
Cover Girl (l) O... ((‘llzlllex Vidnl. I'S, [III-i) RiIa llay \\'I)I’lll. (iene Kelly. lee anman. I’hil Srlyerx. Jinx l'alkenhurg. l0(nnin. .\'nI nne nl \"rdnr"x hexI lilrnx. lan inlerexling nnneIhclexx (Ihix ix Ihe rnan w hn gay e Ihe wnrld I‘lu' [fig I’urmlr' and Ste/III Dal/m. al'Ier all). 'l‘hix layixh riruxieal Iellx Ihe cliched xInry nl‘ a Brnnklyrr nighlcluh xinger Illay wanh) whn Ieayex her xw eeIheaII (Kelly ) al'Ier w inning a cmer girl cnnlexl. 'l'her‘e are xnrne greaI dance inulinex In Ihe Kern/( ierxhw in xcnre and Rudnlph Male'x 'l'echnicnlnr phnlngraphy ix irnrnaculale. (i/Iixgun Irlrn 'Ilrr’ulu’. (i/uwun‘. Cyberworld 3D II’(;) (\aiinux. IS. 3000) Jenna lillinan. \laII l‘rewer. \Vnndy Allen. .Hrnm. Jenn.) lzllnian ix Ihe cyhcr lian whn inIrnducex IIx In \arinux unrelaled xegrrrenlx nl cyher anirnaIinn I/I(' Slur/mun and .lnI:. rnake .il) appearancex in a xpeclacular drxplay nl Inday 'x rnan irnprexxiye graphic lechnnlngy /ll.\.\' IIII’IIIH'. (ilmgnu; Delivery I I5) (\rknx l’anaynInpnulnx. (ireece. 300.1) 'l’hannx Sarnarax. l’elrnx Aixa/ix. l‘nIini Ba\e\ani. l00niin. A pi/la deliyery guy Irayelx acr'nxx .-\Ihenx during Ihe ()ly nrprcx and xeex a whnle dil‘l'erenI xidc In Ihe cily heynnd Ihe glil/ nl Ihe gIIIIIex. l’III'I ()l (ircece (m Screen. I'I'lnr/rmm'. I’llrn/nug/r.

Downfall I IS) 000 (Oliver llirxchhiegel. (ierrnany/llaly. 3004) Brunn (ian/. A|e\andra \laria l.ara. (‘nrinna llal‘lnuch. l5()min. l)ramalixalinn nl Ihe linal dayx nl lhllcr“x 'l hird Reich. ll‘x a xnher. xnherrng and (largely) accurale hixInrical aecnunl nl' Ihe laxI l3 dayx nl Ihe Reich. hnled up w ill) Iheir leader inxide Ihe hunker ax Ihe Ruxxianx xlnr'rn Berlin. (ian/ gi\ ex a career hexI perl'nrrnance ax Ihe Reich‘x leader. managing In capIure hnIh Ihe phy xical. eninlrnnal and inenlal wreck IhaI wax lliller in hix linal dayx ax well ax xuggexling Ihe awe and blind lnyally Ihe ('hancellnr cnnnnanded nl hix lnllnwerx. hnlh xnldierx and en ilianx. Axxixling (law will) Ihe laIIer‘ ix a xnhd xuppniIing caxl. including Juliane Knhler ax liya Braurr. llre \apid glarnnur puxx whn rexixled realily

w ill) lliller unIil Ihey e\ecuIed Iheir xuicide pacl. (i/Iixeurr I'I/nr ’l/reuln’. (iluxgrm‘. Duma ll) 0.. ((errnll Ballard. [3. 3005) Alex \lichaelclnx. ('amphell ScnIl. Mar) Makhalhn. l00min. l.axxie recaxI ax a ax a Snulh .-\lrican clreelalr xpecding acrnxx Ihe \ellll ill llllx Ilecelll. ()L‘t‘llxllnmlly llllllllllg l'arnrly lilrn. .X'r/I'I'Il‘ll I(’/('(I\('.

