I Nucleotides and Avatar l3th Note ('at'e. 50 60 King Street. 553 I638. 9pm. £3. Nucleotides are instrumental surf rockers from Edinburgh.

I The Ronelles, Villa Nova and The Apple Scruff Nice'n‘Slea/y. 42l Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 9pm. £3. ('ountry bluesy sounds from the Ronelles. Part of It) Days in May.

I The Mandrakes .\tc(‘huills. 40 High Street. 552 2l35. l0pm. l-‘ree. Bowie and Pink l-'loy d tendencies from this indie band.


I Raff and Joiocoke \\'histlebinkies.

4 6 South Bridge. 557 5| 14. 6pm. Free before midnight: £4 al'ter. ('lassic and contemporary guitar rock from Jojocoke. I Nazareth, Chains Undone and Stocious The lixchange. 55 (iroye Street. 443 0404. 7pm. £l0. Old school Scottish hem) rock act.

I Teenage Fanclub and Lucky Luke The liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 325 2564. 7pm. S()l.D ()l'T. See Thu 26.

I Define Your Time, Red Pill Memories and Blackened Heart Syndrome Subway ('owgale. 69

('ow gate. 225 6766. 7.30pm. £4. .\ hardciire/screamo edge to Deline Your Time's metal/rock.

I Colin Vearncombe (‘at‘e Royal Bistro Bar. l7 West Register Street. 557 4792. 8pm. £8 £l0. The man from Black may not be on the chart radar any more. but he continues to beayer away independently releasing his melanchon pop.

I Madredeus l'sher Hall. Lothian Road. 228 ll55. 8pm. £l6.50 £l9.50. l’ragile \ocals and acoustic guitar music from .\ladredeus’ new album sitlt't'n new songs. sixteen new lunr/scu/n's. .\t\l('(’ll new [Jun/Mrs.

I Chris T-T, Calvin, The Dead Beat Club and Pulsar (‘aledonian Backpackers. .3 Queensl‘erry Street. 476 7224. 8.30pm. £4. .-\git-pop t'rom London's ('Iiris T-T.

I Alfonzo and Also Rhytlun Rooms. ()- Bar. 5 ll l.eith Street. 8.30pm. £4 (£3). Indie rockers at this new night showcasing local talent.

I Underbelly, Singleskin, Guantanamo Bay and Graystar Bannerman's. Niddry Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £4. liyocatiye indie li’om Singleskin.

I Edinburgh Sound Collective Ro\} Art House. 2 Rosburgh Place. 087! 750 0077. 9pm. £tbc. Diyerse musical talent from l‘olk to ja/l and eyerything in- bctwecn. I’urt ol'lz'rlinlmreli Rus/t.

I Lyrical Crew The Bongo (‘|ub. Moray Honse. 37 Holyrood Road. 558 7604. l0pm. £5. The Manchester and London crew dish out drum «Q bass with roots, reggae and rap oyer raging guitars at the Forest (‘ate l'undraiser.


I Roddy Frame and Hobotalk Town Hall. Sandgate. ()l 292 6] I222. 7.30pm. £10. A cracking sitiger/songwriter bill at the l’estiyal ('lub. headlined by .-\/tec ('amera wunderkind-turned-elder statesman

Like those other sombre but sweet types like Doves and Elbow, Diefenbach’s inherent

spookiness is part of their charm. Their new album Set & Drift reeks of good things like New Order and the Beta Band but only one request though: give us a smile boys, eh?

Knit Tut's. G/(ts‘t ow. T1103! Mai: .} .1

of intelligent. tnelodic. wistl'ul Scotpop. llobotalk watches and learns. I’url (if/{urns xlll 'sl I‘llul.


I The Dream Aktion Unit, Mirror/Dash and Dredd Foole 8. the Din 'lollmoth. Jail “y mi. 0| 780 274000. 7.30pm. £12 t£8l; two day ticket 22 t£l4il lesttutl Pass £40 t£2tir l-‘reennoise supergroup. Dream .-\ktion l'nit. l'eaturing Sonic Youth's Thurston Moore. l’aul l‘laherty and ('liris ('orsano iw ith Malt Heyner standing in lot" Jim ()‘Rourkel kick things till. today. Moore is back with Kim (iordon ialso ot' Sonic Youth lamei tor the guitar/\ocals ol Mirror/Dash liollow ed by tree rock bordering on hardcore l'rom l’oole

ik [he Hill. It!” (if [1' lli't’kt'lttl.

Saturday 28


I Brian Kennedy ('arling Academy (ilasgow. |2l liglinton Street. 0870 77| 2000. 7pm. £l8.50 £20, ()yer- l4s show. .-\ liousehold name in his natiy e Ireland. Kennedy has spent the last liye years wor'king with Van Morrison bill has also duetted with the anti-('hrist erm. we mean Ronan Keating.

I Matt Elliot, Many Fingers, Thee Standed Norse, Chris Rigg and Wounded Knee Tchai ()y na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. 8pm. £5. The sombre post-rock soundscape artist otherwise known as the Third Iiye l-‘otmdation.

I The X1, Friday Night Motel and Roscoe & the Pit: ()'llenry 's. 14 Drury Street. 248 375|. 8pm. £2 i£l with llyeri. The monthly Head Downs Thumbs l'p liye music night with your hosts the NI and the


Illus sneclal quests

M ///-/.'/r’/:/ fer R K4

Wednesday 08 tune

{it lttitkliES am 240 7528. Doors tantrum, Tlcltet hotlne m hm. am 060 3111

Book shine at: mmflddlcmom a seettcketsmm

76 THE LIST '20 May 0 Jim 9005)

RliM/BlurK'Iash-inspired sounds ol~ guests l‘riday Night Hotel.

