Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

:3“ Adam and Paul t IS) .000

tl.cnuy Abrahaiuxon. Ircland. 2004) Mark ()'llalloran. Tom Murphy. .x‘r) min. Scc rcyicw. pagc 47. .S'c/m'm/ rc/cuu'.

The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (I') 0.. tl)cx .\lc:\uul't. l‘S. 2lllll ) Rnht‘t‘l [)6 Nil’t). RL‘IlL‘ Rttxxo. Jaucanc (iarolalo. 01min, .-\ hilariouxly ironic opcning .xcqucncc to thix updatc of thc ()llx cartoon that xccx thc cpony motix l‘lying .xqtlirt'cl and hcxt pal mooxc liying m an animatcd world xul‘l‘criug l'rom rcccxxion xctx thc lilm'x play lul poxt- modcrn tonc. .'\nd w hcu thc animatcd animalx' ncmcxcx. Icad hy I)c \iro'x I'carlcxx l.cadcr. croxx oy cr into thc ‘rcal‘ world thc lilm moy cx into lhc liy c action/animation tcrritory ol Il'lm I-‘runm/ Rugt'l' Rub/til." :\lltl llkL‘ Iltttl llllll. llx dialoguc ix packcd with cultural rcl'ci'cuccx that w ill hayc adultx laughing hardcr than lltc kidx. (irmwnm; (I‘ltlfilt’tlllfl

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert t 1.x’) 0... (Stcphan Iilliotl. .>\uxtralia. 1004) 'Icrcncc Stamp. Ilugo \Vcay ing. (iuy l’carcc. l04 min. ’I‘wo tranxycxtitcx and a trauxcxual lcam up for a trip acroxx thc :\tl\ll';lll;lll outhack tor a drag xhow in Alicc Springx. Scrioux ixxucx pop up lrom timc to titnc. hut thc cmphaxix ix ou thc camp humour ol‘ thc in-hUx hitchincxx and outragcoux muxical xct-picccx. \iu'.‘ Iii/inburg/i ()(‘nm t/hrnu'rly' Slur ( 'c'nluri‘). Iii/inlnu‘c/I. L’Age D’Ort IS) .9... (l.uix Bunticl. Spain. I‘Ull) (iaxton .\Iodot. I.ya I.yx. ('aridad dc I.ahcrdquuc. ()3iiiiii. Bunticl'x cxxay on Iirox and ciy ilixation. in which two on‘crx arc torn apart by church and xtatc. ix a maxtcrpiccc ol' conxidcrahlc inlIttcucc. Part of I.uix Bunucl Scaxon. IVI'lm/muu'. IftliH/uujc/i.

Alien Adventure 30 it‘) .00.

thn Straxxcn. Japan. 200i ) \‘oicc of John Boy lc. Bouli Lanucrx. 37min. .r\n alicn racc looking for a planct to colonixc liud carth and unlortunatcly cntcr a thcmc park w'hcrc thcy cauxc much aimixing mayhcm. I.\I.‘l.\’ 'Iilu'uln'. (i/uyguu‘.

Alone Across Australia it’( i) (Ian Darling. :\tlxlt‘;tli;l. 2004) 52min. Iicccntric tray‘cllcr John .\Iuir took hix know lcdgc ol' .-\horiginal xury iy'ial lcchniqucx and hix Jack Rttxxcll tcrricr on hix attcmpt to makc thc lirxt cy cr unxupportcd trip acroxx :\tixtra|ia. 'I‘hix documcntary lolloyy x him through dcxcrtx. xtormx and dingo attackx. I‘ilm/muu'. Iz'r/I'It/mrch.

