mm— ! Classical


I Open Mic Night The left Batik. (itttlrrie Street. 225 97-14. 0pm. See .\lon lb.

East Kilbride

I East Kilbride Folk Club l'ast Kilbt‘itle :\l'l.\ (t‘llllC. ()ld (‘oaelt Road. 0l355 2(il000. Spin. l'ree. Informal made at Sotrtlt lanaikshires next est folk elub.


I Tannahill Weavers Stirlirtg t‘olk Club. Best Bar None. l'pper (‘raigs 0l25‘) 2|S52l. Spin. Ll). ()ne of Seotland‘s longest-lasting folk bands. the Tannies ha\ e a dr‘i\ irrg. pipe led lake on traditiortal tunes. strong instrumental piti)iltg and rieh toeal harmon).

Tuesday 24


I John Martyn Royal (itrrteert llall. Sauehielrall Street. 353 8000. 8pm. £20. With his top-noteh band. .\lart) n is one of Scotland's greatest songtsriters. meal and gtritar innmators and reeording stars

with a reeording eareer going baek to the (ills. and admired b} e\er_\one front Lennon to D) lan.


I Nick Keir l.eitlr l'olk Club. tlte Village. South l‘ort Street. 478 7810. 7.30pm. £5. .\ .\le('alman on a solo outing pla}ing guitar. mandolin. \shistles and moothie.

I Ceilidh Club The l ot. (irassrrrarket. 8pm. £6. See Tue I7.

I Folk and Friends \Vaterle) liar. St .\lar} ’s Street. 556 8855. 9pm. See 'l‘ue I7.

I Johnny Silvo The Inn. ('lrapelton. b} Strathaten . 01357 3002l5. S3llpttt. £5 (£3). Veteran eltrb per former uirh an eeleetie repertoire on guitar and meals.

Wednesday 25


I Michael Simons 'l‘eltai ()\ na. Deanston l)ri\e. lllJl (>49 725K. Spin, £2. See Wed IS.


I The Tannahill Weavers lidirrtttrrglt l3o|k ('lub. ('abaret liar. the l’leasanee. (350 234‘). Spin. £7 l£(rl. See Mon 23.

I ALP Session ’l‘lre lass. High Street. 556 (1338. 0pm. liree. See Wed IS.


I Lomond Folk Club The Highlander. Srnollet l’laee. (H389 7575b].

8.30pm midnight. l'ree. See Wed IS.


I Ounfermline Folk Club Session l)unfernrline l'olk ('ltrb. 'l‘lristle 'l‘a\etn. Baldridgeburn. (ll 383 729673. Spin. l'iee.

East Kilbride

I Da Capo Alba - Open Practice Night Village ‘l‘heatre. \ltt\\\ ell l)ri\ e. 0l355 248660. 7.30pm. Seotland's award- tx‘inning guitar and mandolin orehestia mixes elassieal. rrrodern. folk and pop. Part of the sill/Hi! \l lesti\a|.


I TBC Star l‘olk ('lub. St Andrew ‘s in the Sttuare. off Saltmaiket. St Andrew 's Street. 548 (.020. Spin. Li) (£-ll


I Out of the Bedroom Wm er le) liar. St .\l;tr'_\ 's Street. 550 8855. 0pm. See 'l ltrr l2.


I Falkirk Folk Club Session l’alkirk l5olk ('Itrb. The Polish (‘Iub. .\rnot Street. 0] 32-l (il 3305. S30prn. l‘r'ee. donations \teleorne. Sharon and Jen host this

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce, Frances Boyson and Carol Main.


I Chamber Music Recital RSAMI). l00 Renfreu Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £6 (£4). Small ensemble perlormanees from talented RS.\\ll) students.


I St Giles Lunchtime Organ Recital St (iiles' (’athedral. Ro)al .\lile. 225 94-12. l.l0pnr. l’ree. l’eter liaekhouse performs txorks b) ('ouperin. liranek. l)ur'ulle.

\\ idor and l)upre.

I Pelleas et Melisande 'l‘raserse 'l'heatr‘e. ('ambridge Street. 228 I404. 7.l5prn. £ll (£4.50 £(r.50l. 'l'he RS.«\.\ll) presents two operas tltis \teek as part of the opera eotrrse's tenth _\ear‘ eelebrations. l irst up is Debuss) ‘s m} sterious and

\) mbolie masteruork. an e\ploration of lturrtan relationships aeeompanied b} l)ebuss_\ 's t_\pieall_\ gltm ing orchestration. I Scottish Chamber Orchestra l‘sher llall. l.othian Road. 228 1 I55. 7.30pm. Joseph Sueusen eoneltrdes his tenure as eonduetor of the S(‘(). iii a rrteltrorable per‘l‘oimanee of Beethoten’s highl} personal .lli'sm Sir/ennui. A distinguished lirte tip of soloists - (ieraldine .\le(iree\). l’atrieia liardon. lob} Spenee and Peter Rose - is eornplernented b) the refined S(‘() ehortrs in \that is sure to be art emotional oeeasion.


