I Breakitdown at llotie_\eonih. l().3()ptii 3am. £5 (£4). 25 .ltiit. Motithl). Residents Ste\ en l‘ttllltlS atid Broken('hannel do their laptop. deeks. sampler atid \)tlllts thing as the) ereate new miisie atid warp some elassies. l.oea! lad Ytitaro pi‘o\ ides haek tip on a teehno/prog tip. ('heek w w w.hreakitdow ii.eo.tik lot' more into atid adumee tiekets. I Club Saturn at Q-Bar. ‘thn latti. £3. 25 Jun. Four hours ot‘ the freshest tipliltiiig tranee. house and teeh tt‘otii Stuart Anderson. Brtino li-ls' atid Dar-(‘ee I Dfrnt Trouble at (‘aharet Voltaire. 10.30pm 3am. £‘) (£8). 25 Jtitt. Mottthl}. The Trouble erew return alter a ht'iel‘ hiatus to take roost at their new hotue atid a spin on the format as Dirnt l)i'tini heeomes an integral part of the experienee. Home grown hip hop heads the .‘s'extmen will he mashing it up in a three man. four deek showdown with the Butch Cassidy Soundsystem. Plus Salon Boris go live for the hint l)rtini erew Rtissian/Seottish eleetro trio. I Digglty at the iistahlishment. ltlptnc3am. £7 (£5). Weekly DJ Iiahtilol. Hart} 31). Rieo and M(‘ l-‘low get down with their had .sel\ es. pla} ittg wildsts‘le R&B. hip hop and street sotil. Third hirthda)‘ time (2 Jul). big ol' party to he sure. how ex er details the at time ol‘ goitig to press. I The Egg at \Vee Red Bar. 1 lpiit 3am. £4.50 (£3.5(lt. \Veekl}. Still the hest mi\ ol indie. (ills garage. northern sotil. ska. 7(ls ptitik and new w ;l\ e _\oti're |ikel_\ to stagger aeross. A well lo\ ed institution that t'eltises to ehange. I Fever at ligo. llptit 5am. £ll) (£5 to Taste ttiemhers helot'e l l.l5piii; £8 tor iiieiiihers altert. 35 Jtiit. Monthl}. the Mk at Taste (lidinhtirgh's original and longest running weekl} gas-triendls nightt run this monthl} \enttire. The) take in er a Satitrda) night l'or those who reall} do ha\ e to work on Motida}. 'I‘aste mainstass l‘isher ts Priee and Martin Valentine pltts speeial guest Mas llerhert are on the iiiainlloor while the Visitor and Kattptiss take an ati_\thing goes attitude in the ('oeteati lounge. Pre eltih part} at the Street lrom lllpm. I Finsternis at the l’leasaitee ('ahai‘et Bar. Next date ‘) Jul.

G8 Crasher at 'l‘ex iot Row t'nion. ‘)pttt 5am. £5. 3 Jul ottl}. Huge night on otter to entertain those w ho are heading this w a} lot” the (BS protests. An} proeeeds l'rom the itight w ill go towards the Make l’o\ei'l} llistot'} eampaign. Industrial. hard teehno atid drum 8: hass are the order of the da) with sets limit the likes ol the inastet'ltil Adam X and l’atriek \Valker alongside li\ e sets l'rom .-\eid (it) and Morph amongst others as Dogma. l’illhox. ()liseetle. .-\eeess. ('tirios'.’ aitd more lend their manpower. time and DJ skills. I Give it Some! at the Bongo (‘liih. llptn 3am. £3 helore midnight: £(i alter. 2 Jul. l-tink. sotil. tau. rare grotw e atid ma_\he a hit} hit ol reggae and (i()s heat thrown in l'or good measure. all eotirtes) ol' l).lRed(t (l.i\eseienees/Solid Steel l. I Groove Night at the Jan Bar. llfitl dam. l'it'ee. \N'eekl). See Hi. I Headspin at the Bongo ('luh. Next date In Jul. I Henry's Late Nights at lletirs 's Ja// (‘ellar. Midnight 3am. £7. \\eek|_\. the jail and the house l)Js take _\oti into the wee small hours. lleaisw eight sottl l‘tlllisel'S (it'omedigga/ do their thing (35 Jtiiii while l’atil Mills' litmkali/e round things till. this lot'tnight (3 Jul). I Joy at the Venue. l lpiii 3am. £8 helore midnight; £lll alter. 2 Jtil. Monthl}. l'pl'ront. dirt} house groot es on the main lloor lrom Alan is Maggie Jo} aiid Brett King to work sou tip into a lather on the main floor. l’ltis 'l‘rend} “ends and Salt) l-"s eheek} mi.\ ol sotil. l'tink atid ehat't in

