Classified Personal,



V I Saw You l);t\c thc might} qtiint til .\lo\ 'lknct'n haxing hict'kl'axt. [7534/45

0 I Saw You in thc Slt'cct. \cx} hlontlc. Irixh hit ol‘ \tttll‘. You coincrlcr )ottl\ [7534/46 9 I Saw You in the Baxcnicnt on 5th lllllL‘ t‘ctl [II‘C\\. L‘\oliL‘ L‘hoL‘olnlC \kIII. I we _\ou on ('htttnhcrs Street La“ 1’ Archilcclttt‘c'.’\ go to Iiihlox [7534/47

0 I Saw You (iittnl All with )otn‘ \c\_\ httt'nxlf [\ttt'pci' rock man? You are \llL‘lI an allahlc gti_\ . . . l.o\c l't'otn (‘ilIil Bang \\\ Bang. [7534/48

V I Saw You (icrraltl in the Slt'ccl hiding in) lags. Less ggttttt‘x lllol‘L‘ glilxx wishing?


.m’llltib ‘it iii‘._4

Ii! ilt'lfi‘

SLIM, tall female, (II) II'UIII (iloucmtct‘. likt'\ lixtcning to IIIlhIL’. \\;llk\ & \ocialixing \\ilh l't‘icntlx. Sccking gcntiinc IIIZIIL‘. ('alI IIIL‘ on 0006 756 3557 and L‘IIIL‘I' [03 I514 "1‘2 BORED Glasgow lass, 33. \\'l.'li.\l local inalt‘ lo injccl a hit of l'ttn hack into hct Inc. ('all inc on 0006 756 3557 and enter 3300l43 YOUNG female, 21

with long blond hair & hluc C} L‘\. 5'7”. llkL‘\ cluhhing. cinctna tk more. \Vlfl'.\l )oting. l'tin git} l'or gt‘cat IIIIIL‘\. (‘all me oit 0006 756 3557 and enter 3330I43

' FUN, bubbly female, 54 \\ ilh hlontlc hair. Iikcx puhx & \xalking. \VIII'M nicc malt- l'ot' quicl lligllh in. (‘all INC on 0006 756 3.557 and L‘IIIL‘I‘ 3306M:

36YR old female with good personality 36, lo\c\ ptths. cluhx tk htning a laugh. ('all me on 0006 75635571intl L‘lllL‘l‘ 3.3.” I43

118 THE LIST ,, .' ‘_J .i ."

W ATTRACTIVE petite female, 31. lilontlc hair & ht'ou n C} L‘\. cnio} s puhx L'Itthx. cinctna. cating olll & relaxing at llolllL‘. \\'l,'l'.\l male for l'ricntlxhip N nunhc more. ('all me on 0006 756 3557 and enter 18633435

(3° BLONDE green eyed lctnalc. enjoy reading. ptthx & IIIL‘;Il\ ottl. sccking gcntiinc git}. ('all IIIL‘ on 0006 756 3557 and L‘lllL‘l' [063745



"’7 DARREN, 5'8 with black hair tk hroun c) t‘\. t'caxonahl} good looking & slim. likes going to the g} in. \Vlfl‘M l'ctnalc l'or lun. II'IL‘litlxllip [K \\ llo l\II[)\\ \. (Kill INC on 0006 756 3557 and ruler l506043l Q9 ATHLETIC attractive male, 30. 5'III". dark hair & [\t‘oun C} L‘\. n/\. likcx lo \pcntl [IIIIL‘ \\ ilh l't'icnth & kat'aokc. \\'l.’l‘.\l a lcntalc \\ itlt a great personality ('all Inc on 0006 756 3557 and L‘lilL'l' lh'368436 51"“ FRIENDLY guy, 59, 5'10", gl‘L‘} hair. \IllokL‘l'. likcx ptthx. kat‘aokc. \hopx tk lllll\L‘lIllI\. Suckx l'cntalc lo cnio} Inc with. ('all me on 0006 756 3557 and CIIIL‘I‘ 3657 I 56

