Clubs & Activities

Escape Lodge is ideal for single people. ('ltoosc ottldoor acliy ilies or no actiy ity! Wild remote setting.

3 nights midweek £36.

Public transport accessible. (H445 7‘)I2S‘)


V I Saw You Big Blondie. walking on Satichiehall St looking like you just stepped out of a saloti. Bolts in the neck ck ink on the artn here's to your dirty 30s! [7524/l

V I Saw You . . . well no. that‘s a lie. btit I heard you were back in town. Does this box No. thing work'.’ And am I going to get my hook back‘.’ [7524/2

0 I Saw You Rowan ((1 the Arches after a lowly dinner (0 maceers. .\'ice carpet B'I‘W ;-l Rich \ [7524/3

O I Saw You. you sexy bearded man in .\loyie (‘tits in the St linoch ('entre. brooding. wedged behind the till. ‘.\lon yersel Bentosf Xo tlillinglon [N Sineadi [7524/4

0 I Saw You at the Royal Infirmary. thinking about Xabi. indy and r.r. What is your decisiott'.’ [7524/5

V I Saw You al l’epe.s house party. Yoti had a green head- scarf. furry jacket. bottle of Satnbttca and an altitttde problem. l.oy'e you ba/illions. yott freak? [7524/6

V I Saw You pink-dyed hair. black & w hile striped top. ripped jeans and lovely soft \oice. With blond-haired friend in Borders ('afe. Wed 8th June. I lam. .\le: short grey hair. blue 'llshirt ck jeans and black leather rucksack. I wandered past twice before sitting on opposite balcony. Wish I cottld hay e spoken. l'ancy another coffee'.’ [7524/7

V I Saw You in the Variety Bar in (ilasgow. You hay e dark hair and work behind the bar. I sometimes cotne in l’riday/ Salttrday. [7524/S

V I Saw You Scottish sreen- writer looks like Kirst from Local/mt. Lotti/inn. sayy ('liristoplter liccleslone looka- like in Habitat? lli gorgeous? [7524/‘)

V I Saw You curly haired l.atin temptress still smoking [hose damned cigarettes. We always go out dancing: will life one day itnitate art'.’ [7524/l0

V I Saw You ('ity girl. in (ilencoe. eating chups & laughing with your hands. at one with nature. Did you know se.\ makes you Spanisli'.’ [7524/l l

V I Saw You at Ryan Adams 25th November 2003 and you are my fire ('racker. Hilary l loye you X [7524/l2

9 I Saw You Butcher Boy frorn .‘ylorrisons in Bellshill. Yoti are so cute? The one with dark hair. you make the one happy shoper. xxx [7524/l3 V I Saw You Andrew Walker. I Saw You last about the years ago and want to know how you‘re doing. I'm the Yank from .\'Y :) [7524/l4 V I Saw You wee cutie with the red hair at 2manydjs. We danced the night away but hopefully not for the last time. Stnile princess. [7524/[5 V I Saw You seyeral months ago. Round the world is good. bttt (ilasgow ‘s better. Wee Jools. (‘haris. l‘i. lim. Jayne. ('ora. (‘lare. Mat'cus. eyeryone see you in .\lono 08/07/05. let the rammies recommence! X [7524/16 V I Saw You in Blockbltster on Byres Rd. llol chick with brown/reddish hair working behind the cottnler. \Yollld loy'c to share my popcorn with you? [7524/l 7 V I Saw You break my heart at ('lth .\'oir (Carling Acadetny. l l/6). Yott mermaid tsttpposedly‘l l. me boater. For a sw eel 15mins we danced like w e were meant to be. Knew you were too good to be true but can't giye it up? [7524/l8


V I Saw You swinger Ruth at Vegas lidinburgh 4/6. You: out for a friend's birthday. me: wearing black suit. rose and glasses. We danced for a bit. then I should hay e asked for your number. (7524/0)

0 I Saw You Retro Roller- (iirl? Meadows Summer Sunday In May . . . nice. .\le: sittitig on the flowers. You: skating on your fly‘ers. Walk. catch up'.’ \Yooosh. [7524/20

V I Saw You in the Regent bar lidinburgh 06/06/05. .\let you twice in the toilet queue. with your creatn jumper on. Wouldn't mind meeting again at the bar this time. [7524/2l