Trouble and Drnt Drum are reborn is one super slick package of funked up jazz, beats,

electro and punk funk. This episode sees guest slots from Nextmen and the Butch Cassidy Sound System while Russian-Scottish trio Salon Boris (pictured) go live. Sat 25 Jll/l. Cabaret \r/o/ta/ro. Edinburgh.

the downstairs suite. Note that Jo} is a eltih lor ga} people aitd their li'iends.

I Liquid Soul at l’o Na Na. lllptii 3am. £3 hel'ore l lpm: £(i alter. \Veekl}. (iet dow ti earl} lot this eonsistentls eapaeit} retro diseo aitd l'tink} house night. featuring l’o‘s own Mark B on the deeks ltisiiig elassie atid hang tip-to date ltmk_\' house l'or those in the know.

I Luvely at the liquid Room.

llpm 3am. £lt) (£8 iiteiiihersi. 2 Jul. Moitthl). :\ sane) soiree. geared towards a gas /iiii.\ed ei'ow d and l‘eatttring a iiitisie polte} ol litillon. dri\iiig house from residents 'l'otiiiit} K. Newton is Stone and Jared. Think Pink is the theme this iiioittli so pink hair. pink ttlttlse‘ltp and pink elothes will he the order (d the dd).

I Messenger Sound System at the Bongo (‘ltih llpm 3am. £(i. 25 Jun. Bass of how el-shttting proportions as the might} Messenger Sound S)slettt hlasts out the hest in righteous roots atid dtih reggae.

I Mingin’ at the Venue. llpm 3am. £5 helot‘e midnight; £(i alter. ‘) Jul. A dark. sexs. dirt) hoiise ellth Alan Jo) and Briatt l)empster are the |)Js hehind this small. intimate. ltiendl} and predominantl) gas eltih on the top floor ol the Venue. Mtisie ranges lrom traiiee to deep house w ill] a totieh ol teehno and hard house sometimes thrown iii lor good measure.

I Mission Jnr at Studio 24. 7 lllpm. £5.

\Veekl}. (ioth. roek. ptiiik and of eotirse all that iiti metal shift that the kids eras e so iiitielt. So it. )Ull ei er wondered w here all those hlaek elad )tititlts l‘rom the top of ('oekhtirn Street went alter dark. look no further. The hest and original tinder lS’s tiietal gathering in town.

I Mission at Sttidio 24. l lpm 3am. £5 (£4 members). \Veekl}. Night ol metal iiia_\heiii. goth roek and more l’rom the dark side a teal lidinhtirgh institution that still has a lo)al lanhase and all open door polie} lor att}oiie w itlt a lot e of roek and metal. Things are eertainl) aloot dow n Mission w a} its their iiew top floor polie) kieks into gear with the heax ier than thou Void aitd (ioth lloor on alternate weeks.

