
Shall We Dance? (12A)...

ll’ctcr (illc‘lxuttl. ['S. 3005) RiL‘ltttl‘tl (iL‘t‘L‘. .lcnnil‘cr l.opc/. Slanlcy Tucci. l0(nnin. l'lul'l'y btit watchablc Hollywood rcmakc ol' lhc Japancxc romattcc abottt what happcnx w hcn loyc xtrikcx during ballroom dancc lcxxonx. ()(]('()H. lat/inlnu‘g/i.

Shampoo l IX) 0000 lllal .-\xltby'. t'S. l‘)75) \Varrcn Bcatty. Julic ('ltrixtic. (ioldic llawn. l l0min. 'l'hix claxxic larcical chcrly llillx xc\ cotttctl) atltlt‘cxxcx tltc lltctttc oli xcxual politicx arid xccx a ltairdt'cxxct'

llicatty ). lltc lilm‘x hcro. bcdhopping with a ccrtain xadncxx. llc ix mcrcly a function l’or xcryicing thc nccdx ol' ltix al'lcctionhungry clicntx. 'l‘hc lilm takcx placc o\cr lhc 24 hour pcriod ol' .\'i\on‘x 1008 clcction \‘ictory. 'l‘hc lilm that madc licatty an intcrnational play cr. (i/utgmt‘ I'ilm 'I‘ltt'ulrt'. (i/uwmi'.

:i= Sin City l is) .000 (Rtilx‘fi Rodrigucfllfiank .\lillcr (xpccial gucxt dircctor ()ucntin ‘I‘arantinoi, l'S. 2005) Brucc \Villix. ('liyc ()w cit. Mickcy Rourkc. chxica Alba. l2-1ntin. lilcak. hardboilcd comic book adaptatiott lrom lan Rodriguc/ lco dirccting with crcator .\lil|cr) trucr to itx xourcc than anything to datc. l)cxpilc bcittg rcndcrcd moxtly in black and whitc. llllx ixn't a lilm for thc xqucamixh. .-\longxidc lltc xupcr xtylixalion. Sin ('I'It' boaxtx dcl't xtorytclling. ballxy pcrl‘ormanccx ll'rom a to— dic-l‘or cnxcmblc caxt) and a linc in bruixing humour that'll lcayc yott black attd bluc. Brutal and brilliant. (irnvru/ n'lnm'.

So Cute (Gwiyeowo) l l5) lSu-llycon Kitn. South Kot'ca. 2004) Scolx‘hun Kitn. Jac-ycong .lcong. Jt-won Yc. ll5min. l’lotlcxx yct cotnp|c\ talc ol' dyxl’unctional lamin rclalionxhipx. ’l‘hix oddly humoronx lilm hax bccn tippcd ax a l'uttn'c cult claxxic. l’art ol' Korcan l‘ilm l‘cxtiyal Tour 2005. Him/mun; lat/I'It/mrg/i.

Spider Forest (Geomi sup) l l5) lll gon Song. South Korca. 2004) \Voo-xcong Kain. Jung Suh. Kycong-hcon Kang. 133mm. :\ TV produccr wach tip to lind himxcll in hoxpital l'ollowing an uncxplaincd accidcnt in a lorcxt. llix lirxt mcmory ix ol two pcoplc dying. and tltc policc latcr dixcoy cr two botlicx in lltc localiott hc dcxcribcd. :\x ottc ol' thc \ iclitttx ix itlcltlilictl ax ltix boxx tltL‘ produccr bccontcx thc policc'x primary witncxx and xuxpcct. l’art ol' Korcatt l‘ilm l‘cxti\al Tour 2005. Film/mutt: [film/Hugh. Spy Kids 2 - The Island of Lost Dreams l l ) 000 lRobct‘to Rodrigticl. 15. 2002) .-\lc\a \‘cga. Daryl Sabat‘a. Robcrto Antonio Handcrax. (‘arla (iugino. l‘un xcqucl. (irmt't'rm/z (i/mgun: Ssitkim: Talking to the Dead l l5) (Soon-Mi Yoo. South Kot'ca. 2004) 35min. .\ xtrcam ol conxcitiuxncxx-xty Ic lilm conccntrating ttpon thc 320.000 Korcan xoldicrx who l'ottght l'or thc ['8 during thc Victnam War and who axxixtcd in thc dcxtruction iii a particular rcgion. \lccting with xur\ i\ot'x lrom that arca. Yoo cxplorcx tltc linkx bctwccn actx ol‘ ttational atoncmcnt and pcrxonal rcconciliation. making thix piccc boll] a lttxlttt'icztl documcnl and a pcrxonal journal. l’art ol' Korcan liilm l‘cxtiyal Tour 2005. I'i/m/touw. Ifrlin/mrgli. Stander l 15) O... (Bronwcn lltighcx. ('anada/( icrmany/South Alrica. 2003) ’l'homax Janc. «\xhlcy 'l‘aylor. l)a\'id ()'llara.

