Saturday 14


Nels Andrew and Jill Sobule ()ran .\lor. (ireat \Vextern Road. 353 3000. Split. L‘S‘ lUtl. Winner ol' the .\'e\\ l‘olk axiard at the 2002 Kern ille l’extixal in 'le\a\. Andrew t\ \lllill'l. lunn} and joined h_\ e\- rock hand \inger and \ongxxriter Sohule. l’at't ol- the [lie lire ('oimtri' I'i'ilii'u/ 2005.


I African Music Night Old St l’aul\ (lunch. .lel‘l're} Street. 552 HI I.

Spin lam. L'" l£5t Sehi l.un\\ama\ hand lidinihira. plus cral't \talh and much more. .-\ll proceedx going to llte \\Ul'l\ ol (it'ltSSI'Utth I)e\elopnient Theatre in /.itnhah\\ e.


I La Sonera Calaveras l’alace 'l‘lieaire. (ireen Street. (H.503 55.1000. Spin. £7.50 rim. li\citing (ila\go\\ -ha\ed Alro-latin dance hand \\ ith their on it unique take on conteinporar} ('uhan and l.atin-.»\inerican.


I The Felsons llou den l’ark Centre. llouden. 0150b 433034. Spin. L") riot. (Minn). rock. and acouxtic l'olk hlend in their criticall} acclaimed sound. See pre\ ic\\ page (N.


I A French Affair W} nd 'l‘lieatre. llttL‘L‘lL‘llclt Street. (“3% N2llll23. SL‘L‘ l'lt't l3.


I Shiftin’ Bobbins 'l‘olhooth. Jail \V} nd.

ill-‘80 2221000. l2.30pni. l’ree. l.oeal ceilidh hand pla) tlte Saturda} Session.


Beverly Smith and Carl Jones Tron 'l‘heatrc. 'l'rongate. 552 42m. Spin. [S (to). ()ld-time htit \othicated Apallachian mountain music and \ongx. l’art ol the [fig li’ie (trim/rt I'i'xliml 200.5. I Georgie Gaijic (‘al'e (‘oxxaehok Rttxxitln ('ultural ('entre. King Street. 553 0733. S.30pm. £5 (£3). Rtmian. Hungarian and eastern liuropean tttllle‘ on the accordion.


I Rodrigo y Gabriela (‘aharei \‘oliaire. Blair Street. 220 (r176. 7pm. £8.50. .\le\ican dtio pla_\ ial/ \ltllltltll'tl\. rock guitar and lolk. llainenco and latin rh}tlnn\.

I Talitha Mckenzie RM) .\rt House. 2 Ro\httt‘gh Place. 0871 750 0077. Split. £7 «[5 i. 'l‘alitlra‘x alhum lWl .lIonI/i .lluw’i- remote the rule\ tor the prexentation oi oi ('eltic llttlSlL‘. hringing it screaming into the 2M centur}. She\ joined h_\ lt'ixlt musician .\lichael lall‘an.

I Martin Curtis \Vee l'olk ('luh. Royal Oak. lntirmar} Street. 557 2070 S.30pin. £3. .'\ntipodean mug and \toriex from the Ne“ '/.calander.

Monday 1 6


I Danu ‘l-llL' .-\t‘L‘ltt‘\. \lttllttlttl Slt‘t‘t‘l. 505 l023. Spin. U2 lfllll. (ireat traditional inuxic and song lrotn lreland. l'roin the hottest _\oung hand.

Steve Forbert and Yvonne Lyon Tron 'l‘heatre. 'l‘rongate. 552 -l2(i7. Spin. H.350 iL‘l l.501. l-'orhet talks to an}one \\ ith an ear tor a good mug. in the contetnporar} .'\inerican guilarhoho tradition. Mon. until \er} recentl}. “ax one

Save Money

see page 9 for details

til SL‘Ullttntl'S l‘L‘Sl kept \L‘L‘I'L‘lS. for her keenl} ohxerred l)ric\ and \oult‘ul \oice. Part of the [lie lire (’ounlrt l’i'\lll'(l/ 200.5. I The Paul Bose Band Studio One. (it'tt\\L‘liUl' 'l‘erraee. 3-H (i510 0.30pm. llard-drii ing hluex.