The Amityville Horrori 15).. t.-\udrcw I)oug|ax. IS. 2005) Ryan Rcynoldx. .\Iclixxa (icorgc. Philip Bakcr llall. Jimmy licnnctt. 80min. l’ointlcxx. flaccid rcworkiug ol’ Stuart Roxcuhcrg‘x dull 1070 ‘hauntcd houxc‘ moyic. which claimx ax itx ‘inxpiration' umixcd hitx ol' Jay :\l)xoi)\ dixcrcditcd xourcc hook. Sr/r’r‘h'i/ I'(’/¢’t1\(’.

Anatomy of a Murder« 12A) 0000. t()tto l’rcmingcr . 13. W50) Jamcx Stcwarl. Rcmick. Bcn (ia/lat'a. (icot'gc (’ Scott. liy c Ardcn. iolimin. .-\rguahly thc lincxt courtroom drama c\ cr madc. .'lII(l/UH1\ n! u .llunlcr rcmainx an at timcx xhocking indictmcnt ol' Iiixcnhowcr-cra :\mcrica and an all~rouud tcrrilic thrillcr. Baxcd on thc hcxt-xclling noy cl by John I) Voclkcr and adaplcd hy \clct'an xcrccnwritcr \Vcndcll .‘ylay'cx. thc L‘ttsc takcx placc in a xlccpy‘ tow'n w hcrc thc rapc ol~ a hcautil'ul young woman and hcr dccoratcd war hcro litixhand‘x xtihxcqucnt killing ol hcr attackcr catixcx a xtatc-w idc xtir. (ircat pcrlt)rmanccx. grcat xcript. a rcally grcat mm ic. (i/urcuw' I’i/m 'I'lu'um’. (i/uwmi; l-i/m/muu'. [film/Hugh. Andrei Rublev t I2) um t.-\ndrci Iatkoy xky. I'SSR. mom Anaton Solonitxyn. l\an I.apiko\. Nikolai (irinko. 185mm. \cw print of .-\ndrci 'l‘arkoy xky quitc brilliant. hrutal takc on thc lil'c of a ISII) ccntary icon paintcr. 'I‘arkoy xky and xcrccnw ritcr Andrci Konchaloy xky turn Ruhlcy into a (‘hrixt-lik'c ligurc who xullcrx thc painx ol' a di\ idcd Rtixxia undcr thc \ icioux 'I'at'tarx. .-\ lruc Cl’ic told in \ ixually xtunning xct picccx. thix ixa poctic maxtcrpiccc that c\hihitx an uplifting xcnxc of thc xtrcngth ol‘ thc human xpirit. (i/uygutt' I'l/In I'llt'rlll‘t'. (i/uygmt;

Are We There Yet? it‘) 000 (Brian'ant. I'S. 2005) Icc (‘uhc. .\'ia long. .'\|cixha .-\IIcn. I’hilip Iloldcn. t)4min. Iinjoyahly xilly road trip comcdy in which IL‘L‘ ('uhc \ltll'x ax at man \t) tlL‘\pCt‘;tL‘lc It) imprcxx hix ncw girllricnd that hc agrccx to drch hcr two childrcn l'rom Waxhington I)(' to .\'cw York on .\'cw Ycar\ Iiy c. Iiu’.‘ I‘.'i/1II/rltl'u/) ()i'mm I/urnu'r/y .S‘Ic'r (Tn/urn. I'J/I'II/rII/g/i.

The Assassin (L’Assassino) I IS) llilio I’ctri. Italy. I‘ll)! ) Marccllo .‘ylaxti‘oianni. Michcliuc l’rcxlc. l05mm. Italian .\Iar\ixl dit'cctor I’ctri’x atmoxphcric. Kalkaquuc dchut l'caturc l'ollow x an antiquc dcalcr w ho ix arrcxlcd l'or thc murdcr ol hix Io\ cr. llc ix inocccnt. hut numcrotIx mixdcmcnourx xurl'acc during thc cnxuing in\ cxtigationx. Part of IiIio l’ctri Scaxou. (ilmuun‘ l-‘i/m ’I‘lu'um'. (i/muuu ; I’llmlmtm'. lat/inlturg/t. The Audible Picture Show tthc) tVarioux. I'lx'. 2004):\n intriguing array of aural crcation prcxcutcd by Matt Ilulxc. \cry dark and uniquc in )tx coulcnt. in that tax thc titlc xuggcxlx) lhcrc arc ahxolutcly no picturcx. although thcrc ix plcnty ol' noixc. Mcandcr through machinationx containcd within thc mind'x cyc and wondcr in aw c ax audacioux acouxlicx conl‘ound conformity and lcay c you in uttcr hcw ildcrmcnt. (i/itycmr I'll/n 'l‘lmlm'. (iluygmi.