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l lomin. Swaggcring trttc-lilc critnc capcr that tnight bc all o\'cr tltc placc in tcrmx ol tonc. thcmc and plotting. but it‘x a rcal blaxt. Sct iit l‘)7(i Jolianncxburg. Janc gi\ ing a tcrrilic turn ax a cop who buckx thc corrupt xy xtcm by bccotnittg a bank-robbcr. A l'rccwhccling. l‘cclgood hcixt/road mm ic with a racial. political backdrop. ('(i(‘ Rl’llIH'H' SHIT]. (i/uxgmt‘. (i/uygnn'.‘ lilt’ lit/mlmrglt ()r‘t'uit. Ift/i/t/mrg/i.

Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith l BM 0000 ((icorgc l.ucax. IN. 2005) liw an Mcgrcgot'. Natalic Portman. Samucl l. Jackxon. llaydcn ('hrixtcnxcn. l40min. Worthy concluxion to thix liltixl cpic ol cpicx. (it’llt'l‘rl/ I'(‘/(’(l.\('.

Step Across the Border l l5) (Nicholax llumbcrt & \Vcrncr l’cn/cl. (icrmany/Swit/crland. l‘)l)l)) l’rcd l-‘rith. 00min. .\lll\lc‘ documcnary chronicling rchcarxalx. pcrl‘ormanccx and cityxcapcx on tltc world tour ol‘ inxlrtnttcnlal compoxcr l-‘rcd lirith lrom Zurich to Tokyo. l’art ol' (ilaxgow Ja/l l‘cxliyal. ('(Zl. (i/uwnit: Strings ll’(i) oooo l:\ndcrx

Ronnow -Klar|und. Dcnmark/Swcdcn/ Norway/l 'K. 2004) Voiccx ol' Jamcx .‘\lc:\\oy. (‘athcrinc .\lc('ormack. Julian (ilo\ct'. Ucrck Jacobi. 88min. lintircly xhot witlt tnarioncllc puppctx. tltix ix a cliildrcn'x lilm that adultx will adtnirc. 'I‘hc plot ix a xtandard qucxt and coming-ol-agc xaga. a bit ol ‘l‘olkicn. a daxh ol' Hum/cl. arid thix l'K-Scandinay ian production rcally xtandx ottt l'ot' tltc xtrilting ttxc ol‘ charactcrx' xtringx ax bcing mtcgral to thc narratiy c. I'i/mltouu'. lat/iitliurglt. Summer Storm (Sommersturm) tl5) l.\larco Krcu/paintncr. (icrmany. 2004) Robcrt Stadlobcr. Koxtia l'llmann. 08min. Sporty gay drama about 'l‘obi and :\chim. thc cox and oarxman on a rowing [cam and lhcir bttrgconing rclationxhip. l’art ol l.ondon l.cxbian and (lay l‘ilm l-'cxti\a| on Tour. l'i/m/muw. lat/inlwrglt.