I Open Mic Night The I.el't Bank. (iuthrie Street. 225 97-1-1. ‘)pm. Live acoustic tttttxic and poctt‘}.


I Gaberlunzie Stirling liolk (’luh. Bexi Bar .\'one. l'pper ('raigx. 0| 25‘) 2|S52l. Spin. Ur. Betueen-xong hanter in their inirnitahle \t}|e l'rorn the \eteran folk duo.

Tuesday 1 7


The Paperboys The :\I‘L‘ltC\. Midland Street. 505 1023. "7.30pm. £8 (UH. l-‘roin \aneoin er. \\ ith a \eanilexx fusion of celtic. hluegrasx. latin. /_\'dcco and root\} pop. one ol' the hig atlt‘actionx at Big [fie (him/rt l'i'U/lil/ 200.5.


I Chris Norman Ensemble l.eith l-‘olk ('luh. The Village. South l’ort Street. 478 ".‘Sl0. 7.30pm. £5 tL‘Si. From Now Scotia. the hand l'eaturex the traditional dance music ot‘ Maritime ('anada. Scotland and Ireland. and is led h} the \iniple x) xteni' tlute \tt‘llltt\t\ ('hrix Norman.

I The Felsons The Venue. ('alton Road. 552 3073. ".30pm. U0. See Sat 1-1 and pre\ ieu page (it).

I Ceilidh Club The Lot. (it‘llellltll‘kL‘l. Spin. Ur. l‘un ceilidh dancing. li\e tllltxlt‘ and caller\ to lead )ou through the \tepx. I Folk and Friends Waict‘le) Bar. St .\lar_\ \ Street. 550 8855. 9pm.

.\'on smoking toll; and countr) sessions.

Chapleton I Singers’ Night The Inn. (‘hapeltoir h} Stratlta\en . 0135" 3002l5. S30pm. £5


Wednesday 18


Battlefield Band Ro}al (’oncert Hall. Saucliiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £12.50 £14.50. The long-Ii\ ed hand present their current Scotland meeh l'/hc‘kixt;iii collaboration ol‘ musicians. \ittg‘et‘x and dancers. lillL‘tl ()II Illt' (il'i’tll Si/L li’mul. See pi‘e\ ieu page 70.

The Resentments The :\t'L‘ltL‘\. .'\rg-\le Street. 0870 2-10 752S. Spin. £8.00 lL'ol)0i. Based in .v\u\tin. 'l'e\as. thix quintet are opening astonished ears ax a \eritahle singing. \ongnriting and guitar pla}ing llldSICI'c‘ltth that lt;t\ seen them likened to such luminaries :tx ('roxh). Silllx and Nash. the 'l’raxelling \\'ilhur_\ \ or the Band. l’ai't ol' the [lie lire ('uultlrr l'i'.\lit‘tt/ 2on5,

I Michael Simons 'l‘cliai ()\ na. Deanxton l)ri\e. (ll-ll 04‘) 7258. 8pm. £2. (ilaxgim -ha\ed guitarixt pla}irig toll‘. hluex and he}ond.


I Back of the Moon lidinhurgh t’olk (‘luh, ('aharet Bar. the l’leaxance. o50 23-1‘). Spin. L'o tL'5l. Trznlitional 500ng and tunes on pipe\. liddle. \ilnxtlex and guitar lroin the )iiiiiig hand.

I ALP Session The Tao. High Street. 550 (i333. 0pm. l-‘ree. lnl‘ormal lolk xexxion \\ ith Scottixlt tune\ and the occasional


I Lomond Folk Club The Highlander. Stnollet l’lace. (H.339 7575M.

8.30pm midnight. l‘ree. .\lll\iL‘iitlt\. SillgL‘l'x tttttl \txtlttt'S \\ L‘lL‘UlttL‘.


I The Mick West Band l)unlertn|ine l’olk ('Iuh. Thixtle 'l‘a\ern. Baldridgehtn'n. 013S3 729073. Spin. to (£5). The great Setttx singer is joined h_\ guitarist and piper ‘ank .\lcl.aughlin and multi- instrumentalist Stexe Laurence.

