Saturday 28


I Stuart Brown Quartet Brel. 3‘) 43 Ashton Lane. 342 4‘)66. 3-6pm. l’ree. ('utting edge ju'l] hand playing original compositions and tttittsttal cosers.

I The Boogaloo Investigators Kintyre Suite. (‘entral Ilotel. (‘entral Station. (Bordon Street. 221 96:30 ‘)pm. L5 03 members). Retro funk and Rtk B from mod famurites at .‘Jight 'l‘rainl. organised h} the (ilzt‘gow Rhsthm 8Q Blues Societ}.


I The Mellotones Salute Mel Torme S0 Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. S0 Queen Street. 226 5097. 2 75pm. Free. linjoy a little jam on a Saturda} afternoon as Jimm} Ta} lor and hand pa} homage to the legendary jazz singer. I The New Mario Caribe Quartet llent‘} ‘s Jan ('ellar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. S.30pm. £7. (‘arihe's contrihtttion to the Edinburgh jazz scene sittce his relocation frotn Sao Paolo has been quite considerable. Here he performs alongside a new electric quartet with st1.\ star l.aura MacDonald. See pt‘e\ iew. page 6S. I Jazz at the Balmoral XB's Bar. The Baltitoral Hotel. 1 Princes Street. ‘)pm midnight. Free. See Fri 27. I Keith Edwards Boptism Quartet S0 ()tteen Street Bar and Restaurant. S0 Queen Street. 226 5007. ‘)pm- midnight. l‘ree. Saxophonist Keith Iidwards and his Boptimistn Quartet with a mixture of uplifting classics and lesser know it tunes. I Groove Diggaz Henr} ‘s Jall ('ellar. S .‘\lorri.son Street. 467 5200. Midnight. L'S. :\ dose of the funk from Iidinhurgh‘s premiere hea\}w eight soul outfit. featuring \ocalist 'I‘on) King arid the talents of Martin ls'crsliaw on sax.

Sunda 29

Glasgow I Kenny Paterson Trio .\Ierc|tant's (‘ornetz IS John Street. 552 3S0l. 5 Spm. l'rec. .-\ new talent on the Scottish ja/l. scene. Paterson pro\ides smooth soul and swing ‘.()L‘iil\.


I Martin Kershaw and Friends forth Floor Restaurant Bar & Brasserie. llane) Nichols. 30 ‘34 St Andrews Square. 524 S350. 1230 -3.30pm Rising star Kershaw provides the perfect llltlsic‘al acctimpartiment to a litre Sunda} lunch with his soaring sa\' sounds.

I Melomanla l.a Bonne \ie. 4‘) 51 (‘ausewassido 1-4pm. .-\ little jazz to help you digest from this duo plaj. ing standards old and new.

I t We Jazz (are ('irande. 184 Bruntsficld Place. 22S llSS. 7pm. the jazz while you dine. with a different guest hand cxery w eels.

I McKenzie/Medboe llc‘lll'} ‘s Ja/I (’ellar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. S30pm. £6. ()riginal compositions attd haunting melodies frotn this lidinhurgh hased duo.

I Tommy Smith Youth Jazz Orchestra chr) ‘s Jazz (‘ellatu S Morrison Street. 467 5200. S.30pm. £7. Saxophonist Tomm} Smith leads his _\oung [)i'tittfgc's through a selection of classic and contemporary big hand music from the repertoire of their seniors in the S.\'.l().

I Madeleine Prltchard llenr) 's Jan ('ellar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. midnight. £6. l'unk infused. sottlfttl. Atlantic .sl)’lt,’ ja/z from the ex- (‘ommitnients singer (t [K Songwriting ('onte~t finalist whose songs ha\ e recently become part of Jethro 'l’ull's lan .-\rtdcrson's solo repertoire.


I Mochizuki Harutaka, Sulshou No Fune and Otomo Yoshihide’s New Jazz Ensemble ’l'olhooth. Jail W} rid. 017S6 274000. 7.30pm. £12 lfSi‘. two da_\ ticket 22 (£141: festival pass £40 (£261. l.e Weekend looks to Japan for its final night of experimentation with ‘nest-wtue‘ multi- instrumentalist llarutaka. psychedelic

as THE LIST 2;. w ,‘.'