Tarnation l I5) 0000 lloiiaihan (‘aoucttc. [8. 2003) 01min. ('attottc'x brilliant low budgct c\pcrimcntal docnmcntary which docutncntx thc hcll ol ('auottc'x young lilc in 'l‘cxax liying with a dccply dyxl'unctional lamily. 'l’hix ix toxic. crcati\ c lilmtnakking ol‘ lhc highcxt ordcr. (i/mgoit' I'll/m Iii/It’ull‘t'. (ill/won;

>11 The Tenth Victim (La Decima vittima) l l5) llilio l’ctri. ltaly/l‘rancc. l‘)(i5) .\larccllo .\laxtroianni. l‘rxula Andrcxx. lilxa Martinclli. 92min. "l‘hc Bill llunt‘ ix lltc ttatttc ol' thc gamc in thix xcicncc liction lantaxy adwnturc. (‘ontcxtantx arc running thc go\ crnntcnt- cndorxcd gattntlct by aiming to kill ax many targctx ax thcy cart. Will (‘arolinc .\lcrcdith l:\ndrcxx) xuccccd in hcr qucxt to achicy c thc ultimatc goal ol' tcn murdcrx'.’ l’art ol' l'ilit) l’ctri Sc‘ttxolt. Scc l'iilttt Scaxon Analyxix. pagc 50. [Vi/m/muu'. l'jtlm/mrc/t. The Third Man tl’(i) .0... t('arol Rccd. l'S/l 'K. I‘MU) Joxcph (‘otlon_ ()rxon \Vcllcx. l00ntitt. ('laxxic lltt'illct’. (i/uwmt' l‘ili/m I‘llt‘tlll't'. (i/uxgnn.

This Charming Girl (Yoja, jeong- min Hwang) l 15) tYumi-ki |.cc. South Korca. 2l)0-1)Ji-xti Kim. Jcong-min llwang. ‘Nmin. An ixolatcd girl xtuck in thc rotttittc of working at a poxt ol'l'tcc and kccping a

a ’/—/

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tidy houxc takcx in a xtray kittcn that proyokcx mcmoricx ol' hcr paxt. Rcaching otit to a young writcr who l'rcqucntx hcr work inxpircx hcr quict lil'c and bringx ltiddcn trauma to thc xurlacc. Part of Korcan l‘ilm l't‘xlthl Tour 2005. I'i/m/toim’. Iit/I‘it/mrg/t.

“Min Sisters (De Tweeling) l l5) .0. chn Sombogaart. Nclhcrlandx/ l.u\cmbourg. 2002) 'l’hckla Rcutcn. Nadia l'hl. lillcn \'ogcl. l35min. Scc rcxicw. pagc 4‘). (i/uygmt' I'i/m T/tt'rlll‘t'. (iluxgnn’: I’i/m/muu'. lat/[liliiu'glr

Valiant (l') .0. l(iary ('hapman. l'K. 2005) liwan .\lc(ircgor. Ricky (icryaix. lltigh Lauric. Tim ('urry. ll)‘)min. Animatcd comcdy which tcllx tltc xtory iii a lowly wood pidgcon Valiant l.\lc(ircgor). who

in crcomcx hix xmall xi/c to bccotnc a hcro in (it'cal Britain'x Royal Air l‘orcc llotning l’igcon SCH icc tltlt‘iltg “WV ll. .Vt’lt‘t'lt't/ I'l'/(’(l\('.

2‘1 Undertow ( IS) 0000 ll)tt\ id (iot‘tlon (irccnc. [8. 2004) .lilllllL‘ Bcll. Joxlt l.ticax. l)crtnot Mulroncy. l)c\'on Alan l07min. Scc prcyicw. pagc Jo and rcyicw. pagc ~13. St’lt’t‘lt'll I't’lt'tlu'.

