Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to sport© for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce and Rachael Street.

Glasgow EME—

Activities & Events

Indian Head Massage Bonk-ix Books. l’ort Rciail Park. 3‘)() l’i‘o\;ili Walk. 773 2010. o 8pm. £8. ’l'hc pcrlcci prc— ucckcnd \\ ind-don n \\ ith rcxidcni thcrapixi l.i/ l’oi'i‘cxtcr. liach niaxxagc laxtx around l5 Illllllllcx.

Chemistry 'l‘igcr 'l’igcr. llic (iltixshottxc. 2i) (ilthxliit‘tl SII'L‘L‘I. 0207 47l “NU.

7pm 2am. L'I5. .-\ dating cwni \\llll \tllle lcsxonx. spccd dating and morc nap to tiiccl Mr or .\li\\ Right. Book oliliiic til \\\\\\.L‘llL‘llll\ll'}.L‘tHlk.

Food & Drink

Kitchen 'l‘hc Villagc Sior}iclling (’cnti'c. Si Jaincx' Sior}iclling ('cnti'c. I83 .\lciklcrig (‘rcxccni 882 3025. 7 lllpni. l‘rcc. ('onic and cnjo) an cxcning ol'

\tor} tclling. pla_\\. ltltlle‘. l‘ood and drink li‘oiii around thc “odd and hpr cclchratc ihc launch of til/iict'.8‘1u1'it'x. l’ai'i ol' RU’ilQl'l’ lii'i'k I'Ii Kiwi/(Hill 200.5.


ArtBites! .\iL'l.L‘lltlll (ittllL‘l'iL‘x. :7l) Sauchichall Sircct. 505 41M). lpm. Short talk on "l‘hc Madonna and ('hild \\itli St John thc Baptist. .\lar} Magdalcnc and l.ihcralc' h) l’arix Bordonc.


Carnival Dance ('arnixal .»\ri\. 2nd Floor. 34 Albion Sli‘cct. 552 8(337.

(r45 8.l5pni. l.ct lhc \oca hcais transport .‘ou to ihc hcart ol‘ ihc ('arihhcan and iniprm c )our liliicxx. dancc \lcp\ and rh_\ihin at ilic \anic tinic. .-\ll ahiliiicx and agc groups arc \iclconic. l’art ol' Rt'lugn' lli't’k ill Si‘Ul/(lllr/ 200.5.

Hip Hop Dance Classes (IA. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4*)(X). 7 8pm. £5 (£4). Apparcnil} it's _\our ci\ ic dut} to \hakc _\our hoot).

Archiprix 2005 'l'lic Lighthouxc. l l .\Iiichc|l l.anc. 22l o3o2. l’rcc. \Voi‘k‘xliopx \\ iih participants in .'ll‘('/Il/ll'l.\ 2005 from all o\cr thc world. In tl\\tK‘lillltlli \\ illt thc Mackintosh School oi :\rchiicciurc and thc Architccturc and Building Scicncc dcpartnicnt oi Stratlichdc l'ni\cr\it_\.


Archiprix 2005 'l‘lic Lighthouxc. l l Mitchcll l,tiliL‘. 22l (i562. i'll'L‘L'. SL‘L‘ Thu 23.

Activities & Events

Pollockshaws Carnival 2005 Bciigal Strcct. l’t)lli)L'k\liti\\\. I l.3()ani 5pm. l‘rcc. A coloiirl'ul carnhal pl‘t)CL‘\\li)lt \\ itli nnixic. dancc. \poi'l and song. Part ol' Rt'lugt't' link in Scot/um] 2005.

Kimono and Tea Ceremony (iilmorchil|(il2. ‘) l‘nhcrxii} .-\\cnuc. 33() 5522. 4pm. l‘rcc. .~\ dcmonxiration oi Japancxc cultural traditions. thc tca cci‘cnion} and tlicn ihc ari ol’ \\ caring JtipiiltL‘NL‘ tll‘Cxx. l’zll'l oi lllL‘ lliwl /'.II(/ I'k'xlii'ul 2005.

Food & Drink

Mansfield Park Farmer’s Market Manxticld Park. on l)uniharion Road. 3-H U844. Illain 2pm. .\ chancc to hit} producc dirch lroni larincrx.


