[vents are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to kldsGllst.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.


Activities & Fun

Saturday Art Club Sat 28 May at Sat 4 Jun. l0am~lpm. Free. Gallery of Modem Art. Queen Street. 22‘) 1996. Fan art actiyities for children aged 3—-l0 relating to art on display with drawing. collage. sculpture making and games.

Climate Change Show Thu 26—Tue 3| May. I |.l5am. 2pm. 3. 15pm & 4.30pm. £6.95 (£4.95). Glasgow Science Centre. 50 Pacific Quay. 420 5000. Discover fascinating facts about what the future may hold and experience a thunder storm during this multimedia presentation.

Eco Energy Show Thu 26—Tue 31 May. noon. 2pm 6; 4pm. £6.95 (£4.95). Glasgow Science Centre. 50 Pacific Quay. 4205000. Consider where energy comes from and find out how to presery'e it in this electric science show.

The Magic of Light Sat 28 & Stilt 2‘) May & Sat 4 6; Sun 5 Jun. Sat/Sun noon. 2pm & 4pm. £6.95 (£4.95). Glasgow Science Centre. 50 Pacific Quay. 420 5000. Find out why things aren‘t always what they seem arid discoy'er the science of light in this magical and amazing show.

Build a Bug Thu 26—Sun 2‘) May. Thu—Fri 2.30pm: Sat/Sun l l.30am. 1.30pm. 3pm & 4.30pm. £6.95 (£4.95). (ilasgow Science Centre. 50 Pacific Quay. 4205000. Build a crazy bug to take home. Yuck!

Cockroach Corner Thu 26—.\ion 30 May. Thu—Fri l lam: 3.30pm (Sat-Mon tttat 1.30pm). £6.95 (£4.95). (ilasgow Science Centre. 50 Pacific Quay. 420 5000. Are you braye enough to handle a giant Madagascar) Hissing Cockroach‘.’

Pirate Craft Fri 27—.\iort 30 May. 10am-4pm. The Tall Ship at Glasgow Harbour. 100 Stobcross Road. 222 25 l3. Make your yery own pirate outfit.

CCA Kids Club: Monochrome Mania Sat 28 May. I0.30am—noon. £3 (accompanying adults go free). CCA. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. Fun introduction to printmaking. taking inspiration from Beck's l’uttires.

CCA Kids Club: Mini Installation Sat 4 Jun. 10—] 1.30am. £3. CC.-\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4900. Create your own mini exhibition in a cardboard box.

Theatre & Dance

Seussical the Musical Wed l—Sat 4 Jun. 7.30pm (Sat mat 2.30pm). £l0 (£8). Citizens‘ Theatre. l l‘) Gorbals Street. 42‘) 0022. Fantastical entertainment from the Dance School of Scotland bringing to life the bizarre world of Dr Seuss. featuring Jojo and the Whos. Amazing .\laisie. (iertrude .VicFuzz and plenty of other characters. Cinderella’s Sisters Thu 2 Jun. lptn & 7.30pm. £5 (£3). Tron Theatre. 63 Trongate. 552 4267. Story of arnbitiort. broken dreams. sibling riyalry and ballroom dancing from Catherine Wheels. Ages 8—12. See rey iew. right.

There is No Doubt About It Fri 3 & Sat 4 Jun. Fri 10.30am; Sat 2pm. £5 (£3). Tron

Theatre. 63 Trongate. 552 4267. The story of

Hans Christian Anderson. who started otit as a shoemaker‘s son and became one of the most popular children's authors in the world. Ages 5—l0.

Hoops, Hats & Acrobats Fri 3 at Sat 4 Jun. Fri 2pm: Sat 10.30am. £5 (£3). Tron Theatre. 63 Trongate. 552 4267. Rttby Worth choreographs this dance theatre piece about the fun kids can base when they ‘re not at school. Ages 5—‘).


Activities & Fun

Artefactory L'ntil Sat 25 Jun. l lam-4pm. Free. MUseum of Scotland: llawthornden Court. Chambers Street. 247 42l9. Try ottt lots of fun actiy'ities. create museum objects

and make a fossil linger puppet or your own carny x. an ancient war trumpet used to scare off Rornatt inyaders.

Royal Museum Art Cart Sun 29 .\lay ck Strn 5 Jun. noon—5pm. l-‘ree. Royal .\luseum. 2 Chambers Street. 247 42l9/4422. Look out for the Art Cart with free materials for you to use to draw and colour pictures all around the museums.

Puzzles and illusions t'ntil .\ion I3 Jun. l0am—5pm: Sun noon—5pm: Tue l0am~8pm. l’ree. Royal Museum Science Zone. 2 Chambers Street. 247 42 l9/4422. Fool your brain and exercise your mind at this interactiy'e exhibition.