I RSAMD Lunchtime Concert RS:\\ll). lllll Renfre“ 50111.33: 50.57. lprn. £(i (£4l. l’ereussionist (’olin (‘trrrie performs \sorks b_\ l.otris .-\ndriessen. Robert .\laggio. l)a\e .\latie. Ste\ett .\laeKe) artd l)a\id l.ang.

I Percussion Masterclass RS.\\H). l00 Renfrets Street. 332 5057. 2.30pm. l'ree. tieketed. l.ed b} ('olin ('trrrie.

I The Colin Currie Young Percussionist Award RS.\.\tl). I00 RL‘lll‘lL‘“ Sll'L‘L‘l. .332 .5057. (rpm. l'il‘CL‘. tieketed. .\ ehanee for Junior .\eadem) pupils to demonstrate the breadth of their repertoire.

I Tapestry - A Gala Evening Concert with the RSNO Ro}al ('oneer‘t Hall. 2 Satrelriehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £ll). The “odd premiere of ()sborne's Iz'uxl. as \\ ell as Bernstein's ()ieilure to (tint/rile. Stra\ insk) ’s l’elius/ilu and Kodal} ‘s I)(lli’t'(’.\ of (iii/ultra.


I The Coronation of Poppea 'l‘raterse 'l‘heatre. ('anrbridge Street. 228 l404. 7.l5pm. £ll (£4.50 £6.50). \lontewrdi's last opera is presented h) the RSAMI) as l‘tll‘l ()l' lllL' ()l‘t‘ttl (‘1 ll) setisllll. ('(ltillte‘l abounds arnortg the ro)al lrotisehold as the emperor \ero hopes to raise his mistress to the title (if t‘tltpl't‘ss. lttll lit'sl he must \t)l\L‘ the problem of his “he.

I Different Routes 'l'lte lidirtbtrrgh Soeiel} of \ltrsieians. 3 llelford Road. 7.30pm. £5 suggested donation. l’ianist (iilrnour .\laeleod and llautist Katherine Wake per'fotrrr a programme to inelude \lo/art's Sonata in (' .lltrjur. ('oplartd s Dim and l’rokot iev's Sir/lulu.

I Edinburgh University Music Society (ire) friars Kirk. (ire) friars l’laee. 650 2422. £7 (£4l. ‘l'lre lirtal eoneert of the _\ear‘ sees the three ensembles of the .\lusie Soeiet) in eollaboration. (‘ontiibutions inelude l’ill't) 's I llirs (ilirtl. Handel's Xur/uk I/le I’Ileil. Verdi's IHI't't' il/ Desi/It) ()H'IIHH’. a next uork b} Aehilleas Sourlas and Rimsk) Korsakot‘s \l lll'lll Him/e.

Saturday 14


I Junior Academy Choir Concert RSAMI). l0() Renfrew Street. 332 5057. 4pm. Free. tieketed. :\ eoneert featuring the Junior Choir. Senior Choir and ('hamber (’hoir u ith a mixed programrrte front elttrreh to stage. irtelttding the I7aure Requiem.

I Glasgow Youth Choir Spring Concerts RSAMI). l()(l Renfrevs' Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £6. (‘horal offerings front this large _\otrng ensemble.


I Pelleas et Melisande ’l’raterse Theatre. Cambridge Street. 228 I404. 7.l5prtt. £ll l£~l.50—£(r.50). See Thu I2. I An Evening with Queen Victoria Queen's llall. ('lerk Street. (r68 20l‘). 7.30pm. £l(r (£l-i). l’rurtella Seales brings Queen Vietoria to life through her diaries. letters artd other \\ t‘ilitigs offering a glimpse of Vietoria through her 0“ n words. l)e\ised by Riehard Burnett. the mating mixes mtrsie and drama irtto a portrait of her long reign. With tenor lair Partridge and pianist Richard Burnett.

I The Sixteen: An Immortal Legacy Tour St Mary’s lipiseopal Cathedral. 2.3 Palmerston l’laee. (ibS 20l9. 7.30pm. £(i- £lS. The mid-point of The Si\teert's extenshe 2005 tour is marked b) the addition to the programme of .\lae.\lillan’s mm ing artd relleetite a eappella \sorks. (‘Itrislus l'lllt'f! and () /)(m(' few. In Thomas 'lallis’ 50()th annisersar)‘ _\ear. the ehoir demonstrates his importanee in its repertoire \\ ith a seleetion of ltis \torks irteluding ’liiltes‘jiunt .'lI'('/l/)f.\ll()[) Parke/"x I’su/Iel'.

