Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce and Rachael Street.


Activities & Events

Indian Head Massage Bordcrx Bookx. l‘oi't Rctail Park. 390 l’rman Walk. 77.3 3‘)l0. (i Spin. LS. 'l‘hc pci'lcct prc—

\\ L'ChL‘lltl \\ llltl-tltm ll \\ itll l‘L‘\itlL‘0l llk‘l‘ztpixl l.i/ liorrcxtci'. Iiach llitl\\tlf_'t‘ ltl\[,\ around l5 lllllllllL‘\.


Charlie Connelly Ro)al (‘onccri Hall. 3 Sauchichall Sti'cct. 353 S000. lpni. L'J (£3.50i. In i'c‘xcai‘ching his hook Armani/i :I/l Ship/ring traVcl \\ ritcr ('harlic ('onncll} ti'ax clch round thc \liippiilg lorccaxt ai‘cax uncowring thcir main and tincai'thing thcir hixtor} and ctilturc. llcar him hc \ ixitcd ‘thc \iorld‘x litti\l horing toxin‘. incl Marihn Monroc'x dad and got ltixl on \tll'lttth Scottixh ixlandx.

Beauty in a Dark Universe (ilil\:_'t)\\ Scicncc ('cnti'c. 50 Pacific Qua). ~l30 5000. (x45pin. £4.05. Scnioi' .v\\tronoincr littl‘ lllC lluhhlc Spacc 'lt‘lLWL'Hpt‘. l’l'tilc\\(tl' .\lario I.i\ io \pcakx undci' thc glittcring \tar\ ol' thc l’lanctai'iuni; hcar lioii thc uni\cr\c hcgaii and llt)\\ it \\ ill c\cntuall_\ pop it\ L‘logx. Hooking cantial,


Hip Hop Dance Classes (‘(‘.-\. 350 Saucliichall Strcct. 353 4000, " Spin. 9.5 (Ni. .-\pparcntl_\ it\ )our ci\ ic dot} to \hakc )our hoot}.

Saturday 28


Everything you wanted to know about climate change but were too afraid to ask Rt‘lflit‘ltl .Sl Slt‘lilIL‘ll.\ ('hurch ('cnti'c. 3(i0 Hath Strccl. 333 3830. 3 5pm. l’i'cc. .v\n iiil'oi'iiial \\til'l\\llit[t lt‘tl l3} (illll‘ill l{t‘\l\l;tllct‘ Scotland and Scottixh liducation and .-\ction lor l)c\clopincnt. lolloxicd h} anolhci' chancc to \cc “In ("low I/Ir’ (i8 (i/mt'au/t'i 3005. a lilin h) (aincordcr (iucrillax. and a \llltl'l dixcuxxion ahoul taking action at thc (iS. I,iinitcd \pacc. cinail cnquii‘icw' ci\ lL‘lUl'lllllAH'lellx to hook.


Tennent’s Scottish Cup Final: Celtic v Dundee United llainpdcu l’ai'k. l.ctlici'h) l)ri\c. (ilo (lllllll. 3pm. 'l'hc laxt tiiiic thc\c too \idcx iiict in thc (‘up l‘inal uax in IUSS \thcn t\\o Ialc (‘cltic goalx hi'okc l'nitcd hcartx. 'l'hc tiiiic hcl'orc that iin 1085) too latc (‘cltic f_'U;ll\ hi'okc l'iiitcd llL';tl'l\. (an lightning \ti'ikc thi'icc‘.’

Tuesday 31

Activities & Events

GFT Film Quiz ( ilaxgou l‘lllll 'I‘hcati'c, l3 Roxc Sli'ccl. 333 SI3S. S.vl5pin. £l.5(). 'l'cxt )iiiii' knou lcdgc againxt a \\ idc rcaching rangc ol' liliii t|llL‘\llHll\. \\ ith pi‘i/cx loi‘ N. 3nd and 3rd placc.

Wednesday 1

Ta ks

Curator’s Favourites lturrcll ('ollcclion. 30(ill l’ollokxhaux Road. 3S7 3550. I330 Ipni. l'rcc. \ixicii llaiiiillon. rcxcai'ch inaiiagcr loi art talkx ahotit lici‘ la\ourilc c\hihil at thc lturi'cll. l)cga\' ‘ltallcl l)ancci\'.

