l Queen Street. (124 (i200. Mon Wed & l-‘ri Sun l0am 5pm: Thu

l0am 7pm.

Our Highland Home Victoria and Albert in Scotland 00.. l'ntil Sun 5 Jun. £41923): under l2s free. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert fell in love with Scotland when they first visited in IS42. The romantic ideal helped propagate the idea of the country as a mythical land and this exhibition depicts and examines the growing relationship ending with the premature death of Albert and the memorials erected to him by the grief-stricken queen.

New Acquisitions of Photography l'ntil Sun I I Sep. Includes photographs by Stewart l.ockhart from Imperial (’hina. pictures of Sky e by mountaineer and photographer. (iP Abraham. and abstract prints by Paul Kenny. who uses natural materials such as seaweed and saltwater to develop his photographs. II? Francis Bacon: Portraits and Heads Sat 4 Jun Sun 4 Sep. The first museum exhibition to explore in depth Bacon’s portraits of friends. lovers and other artists. comprising over 50 works. His life was notoriously \olatile and complex love affairs with Peter I.acy and (leorge Dyer the latter w ho killed himself on the night of Bacon's big opening in Paris provided intense sources of inspiration, See featttre. page l4 and llitlist. Ni V." St low.


(ieorge l\' Bridge. 226 453 l. Mon Sat 10am 5pm; Sun 2 5pm.

Ian Hamilton Finlay: Of Conceits and Collaborators l'ntil Wed l Jun. lixhibition on the interaction between poet and artist lan Hamilton l‘inlay and five of his collaborators.

I THE QUEEN’S GALLERY Palace of llolyroodhouse. 556 5100. Daily 9.30am 5pm. £5 tL'3-L'4l: famin ticket £13.

Watercolours and Drawings from the Collection of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother l'ntil Sun 25 Sep. first exhibition of 73 watercolours and drawings from the Queen Mum's collection. And we thought she just drank gin and bet on the horsies all day.


l5 Rutland Square. 22‘) 7545. Mon l-ti 9am 5pm.

Long Moments in Eternity Ttte 3| May liri l Jul. Showcase of work by Barbara Berkow it/.


In\ erleith House. 248 2983. Tue Sun 10am 5.30pm.

7:5 Evergreen 0... t‘ntil Sun 3 .lul. |0am 5.30pm. liree. .\ sttt‘\ ey exhibition featuring major new works by some of the artists w ho hay e taken part in the luv erleith llottse programme spanning arts and sciences. including botanical drawings frotn their archive. :\t'llsls include (iraham l-‘agen. Douglas (iordon. (‘allum Innes. ('y Twombly. Agnes .Martin and Richard Wright. Part of tltc lat/inlmrgli Internal/"on Science l'i'su‘m/ 2005. See llitlist.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY The Mound. 0l3l 225 6671.

Mon \Ved & l-‘ri Sun l0am 5pm; Thu 10am 7pm.

Euan Gray: 2004 Alastair Salvesen Scholarship Exhibition l'ntil Sun l‘) .lun. l‘ree. liuan (iray took his “0.000 tray el scholarship and set

of for the South Seas in the footsteps of

Robert Louis Stevenson. Here he exhibits work produced frotn the trip. dealing with themes such as globalisation and its effect upon traditional culture.

' " "' New work from the Dundee-based artist whose art Dfliia Balme floats between worlds and elements but is always

firmly located in paint.


23 (‘ockburn Street. 622 (i200. l)aily Ilam (rpm.

MIR - Dreams of Space 000

l'ntil Sun 5 Jun. New photographic. installation and \ ideo works by British and Russian artists reflecting the utopiatt idealism that spurred the start of the space age and the enduring legacy of the Russian quest for space. lAST Cl {ANCF TO SEE.

Joe Cornish: Scotland’s Coast Thu 2 Jun. (v.30 8.30pm. l‘ree. The only planned cyent in Scotland to launch this tribute to Scotland's coastal landscapes by one of Britain's most popular landscape photographers.

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'niversity of lidinburgh. Sottth Bridge. (i50 22l0. Tue Sat l0am 5pm.

Cool Hunting Sat 23 May Sat ‘) Jul. (iroup show co-ordinated by the Talbot Rice (iallery exploring the lttslltotl industry and the birth of cool. .-\nna Ray and Stephen llunter exhibit new

Check out the

on paqets

“17'?- A/nix3r' Roomo. Edinburgh, Thu 2 Jun— Thu 30 Jun

drawings in the round rootn. See preview. page l0]. NEW SHOW.

I TRAVELLING GALLERY Meadows l’esti\al. Melville Drive. Out of the Ordinary Sat 4 Jun. 10am 5pm. l‘ree. .\'ine contemporary artists explore the genre of still life . including Jet‘wood Photography Award-

Visual Art

winner. Sarah Lynch. and (ioMA recent acquisitions artist. llanneline Visnes.


National Gallery of Scotland. The Mound. (i24 (i560.

Curator’s Talk: Landseer’s Patrons Thu 26 May. ()pm. A special evening lecture from guest curator and art historian. Richard ()rmond.

Looking at Photographs Tue 3l May. l2.45pm. Free. The challenge and charm of interpreting photographic images. Using examples from the National ('ollection. with Sara Stevenson chief curator of photography at the Portrait (iallery.

Francis Bacon: Veneration and Reproductions Sat 4 Jun. I2.45pm. l-‘ree. Martin llarrison. art historian and author of In ('umvru l’mncix Bacon (2005). explores the way in which Bacon mixed high and low -art sources. and amassed photographs and reproductions of artworks in his image-bank. Christian Art Tue 7 Jun. l2.45pm. l‘ree. 'l‘wentieth century artists have sought to express the ('hristian story through inscriptions. figurative art attd abstraction. l‘iona Pearson. senior curator at the (iallery of Modern Art. discusses the Dean (iallery display within this wider context.

Westwater’s MacDiarmid: A Bird Cliff under the Midnight Sun Wed 8 Jun. l2.45pm. Free. Alan Riach. poet. author and Professor of Scottish Literature at the l'niyersity of (ilasgow, discltsses the themes that \Veslw'alL‘t'K painting addresses and reads from the poetry that inspired it.

Private Galleries


75/7‘) (’umberland Street. 558 3352. Wed Sat Ilam ()plll.

Shadows and Tall Trees Thu 26 May. Solo exhibition of new work by Alan Kilpatrick continuing to investigate the relationship between post- independence India and Scotland. LAST CHANCE? TO SEE.

Delia Baillie - Tropopause Thu

2 Thu 30 Jun. .\'ew work from this award--winning Dundee-based painter whose last show at the RS.-\ was much acclaimed. The tropopause is the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere; Baillie’s work explores the space between two atmospheres. See picture caption. left.

N l; W SHOW.


38 Home Street. 228 4l4l. Mon Thu & Sat llatn midnight: l‘ri Sat ll lam. Le Mort De Gunter Prague, Communique 1: Le Illustration l'ntil Tue 3| May. Solo exhibition of illustration by the NYC born and underground artist. (ER (iapinski the first of 13 communiques exploring form. mythology and communication.

27 May- 16 June 2005


Alastair Salvesen Scholarship Exhibition

Royal Scottish Academy Building The Mound Edinburgh Admission Free tel: 0131 225 6671 www.myalscottishacademyorg

L’tS Mag. 2‘ Jun 3001'» THE LIST 105