Cardboard Sculpture Workshop Sat 28 May. l0am—4pm. £l5 (£l0). Weston Link. llawthornden Lecture Theatre. National Gallery. The Mound. 624 6500. Bring photos of your house or fay'otrrite building to create your own sculpture. inspired by Nathan Coleyk work. Suitable for ages l0 l4. Book in adyance by calling ‘).3(lant~4.3()pnt. Mon-Fri.

Cool Hunting: The Origin of Ideas Workshop Sat 28 May. I lam~3pm. Free. Talbot Rice (iallery'. l‘niyersity of Iidinbtirgh. South Bridge. 650 2210. Film. fashion and pop culture are just some of the influences for this workshop. Take a tour of the gallery with the group. then get stuck into creating a 'mood board' tising collage and drawing.

National Gallery Art Cart Sun 29 .\la_\. 2—4pm. l’ree. National (iallery of Scotland. The Hound. 624 6200. The Art Cart will be loaded with a yariety of art materials and ideas to explore the collections through ftrrt crafty actiyities. Forages 3 ~l2.

First Impressions: Mondrian Sat 4 Jun. l lam ck iprn. £4 (£|.50--£2). North lidinbtirgh Arts Centre. l5a Penny well Court. 3l5 2l5 l. lie inspired by the rioti- representational art of Mondrian. Using a combination of techniques to explore composition and colour. I lam workshop for ages 3—6. Ipm for 7+ year-olds.

Crazy Lazy Sunday Afternoon Sun 5 Jun. noon—6pm. l‘ree. l.eith Links. l.eith. 0845 458 9709. Celebrate the start of l.elI/t I'eslit'ul 200.5 with a bouncy castle. craft workshops. bug-hunting. circus skills. plus the Lyceum Youth Theatre perforrnirtg .'i\ lint like 1!.

Theatre & Dance

Children’s Cheering Carpet: The Japanese Garden Thu 26 .\iay. l0.30am. lprn ck 6.45pm. £5: family ticket £l6. (iateway Theatre. lilm Row. l.eith Walk. 31" 393‘). ltalian company Tl’Q broadens the hot'i/ons of participatory theatre with this sensory piece. ttsing inter'actiye liye animation. storytelling artd dance to take you on a magical adyenture in the Japenese gardens. I’url oft/re Bunk ulSmI/urttl Children's Inter/tulromr/ l'lteurre l'eytrt'ul. 1900 Thu 26 May. l2.30pm. £5; fatnin ticket £16. (iateway Theatre. lilm Row. l.eith Walk. 3l7 393‘). Spellbinding puppet show inspired by .»\llessandro Baricco‘s noyella .th’ct'nlrr). Ages 12- l-i. l’rtl'l (Ill/1e

Bust ‘I'l‘l’.

Cinderella’s Sisters Thtr 26 .\iay. 7pm. £5; £l6 farnily ticket. Tray erse 'l‘heatre. Catnbridge Street. 22S I404. .-\lso Sat 28 May. l2.30pm. £5 (£3 £3.50). .\'orth lidinbttrgh .-\rts Centre. l5a Penny well Court. 3l5 2l5l. See (ilasgow listing arid rey iew. right.

Kashtanka Thti 26 .\1ay. 7.30pm. £5: £l6 family ticket. Tray erse 'l‘heatre. Cambridge Street. 228 l404. Russian theatre likaterinburg retells ('hekhoy 's tttoy ing tale of a lost mongrel who gets takett in by a circus family. .-\ges 9 l4. I’urt u) the

[not 'I'I‘l’.

Dorthes Heart Thu 26 t& Fri 27 .\iay. Thu l0.l5am; l-'ri 11.45am. £3.50. .\'orth lidinbttrgh .-\rts Centre. 15a l’enny well Court. 3L5 2L5 l. Dori/res l/eurl is a w arm. gentle and funny performance about feelings. told with song and music. I’m! o/ the Bust ‘I'I'I".

Labyrinth Thu 26 Sat 28 May. Thu 7pm: Fri l0.l5am & 3pm; Sat It).30am. £5: fantin ticket £l6. (iateway Theatre. lilm Row. l.eith Walk. 3l7 393‘). The mythological tale of 'l‘heseus and his darirtg adyentures are brought to life in this award-



Thu 26 May, Traverse Theatre. Edinburgh & Sat 28 May. North Edinburgh

Arts Centre .000

This is a Cinderella for the Strictly Dance Fever generation. It’s also for the generation that’s had its fill of the traditional tale of drudgery, pumpkins

and errant slippers. In Mike Kenny’s play for Catherine Wheels, it’s time for sisters Penny and Pam to tell their side of the story and maybe show that

they’re not so ugly after all.