The Aviator l 12A) 000. (Martin Scorxcxc. IS. 2004) Iconardo I)i(‘aprio. ('atc Blanchctt. Alan Alda. .-\Icc Baldwin. Iti‘lmin. Scorxcxc'x Howard Ilughcx hiopic ix hix hcxt work it) ycarx. Ilc dcpictx thc houkct'x milltouairc ax a maniacal. paxxionatc and dccply llawcd womanixcr. lilm produccr and airplancx cnthuxiaxt. I)i('aprio hax ncy'cr hccn hcttcr than hc ix hcrc. cy cn il' Blanchctt Virtually xtcalx lhc xhow from him in a twitch pcrl'cct imprcxxion ol‘ Katharinc llcphurn. :\t almoxt thrcc hourx thix propch by (Main. Int/inlmrcli.

c“. Wednesdays. 2 cinema tickets for the price of 1.

Any film. any time. every Wednesday at cinemas nationwide. Orange customers text '

(10nd t 0% am)".



One of the best films showing anywhere this fortnight has to be this immaculate new print of Robert

Bresson’s 1959 masterpiece. This is a sparse, hypnotic tale of crime and

redemption - extraordinary cinema.

I GFT. Glasgow (Wed 7 and Thu 2 Jun only).

The Best of British I IS) iy'arioux. l‘lx'. 2004) 04min. 'I'hix xcricx ol' homc-grow n. xhocxtring xhottx hayc hccn w inning aw ardx

globally. llighlightx includc local lilnmiakcr

Jim McRohcrtx' Who Do You Int-c." and carly xllot'lx l'rom Shauc \It‘udow x. (i/uygmi I‘l/Hl Ali/H'U/l't'. (i/(lyguttl

The Bridesmaid t IS) 0.. ((‘Iauttc (‘hahroL I“rancc. 2004) Bcnoit Magimcl. Laura Smct. Aurorc (‘Icmcnt I 10min. I'ilmmakcr ('hahrol takcx on a Ruth chdcll adaptation for a xccond timc to w inning cl't'cct. with thix talc ol'wcird tau)in machinatioux in rural I-‘rancc. (ilusgmr [Vi/m 'I'licum'. (i/ilygnu’.‘ I’I'lnilmim’. Ifrlin/mrch. Bringing Up Baby (PG) .0000 (Howard Ilawkx. I'S. NBS) (‘ary' (iraut. Kathariuc llcphurn. (‘harlcx Rugglcx. l02min. [any gal llcphurn cauxcx timid /oology' prolcxxor (iraut to loxc a y'altiahlc dinoxaur honc and mixlay a pct Icopard within thc courxc ol’ onc xcrcw hall cy citing. Archctypal 30x cra/y conicdy with onc outlandixhly hilariotIx .xccnc l'ollow'ing anothcr within thc progrcxxion of an tmcrringly logical narratiy c. Both xtarx at thcir charixmatic hcxt. (i/tlyuuu‘ l-‘ilm 'Iilu'um'. (;ltl.\_L’UllI

Brodeuses (A Common Thread) l )3) (Iilconorc I5auchcr. lirancc. 2004) Lola

Nay mark. Arianc :\xcaridc. 'I‘homax l,at'0l‘l‘c.