Henry’s has provided a platform to introduce a series of fine American pianists to Scottish

audiences, and Bruce Barth now joins that roll call with his elegant post-

bop approach.

Hort/1.8 Ja// Collar. Ed:r;r‘)urgh. Thu 3) Jun.

atnhient meets hero} noise direct from 'l‘okyr with Suishou .\'o l’ttne and Yoshihide's free jaI/ ensemhle. Part of Le llr't’kt'nrl.

Monday 30


I The Jive Aces 'l‘he Bottgo (‘luh. Mora} House. 37 llol}rood Road. 55S 7604. 7.30pm. £10. See Sun 2‘). Part of the Bongo's lid/1A lll’lft/(H Sn me (Ultl .lfl't’ I’d/"It.

I Jazz Jam Session .so Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. S0 Queen Street. 226 50‘)? ‘)pm midnight. l‘ree. 'l‘he ll'tlsl) open session night full} re\ampcd with a new house trio. lending excn ntore opportunit} to ~loin in the fttn.

I New Bands Night .‘s'ektar. 253 ('owgate. 557 2780. ‘)pm midnight. l-‘ree. .\'ew night w ith different bands showcasing their jazz talents each w eek.

I The Black Star Steel Band llenr} ‘s Jan ('ellar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. midnight. 1.7. Not sli‘lc‘ll} ja/l. htit a selection of great sounds from this (’arihhean se\ en piece hand featttring Steel drums and sasophone.


Phil Bancroft Quartet liastgate

'1 heatre & .'\l‘ls ('entre. liastgatc. 0172l 725777. 7.30pm. £101£Sr ('atch} melodies. hard gt'ome. edg} off—heat tunes and exer}thing irt hetween. as acclaimed tenor sa\ophonist l’hil Bancroft arid hand Int the road follow ing ati award from the Scottish .'\l'ls (‘ouncil‘s lottet') funded music touring programnte. ‘l'( '.\'l-. (7’.

Tuesday 31


I The Scottish Composers’ Jazz Ensemble Tron Theatre. 63 'l‘rongate. 552 4267. Split. liree. Stewart forties leads the Scottish (’omposei‘s' Jan linsemhle

through a mixture of original and w ell- lsnown numhers.


I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet \ektat‘. 253 ('owgatc. 557 27S0. ‘)pin. l‘ree. tip-heat group featuring Bill K) |e ldrumsl. Doug 'l‘iplad} tsasesl. Paul Kirh} tpianoi and Ke\in (ilasgow lhassl.

Wednesday 1


I Cathie Rae’s Flow Experience llc‘lll'} 's Jal/ (‘ellatz S Morrison Street. 467 5200. 3.30pm. £6. \amed h} Stu/lurid on Stun/(rt as one of the top 50 most talented and influential )titllig' artists iii Scotland. the lidinhttrgh-hased \ocalist performs jazz. standards alongside Martin Kershaw lsasl. Ste\e Hamilton lpianoi. Aidan ()'l)onnell (bass) and John Blease (drums).

I Chaos Theory Nektar. 253 (‘ow gate. 557 27S0. 9pm. liree. ()riginal funk) four- piece plzuittg li\'e imprm ised jax/ and standards.

I The Arabian Mustache Igltt. 2h Jamaica Street. 476 5333. 10pm. l"ree. l’our piece playing Parisian-style ja/x.


I Madeleine Pritchard 'l‘lie (ioat. l2S7 .-\rg_\le Street. 357 7373. S 10pm. l‘ree. See Stttt 2‘).

I Moishe’s Bagel The .-\nne\. ‘)a Stewarh ille Street. l’articls. Sptti. [5. Jan inflected Helmet aitd Balkan dance music featuring (ireg Lawson on fiddle. l’ete (iarnct on accordion. l’hil .'\lc\ander on piano and Mario ('arihe on hass. BYOB.