I Music for Piano St Marks L'nitarian (‘litrrelL (‘astle 'l'erraee. 7pm. Free. Young pianists. aged betueen l2 artd 25 and presented b) Peter limits. perform pianistie .seleetions from Baeh to Bartok. (‘hopin to 'I‘akemitsu. (‘ierslm in to llallgrimsson aitd e\er)thing else in beltseert. Donations to [Edinburgh L'nitarians’ .\ladras l’und.

I National Symphony Orchestra of Scotland l.'sher llall. l.othian Road. 22S l I55. 7.30pm. £l5 £25. A \aried programme under the batort of founding eonduetor lairt Sutherland features the gifted .\losetm -borit \ iolitrist Alexander Sikm etsk) in 'I‘ehaikot sky’s desert edl_\' popular llnlilt ('mri'erlu. 'I’he seeond ltalf is git en ox er to the “odd premiere of the ‘Ifrli'irlrtugh ' .S'tmp/rmrr b_\' (iramm) ithllLl-W inning eotnposer Robert larnon.


I Glasgow Orchestral Society Paisley Abbe). Abbe) l’laee. 9-12 7754. 7.30pm. £8 (£5). .\lareo Romano eoirduets (ilasgou ’s largest amateur orehestra iii a perlormanee of Walton's ballet music The Hive Higgins. Leighton’s ()rgulr ('mtt'erlu and .\iltlsstil‘gks}"s empotsering [Winter at (Ill lit/rihilimt.


I Glasgow Youth Choir Spring Concerts RSAMI). l00 Renfreu Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £6. See Sat H.

I Symphonie des Plaisirs St Andre-us in the Square. St Andreas Square. 55‘) 5902. 3pm. £8 (£2 £6). l7th eentur) baroque mUsie front Franee aitd Spairt. presented b) the renowned earl) musie specialists under the direetion of lutenist arid guitarist (iordon l’erries.


I St Giles at Six St Giles Cathedral. Ro)al .\lile. 225 94-12. (rpm. Free. ('horal programme b) Waldorf (‘ollege (‘hoir including “orks by (irieg. .\rlendelssohn. llolst. ('IaUsen. llerehetti and Praetorius. eondueted b) Blair Buffington.

I Meadows Chamber Orchestra (ire) friars Kirk. (it'C)'ll'i;tt’s l’laee. ()(tl’i 20l‘). 7.45pm. £9 (£l -£7). The orehestra's 2004 - 5 season eoneludes

\\ ith Williatn (‘oima_\ eondueting ltes'

:2: Labéque Sisters The extraordinary Katia and Marielle Labe’que, front France’s Basque country. present one oi their most internationally popular programmes. Now one of their signature pieces. their version oi West Side Story. for two pianos and percussion, was made by Bernstein‘s original orchestrator at the composer’s own request. Royal Concert Hall. Glasgow. fee 77 May.

:2: Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir in a rare UK visit. and their only appearance tr: Scotland. this fabulous vocal ensenrble marks the 70th birthday year of Arvo Part in wnat is certain to be a movrng and inspirational evening. it's the final concert in Edinburgh Contemporary Arts Trust's 25th anniversary season. Greyfrr'ars Kirk, Edinburgh, Wed 25 May.

:2: Kiri Te Kanawa She sold out last time as part of the Usher Hall‘s International Series. so now she returns to charm the tans with a new programme of opera arias by Handel. Berlioz, Strauss and Poulenc. Usner Hall, Edinburgh. Wed 25 Ma y.

hatmting 'I‘Ire (Inunsuerul Question. in \VliiL‘ll a solo trumpet eom erses in fragments ts ith the frantie “ind. Sibelius' dark .S't'nipltmri .\‘u (i arid l)\orak's luseious ("e/lo (‘mii'erln complete the hill. With eellist l’hilip lligltarn.


I RSAMD Junior Academy of Music Rantshorn Theatre. 98 lrtgrarn Street. 552 348‘). l.l5pm. £3. Students front the aeadern)‘ perform a \atied programme of solo arid eharrtber musie.

3?: Labéque Sisters Ro}al (‘oiteeit Hall. 2 Satrelriehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l2.50 £ l 7.50. ('olitt (‘urrie and .\larque Gilittourjoin the sibling double aet to ereate art ensemble of l\\0 pianos arid peretrssion. 'l'lris intriguing quartet Will perform an trpbeat arrangetrtertt of Bernstein's West Side Slur). a new eotnntission entitled [ctr/e for pianos. pereuss’ion arid li\C eleetronies b) l)a\ id Marie. and (ierslmin's popular 3 Preludes.


I Fettes College - Piano Recital (ireyfriars Kirk. (ire) friars l’laee. 3| l (i706. 7.30pm. Alistair l’aul. Johnn} .\'g and Julia .\lurra) perform piano \HH'lkS b) Brahms. llindesmith. l)\orak. liaelt. ('ltopin artd Raehmaninm.

iz‘ a; May 2001') THE LIST 91