The Edukators l )5) COO (llalix Weingarlner. (ierrnany/Auxli'ia. 300-1) l)aniel Bruhl. .lulia .lenlxch. Slipe lirceg. l37Inin. lnlerexling (ierrnan pnlrlical drama ahnuI a hunch nl anarclnxlx wlrn are l'nrced In reIlrink Iheir \aluex when Ihey kidnap a liberal lnrxrnexxrnan. ('mrn'u. lnr/rn/mrg/r. Evagoras’ Vow (To Tama) I IS) (Andreax l’anI/ix. (ireece/Bulgaii;i/('ypiirx. 3000) (ienrgex ('nir‘al'ace. Valeria (inlinn. (‘hrixlnpher (irecn. l53niin. \Vilh liye daughIerx. (‘yprinl peaxanl liyagnra wixhex he had a xnn. lle \nwx In Sainl Andreax IhaI il hlexxed wrlh a hny he will walk all (he way In Ihe xarnI‘x innnaxlcry al Ihe nIher L‘lltl (Il llle ixlaIIIl. l’ar‘l I)l(ileece ()II Screen. l'i/In/rnuw'. I'I/nrlwrrdr.

Falkirk Town Hall

Thurs 91mm Million Dollar Baby (12a)

Thurs (61mm Maria Full of Grace (15)

Thurs 23 lune

Shall We Dance (12a) CUPP/i at l l

for 7730mm

7: 30/» 7)


7:30pm 8) 7:30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

54 THE LIST ‘J 215 Jun 200‘)

Across the Waters

The Exterminating Angel I )8)

O... (l.uix BunIrel. Mexicn. l‘)()3) Silyia l’inal. l‘nrique Rarnhal. Jacqueline Andere. 95min. Bunucl'x xaIizical (lll\ e may nnl he ax line ax in Hip [Marcel ('Irmm (2/ Inc II’umemrxir'. hul Ihix rernainx a claxxic e\anlple nl' whaI cnuld he called ('incrna nl' Ilre Ahxlnd. A grnup nl dinner guexIx are unable In lea\e Ihe rnnrn in which Ihey ale; xnnn Ihe xrnall-Ialk dexcendx ln inxullx. A hrillianl depicIinn nl' hnw hreachex in xncial equueIIe heclnlle Ihe hreakdnw II nl' xnciely 'x law x. l’arI nl‘ Bunuel xeaxnrr. li/ni/ruuu'. lnlirrlmrgl).

A Family (Gajok) I I5) lJL‘Ullg clIenl lee. Snull) Knrea. 3004) Ae Su. llyenn JII. Jir) hin l’ark. llie~xun l’ar'k. ll5min. A lnrrner pickpnckel reIur‘nx hnrne alter a lhreeryear xpell in prixnn. ller ex-pnlice nllicel’ lther ix reluclarrl In xlll)\\' hix ln\e lnr hix daughlcr'. unlil he l’earx Ihal xhe ix hecnrning imnly ed w ill) a lncal gangxler' and decidex In prnIeeI her. l’arI nl Knican l‘ilrn l-exliyal ‘l'nur' 3005. I'i/In/unrw. Iz'l/iIr/nug/I.

Finding Neverland (l’( i) 0000

(Marc Singer. l'K/lTS. 300i) Jnhnny Depp. Kale \Vinxlel. Julie ('hriinc. l)uxlin llnllrnan. l'Ieddic llighmnre. |0lmin. lnndnn al Ihe lurrr nl Ihe 30Il) cenlury. and (he play wrighl JM Bar'ric'x (Depp) laxI l'ew' playx ha\e heerr llnpx. 'lhen by chance nne day he rneelx xnciely w'idnw Sylyia l.lewelyn l)a\ iex (Winxlel) and her adnrahle. il' unruly. hrnnd nl children. ’I lnnugh lhern he hecnrnex irrxpired In w rile a new kind nl' play lnr kidx and adullx alike. ~lhe lirxl ix ahnIII a llying hny. a xIrhurhan lamily and a nragical place called .\'e\erland. Delighllul adaplalinn nl Allan Knee'x pnpular xIage play will) greal perl'nrrnarrcex all rnund. (iron-mm); (iluwuu: Funny Face IlE) on (Slanlcy l)nnen. ll'x'. 1957) Audrey Hepburn. l‘red Axlaire. Kay 'l hnmpxnn.l)exign ix ln lhe line in l)nrren'x \ ixually hrillianI rrmxical l‘airyIale IhaI l‘nllnwx a \aguely l’ygrnalinn xIrucIure. llephurn ix Ihe dull hnnkxeller' whn‘x Iranxlnrrrred inln a mndel hy laxlrinn phnlngrapher AxIaire. A (ierxhwin xcnre. xnrne hiIing wil l‘rnrn 'l‘hnmpxnn ax a niaga/ine ediInr and llephurn'x glnw ing heauly make Ihix an enduring lll()\ ie IhaI lnnkx Icr'rilic. SI UI\IH(IH Sru'c-ning Runln. lnr/inlmrg/I.