88min. \Vrittcn and dircctcd hy lilconorc I‘auchc. .rl ('unmmn fluvial thIx thc xtory of a rural tccnagcr coming to tcrmx with hcr unplanncd prcgnancy. (‘onccntrating on thc human clcmcntx. liauchc crcatcx a xpcctrum ol' xy mpathctic charactcrx and hax alrcady won a (’riticx' Award at (’anncx. ('(it' Rt’It/i'i'u' Sll't't'l. (i/tly‘guu; (i/uygoui

The Cat Returns tl') 000

tlliroy uki Morita. Japan. 2002) Voiccx ol' :\nnc Hathaway. 'l'im (‘urryz 75min. Scc l‘L‘y‘lL‘yy. pagc ~15. ('(I-(. Rt'Il/l't’ll' SHIT]. (i/mgmi; (i/mgmi‘; ('umco. [Jilin/Hugh.

to '.

:1: Un Chien Andalou i )3. 00000 tI.uix Bunticl. I-rancc. l‘)2.\') Simonc .\Iarcui|. I’icrrc Batchcl'l'. Jaimc .\I)ra\ illcx. Salyador I)ali. Bunticl. xtmdry dcad donkcy x. l"mm. ('Iaxxic Spanixh xurrcalixm. with thc tamoux cychall--xlitting xccnc and a grcat dcal ol hi/arrc imagcry and ohxcurc mcamng. Scycmccn minutcx not caxily l‘orgottcn. Part of l.tux BuntIcI Scaxon. l't/nt/iuuu; [ail/Ii/mru/r

Clifford’s Really Big Movie it')

C. tRohcrt (‘ Ramircx. [8. 200-1) \iilc‘t‘x til Jttltll RIIIL‘I‘. \Vtty llt‘ Brady. (it'L‘y I)cI.ixIc. Jcnna Iiltinan. "4min. (‘lil'lord ix an cnoi'iuoux hig rcd dog. who'x w cll know u to undcr-li\cx cy cry w hcrc through thc

tclcy ixiou xhow x. Ilcrc hc cmharkx on an adycnturc that c\ cn thc xmallcxt child w ill lind Mum and oh\ ioux. I.ow gradc kiddic cartoon hig xcrccn adaptation. lcaturing xccond-ratc \oicc artixtx. ('(i( link/um]. (i/uyg’mi; (i/ilwmt.

Consequences of Love I )5) COO tI’aolo Sorrcutino. Italy. 2004) 'I'ony Scry )IIo. ()Ii\ ia .\Iagnam. Adriano (iianmm I00min. Scc t‘cy icw. pagc 48. I‘l/Hl/Ir’llyt'. lit/lIl/llll'u/I. Control Room l 12A) 0000 iJchanc .\'ou_iaim. IN. 2004) X'mm. I’tlmcd during thc laxt Iraq war. thix documcntat'y t'ollow x :\I Ja/cci'a\ ncw x cm cragc. largcly t'ocuxing on itx tllI-Ilcllll rclatiouxhip with lhc I'S army 'x mcdia ccntrc in Qatar Ix II a propoganda channcl or a mac ol truth'.’ Notitattii\ tilm crrx towardx thc Iattcr pcrxpcctiy c. (i/iixcuu I’ll/n I’lli'uiri'. (i/itygim.

Cyberworld 30 it’(;) iy‘arioux. t'S. 2000) quna Iill'mau. .‘ylatt I’rcwcr. Woody .r\llcn. 44min. Jcnna Iill'man ix thc cyhcr-hoxt w ho introduccx ux to \ariotIx tmrclatcd xcgmcntx ol' cy hcr animation. I'lu‘ Suzi/mun and dill." makc 3|) appc4u‘ancm m a xpcctacular dixplay ol today 'x moxt imprcxxiy c graphic tcchnology. I.ll.vl.\' [Alll'tlll'tz (i/thQUH.


No Mir. Elihu) 900131145 LIST 53