
Guess Who? ( I2A l O (Kev itt Rodttey Sullivan. LS. 2005) Berttie Mac. Ashton Ktttclter. '/.oe Saldatta. Jttditlt Scott. I05min. Pttet'ile attd patltetic version of Stanley Kramer‘s I007 ixxtte dranta itt vvltich the interracial dyttatttic is reversed. Kutclter is ax etttrattcittg as ever (nol. dude). St'lt’t‘lt’d I‘t'll’flAt'.

Hearts and Minds ( )8) (Peter Davis. t'S. l974) I I2mitt. Davis‘ hard-hitting. tttasterfttl anti-war documentary sottgltt to explore the Vietnamese people's view of tlte war fottgltt over their country. Its attaly six of American attitudes attd propogattda ix arguably very Pertinent today. Part of A Better Future'.’ season. (ilttsemt' I-‘t'lrn Theatre. (ilusemt: Helen’s War: Portrait of a Dissident (l5) (Atttta Bt‘otnokai. Attxtralia. 2004) 52min. A )ear itt the life of Helen ('aldicott. Broinow xki creates a unique portrait of Iter attttt. w Ito. as Nobel Peace Pri/e ttotttittee and veteran anti-nuclear cantpaigtter. passionater opposed Bttxh'x ‘War on 'I'error'. With post- .S’0x scepticixm. Broittokai makes this a

dy ttantic and engrossing documentary. Part of London Attxtt'alian Filttt Fextival on Tour. I’t'ltnhuuse. lit/inburgh.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy ( I’(i) COO ((iartlt Jennings. l'S/I'K. 2005) Martin Freentatt. Mos Def. Sattt Rockwell. '/.ooey Dexchattel. Bill Niglty. I l0mitt. First time feature directorJennings hax tttottlded Adam'x screenplay (w rittett shortly before Itix prentature death it) 200] ) ittto an incredibly good Iookittg lilttt. Arthur Dettt (Freeman) escapes IiartIt'x demolitiott witlt ltix alien friend Ford Prefect (Def) by ltitcltittg a ride w itlt tlte \itgotlx. only to be rexcued by joy ridittg (iaIactic Prexident Xapltod Beeblebrox (Rockwell) on dream sItip tlte Heart (II.(lUItl. They ltead for mythical planet Magratltea. Mittor ttigglex (mostly abottt characterixations attd new characters) don't detract frottt the fact that this film is well worth the wait. (ieneru/ release.

House of Wax l IS) 0.. (Jatmte (‘oIIet-Sera. LS. 2005) Flislta (‘uthberL (‘had Michael Murray. Briatt vatt Holt. Paris lliltott. l l2ltiitl. See rev le\\. page 4‘). (re/tend I't'lt’uvt’. Ideas Factory: Laughs ( l5) 00min. This (‘ltannel 4 event features fottr short films. a th A attd a pitching xexxion itt which Sltatte Allett. (‘hanttel 4‘x cotttmixxioning editor for cotttedy. will cltair a discussion providing feedback for aspiring w riterx attd performers. (f/(IAL’HH I-‘il/n lht'tl/H'. (i/tlwttu‘.

In Your Hands ( IS) 0.. (Annette K ()lexen. Denmark. 2004) Petrine Agger. Jenx Albittttx. Saralt Boberg. Tritta Dry holm. 100mm. Newly graduated fetttale chaplain Atttta ( Jorgenxett) ltax beett appointed to a women's prison itt present-day ('openhagett. There she encounters an inmate Kate

(Dry ltolttt l. w Ito's reputed to Itave mysterious healing pow erx. The wardens dismiss the talk of miracles as ‘ceII-block psycltoxex'. bttt Anna. suddenly pregnant ltavittg beett told she could never conceive. becotttes ever tttore conv ittced attd laxcinated by the healer‘x gifts. Bleak drama tttade itt accordance w itlt the attxterc Dogme Rules ol'('haxtity. ('(trneo. lidtnburgh.