Renga Day 'l'lic llitldcn (itil‘ilcltx. 'l'ranma}. 25 :\lhcrt l)i'i\c. ()8-15 33(l35tll. I lani 5pm. chga arc linkcd \L'l'\L'\

26 THE LIST x t it. x ,,


2003 medal W

5' __ 00:4},-


2033 special Olympics World Games


Various venues, Glasgow, Sat 2—Fri 8 July

The slogan of the Special Olympics is ‘let me win, but if I cannot win let me be brave in the attempt’. Those organising the games believe that through regular training and competition, people with a learning disability benefit physically, mentally and socially from

participation in sport.

Gordon Ritchie, head of marketing for the event, says it’s important to make a distinction between this and the Paralympics: ‘The majority of the athletes are under the age of 18 and some of them have severe learning disabilities, but this event is not about physical disabilities,’ he says. ‘They might not run the fastest 100 metres, but you can’t make comparisons with other athletes. If you think about it, competitors in the Special Olympics are going a step further because of the

difficulties they must overcome.’

This is the seventh Special Olympics Great Britain Games and organisers are predicting 2500 participants as well as thousands more to support them in this, one

compoxcd communal!) o\cr thc coin'xc iii a da}. Bc part ol~ tlic c\pcricncc on ihc chga platform at thc lliddcn (iardcnx. \o c\pcricncc ncccxxar}, Stilt-Walking (‘arnhal .v\rt\. 2nd l‘loor. 3-1 .-\lhion Sircct. ()787i) 272 85 l.

l2.3() 2.30pm. l’i‘cc. l'ccl lL‘li l-L‘L‘l tall. :\ll )ou nccd is a licad tor hcightx and a pair of trainci'x. Part of It’d/(cw i‘i'l'A m Si'HI/illli/ gull“.

Tie-Dye Workshop ‘l‘lic ii} \I.

(‘l'L‘\\\\ L‘ll Sll'L‘L‘l. 5.53 .5297. 2 Split. L5. llc} man. chill otlll (ict groin} and rcdixcoxcr ihc joy ol' tic—d} ing. Bring )our o\\ii lllll‘é cotton itcni. Booking L‘\\L‘llllttl. l’art ol thc lli'xl Izml l’('\lll‘(l/ 2!”).5.

Belly Dancing Workshop (‘arnixal Arts. 2nd l‘loor. 3-1:\lhion Strcct. (ll72l 725777. -l 5pm. l’rcc. l)ancc to thc l'li}lli|ll\ oi thc liaxi \\ ith c\pcrt tuition lrom Nada. l’art ol~ li’t'fugm' link in .S-(‘UIIUIH/ Jill/.5.

Arabic Drumming (’ainhal .v\ri\. 2nd l'loor. 34 :\lhion Sti'cci. 552 8(i37.

5 (lplll. l‘rcc. ll' )ou can count to tour _\ou‘\c got all ihc l'lt}lllllt _\ou nccd to L'l'ctitL' tlic littiL‘lL‘\\ \otitiil\ oi thc \ltildlc liaxt. l’ai't ol' li’i'lug'r't' lli't'k in St ul/um/ 2003'.

Archiprix 2005 ‘l‘hc Lighthouw. l l Mitchcll l.;tliL‘. Ill (i302. i'il'L'C, SL‘L‘ 'l-lttl 23.

John Surman Workshop (‘('.'\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 552 3552. U5. .lohn

Surman lcadx a \xoi‘kxhop l'or inicrnicdiaic

to prolcxxional lc\cl llltl\lL‘l;tIi\. l.iniitcd placcx. hooking ad\ ixahlc.

. ,, «h it i. ~; A." . n- fiuhanpik" "flffi' .fly iifiifiék‘is!


"‘l '71 I' at

of the largest sporting events taking place in the UK this



The games are held every four years in the UK, but this is the first time Scotland has been the host. Nineteen teams from throughout the UK, including eight from Scotland, will take part in sports ranging from swimming, athletics and football to kayaking, golf and

Success at the Great Britain Games can lead to

participation in the Special Olympics World Summer Games which are held every four years, the next one being Shanghai 2007.

