night Song lltc (ioat. I38" .-\i‘g_\ lc Strcct, 357 7373. Xpin. l‘rcc. (‘ltat‘lic antl Ncil loi‘tiict'l} ol'.-\\tt'itl ai‘c joinctl Ii} .lcnn_\ Rccw antl Slacc} Sicwurigltt ol~ llic Rcintlcci' ~\‘cction loi‘; ncu acothltc niglit \\ itli \ui‘pi'ixc _L‘llt‘\l\. I Fokara, Stand Alone and Grassroots Stci'co. ll Kclxinliaiigli Strcct. 57(i 50W. Spin. L31. l’i'imal Sci‘cam L‘\t|llk‘ intlic \tIlllltlx. \\llll an Atc‘itlhllc opcning act.

I Silverstein aiitl Lifeblind Barth. 3N) (‘Ittlc‘ Sli'cct, (ix-ll 01)“ (NW). Rpm, to Our l~lx \liow .\ tlixtillation ol' haitlcoi‘c. punk and ciiio li'oiii lltl\ (‘aiiatlian li\c-piccc.

I A and Instruction King link \\‘ah \\‘ah lllll. 333a St \‘inccnt Strcct. 33| 53“). 8.50pm. Ell). ()\cr l'lx \liou~ Scc iii 15.

I Fred 13th .\'otc (ulc. 5“ (ill King Strcct. 553 IMH. ‘lpiii. £3. \lc‘lotlic intlic limp,

I Stars Kill, Kai Axa antl Zynk 'l‘lic Bunkci' liar. 193 l‘)‘) litllll Strch 33‘) i137 Illpm. l-‘i'cc. Stou ('ollcfic \llti\\c';t\c‘ tcattii‘ing. I'C\|IL‘\'II\L‘l_\. a llllllllll;lll\l noixc rock trio. an altiock ti'io li'oiii l'.a\t Killii'itlc antl poxt iiictal punkcorc.


I Ingle Mcllroy, Nathanial Slade and Jacobs Pillow \\'|ii\t|chiiil\ic~. l

(i South lii'itlgc. 55" 5| ll. (ipiii. l'i'cc. 'l'i‘atlitional l'ollc rock li‘oiii clacoltx l’illou. I Allan Cranney, Private Jackson, Reograd, Satellite Dub, Super Paradise and Tinrokit 'l'lic l,l\|llltl RUHIII. ()L‘ \ilL'llll'lil Sll‘t‘c‘l. 35(i-l. "I‘lll. £5. .\nothci' iiii\ctl liag ol' llltllL‘ antl ltc_\oittl lot” I lil'k‘ill’x.

I Rodrigo y Gabriela ('aharci \‘oliairc. So KN Blair Strch 330 (il"(i. "pm. {8.51). .\lc\ican act coiiiliining iau \tantlai'tlx \\ ilh rock. l'olk. l'laiiicnco antl l.atin l'll_\llIlll\.

I Oasis l'xlici‘ llall. l,otliian Road. 33K 1155‘ "fillpiii. £33.50. Small \calc th_\ llIL‘lI' \tantlartlx at an} ratci to \\;ll'lll tip l’oi' tlic \tatlitiiii lcg ol tlicii' tour.

I Mercury Tilt Switch, Perineum antl Monktus Baiinci‘iiiank. \itltli'} Slrcct. 550 535-1. H.»l5pm. L31. l)untlonian ciiio i'ockci'x \l'l'S ltcatllinc aiitl \\lll lic lilaxting through ncu \inglc 'Shcll' \\llll \lllilitil'l loi'iii \UIIIL‘ locall) lii'ctl noixciiilm I HObO IlillL‘ littllgtt (‘ltllx Klimt} llttllw. 37 llol)i'ootl Road. 558 _.‘(Ill-l. lllpiii .5illll. l‘i‘cc hcl'oi'c L'l lpiii; 3 al'tcr. ‘l.i\ c llIll\lL' antl altci‘iiatix c tlixco lor llhllllL‘tl \lllttch'. l5 \l;t_\ \CL'\ \Cl\ lt'ttltt lltt‘ .'\lItltIllllllill Shim iticii antl (iaiiiiiia l)clta. “fill a iii}\tci‘) hand on 33 .\la_\,

I David Allison ’l'lic l.clt Bank. 3," (ititlii'ic Sti‘cct. 335971-10 L31 ifiii. Singcr/xoiigui‘itcr antl ilc'tilhllc' giiitarixt c\ti'aiii‘tliiiaii'c.

Monday 1 6 .

G asgow

I Moby and Tom Vek (‘ai'ling .\catlciii} (il;l\_‘_‘tl\\. l3| l1g|iiiton ~\li'cct. (mill "7| 3(ltlll. 7pm. £33.50. ()\ci' l-lx \ll(l\\, .l-llL' littltl} lt'L'lIllt) littlllll ;llltl atliiian'\ l;l\ttlll'llL‘ i‘cttii’nx \\ itli lll\ llltixl \opoi'ilic album to tlatc. tlic \\;i} too coiiil} l/uli /. Support act 'l'oiii \t-k l\ a _\otiiig \liawr \\|io pi‘actit‘aII} licltl a lltt\l ol Ialiclx to lilllMIlll oxci‘ l|l\ l't‘;l\ttll;ll3l} olllical \ingci/xongui'itci iiialci'ial Scc pagc 33 lot" out coiiipctitioii to \\ III a .\loli_\ lialliiolic tiio. l l\ltl iou iiot'i

[granular music”... :

(Rfifillldl' .\ill\l\ lu .iii'.iii;:ciiiciit \\lllI X r.i\ picxciit

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