The Interpreter ( 13A) .00 (Sy dttcy Pollock. LS. 2004) Nicole Kidman. Sean

Falkirk Town Hall

Mon 30th May THE AVIATOR (12A) 7.30pm

Wed (st/une THE YES MEN (12A) 7.30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Bott office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

56 THE LIST 2t) May—S) Jun 2005

Petttt. l2‘)min. FBI agent (Penn) is assigned to protect a translator (Kidtttatt) inside the IN after she thinks she ltas heard something she shouldn't have. Silly. derivative attd over-long thriller which. like the IN itself. promises a lot tttore than it ttltitttately delivers. (ieneru/ release.

It’s All Gone Pete Tong ( 12A) .0 (Michael Dowse. l'K. 2005) Paul Kaye. Mike Wilmot. 92min. See review. page 45. Selected release.

The Jacket ( l5) .0. (John Maybury. l'K/l'S/(iermany. 2005) Adrien Brody. Kris Krixtofferson. Keira Knightley. Jennifer Jason Leiglt. Daniel (‘raig 102mm. This part tinte- travel romance. pan anti-war tract. part asylum thriller tells the story of confused (lttIf War veteran Jack Starks (Brody). Wltett he gets back frottt Iraq. Starks littds himself falsey accused of killing a cop. Settt to a mental asylttttt. he's given an extrente forttt of sadistic treatment by one Dr Becker (Kristoffersott). tttttch to the chagrin of Itis colleague Dr Lorettson (Leigh). Pttt iii a straitjacket. injected with drttgs attd locked iii a morgue drawer. he is tttetttally propelled ittto the ftttttre where he meets Jackie (Kniglttley). A pop psychological potboiler that feels like a relteated l2 .llnnkevs. (ienerul release.

Jo Bole So Hihaar (tbc) (Raltttl Rawail. India . 2005) Sunny Deol. Thomas 'I‘evana. (iary ('astro. Katttaal Khan. 160mm. Punjabi thriller drama abottt kindly constables. the FBI attd terror on the streets of New York. Art entertaining. choppy and cheerful roller coaster ride. ('(‘I lz‘dt'nburgh. Iz'dt'nburgh. The Keys to the House (Le Chiavi di casa) (PG) 0.. ((iianni Atttelio. Italy/France/(iermatty. 2004) Kim Rossi Stuart. Andrea Roxsi. ('harlotte Ratttplittg. 105mm. A guilt-ridden young father (iiantti (Stuart) attempts to bottd with the physically attd psychologically disabled teenage xott Paolo (Rossi) he hasn't seen since birth. Veteran Italian writer-director (iianni Atttelio (The Stolen ('ltt'ldren) intelligently steers clear of Iachrymoxe speeches. swelling orchestral music attd cheap redemption. attd instead explores the ambivalent feelings parents may experience towards their handicapped offspring. ( 'urnen. Edinburgh.

Kingdom of Heaven ( l5) 0..

(Ridley Scott. l'S/Spain/I'K. 2005) ()rlattdo Bloom. Michael Sheen. Liam Neeson. Kevin McKidd. liva (ireett. (ihassatt Massottd. l35min. Visually lavixlt action spectacular set durittg the l2th century (‘rttsades it) the Holy Land. The action takes place itt attd arottttd the city of Jerusalem, where. as the story opens iii the year I IN). King Baldwin attd his Iittropeatt kttightx maintain an uneasy trttce with the neighbouring Arab army lead by the Saracen general Saladitt (Massottd). Peaceful eo-existence between ('hristians attd Mttslittts itt the so-called ‘Kingdom of Ileaven'. however. isn't to the liking of the extremist Kttiglttx Templar. which plot to begitt a religious war. Iintertaining. if unsurprisineg trite. take on the crusades frottt Scott. (ienern/ release.

League of Gentlemen’s Apocalypse 0.. ( IS) (Steve Bendelack. l'K. 2005). Reece Shearxmith. Mark (iatiss. Steve Pentberton. ‘ll tttitt. See interview. page 44. and review. page 4‘). (ieneral release.