I Jazz at Santini Santini. S ('onference Square. 5.30 S.30pnt. Sec Thu 26.

I Ross Milligan Quartet llem'} ‘s Ja/l (‘ellatu S Morrison Street. 467 5200. S.30pnt. £5. [he set from guitarist Milligan and hand drawing inspiration from the likes of .\lcthene_\ and low ner. I Bill Kyle’s New Quartet \ektar. :53 (’tiwgtttc. 557 27S”, 0pm, l-‘ree. See Thu 26.

I The Dyad 'l‘hc l.eft Bank. 3." (iuthric Street. 225 0744. ‘).30pm 12.30am. Sce Thu 26.


I Lights Out By Nine llt\\\tlL‘ll Park ('entrc. llow den. 01506 433634. Spin. L") l£(31.\'t)c'ttllst:\l Hui—'hcs fronts this c\er- popular stomping hlttes outfit.


I The Strathclyde University Big Band ('afe Source. I St Andrew 's Square. 54S 6020. ‘)pm. l‘ree. Now in their 27th _\ear. the linisersit} 's Big Band get down and pla} a selection of iaH tunes from their estenshc repertoire.


I Sophie Bancroft llcnr} 's Ja// (’ellar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. S.30pm. £6. The enchanting \ocalist launches her new alhtttit Ho! and (‘u/tl. I Jazz at the Balmoral .\’B‘s Bar. The Baliitoral Hotel. I Princes Street. ‘)pm midnight. l’rcc. See l‘ri 2" I Live Jazz at Sugo Stigo. l4 l5 .»\lhert l’lace. l.eitli \Vallt. 0pm. l'ree. Sec liri -7 I Live Sciences llc‘ltl’} ‘s .la// ('ellar. .s Morrison Street. 46” 5200. Midnight. £6. 'llip hop grunt' tin their owtt words) mixing in plcnt} ofiaH funk on horns. .\I(‘ and 1).].


I Phil Bancroft Quartet 'l‘olhooth. Jail \\'_\nd. ol‘s’rs 274000. ".Ropm. L‘s |£5.5(l1.SCC .\lti11.5ll.


I Jim Whyte Trio Brel. 3‘) 43 Ashton Lane. 342 4066. 3 6pm. l‘t‘ee. .-\ new lan trio featuring the comhined talents of drummer \Vh} tc. .\Iario (‘arihe on hass arid pianist l’attl Harrison.

I The George Penman Jazzmen (are Source. I St Andrew ‘s Sqttarc. 54S 6020. Spm. £16.05 including two courses and coffee. Vintage New Orleans ia// from this stalwart of the Scottish ia//

11‘: Phil Bancroft Quartet (‘(‘.-\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 352 4000. Split. L‘S (£61. See Mon 30.


I The Mellotones Salute Mel Torme S0 Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. S0 Queen Street. 226 50‘)". 2 5pm. l'iliL‘L‘. Sec Sat 2S.

I Sophie Bancroft llenr} ‘s .la/x ('ellar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. S.30pm. 1.6. See Hi 3.

I Jazz at the Balmoral .\'B's Bar. Ililic‘ Balmoral llttlc‘l. l Princes Street. ‘)pm midnight. l-"ree. See l‘ri 27 I Jean Mundell Trio St) Queen Street Bar arid Restaurant. S0 Queen Street. 226 5(1‘)7.‘)pm midnight. l‘ree. Sl}llsli trio led h) the accomplished \ocalist.

I The Black Star Steel Band

llenr} 's Jan (‘cllarx S .\Iorrison Street. 467 5200. midnight. {7. See Mon 30.


I Bobby Wishart Trio ('afe Source. I St :\lttll’c‘\\ 's Square. 54S 6020. lpnt. L'S.‘)5 including hrttnch. leading sa\ophonist \Vishart is joined h} new talent on the Scottish ia/x scene. Kenn} Paterson and (iino ('iano. for some cool ntellow sounds and a la/_\ hrunch.

I Kenny Paterson Trio Merchant's (‘orner. IS John Street. 552 3S01. 5 Spm. l‘ree. See Sttn 2‘).