Wanted! (Nachbarinnen) l 12A) ll‘ran/ixka Mclct/ky. (icrmany. 2004) Dagmar Man/cl. (ira/yna S/apolokaa. 88min. \Vcll obxcry cd cltaractcr drama about a 40-ycar-old woman with an obxcxxiy c compulxiy c dixordcr and ltcr rclationxhip with a young l'cmalc rcl'ugcc who hidcx in hcr aparttncnt. Part of London l.cxbian and (iay l-‘ilm l"t‘xti\';tl on Tour. Scc caption. l'i/mltmm'. lat/inhmg/t.

>2? We Don’t Live Here Anymore

l l5) 0... (John ('urran. l'S. 2004)

Mark Rullalo. l.aura l)crn. Naomi Wattx. 03min. Scc rcyicw. pagc 4‘). ('(i('. Rt'n/n-n' .S‘m't'l. (iluygmi; (’(i('. Ifrlin/iug/t. (Mum We Still Kill the Old Way (A Ciascuno II Suo) ( l5) llilio l’clri. Italy. 1907) (iian .\laria \'olontc. lrcnc l’apax.

(iabriclc l‘cr/ctti. ‘Nmin. 'l'hc murdcrx ol a doctor and chctnixt in a Sicilian \‘illagc arc xccn by the local inhabitantx ax a mattcr ol' pcrxonal honour. But l’rol'cxxor l.aurana lVolontc) dccidcx to launch ltix own inquiry. during which hc l'allx lor the latc doctor'\ widow. Part of lilio l’ctri xcaxon. Scc l‘ilm Scaxon Analyxix. pagc 50. (i/mgnn' I'i/m 'I‘lu'uln'. (i/uygon': Film/ionic. lat/iiilmrg/t. The Wedding Date l DA) 00

l('larc Kilncr. (‘8. 2005) l)cbra .\lcxxing. Dcrmot Mttlroncy. Amy Adamx. Jack l)a\cnpon. 88min. l’alc. tcpid Working 'l‘itlc atttld)‘ littglixlt-xlylc larcc. .S'ltmt‘t‘uu' ('int'niu. I’uixlt't'. l’uiy/t't'.

What the Bleep Do we Know? ll2:\) 0 (William Anti. lictxy (littxxc‘. IN. 2004) Marlcc .\latlin. lilainc llcndrix. 108mm. Puponing to bc an inycxtigation ol' quantum phyxicx. in rcality it'x an adycrt l‘or ,xomcthing akin to a dodgy Amcrican .\'cw Agc cult. (i/uxgnit' I'll/II 'I'ltt’um'. (i/usgmi'; Dominion. I‘fr/ilt/Iiu‘g/t. Whisky Galore (PU) ooooo (Alcxandcr Mackcndrick. l'K. I‘MU) Baxil Radl'ord. Joan (irccnwood. Jcan ('adcll. 82min. .\lttclt-lo\'cd lialing comcdy by thc latc Sandy Mackcndrick. .»\ xhip carrying a cargo ol’ \Vltixlx)‘ ix xhipw rcckcd oil a Scottixh ixland during wartimc. xo thc localx dccidc it'x tintc lo qucnch lhcir thirxt. l‘ull of w it and charm that othcrx can only hopc it) L‘ttltllttlc. (it/nun‘v/ti/Ki/j. (i/(ltgun‘.

The Working Class go to Heaven (La Classe Operaia va in Paradise) l 15) CO. llilio Perri. Italy. 107) ) (iian Maria \‘olontc. Mariaitgcla Mclato. l l Intin. lntcrcxting carly 70x film from l’ctri about thc burgconing awarcncxx ol union .xolidarity. Although it'x a littlc prcachy at litttcx. lltix 1.x lcthL‘tlL‘tl h} il grcat xcnxc til humanity and honcxt pcxximixm. l’art ol lilio l’ctri xcaxon. Scc Film Scaxon Analyxix. pagc 50. (i/usgmi' [Vi/m 'l'lit'ulrt'. (i/uxgmr.‘ I'll-IIIt/tnuu'. lair/I'II/turt'll.

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