And they’re not. Behind all the cartoon grimacing and a range of facial expressions worthy of Wallace and Gromit, Helen Devon’s Penny and Michele Gallagher’s Pam are just two girls with a passion for dancing. Along the way, that passion warps into blind competitiveness no thanks to the ruthless ambition of their mother and they come to believe that winning is everything. The feelings they have towards their naturally talented step-sister, who overcomes her shyness to take the ballroom by storm, are not of hatred but of jealousy and admiration.

Now that Cinderella has grown up and moved into a bungalow in Peebles (as fairy stories go, this one is deliciously down to earth), Penny and Pam have let their negative emotions blot out their passion. it they can’t win, they won’t dance. But the power of the cha-cha-cha is strong and, even as they tell their story, the sisters feel the rhythm returning. That they too shall go to the ball(room) is the egalitarian moral of Kenny's story.

If, at only 50 minutes, the play doesn’t allow itself room to explore the mythical depths of the original story, Gill Robertson‘s production has a glitter-ball dazzle and a knockabout physicality that makes it tremendous fun. David Trouton’s shimmying music and Karen Tennent‘s shimmering set add to the sparkle of Devon and Gallagher‘s funny and robust performances. It’s all you can do not to join in. (Mark Fisher)

“mm”? Production from \Vee Stories. I’m: u/ l/lt' lioSt 'lll

There is No Doubt About It in 3" .\ Sat 26‘ May. l2.3llpm (Sat mat 2.30pm), £5; £l6 family ticket. (iateway ’l‘hcatre. l'.lttt RU“. l.eitlt “ails. 3 l a 593‘). Sec (ilttsg‘im. l’ri 3 .lttrt.

Snow and White lit 2” Sun I" .\lay. 2.30pm (also Sat ‘. 30pm. also Sim "pint. £5; £l6 lantin ticket. l't'ayersc 'l'lteatre. Cambridge Street. 22S I404. Reworkmg oi tltc classic fairytale by the lirothers (it'ltltltl. as tlte Queen‘s mirror rebels against his mistress and turns towards tlte beautrtul Snow White instead. (\ges Ill l4. I’m: in tin liuSt '/'/'/-.

Hoops, Hats 8. Acrobats in 3“ \ion it) May. l’ri 3pm; Sat l lam; Sat/Sim 2pm; \lon l2.45pm. £5: £|6 family ticket. 'l'rayerse 'l‘hcatre. Cambridge Street. 22S Hill. Ruby \Vorth choreographs this dance theatre piece about all the fun kids cart hay e when they 're not at school. .\ges 5 9. I’m) or l/lt

lioSt 'l'll‘.

Party l'l‘l 2“ & Sal 2S .\l.ty. "pm. [5; {lb

family ticket. King‘s Theatre. 2 l eyett Street.

52‘) 600i). litm. modern ballet perlotmauce from the Dutch cotttpany. ltttrodatts \§.'es S H. I’trrl u/ the /)’u.\( '///.

TYPO l'll .‘. ' A; Sat .‘..\ \lay. l‘l'l Spin; Sat .2. 3llpttt .\ illprtt. t5. L'lb larttily ticket. ls’oyal l ycettttt lheatte. ( irtndlay Street. 21S 1:.\i.\. ('ltapltnestpte clowning ltottt Iotrtie) titetttber ol (‘tttpte Hot/e .latttie \dkttts. \\lllt llltlslc‘ tron) \ttn \larte i\'\;l\\t‘l|l. \}‘\'\ S “(If t" lllt


Such is Nature \tl .‘.s \l.)_\. 5. ‘(ipm t\ .\lon it) May. l.‘. l5pnt 8.5 it; [3.50). \ottlt l tillli‘lllt'll \rts Centre. 15. l’enrty \yell ('ottrt. il" .‘ l *l \ petlortttanee piece that blends music. dance .llltl te\t into .1 s]‘.ttl\L\ kind ol

pity steal theatre. /’../.' flu l)’u\( ~/// Zouff! .\.tl .‘..\ \ltttt 3ll \i.t_\. \tl ‘l‘lll. Sun (toot) t\ Spit). \lon it) lHaiti (\

l |5pttr t". |.tlllll_\ ticket {Io (iateysay llteatte. | llll Row. | ettlt \\.tlk. z| 3"“) l.es \(t'onatites are .l ltye lll.tll cl.t/ll_\ .tbsttttl yet poetic . tietts sltoyy tron) lielt'tatt. cortiartttrr‘ bays oi slapstick comedy and int tethble aerobatics I’m: u' litt\( //l

Dorthes Heart \(m 3" (\ \ion it) \lay. \tttt Itl Watt) .\ .‘ illptt). \lott ll) lion (\4 l‘ l‘pttt (i.tt.\\..t\ llteatte. l llll ls’oyy. i\‘|lll \\.tli\. ii “H” \.'.‘ ( il.ts',‘i\\\ ll\l|l|“