Gilda (l’(i) C... (('|)arlex Vrdnr. l'S. I‘Hn) Rila llay wnrlh. (ilt'llll l’nrd. (ienrge Macready. .lnxeph (‘alleia llllnrin. A hi/aIIe and diqurhing menage a linix huildx up in -\rgemina helweerr rnying cardxharp [Ind and Ihe cnuple (llay wnrlh and Macieady) whn nwrr Ihe caxinn where he lindx hirnxell. l’leirly innuendn and xe‘tllall arrihignily linm

Check out the

on paqu3

In 1955, a young pregnant woman leaves her village in Pakistan and travels to the Outer Hebrides. Decades later, her granddaughter gets ready to sail away from the islands. This beautiful, poetic short film is one of three about immigrants by filmmaker Sana Bilgrami showing as part of Refugee Week.

I ("Inn/rouse, Edinburgh (SI/I) (5) Jun. (3.30 only)

(he lenx IhaI wax laIer In hring Irx Iml lirngu In I’M/K3. (ilmgnn‘ I'I/ni I/rr’uln'. (iluxgmr: Globalisation: \fiolence or Dialogue? (l’(i) (l’aliicc Barial. l’rance/ SwiI/erland/l'S. 300]) Minn). ln Ihe huild- Irp In Scnlland‘x ()8 Ihix dncurnerrlary axkx H il ix pnxxihle In generale xignilicanl dialngue heIw een ciy ilixed xnciely and Ihnxe leading lhe wnr‘ld‘x richcxI cnlllllr'iex. Barral explnrex nl'I—Ilegleclell Illelllndx ln exlal)lixll linex nl' cnrnrrnrrricalinn helw een lhexe Iwn grnupx. (i8 Iie-in eyenI. I-ilnr/ruuu'. [film/Hugh.

A Good Woman (l’(i) 000 (Mike Barker. Spain/llaly/l'K/l ‘S. 3005) Helen llunl. Scar'lell Jnhanxxnn. Mark l'rrherx. Slepherr (‘amphell Mnnre. 93min. A rewnrking nl ()xcar Wilde‘x Imlr ll'rmlr'rrm'rv'x Inn. which Iranxpnxex Ihe aclinn linrn lale l‘llh cenlury lnr)an) In Ihe Amalli (‘naxl in Will. llnw'ard llinnnelxlein'x liheral xcreen adaplaIinn allnwx nrany nl’ \Vrlde‘x characleix In nnw‘ hecnnie llalian and American. ll all wnrkx \ery well: llimnrelxlein hnrrnwx lieely l'rnn) \Vlllle‘x nlller play x In lligllliglll \Vllth.\ nrigir)a| anlhrnpnlngical inclinalinn In deIail Ihe dnnrned dayx nl' Ihe arixlncracy. (innd. xnlid. unimenIiye erileilainrnenl. Dunn/nun. liI/in/rurg/i.

Goodbye Lenin! I I5) .00

(\anl'gang Becker. (iermany. 300‘) Daniel Briihl. Kalrir) Saxx. Maria Sinrnn. l3lrnin. ('harming cnrnedy drama which wnn Ihe Blue Angel Award al Berlin. Sel iniIially during the dixxnluIinrr nl’(il)R in 193‘) when Alex'x mnlher xlipx inln a cnrna al‘Ier an alman laIal hearI aIIack. ~\‘he aw'akex in I‘Nll and liaxl Berlin hax already changed cnnxiderahly. .-\le\ ix delerrrrined In prnIecI her l‘rnrn any kind nl xhnck. (ii/nu). Iii/in/nugli.