Conversation Pieces: Cameron McNeish Roin (itlllt't'l'l Hall. 3 Sauchicliall Sti’ccl. 353 Stilltl. lpin. L' 3.50 in tttl\;tlict' Ll (iii llic tl;i_\. lltlx inountainccr llllx \pcnt lll\ \\liolc Iilc c\ploi‘ing oui counti'} \ lllH\l hcaiitilul

28 THE LIST. ;

Ailtil HUS


Scotstoun Stadium, Glasgow, Sun 5 Jun

The United States and Russia haven’t been the best of friends of late, what with aspersions being cast over the state of Russian democracy as they celebrated the anniversary of VE Day. That underlying tension can only add extra spice to this international athletics match, in which the two powers lock horns in a three-way competition with Great Britain. Top athletes from each nation will compete in a battle for points, with team, rather than

individual, glory at stake.

Also generating excitement will be the appearance of Dame Kelly Holmes, competing in the 1500m. She ended fevered speculation by announcing that she will retire from the track at the end of this season, and this will be the last chance to see her run in Scotland. Kelvin Hall was the scene of a mini-track invasion when Holmes last raced in Glasgow and she admits the level of support she’s received has been overwhelming. Expect no different here, as she aims to bid us farewell with a winning


The full line-up has yet to be announced, but former Olympic American champion Maurice Greene has been confirmed for the 100m. Despite only managing to bring his team home second, behind the British quartet in the 4x100m relay in Athens, he isn’t concerned. ‘It will be good to run against Britain’s best sprinters, who are very talented but still have a lot to prove in the individual event,’ he says. We’ll see how the Brits respond to that. Or maybe this time the Russians will have the final word. (Chris Bradley)

nook\ and crannicx. llc prcxcntx lli/t/ .Sr’uI/ruit/j (I S/t/‘I'I'I (it Now \\ hich look\ at thc opportuniticx that c\i\l in Scotland t'oi' \‘llllllk‘l'S. hill \\;lll\L‘l'\. iiiunro—haggcrx and hackpackci'\ thank\ to our acccxx lcgixlation.

Friends of the Earth 3 \\'liitc Sli'cct. ('oi‘ncr ol' lt}rc\ Road. 7.30pm. llclp to look al'tcr thc planct and join in thc nionthl} l’ricndx ol' thc liarth incctingx.

Thursday 2

Activities & Events

Family History Open Surgery .\litchcll lihrai'}. 30] \ortli Sti'cct. 387 3000. 5.30pm, 'l'racing )oui' l;llllll_\ lll\ltil'_\ 1’ .\'ot \urc \ilicrc to look‘.’ 'l'hc c\pci't\ arc on hand oncc again oll'cring hclp and ad\ icc at llll\ drop-in cwiiing \urgci'}.

Indian Head Massage Hortch liookx. l‘ort Rctail Park. 300 l’ro\an Walk. 77.3 30]”. (i Split. LS. SL'C 'l‘lltl 30.

Food & Drink

Dine with Wine latain. l’i'inccx Stiuai'c. 335 5030. Iinio) thc dclightx ol Scotlanth Suinincr lardci' and a \\ inc taxting v. ith .\la\lci' ol' \Vinc. Roxc \liii'ra} Ili'oiin. tlic onl} .\l\\' making in Scotland and tll'llllxx t‘tillllllllhl l'or l/ir' Xi olwmm l'or thc [taxi to _\cai'\.


ArtBites! .\lcl,c||an (iallcricx. 370 Sauchichall Strch 505 ~ll00. lpin, l'i‘cc, Short talk on l/lt'/)(lllt('1'/X/U'IVIIQl‘} Iloi'ncl.

Curator’s Talk ( iallcr} ()l~ \lodci'n Art. ()uccn Strch 33‘) [000 030 7.30pm. l'i'cc. Bcn llarinan giicx a talk on thc artixt Barhara Krugcr.


How to be a City Gardener: Hanging Baskets 'l‘hc lliddcii (iardcnx. 'l‘i‘ainiia). 35 .'\llk‘l'l l)ri\ c. 0S45 330 350l.

1.30 3.30pm. l’i'cc. linprmc _\out' gai'dcning \killx in thcxc \xcckl} \iorkxhopx. Booking l't‘qtlil'ctl.

Hip Hop Dance Classes (‘('.'\. 350 Sauchicliall Strcct. 353 4000, 7 Spin. £5 IHi. Scc 'l'hu 3(1.

Saturday 4 '


* Party in Park Circus l’ark (ii-cm, to Park 'l'crracc liaxt |.anc. ncar Woodlandx Road. 07734 3 Hi SW). 3 (ipm. l’i'cc. Boniour? llcllo? .\ joint l-‘cxt/l-‘ctc li'oiii thc .i\lliancc l'lttlic‘tiixc dc (ilttxgtm and lllL' (iocthc lllxiltllt‘ \\lll1 lllll\lc. \trcct artixtx. l'ood and drink\. a hook launch. and lots ahout l‘rancc and (icrinan). Scc llitlixt.