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou ( l5) 0... (Wes Anderson. [S 2005) Bill Murray. Att‘ielica Httstott. ()wett Wilsott. ('ate Blattcltett. I 18min. Anderson's fourth film is part high seas adventure. part film industry satire. part existential meditation on the meaning of relationships. It is consistently clever attd hilarious. shifting frottt the light- hearted to the surreal. to xcenes of real depth with the kind of ease we've cottte to expect frottt the Texan director. Bill Murray heads an eccentric. often brilliant cast as ageing oceanograplter attd liltttmaker Steve '/.issou. No otte likes his liltttx any ntore attd his life is fallittg apart around him. So he rallies a crew around him that includes his estranged wife (Huston). a journalist (Blattcltett ). attd a matt wlto may or may not be his sott (Wilson) attd takes one last fated revenge expedition itt search for the mythical Jaguar Shark. (tuner). Iz'dt'nburgh.

Lomax, the Songhunter ( PU) (Rogin Kappers. Netherlands. 2004) 95min. Alan Lomax devoted Itix life to tracking dowtt attd recording folk sottgs before they fell frottt


This may be your last chance to see Andres Wood’s poignant film set around Pinochet’s 1973 coup in Chile.

Great performances from a young cast.

I Film/muse, Edinburgh (until Thu 2 Jun).

memory. visting American prisons. Scottish islands attd Spanish villages. Kappers' doctttttetttary follows his tracks attd features interviews with the (now deceased) man himself as well as footage recorded by Lomax Itisl century. (i/(lsgtm' I'll/n Theatre. Glasgow: Machuca ( )5) 0000 (Andres wood. (‘hiIe/Spain/Frattce/l'K. 2004) Matias Quer. Ariel Matelttna. Mattttella Martelli. I20mitt. Santiago. l973 attd (‘ltile is about to lose its democracy. Socialist President Salvador Allende Itas been itt power for three short years attd the [S is getting worried that it tttight ltave another renegade communist country on its doorstep. As Hettry Kissinger is freeittg up l‘S cash attd military to enable rigltt wing (ieneral Pinochet to stage a coup. schoolboy (iott/alo lnfattte (Matias ()uer) Itas troubles of ltis owtt. His tttotlter is having an affair with sottte aged millionaire attd he is the only one who knows about it. plus the posit school he goes to is peopled by sttobs attd bullies. Then one day Pedro Macltuca (Mateltttta). a boy frottt the slums. walks ittto ltis life. Installed itt the school with a bttttclt of other ragged trousered gypos by the school's Marxist leaning priest attd headmaster. Macltttca attd his sister Silvana (Manuella Martelli) quickly beconte Pedro's conscience. bttt history is soon to overtake them all. Warttt. tltottgltt provoking social drama. l'i/rn/touxe. Edinburgh.

The Man Who Stole my Mother’s Face ( l5) ((‘athy Hettkel. Australia. 2003) 57min. A courageous search forjttstice by the daughter of a woman who was sexually assaulted attd beaten itt her suburban home l4 years ago attd is still strttgglittg to recover. The police investigation becomes bogged dowtt. so llettkel seeks ottt attd cottfrottts the man identified as her mother's attacker. Part of Londott Attstralian Filttt Festival on Tour. I'i/rnhuuse. Edinburgh.

Manhattan ( IS) 000“ (Woody Allen. l'S. l‘)7‘)) Woody Allen. Diane Keatott. Mariel Hemingway. 96min. Woody wanders through the femalejtmgle of New York itt search of a perfect sottlmate after the demise of his marriage. Sublime comic delight with a soulful (iershw'in score. .S'entsrnun Sereent'ng Ronni. Edinburgh.

Maria Full of Grace ( 15).... Marston. (‘olumbia/I'S. 2004) (‘atalitto Sattditto Moreno. Yenny Paola Verga. l00min. Maria Alvare/ (Morena) is a cocky l7-year- old frottt a rural ('olumbian backwater who wrestles with a predictable life of low wage factory work. fatttily responsibilities attd alt underwhelming boyfriend. When she accidentally becomes pregnant. she falls itt the eye sight of local Bogota biker boy Juan (Tom) who lures her ittto his den with promises of high earnittgs attd international travel. Impressive Loachian drama front first timer Marston. ('urneo. Edinburgh.