Thursday 19


7"" Jimmy Webb ()ran .\lor. (ireat \Vextern Road. 353 S000. Spin. t; In l£l4i. The legendar) “titer of "Wichita lineman'. ‘B_\ the Time I (iet to Phoenix‘ and the printed hihle ol \ongm‘iting. Iiurmmillr. \Vehh'x \xork al~o e\tend\ to lilttt \cot'ex. theatre ttttlxictth and production. .\ coup l'or Hie lire ('uunlrt I'ini'rl/ 20!).5.

I Rallion Star l-‘olk (‘luh. St Andre“ '\ in the Square. ol‘l' Saltniarket. St Andre“ '\ Street. 548 (i020. 8pm. to (Hi. l‘ier} fiddle-plating L‘Ulltl‘llltN “ith \ocah in the up-ainl-coming hand.


I The Fureys and Davey Arthur Queen's llall. (‘lerk Street. («is 20I‘). Spin. U5 (£13). ()n a \\orld tour. the ll't\ll traditional tnuxic legendx including maxter uillean piper l-‘inhar pla} their l'orrner home cit} with long-term rnernher and hanjo \ il'lllthit l)a\e_\ Arthur.

I Out of the Bedroom \Va\et'le) liar. St Mar} 'x Street. 55o 8355. 0pm. See Thu l2.


I Kate Howden and Paul Jones l‘alkirk l-‘olk ('luh. the l’olixh (‘luh. .-\rnot Street. 0I32-l 613305. S30prn. £51U50i. loll-inspired duo l'rotn l.anca\ter.


I Calluna and Ann and Charlie I~Ieymann lltMilL‘ll l’dt‘lx (.L‘ltlt'L‘. llmulL‘ll. 01500433034. 2pm. £5 tL‘3l. llarp heax en \\ ith traditional dance tunex. original air\ and \ongx trotn Scotland'x ('alluna \\ ith (‘hrixtine thd. \ocah; .r\nna \Vend} Stc\en\on. liiltllel Rehecca Kltttl'l'. lTlllL'S and \\lti\llL‘\. and \mall harp pla}er ('harlotte l’eterxen. The lle_\ mann\ are an admired inulti-in\trumental l'S duo centred on Anus \ai‘ioux small harps.


31‘: Jesse Dayton ()t'an .\lor. (ireat \Vextern Road. (ll-ll 353 S000. Spin. LS (UH. Honk) -tonk lt'ntlhadotlt‘ lcath ltt\ drix ing Te\a\ hand. l’art ot' the Big Big (‘nrm/ri /‘(’\ll\’r1/ 200.5.

I Acoustic Heaven at the Ramshorn Rtttthltttl’tt 'l‘heatre. Ingram Street. 552 34S”. Spin. 9.5. Regular acouxtic night l'eaturing a handt'ul ol' (ilaxgon haxed liltISiL‘ltllh.


Battlefield Band t'xher llall. l.othian Road. 22S I I55. Spin. U3 U050. Scotland ineetx l’/hel\i\tan in niuxic. song and dance. See \Ved IS. and pre\ icu page all. I Assembly Rooms Ceilidh :\\\L‘llll‘l) Roomx. (ieorge Street. 228 l I55. Spin. L'S. ('eilidh hand HH and caller Ken (iourla). I The Buffers lite ’l'axx. High Street.

55o (1338. 9pm. l’ree. Sec Hi 13.


I Session A9 Palace Theatre. (ircen Street. 01503 554900. ".30pni. [l0 tL'Si. ('harlie \chcrron t(‘apercailliel. Duncan (‘hixolin i\\‘o|t\tonet. (iot'don Dunn. and .-\dain Sutherland t('rolt No 5i. “ith

ke} hoard and guitar. get together to pla} traditional!) inxpircd Scottixh tiddle inuxic.


I Stirling Provincial Mod .v\lhert llallx. Dutnharton Road. (lli‘So 4735-14. Annual (iaelic lllllle‘ and song coinpetitionx. culminating in a ceilidh dance on the Saturda} night.


I Haggerdash Rouantree l-‘olk (‘lnh Ronantree Inn. Old Mill Road. 223 ll55. Folk and tradition \tith the hop ll'Ulil Stonehothe.

Friday 27 May


£16.50/l31 80:19.50

A UsherHall


Box Office 0131 228 1155 :eoinpynoH-

" .‘ 5THE LIST 89