Food & Drink

Queen’s Park Farmer‘s Market ()uccn‘x Park. 530 langxidc Park. 387 7373. Main 3pm. .'\ chancc to hu} pi'oducc dii'ccl l'i'oin lai'nici'x.


Civic Forum/Forum on Discrimination joint conference: Media, Human Rights, Democracy

Strathchdc l'ni\ci\ii} l'nion. 00 John Strcct. 553 ISU5. l0ain 4pm. £5 il‘rcc l‘oi' ().-\l’\/uii\\agcd/xtudcntxi. Doc‘x thc incdia rcllcct Scotlhli opinions or tlocx it \lttlpt.‘ attitudcx'.’ \Vhoxc \oiccx arc hcard and

\\ hoxc \tttl'ic\ tll'L‘ ltiltl'.’ ll.\ L‘ltttil'ctl l1} ('atliic l’caltic \lSl’. and \pcak‘crx \\ ill iiicludc 'l‘iin llopkinx iliqualit) thuorkl. l’aul llollcran lNl'Ji and lxohcl l,llltl\;l} i(io\crnincnt l)cpt. Strathchdc I'nii. liinail cnquiricxw ci\ icl'oruinorguk to hook.


Scotland v Moldova llainpdcn Park. l.cthcrh) l)ri\ c. 6100000. Qllillll} ing match l'or thc \Vorld ('up 30%. Don't hold )our hrcath.


Write-Tron for All Tron Theatre. ()3 Trongatc. 553 4367. l lain-1pm. £5 (£3.50). Stcphcn Barnes runs this creative writing uoi'kxltop l‘oi' adultx. Booking L‘\\Cltlitll.

Food & Drink

Pink Afternoon Tea ()nc l)C\'on.\ltil'c (iardcnx. 339 3001. 3 4.30pm. £34. linjoy a \clcction of sand“ ichcx scones. pastricx. cakcx and champagne. all \\ ith a hint ol pink. £5 l'roin thc pricc ol‘cach tickct g()C\ to Bi'caxt ('anccr (arc.


* Norwich Union International Athletics ScoNoun Icixurc (‘cntrcx Danes l)ri\ c. Scolxliitln. 05‘) 4000. (ii'cat Britain takcx on thc ISA and Rimia “ith poxxihl} Kcll} llolincx' laxt appcarancc in Scotland hcl’orc rctircnicnt. Scc prcx icu. toll and “MN.

Monday 6


Summer Graduate Recruitment Fair Sli(‘(‘. liinnicxton Qua}. 0870 040-1000. .\lakc all that gctting into dcht north uhilc h_\ popping along to thix lair; a wry good placc to start looking tor a job with plcnt} ol' L‘UlllpillllL‘\ looking to rccruit.

Tuesday 7


Summer Graduate Recruitment Fair Sli('('. I’innicxton Qua). 0870 0-10 4000. SL‘L‘ .\ltlll (i.


Greenpeace Mono. 13 Kingx (‘ourt. King Sti'cct. 553 3-100. 7.30pm. lircc. Join in thc inonthl) (irccnpcacc incctingx and do _\our hit l'or thc planct.

Wednesday 8


Curator’s Favourites Burrcll (‘ollcctioiL 30(i0 l’ollokxhaxxx Road. 387 3550. 13.30 lpin. l’rcc. Siinon Iicclcx \cnior curator ol ancicnt ci\ ilixationx discuxxcx 'l‘hc lig} ptian‘\\(iUtlth\\ Sckhinct. thc l’oucrl'ul \Voinan.

Thursday 9

Activities & Events

Indian Head Massage Bordcrx Bookx. Fort Rctail Park. 300 l’roxan Walk. 773 30“). (i Split. LS. SL‘L‘ ’l'lttl 3(3.


Landed Family and Estate Archives Mitchcll l.ihrar). 30] .\'oi'th Strcct. 387 300‘). ohm. Talk introducing thc \litchcll'x archiicx l'oi' local and lainil} lti\lt)l‘ltltt\.


Hip Hop Dance Classes (‘(‘:\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 4000. 7 Spin. £5 (Hi. Scc 'I‘hu 3o.

Polestars .>\i'chic\. 37 \Vatcrloo Strcct. 030 sofa I300. U30. l.cai'n thc art ol~ polc dancing \\hic|i is an imigorating. pla} lid and acccxxihlc kccp lit altcrnatnc in thix \i\ \\cck courxc. niuch l'o\icr than \lcp acrohicx an} \\a_\.