O I Saw You loy‘ely l’ollsll girl. (‘y cling along the canal iii lidinburgh. 'l‘uesday eyening around 7pm. You were return- ing from a trip to the l-'alkirk Wheel. Was good to talk to you and yyollld be nice to see you again. [7524/22

V I Saw You lug blondie. is that a new tattoo'.’ You had a smile on your face . . . thinking of big arms. Are we all still on for the lSth‘.’ Birthday bash ahoy. mo \o [7524/23

V I Saw You at littrburger shaking your stuff behind the decks l)J Bird? Rock on? See you on Thursday 7? [7524/24 0 I Saw You tired and jet lagged bttl just as beautiful as I remember. It sure is loyer to haye you back. Here's to the summer of lots of gin and eyen more fun xxx [7524/25

V I Saw You outside l‘urburger spinning your tire? Twisted lirestarterll [7.524/20

V I Saw You hot stuff manager of Harvey Nichols. I think your name is Mark. you where leaning over the cash desk in a Tom ('ruise pose. (’annot stop thinking about you. kiss kiss. [7524/27

0 I Saw You in The List. looking for someone to make you smile. I meant to reply to your ad but didn't. Any chance you’re still looking‘.’ [7524/28 V I Saw You on l.eith Links on Sat l lth. A cttte cury-y blonde wearing a black top with ‘rebeliscious’ on it. You were with a couple of guys. l'd like to meet you. [7524/2‘)

V I Saw You professor in the Street on 06/l l. l'm missing our intimate tutoriale Your natned nurse. x [7524/30

0 I Saw You (‘hris 8. looking as young as ever? Will you be my man?! [7524/3l

V I Saw You in the Street on your fabby 40th. then in liurburger. l.o\‘e your sexy dancing an’ that ya radge. l-ree cocktails please [7524/32

V I Saw You until I couldn't see any tnore on Mon 6th June at my birthday party in the Street. Thank you. thank yott. thank you Wendy. Annie and Bradley for the best birthday song ever. X [7524/55

V I Saw You in traffic on Princes Street. You in a Fiat 500. me in a ('lio. l winked. you smiled. I‘m in loye. you‘re sexy. Rtm into you again hopefully 33‘.’ [7524/34

V I Saw You falling oyer and talking nonsense at the Street. 21 is it'.’ [7524/35

V I Saw You sexy barstaff ((1 the Street. upstairs and down on 'l-ltttt‘s Ill/()(i/(l5. Spoiled for choice. I'll be back. X [7524/36 0 I Saw You 4/6/05 at 3.30am ill the taxi queue outside l’lanet Out with an Irish girl. You are linglish + I lose linglisli men. x lrish Stallion. [7524/37 V I Saw You the monster mashing dude sitting at the bar in the Street. You're the coolest dude I know with a receding hairline. It's just so hot x [7524/38

V I Saw You Sharpy Sharples w itlt your cttte wee pink forehead and clashing T- shirts. Don't worry. you still look hot liol liollx [7524/5‘)

V I Saw You looking for an I Saw You for you in The [is]. you’ll be lucky! Ha ha ha. Smoking at the bar isn’t cley'er . ..Xx [7524/40

V I Saw You the sexy Daphne ill the Street. sipping your pitil o'.\l;tgllet‘s like [he lady you are. I am releasing the bounds forthw ith! [7524/4l

0 I Saw You .‘s'ieky (n the Street ttltd the New low It. Please steal my heart. [7524/42 V I Saw You llugo looking like a thunderingly good chap. I'll be combing you from my bed for weeks. l’S yy‘ool. [7524/43

V I Saw You hot sexy red head working in the Street. Where were you this morning when I woke up'.’ Don't break my heart. [7524/44

Classified Personal


Fill in the free postcards available from the following venues: The Basement, City Cafe, EH1, Fitmhouse, Fopp Bar, The Street, The Pear Tree, Traverse Bar (Edinburgh), or The Arches, Brel, GFT, King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Moskito, 13th Note, Tinderbox, The Tron (Glasgow).

You can reach us at Please supply a postal address when using e—mail.

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.' .Jt. .Xk‘fi THE LIST 117

.Xi .Jttr‘