Just as with any Olympic competition, there’s a big flashy party planned for the opening ceremony, complete with lighting of the flame and a procession of the athletes. Music will be provided by Texas, who’ll perform an exclusive acoustic set, Lucie Silvas and record label buddy Norwegian Robert Post, who makes

his debut Scottish appearance. (Morag Buce)

Activities & Events

The Sunday Afternoon Philosophy Club 'l‘lic ii} \I. ('rcxxncll Strch 33‘) I588. 12.30pm. l‘rcc. :\n al‘tcrnoon ol' pliiloxophixing. dchatc and hanicr. 'l‘hix \xcck. challcngc _\our prc-concchcd notions about tlic (i8 Summit. l’art ol' thc ll't'x/ lim/ I’m/ital 2005.

Fly Right Dance Company 'l‘lic Boyd Batik Big Siagc. (icorgc Squarc. lpni & 3.3(lpni. l‘rcc. .loin l‘l) Right [or this compcrcd c\cnt taking )ou through thc llixliil') ol' \u ing dancc. l'i‘om (’harlcxion to kind} Hop. through .littcrhiig and .li\c. Part of (i/mcmr ./u.‘.‘ /'i'\lii'tI/.

* Fair Trade Fashion Show l’artick Burgh llall. () Burgh llall Sircct. 33‘)

.3l l l. £5 (L4). l'iil' lltoxc ltiit )t'l ;i\\tll'L‘ Ul- thc trcaxurc tt'o\ c ol‘ cloihcx that lurk in charit} \liopx. this iaxliioii \lltl“ tilllix to highlight thc cihical ax \xcll as sartorial hcncliis oi hu) ing rcc_\ clcd clothcx. (ici iickctx l'rom ()\l'ani Si) lc on B) rcx Road. Scc pictui'c caption. pagc 28. Midsummer Carnival l’iilliiL'kxlitt“ \ Road. lpm. l’rcc. SL‘UIltlllth largcxt coininunii} carnixal. Watch a uniquc \pcctaclc ol- Itittxic. mm cmL‘ill. costunicx and colour as (il;i\go\\ '\ uniquc L‘Ulllllltllllllt‘8 gct togcthcr to L'ClL'l‘l'ltlL‘ /\’('/ll‘\'(’(' lli't'k I'll Si'nI/(llli/ 2005. ('olunihian \alxa. lig)piian hcll) danccrx. Bra/ilian Saniha and lndiaii l)oh| ill‘tlllllllt‘H.

I Ar: wont}; schodo/o can [)0 foo/2d (If ' '.'.'.:;,’)<)<:/;i/o/i ni;)it:sg;/(1:;g(m.trot/k. 800 ism/731$ -‘or mum/Hg} ire/onioni informal/(Ni 18a! 2’ . all"


The Gibson St. Street Party (iihxon Sll‘L‘L‘l. 2 (Will. l‘lCL‘. .\ ncu L'\Clll liil~ 2llll5. litlxkch. \trcct L‘IllL‘l'ltilltL‘l’\. calc‘x lood. drink. \litll8 and Big Roi} all hpr to \a} la la to ihc lli'xllimll‘i'xli'it1/2Ul/5.


=l< Concern Worldwide Public Discussion Ro);ll ('oncci-i Hall. 2 Sauchichall Slrcci. 353 8titlti. 2pm. Broadcaxicr and _li)tll'llttll\l Ian .\lc\\'liiricr chairx a pancl ill\t'tl\\liill ainicd at promoting thc .\lakc l’o\ci't_\ llixtor) tall} in lidinhurgh. \\ itli (‘lai‘c Short. Nicola Sturgcon and Ulltcl'\.


The Generation Game 'l‘i'on 'l‘licairc. o3 'l'rongatc. 552 42(37. .\'oon 2pm. l‘rcc. chular inonthh \\Ul'l\\lliip as part ol' thc t‘l'tixx gcncration proicci. .v\ll ai'c \xclconic l'roni thc agc ol 12 up to I I2.

Archiprix 2005 'l‘hc ligliiliouw. l l Milchcll l.anc. 22| o3o2. l‘i'cc. Scc Thu 23.


Archiprix 2005 The ligltlltotlxc. l l \lllL‘liL‘ll l.;iitL'. 22l (i302. l'AI'L'L‘. SL‘L‘ ’l‘lttl

Tuesday 28

Activities & Events Stitch and Bitch (ilaxgou \\onicn\ l.ihi‘ai‘}. It)” 'liongatc. 552 8345. (r3tlpni.