3:1 Hearts and Minds I IS) 00000 (l’eler l)a\ix. l'S. W74) ll3min. l)a\ix' hard-hilling. rnaxlerlul anIi-war dncurnenlary xnughI In explnre Ihe Vielrramexe penple'x

\ iew nl' Ihe w'ar' lnughI n\er' their cnunIry. lIx analyxix nl American aIIiIudex and prnpnganda ix arguath xlill perIinenI Inday. l’arl nl' Ihe l’eace Seaxnn. See caplinn. (i/uxgun‘ I'll/n IIII'IIIII'. (iluwnu'; I'i/nr/rnrru'. Iz'llin/m/g/r.

The flitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (l‘(i) 0.. ((iaIIh Jenningx. lYS/liK. 3005) Marlin l'reernan. Mnx l)el. San) Rnckwcll. Znney l)exchanel. Bill Nighy. llllmir). l‘irxl Iirne l'ealure direclnr Jenningx hax Innulded Adarn'x xcreenplay

(w rillen xhnrlly hel'nre hix premalure deall) in 300l ) inln an irrcredihly gnnd lnnking lilrn. Athur l)enI (l’reenrau) excapex liath‘x dernnlilinn will) hix alien l'ricrid l’nid l’IelecI (l)el) hy hilchirrg a ride will) llre Vugmlx. nnly In he rexcued hy inyridirrg (ialacllc l’rexidenI [lipliml Beehlehrm (Rnckwell) nn (llealll xllip Ihe llearl nl (inld. .l hey head lnI‘ niylhical planel \lagialhea. Miirnr nigglex axide (rnnxlly ahnul characleiixalinnx and new characlerx) dnn'I deIracI l‘rnrn Ihe lacI IhaI Ihix lihn ix well wanh Ihe wail. Sl'll'l ml I(’/('(l\('.

House of Wax ( 15) .0. (Jaume (‘nlch-Ser‘a. l'S. 3005) lilixha('ulhher1. (‘had Michael Murray. Brian \an llnll. l’ar'ix llilInn. l l3min. A xlaxher rnnvie remake nl Andre l)e 'l'nlh'x l‘)53 claxxic in nnIhing hul name. ilx xenxe nl knnwing l'un placex il a . nnlch ahm e iIx peerx. Bickering xihlingx

('ar'ly ((‘thherU and Nick (Murray) leading

a grnup nl' l‘riendx (including llilInn) nr) 21

rnad lrip. (‘ar Irnuhle ix a giyen and Ihe

Ieenx w ind up at Ihe llnuxe nl' WIN. a creepy muxeum lilled w ill) xculpIuIex juxI a xhade

Inn lile-likc lnr cnrnlnr‘I. (ienr'ml I‘I'lnrxe'.

The Housemaid (Hanyo) I l2.-\) (Ki- ynung Kin). Snulh Knrea. l‘)()0) liun-xhim Jeung-nyen JII. Jin Kyu kin). 90min. (iriIIy dnrnexlic drama l'rnm nne nl' Knrea'x rnnxl dixlinguixhed lilinrnakerx ahnuI a maid wlln hax an al'l‘air w ill) Ihe maxIer nl' Ihe

hnuxe. l’arI nl' Knrear) l‘ilin l-'ein\al 'lnur

3005. l’rlin/mrm'. Iii/I'n/mr'gl). Hypnotised (Eolguleobtneun) I 15) (In xhik Kim. Knr‘ea. 3004) llye-xu Kim. 'l'ae-Wnn Kin). (‘hang Yin). lenrin. Al'ler xul'l’ei'ing a rnenIal hr'eakdnwn, a wnman ix xenl In a pxychialr‘ixl l'nr cnunxelling lan he leay ex Ihe hnxpilal xnnn allcr meeling her.

'I he Iwn une\pecledly rneeI a year laIer and begin a paxxinrrale allair in which Ihey xhare painl’ul rnemnr'iex cauxing Iheir liyex In

de\ iale iII dallgelnux dil‘eclinnx. l’zlll nl' Knrean liilrn l'einyal 'l‘nur 3005. I‘l/Ill/H'HW‘. [Jilin/Hugh. Inside Deep Throat I I8) 000 (l’enlnn Bailey. Randy Barhaln. l'S. 3005) Narraled hy l)ennix llnpper. 93min. See

In iew. page 4‘). SI'II’I’II’I/ II'II'II\(’.

