Edinburgh EME-

Activities & Events

The Single Connection ('elltii' Bur. 8t) Queen Street. 622 2327. 7.30pm. An introduction to thix litlinbttrgh buxetl soeiul elub for single people in er 3t). Booking C\\L‘tlllitl.

Food & Drink

Rose and Ruth, River Cafe Book Signing \'in(‘til'le. I l .\llllll‘L‘C\ \Vttlk. 557 0088. (i 7pm. £20. RU\L‘ ttntl Ruth eonte to \ign eopiex ol' their litlL‘\l Clllllltll') bible. Rii‘i'r (‘ii/i' lilo litiyt‘, \\ ith tt ltllk tttttl Q&.-\. 'l'ieket illeltltle\ Lt glttxx oi l’i‘oxeeeo ttlttl tt eop_\ ol the book.

lsole e Olena Tasting \‘ulmim x ('rollzi. l‘) l'illn Rim. 55b (illoo.

7.30 9.30pm. l’uolu ix one ot‘ the top \\'lllCltlttkL‘t‘\ in (‘hiatnti ('ltixxieo :tntl hix \\ inex ilt'C \oltgltt ttllL‘l' in e\ei‘_\ eornei' ol the World. 'l‘ttste zi \eleetion inelutling S}i';tlt. ('hittnti untl Vin Stinto.


Curator’s Talk: Landseer’s Patrons \Vexton l.ink. \tttionttl (itiller) ol Seotlttntl. 'l‘he Mound. (i2-l (i5(itl. opin. .\ \peeiul e\ening leeture li'oin guext eurntor ztntl urt lil\ltil'itlll. Riehurtl ()riiiontl. Bothies and Bealachs: Rocking Highland Adventure \Ve\ter llitllL‘\ Librur). l \Vexhltle l’ltt/tt. 52‘) 5095.

7‘ N..‘~t)piti. Free. llilluitlking titlllttth liin R Mitchell untl l’etei' Keinp gi\ e tin lllll\ll'ilIL‘tl ttilk tl\ purl oi the lat/iii/iiii‘e/i ('ilt' Lib/tutu l'i'xlit'ii/ o/ .S‘i‘iillixli ll‘i'iliiie. 'I‘ieketx t'roin tin} titlinbui'gh l.ibr;ir_\.


Learning Gaelic: Taster Workshop Rt)_\;tl Museum litluetttion ('enti‘e. 2 (‘huittberx Street. 247 42l‘)/4422. l ltllll. l"ree. Introduction to thix betiutil'ul lzinguttge. Booking iltl\ ixtible.

Gaelic History in the Museum of Scotland .\lu\etiin ()t‘ Seotlttntl: Hunthorntlen ('ourt. ('huinberx Street. 247 421‘). 2pm. Free. Time tr;i\el \\ ith eurtttoi‘ Hugh ('hezipe through lever- k‘nou n I’L'tlllll\ ol Seotlttntl'x (ittL‘llL‘ lll\ltll'_\


illltl lettrn ttbout one ot the oltlext \\ i'itten lunguttgex in litirope.

Drama Writing Workshop (‘entriil l.ibi‘;ir}. (ieorge l\' Bridge. 225 5534.

(i Spin. The 'l‘rttxerxe 'l'heiitre‘x

pl;i_\\\ right in i'exitlenee. (’lirixtopher l)e;tn\. hoxtx tlti\ ereutix e \xorkxhop t'oeuxing on ehurueter tle\elopinent in tlt‘uintt. l’ui't ol' lit/iii/itiiie/i ('i'lt' librarim l'i’xlii'ul of .S‘i'olli'x/i ll'riliiie.