35YR OLD male, S'lo \\ ilh \llol‘l hi'tmn httit‘. Ila/cl C} cs & pi'cll} stock) huiltl. Iikcx lo kccp lit. \pol‘l\. ptihx. cltihx. (int-max & cooking. Looking for \omconc ltin \\ ho cnjo} \ \itnilar. (’all me on 0006 756 3557 and cntcr |,\’7 I 784 '39 EASYGOING male, 22, 60 tall. blond hair. tnctlitnn htiiltl. Iin_io_\\ pla} ing a lot ol‘ \poi‘l. \VIII‘M l'ctnalc l'oi' Inn and l't‘icntlxhip. (’all IIIL‘ on 0006 756 3557 and enter 3350l43 " FAIR-HAIRED Kilmarnock inalc. 33. htihhl). llkL‘\ going out. loolhztll. [lining & holiday. \L‘L‘k\ l'L'lIIillL‘ lo \lIilI'L‘ gootl [IIIIC\ \\ ilh. (’alI IIIC on 0006 756 3557 and cntcr l30l364 66YR OLD male, enjoys thc L‘ollllll'}\itlL'. III[I\IL'. IV. dining out «k animals \L‘L'IN\ lcntulc lot' li'icntlxhip [k poxxthc relationship. ('all me on 0006 756 3557 and cntct' I I05346 'v GUERNSEY male, 39, 5'10", light ht‘onn hair. lllL‘tIIlIllI huiltl. likcx pubs. t‘ltthx & otiltioot' tit‘ln ilicx. \\'I.’Ii.\l l't'tnttlc l'ot' poxxihlc t‘t'lalionxhip. ('all the on 0006 756 3557 and L‘lllL‘l' l l')33~l6

5&9 GLASGOW guy, 29, outgoing, \ingIc. l'ttn. hard working. not a big tlt'inkct'. Iikcx socialising & mountain biking. looking [or lhc l'lglil lad}. (‘atll IIIL‘ on 0006 756 3557 and enter 3334 I43 ‘57 ANDY 40, 6', with \llol‘l ht'ou n hair. Is kind and generous. Works as a chef and enjoy puhx. t‘ltthx. lixc music & \\;lll\\ along the hunch. \\'l.'l'.\l al'lt'clionttlc. caring. kind and gcntlc noinztn \\llo III\L‘\ L'lltltllt'\. (Kill inc on 0006 756 3557 and L‘IIIL‘I' I05l530 7:“ CHEERFUL, male, 5'1 1", \\ ilh lots ol personality into L‘Lll'\. looking lot \UIIICUIIL‘. hopclull) lot a t'oitianlic I'L‘lllllollxlilp. (‘all me on 0006 756 3557 and L‘ltlL'l‘ I [36346 1'! 43YR old male, tlixort'cd. 5'7. tnctlittin httiltl \\ ilh \hot‘l. dark hair & gt'ccn C) L'\. likcx getting out for a hit ol~ lttn. (‘gtll Inc on 0006 756 3557 allltl L‘IIICI‘ I [33346 GLASGOW male, 31 , 5'1 1 \\ ilh tnulitttn-httihl. [lurk hair N hlttc c_\ ex. keen on \uitntning. “alching l'oothall. hill milking & cox} nights in. (’all IIIL‘ on 0006 756 3557 and enter 3306l43

46 YEAR OLD (iluxgon tnalc. enjoy getting olll and naming. \\'I.'I‘.\I a lttn. honcxt lt‘inalc. lot‘ l't‘icntlxhip or more il pomihlc. ('ttll INC on 0006 756 3557 and enter 3303 I43 YOUNG at heart 57yr old liltllL'. 5'4. \\.l.'l3.\l lo\ lllg lcnialc “ilh (BSUII & hig hcat'l lo \httt‘c with a lo\ ing gu}. ('ttll me on 0006 756 3557 and cnlcr 3301 I43 "9‘ LANCASHIRE male, 32, medium build. 6800. llkcx \\\ itnnting. “alking. nights in/oul tk clubs etc. ('all inc on 0006 756 3557 and enter .330XI43 1 DANNY, 5'7 with medium httiltl & dirt} lair hair. littt‘tltxorking. L‘lljo}\ a good laugh. Hoping lo ntccl \olllL‘ollL‘ IIIL‘L‘. (lull IIIL‘ on 0006 756 3557 and cnlct‘ 3301 I43

ANDREW, 34yrs old, 5'10 \\ ilh hronn hair/C) [w & int‘tlittnt httiltl. enjoy \utlching loolhall. pl;t}ing golI'. nights ottt «k cox} Iliglih in. ('all IIIL‘ on 0006 756 3557 and t‘lllL‘l‘ I073745 SCOTTISH male, 28, 5'10 \\ ilh dark hair & I‘lllL‘ C} L'\. \\'I.'I'.\l local lad} \xho “nuts to haw fun night\ in & out. ('ttll IIIL‘ on 0006 756 3557 and cntct‘ l033370

PAISLEY civil servant, into acting. kai'aokt' & tip or ninthing l'un. \\'l.'l‘.\l l'ctnult- \\ illl similar \cnxihililicx. (‘ztll INC on 0006 756 3557 Allltl L‘IIIL‘I‘ [360.364.

' ”' ‘AP

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