:5 Millions ( I2A) O... (Dantty Boyle. l'K/I'S. 2004) Alexander Natltatt Iitel. Lewis ()wett Mc(iibbott. James Nesbitt. Daisy Donovatt. 98min. See itttervievv. page 47. attd r'eview. page 4‘). (ienerul release.

it: Mondays in the Sun (Los Lunes AI Sol) ( l5) 0... (Fernando Leon De


Arattda. Spaitt/ltaIy/Franee. 2002) Javier Bardettt. Lttis Tosar. Jose Angel Iigido, Nieve de Medina. Iinrique vttten. I I3min. See review. page 45. (,'(i(' Renfrew' Street. Glasgow; Glasgow: I’t'lrnhnus'e. Edinburgh. Monster in Law ( 12A) (Robert Luketic. LS. 2005) Jennifer Lopez. Jane Fonda. Michael Vartatt. Wanda Sykes. IOI tttitt. Whett (‘harlotte Honeywell (Lopez) finally meets her perfect tttatt. Kevin (Vartatt). slte ltas to jump one last hurdle his merciless. overprotective mother (Fottda). who will do attytltittg to destroy their relationship. (‘Iiched cotttedy. (Iener’u/ l'l'fl’llSt’.

Mysterious Skin ( 18)..” ((iregg Araki. l’S. 2004) Brady (‘orbet. Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Elisabeth Shue. Mary Lynn Rajskub. Micltelle Trachtettberg. 105mm. Bradey (‘orbet (Lackey) is convinced that Ite was abducted by aliens when he was a child attd Neil Mc(‘ormick (Gordon-Levitt) is an attgry. promiscttous gay hustler. Slowly bttt sttrely the two young men's paths begin to cross bttt their connection to each other is tttttch deeper than they origittally felt. Writer/director (iregg Araki's tneasttred. tender take on Scott Heim's ethereaIIy poetic ttovel boasts compelling performances aII rottttd attd a great sottttdtrack (by Cocteau Twins' Robin (iuthrie attd cotttposer Ilarold Bttdd). This is a disturbingly memorable tale of listittg. I'F()s. false memory syttdrottte attd the blemish of youth. ('(i(‘ Rertfi'ett' Street. Glasgow; Glasgow; ('urnen. Edinburgh. Nicholas Winton - The Power of Good (I’) (Matej Mina. Slovakia. 2002) (32mm. Documentary about the ‘British Schittdler' wartime stockbroker Nicholas Witttott. Part of A Better Future'.’ attd Peace seasons. (ilusgmr l'i/nt Theatre. (i/usgott‘; Film/muse. Edinburgh.

Ong-Bak ( I8) 0. (Prachya Pinkaew. Thailand. 2003) Tony Jaa. Petchtai Wottgkatttlao. Petclttitai Wottgkatttlao. 105mm. Despite an itttpressive opening sequence this sitttple story about a young man‘s quest to recover the Itead of the village's Buddha stattte after it‘s stolett by big city gangsters gives way to an endless series of bruising lights and ultitttately proves to be a low-grade martial arts workout. Attd vvltile the Mttay Thai kickboxittg style employ ed by star attd actiott choreographer Tony Jaa is impressive itself. the way in which the various bottts are lilttted is uninspired attd ultimately tiresonte. Selected release. Only Human ( l5) .0. llarari & Teresa Pelegri. Spain/ Argentitta/Portugal/l'K. 2004) Norma AIeandro. (ittillermo Toledo. S9 tttitt. See review. page 48. l-i'lrnhous‘e. I'fdt'nburgh.

The Pacifier (PG) 00 (Adam Sltattktttatt. IS. 2005). Vin Diesel. Faith Ford. 95 tttitt. See review. page 47. (ienerul release. Pallndrornes ( I5) C... (Todd Solondl. IS. 2004) Stevett Adly-(iuirgis. Ellen Barkitt. Walter Bobbie. Sharon Wilkins. Jennifer Jason Leiglt. 09min. This the fottrth featttre film by Solottdz was supposed to be a sequel to his superb IWS debut film Il'elemne to the Doll/muse. bttt Heatlter Matara/lo. the actress who played the trottbled. unattractive