Activities & Events

Writer’s Bloc - Better Read Than Dead Ro\_\ .-\rt littth‘. 2 Roxbui'gh l’lttee. ()87l 750 (M77. 7 8.30pm. U. .-\ nti\ ol Pi‘ol'ewiongtl zttithoi'x untl li'exh \oiee\ tleli\ er entertttinittg. upl'ront. ne\\ tietion. .\'ot tor the \lt} and retiring. l’urt ol' lat/iii/iiii'e/i RIM/I lexlit'ti/ 2005. Summer Nights at the Observatory Ro);il ()bxet‘Vtttor} Vixilttl' (‘entre. Bluektortl Hill. ooh 840-1. 7 .\’.—15piii. £3.50 H.250); U) tuniil} tieket. Vie“ intugex ot' the \un uxing the Royal ()bxei'uttoi'} \ \olur telexeopex. keep )our e} e\ peeletl tor \tltl\pttl\, eheek out nteteoi'itex ttntl find out uhere to look l'oi' Stiturn zintl Jupiter. Booking L‘\\L‘llllttl.

Saturday 28


Body and Soul Fair .'\\\L‘tlll\l) l\)tttilll\. 54 (ieorge Street. 220 7(itll.

ll;ini 5.30pm. £.‘~.5l) i£2.5lli. Seotliinil’x biggext gathering ol t;trot i'etttlerx. it\ll'tiltt:_'el‘\ ttntl elziir\o_\;tnt\. eiunplenientiir) therupixtx tintl ltL‘;tllll pruetitionerx tl\ u ell tt\ ei'ult \ltlll\. \Vith guext \peukei‘ ('tixxttntlru littxon. bext \elling ttutlior itntl p\_\ ehie.

The Leith Market (‘oininei'eiul (Jun), ()eetin l)ri\e. 4(i7 0-122. .\ pei‘inttiient inurk'et “till l‘ootl. litxhioii. tlexign. tlltllqtlL‘\. l‘urniture. book\ :tntl llltt\le.

Food & Drink

Isle of Mull Cheese Tasting \‘ulmnii t\' (‘rolltt. l‘) liliii Ron, 55o (illoo,

l ltiin 4pm. liree. (’lii'ix tintl .lel'l‘ Retitle ol' the lxle ol' .\lull (‘lteexe ('oniptin} otter ti eltunee to “hit their \xorltl litnioux lttl‘llllittllu‘ (‘hetltltux ttx \\ ell it\ three neu

Steve Mischief sticks something up his nose and gets in the mood for Vaudeville a circus, cabaret club

night that’s part of the Edinburgh Rush Festival. See listings in Clubs, Comedy and Music for further details. I Vat/(Je/i/le. Bongo Cit/l). Fill/ibiirg/t. Stir; 2’5) Mgr-.2

line's inilk eheexex. inelutling one ltlthllL‘tl in \\ltt\k_\.


Bansuri Workshop St (ieot'ge'x \\'e\t (‘ltui'elL 5X Shuntlu iek l’lttee. (ix-l5 I25 9020. 2 4pm. £7 tL'5i. .-\n Upptll'lllllll} to letirn the lntlittn elttxxiettl llute li'oin ltttlL‘\tt'U Rtiientlru Ktllkttl’ltl. ()pen to

\\ intl pltt} erx l'roin till lllll\lC;tl buekgrottntlx.

Activities & Events

Shore Poets Open Night the ('ttnonx‘ (itiit. 232 (';tnong;tte. 55o -l-li\'l. 7.45pm. £2 iL'l l. ‘l'hix iiionth the Shore l’oet\ in\ ite _\ott to join in tintl \llitl'L' _\otir o\\tt \\ttl'l\ \\ ith them. ill] eiiiphittie tllltllL‘llL‘L‘ :tntl \peeittl guext. (ittelie poet Rotltl) (ioi'nigtn.

It’s a Knockout! \leittloubttnk Sportx (‘entt‘e. l3‘) I.ontlon Rotttl. (LN-15 2-15 7530. ('i';t/_\ guinex to think the end ot (’tipittil .'\ppe;tl\ (iix ing \Veek. \\ itlt [L‘ttllh btittling it out \\ ith otitrtigeotix L‘HllllllL‘lllitl'} to ruixe inone} to help the .\lere_\ ('orpx rebttiltl Buntlu ;\eeli. littne} tlt‘exx eneottrugetl. \linitntiin \potl\ttt'\ltip t'eqttii'etl.