I Missy Higgins and Claire Wood King Tut's \Vah \Vah Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. 8.30pm. £7. Trilling .-\ustralian singer/songwriter in the Natalie lmbruglia \ein. who is massiyely successful in her homeland.

I Blind Pew, Tennessee Kait and Echobass Nice'n'Slea/y. 42l Sauchiehall Street. 333 0900. 9pm. £4. Stones-inlluenced rock'n’roll and theatrical mayhem from Blind l’ew at this launch night tor new tan/me lidible Audio.

I The Boogaloo Investigators Kintyre Suite. ('entral Hotel. ('entral Station. (iordon Street. 22l 9680. 9pm. £5 t£3 membersi. Retro funk and Rth from mod t'ayourites at Night Trainl.

I Smatka Molot Barlly. 260 ('lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. llpm. £5 (£4). lilectroclash outlit from Berlin perl'orm Me at Deathkill4000.

I Raging Speedhorn, Johnny Truant and Torquamada Barlly. 260 (’lyde Street. 0870 907 0999. £6. lntense i—‘l'indcore action from (’ot'h)'\ lttosl delinquent sons. \Vith demented support from punk metallers 'l'orquanuula.


I Mexico, Fred and U-Know-Hoo \\'liistlebiiikies. 4 6 South Bridge. 557

5| l4. 6pm. l-‘ree before midnight: £4 alter. West coast rock'n'roll t'rom Med with t'unk rock from li-Know-Hoo.

I The Owsley Sunshine (‘abaret Voltaire. 36 38 Blair Street. 220 6l76. 7pm. £tbc. Summery 60s pop from the ()wsley Sunshine.

I Acoustic Edinburgh Medina. 45 47 l.othian Street. 225 63l3. 7.30pm. £tbc. li\pect the highest standards of nuisicianship trom lillie ty Andy .\lu|liern and liound.

I Driverdown, Scarlet Dogs and My Next Girlfriend Subway ('owgate. 6‘) ('owgate. 225 6766. 7.30pm. £4. ‘Trip- rock' from Driyerdown. combining the inl‘luence ol l’ortishead. Massiy e Attack. .\ltise and (iarbage.

I The Diskettes, The Yellow Bentines and Little Pebble (‘aledonian Backpackers. .3 Queensl‘erry Street. 476 7224. 8.30pm. £4. Twee pop and acoustica l‘rom ('anada and lidinburgh.

I The Underground Jam and Combat Rock Bannerman's. Niddry Street. 556 3254. 8.45pm. £5. Jam and (‘l;l\ll tribute tlels.

I Amplifico and Sub-Opt Ro\y Art House. 2 Rosburgh l’lace. 087i 750 0077. 9pm. £tbc. .-\mp|ilico have just come ott- supporting KT Tunstall and are joined by prog-l‘unk three-piece Sub-()pt and more the. I’ul'l of Ifr/iit/riuje/i Rush.

I Barry Vista Social Club The Tass. High Street. 556 6338. 9pm. Free. Acoustic covers night.

I The Stage lglti. 2b Jamaica Street. 476 5333. l0pm. l‘ree. Hosted by Vocalist and (ittilat'isl. the Mighty Howard. the Stage inyites guest musicians to this reggae and soul influenced jam session.


I Pete Doherty with Russell & Tam Dean Burn Town Hall. Sandgate. 01292 611222. 7 9pm. £7.50. Libertines l'ans haye long known that the charismatic .\lr Doherty is a poet. lle graces the Festival (‘lub with his capricious presence to read some of his own poetry. while actor Tam Dean Burn and his musician brother Russell reinyent Burns' ‘A Tale ot'Twa Dugs' as a poetry slam between Burns and Iggy Pop in the event they're all calling the Radical 'l‘radition. l’ur! ofBums :lll 'xl' [Ii/tut.

I Blazin’ Fiddles with Justin Currie, Colin Maclntyre and Eddi Reader Wellington Square. 0| 292 61 l 222. 7.l5pm. Free. The formidable line-up of espert liddlers reprise their (‘eltic (‘onnections collaboration with Del Amitri's Justin (‘urrie. Mull Historical Society's (‘olin .\laclntyre and Iiddi Reader as part ol‘ Burns An' .-\‘ That.

I Finley Ouaye Town Hall. Sandgate. (H292 6| 1222. 10pm lam. £l0. Laid back late night yibes at the l-‘estiyal (‘lub as lidinburgh's reggae rogue plays his only show this year with DJ support from Joe Malik. l’urt oft/Io Burns :ln 'xl ' Hull.

East Kilbride

I Karen Matheson and James Grant \‘illage Theatre. Maxwell Driye. 01355 248669. 7.30pm. £12 t£l0l. .Nlltsic from the (‘apercaillie doyenne Matheson and richly talented guitarist (irant as they perl'orm as part of the Arthur's! l'estiyal weekend.


I Kevin McDermott Mauchline Town (‘entre. Kilmarnock Road. I lam 5pm. l‘ree. Local layourite sery es tip roots- llayoured rock and pop at the Holy Fair at Mauchline street l'estiyal. l’urt (if/{urns sl/t' xl ' 'I‘lmt.


I Rude Pravo, Deathprod and The Flirts Tolbootlt. Jail Wynd. (H786 274000. 7.30pm. £l2 (£8): two day ticket 22 t£l4l1 t‘estiyal pass 40 t£26l. lisperimental sound manipulations forming a new hybrid form of electronic pop l‘rom Rude l’t‘ayo. Deathprod specialise in Norwegian noise distortion and linally Amsterdam based electronic sound improyisation duo the Flirts. l’urr (if/m llk'ckmil.