The Interpreter I I2.-\) .00

(Sydney l’nllnck. [-3. 3004) .\'icnle Kidnran. Sean Penn. l3‘)min. l'Bl agenI (l’enn) ix axxigned In prnIeeI a IranxlaInr (Kidnian) inxide lhe l'.\' aller xhe Ihinkx xhe hax heard xnmelhing xhe xhnuldn'l haye. Silly. derhaliye and n\ er lnng Ihriller which. like Ihe l'.\' iIxell'. prnrnixex a In! rirnre Ihan iI ullirnalely deliyerx. Sl’h'l‘H‘tl I'l'l('(l\('.

It’s All Gone Pete Tong I IRA) C. (Michael l)nw xe, l‘K. 3005) Paul Kaye. \like \\'ilr1rnI. 93min. l)nw xe‘x

lnllnw up In headhanger rrrnckurnenlary [1151le ix a xenIirnenIal xInry nl a DJ (Kaye) lnxing hix hearing. Ihen reclaiming hix career Ihrnugh hix grnw ing apprecialinn nl \ ihralinn and paIlein. BuI Ihix lale

dixplay x a drug-addled. xell' pin irrgly xhallnw apprnaclr In eyery axpecl (it Me. .S'I'II'I II'I/ II'/I'II\I'.

The Italian Job Il‘(i) COCO (l’eler ('nllinxnn. l'K. l‘)()‘)) Michael (Kline. Benny Hill. Nnel ('nward. Ral' Vallnne. ‘)‘)rniri. Seminal ()llx caper heixl Inn\ ie. Jailhird (‘aine Illkex llix xell-plexelullilnl xncier Ul crirninalx In Rnrne In rnh Ihe place xilly. AllngeIher nnw: 'Ynu were nnly xuppnxcd In hlnw Ilre hlnndy dnnrx nll 7' (heal acIinn. greal Iuncx. a claxxic (kind nl‘). SI lemrln Screening RIM/n. lirlinlmr‘g/r.

The Jacket I IS) 000 (lulu) Mayhury. l’K/l'S/(ierrnany. 3005) Adrien Brndy. Krix Krixlnllerxnn. Keira Knighlley. Jennil‘er Jaxnn Leigh. Daniel (‘raig. l03min. 'l hix pail Iirne liayel rnrnance. par'I arrli war Iiacl. pail axylurn Ihriller Iellx Ihe xInry nl' cnnl'uxed (lull War \eIeran Jack SIarkx (Brndy ). When he chx hack llUlIl Iraq. Slarkx lindx hirnxell lalxey' accllxcd nl killing a cnp. SenI Ina rncnlal axylurn. he'x giyen an e\Ireine lnrrn nl xadiinc IrealrnenI hy nne l)r Becker (Krixlnllcixnn). rrnrch In Ihe chagrin nl hix cnlleague l)r l.nrenxnn (Leigh). l’uI in a xlrainackeI. injecled will) drugx and lncked in a rnnrgue drawer. he ix rnenlally prnpelled inln llre l'qure where he IneeIx Jackie (Knighley). A pnp

pxy clrnlngical pnlhniler IhaI l'eelx like a rehcaled l3 .llnnkr'n. (i/mguu' I'll/n

I/rI'IIII'I'. (iluxgim‘.

Le Journal d’une Femme de Chambre (The Diary of a Chambermaid) I IS) 0000 (lllix Bunuel. l’iance. 1903) Jeanne \lnreau.

Michel l’iccnli. (ienrgex (lerel. 98min. An arnhiIinux cluimhernraid rnakex her mark hy nrarripulaling her hnxx. hix neiglrhnur and

hix ganrekeeper. By placing Ihc aclinn

agaian Ihe rixe nl laxcixni. Bur‘mel xhnwx pnlilical. xexual and xncial dexirex ax WWII." )K‘Iyerxc. Mnreau ix aI her hexI. l’ar'I nl Bunuel xeaxnn. Iilmluvuu'. l-Ilin/‘Iugh.