2nd Edinburgh Festival of Transport Siberknouex l’i'onienutle. Siberknouex.(H.121332 I25.

lltiin 5pin. liree, 2t)() \ iiitttge \ehielex. iiiotlel i‘;til\\;t}. inotlel lielieoptei' tli\p|;i_\. inotlel bogttx. \ltlll\ untl inueh more to eelebi'ute tlll tliingx ti';tii\port_\.

Body and Soul Fair .‘\\\einbl.\ Rtltillh. 54 George Street. 22o “not. ll;iiii 5.30pm. £3.5t) it'2.5lli. See Sat 23.


In the Land of the Tree Fern Roin Bottinie (iill'tlk‘lh t\\t‘\l (inlet. Royil littlttltle (iill’tlL‘llx. lll\L‘l'lClllt l\)tt\\.

7 l 7 l. ll).r“llillll. [-1. Join thix totii' ol~ .\'e\\ /e;tl;intl\ inoxt \xell knoun plttntx ztntl tintl out him the} etiitie to be :tt Rm il‘,. Booking tttl\ i\;ible.


Arthur’s Seat Storytelling Walk llol}i‘ootl l’uluee (‘ttr Park. 555 l.\’5‘).

5.5”Pltt. Lb ;t\;til;tble lt‘oln ('etttrul l.ibr;ii‘_\. lletti' gtbotit the \toriex. Ill}lll\. legentlx tintl litei'uture \ttrrotintling

llol} mod and the Queen‘s piti'k on thix l\\tt ntile \\;tlk letl it} the Sk'tllll\ll Stitt'ML‘llillg‘ (‘entt'e‘x tltt‘eelttl‘. l)tlll;lltl Smith. l’ttrt ol' lat/iii/iiii‘e/i (tit /.i/>i'tiri't-\ /'i'\li'i'ii/ of St ullix/t ll‘riliiie.

Monday 30


Glasgow Children, the Seasons and the North-East Seas .\‘;itioii;il (};tllei'_\ ot' .\lotlei'n ;\rt. "5 Behind lx’otttl. (ill (i2tlt)_ l2.‘l5pin. l‘i'ee. \Villiuin Buehnntin. l'orntei' tleptit} tlireetor ol' (illhf—‘HH Seliool ol' .'\l‘l. tll\L'll\\t'\ the etti'rent .ltitlll litii'tlle} tll\lllil_\.

John Ross ('\\'t '. l5 Hi'tiiimiek Street. 7.30pm. l’i'ee. tlonittionx \xeleoine. 'l'he ;t\\;ii'tl-\\iiining tltllltttl‘. tei'\eiit tlllll k’ttpllilll\l tiiitl pro~intligenotix riglih

tieti\ ixt I'L‘ptit'l\ l‘i‘oiii the trout line in (‘hiupitx .\le\ieo tit llli\ t;ilk oi'gtinixetl b) the litlinbtii'gh (‘ltitipttx Solitltti'it} (il'tttllit

Tuesday 31


Looking at Photographs \\‘e\ioii link. \tttionttl (ittller) ot Seotltiiitl. the .\lottntl.(i2-1(i5otl. l2.-l5ptn. l’i'ee. 'l‘lte ehullenge ttittl L‘litll'tll ol interpreting photogiuphie iintigex. tixing e\;titiple\ l'roiti the \tttiontil ('olleetion. \\ itli Sinai Sle\en\on ehiel t‘tii'tttor ol~ pltotogt‘;tplt_\ tit the l’ortruit (killer).

Travel Talk S’I'.-\ ‘l‘r;i\e|. 2" l'ttt'l't‘\l lx’otttl. 22o "7.1", "pin. it )oti'i'e thinking ol ti';t\elling in Rll\\l;t. Mongolia or tiikiiig the tram Siberian R;ti|\\;i_\ then llll\ ix the ttilk l'oi' _\oti,

Around Town

Name Litton C‘toorlman in: my Bottoms: name 53 Ainita subha Job Owner of the New Leaf Vegetariai‘ and ()rgitt‘fl V‘v’hotefcoo‘ St‘oo

Background i used to be a primary school teacher. and i also worketi 3". a Bittlrlliist ‘itieti's veg etar an cc )tl)(-3."£‘til\.'G cafe for about seven years r“. London I took the l:>;is:ness six years 2190 from £1 tinnitus, ixro'vian '.'/i"(,‘ use: to ctrxi‘. the snot).

Best parts of the job Mak-nc niche-t efiitcaiév i:v sellzito i',t.rl‘.f)l(3f%f§"‘.‘(? vegt-Etarvat‘ foot) and new 'tg t'te tune to talk to oeoole ano get tc know t‘eni.

And the worst? it can be :1 tr:

f‘l()t"0t()l‘f)tt:) contiotntiiv

reortieringi stock.

Have you noticed changing attitudes towards organic produce? l re't‘ei'i'tde' people used to EESK me scwnetitino, COM (l t1>ecrgiz are one vegetarian a: the same tine trecatise tbev cotton". ,i'tclerstzttxl the concern. in: l t" "K a 30‘. more people are

2; ‘.vl : ,{1'u(iql(,lC\,f_iiS)

aware .tio’C' there's oeer‘ more l),il)l?(2 iv.

Favourite foods coax ()L.’ cotmgettes a lot the; 're so gtl'Cy. Fer tr'eakfast. I owe eating

( roan-c coir-(toe '.'.’ltl‘. sesame. Snot ()t‘JF)!’ anti ittii‘tok "- seeds. :iitset'éos. "his: {it‘il ,ogi’xn‘f. Favourite restaurants l actuaflv KO sza Exov'ess. Am I asst" reaity :rke Barns. Kalpna and. 0“ course. Susie's D‘t‘f‘fl‘.

Ideal day off l'tl ‘.i'.'22t".(t(‘:r arc-tied the Bettie-cs ano' go to t"(,:- ca‘e there or go to Princes Street Garner‘s {thl have a co‘fee. l';i potter back green tie-rt ‘r'ont g:.i"<:lt;-"._ take tzrne ti l“(3tt tate a'to

"inn? ‘rpqrjo if .. ,qu n “n

‘.'-:t3tt'.l"-(>r :ii the (1-\/e":iig, i'ti ii‘étybe go ?or a :ttle stroll rotinzl l-iov'o >o Park or '-.‘."€l’.Cl‘- a t): of telev son. Open MoivSa’. 9.30; t‘t- :pn" ‘Sétl‘étll Ream

I i' he ;"\/t-)i Leaf. 20 /—‘i/‘_(;j,r'/e Pft'ttrf-B, Edinburgh, 928 88-10


The Bongo Social Swing Club the Bongo (tub. \loiu} lloiixe. ‘5 llol}rootl Road. 55.\ fliill-l, Spin t\ .\ ‘lpni. L71 hit one e|;i\\; L'b tor both HQ? hit one t‘l;t\\'. L5 Ioi botlii. l etti‘ii \uing tl.ineing \\llll l|l\ll'll\'lttl'\ ti’oiii the .i\\;ti'tl \\ inning l‘l_\i'ig|it tl.inte eoiiip.iii\. 'l'lie lll'\l hour ix loi‘ l‘t‘}.‘lll|lt‘l\. the \eeontl tor llllpt't\\t‘l\ tllltl ;it ‘lpiii the tutoring entlx ;tnt| \oeittl tl;tneing beginx \\llll \egtix' l enn_\ loxe.