I Ocean Pride at ()eeaii ‘l’eritiiiial. ll)..5l)pltl 3am. £15(£lllinad\aneei. 25 Jtiii. The huge l’t‘ide Seotia alter part} with Alan Jo_\ hriitging together l)Js lt'ont nearl} eser} ga) eltih and har iii town. See pre\ iew page 5-1. Progression at the liquid Room. lt).3()pitt 3am. £5. 25 Jim. Monthl}. Alan l)olisoii. (ias (iraiit. Derek Martin. Sttiart Johnson. Neil Battle) attd (iat‘) Bowman ttlt\ tip the tribal times as the) lead tip to stittiiiier w ith a series ol‘ £5 eliih nights to gis e something haek to their man} supporters. I Rewind at the liquid Room. ltlfitlpiii .iatii. £5. 25 Jun t\ 3 Jill. ()Id skiitil diseojoeks Miek (‘ool and Slttlgg) Bear dish otit the hest in 70s. Slls aitd 90s poptastie tunes iii the iiiainrooiii lor these two 't‘etlttiott' speetals. I Rogue State at the Venue. 10.30pm 3am. £5 iii adsaiiee; more on the door. 25 Jtiti. Hip hop and drum «k hass sliitidig w hieh eelehrates its seeotid hit‘thda} aitd w ehsite (w w w.rogtiestale. net! latiiieh all iii one w itlt speeial gttests ('hase & Status (Renegade Hardware/Bad ('otnpaii} t llldslel‘s ol~ all genres ol' l)t\B l'rotii the liardeore to intelligent hreaks. Support lroiii Manga master (i-Mae. Rogue State l'oiiiidei' Beast and .\l(' B'/.. I Sophistifunk at ('it): l2diiihtirgh. ll).3(lpiii 3am. £8. \Veekl}. Resident [M John lltitehison pla_\s l'tinked tip Rth rettti.\es and house tunes to a dressed tip crowd. I Stereotype at Berlin Bierhatis. lllptti 3am. £(i hetore midnight: £8 alter. 25 Jtiii. llugg) Burger ()tieen returns iii his new gtiise at Stereotspe. hringiiig honte the hest house around. He'sjoined h_\ Soiil l’t‘o\idet's Ian ('are}. the man heltitid the iiiassis e erossox er hit ‘Rise' and his partner in eriiiie Jasoii l’apilloii. I Super Saturday at the Venue. 10.30pm 3am. £5 hel'ore midnight; £7 alter. 35 Jtiti. Mashed-tip sounds l'i'oin ltink) house \ia Rth to lull-on tranee and teehno w itlt a iiiassi\e l).l roster iii

tlte shape (it lses \Vriglit. \Vreekage. Bean}. (Hi and l‘rost) J.

I Tease Age at ('itrtts (’ltih. llptii 3am. liree hel'oi'e l Lillptii; £5 alter. \Veekl}. 'l'his indie stalwart dishes tip etei'} thing l'rom swinging (ills hits to hagg} Maneltester to es as well as a host ol etirrent .VJIIC ehatt hotherers with DJ Moiikee Miekee. lidiithtirgh's longest eontinuall} running indie tiight.

I Ultragroove at (‘aharet Voltaire. lll.3lltiiii 5am. £8 (Ni. 2 Jtil. 'l'here ma) he a new team hehind the ('ah hitt l'ltragi'oote ain't goitig nowhere. lidiiihttrgh's peerless real house pail) set‘ses tip tiaek} groiwes. .sotill'til \oeals aitd trihal times lt‘otn resident (iai'elh Soiiititers t||e w ho's touted h) .I\nts Small. Meanwhile in the haek rooiii (ilaswegian diseoioek Bill} Woods (()ttter l)ri\et pla_\s three hours ol groin es. lioogie. diseo attd Baleai'ie.

I VEGAS! at ligo. Illillpiii .iatn. £lll ( £7 tl 'lahtilotisI} dressed' l. 2 Jtil. Month|_\ llep dadds swing. eotiittr} elassies and slea/s listening with sour high kiekiiig hosts: l‘rankie Stiittatt'a. Btigs_\ Seagttll. l)ino Martini and the stunning Vegas show girls. .'\nd do H} to make an el'loi't with the dress eode. eh‘.’

I Velvet at ('ottittiples, lllpitt 3am. U). 2 Jtil. \Voiiien's night tor ga} girlies and their speeiall) iii\ ited ho) lt‘iends (men eaii oii|_\ gain admission il' aeeoiiipanted h} a lad} i. hosted h) Miehelle (Jo). \Vigglei.

I Wiggle at ligo. Nest date to Jul.

I Xplicit at lloiieseoitih. Illillptn 3am, £5. 3 Jtil. the drum is hass seeiie in the eapttal t‘eall} is heeotiiing one ol the hest in the [K as .\pliett show olt their residents at this Make l’o\ert_\ lll\lttl'_\ eseni with l'..\(). the (ienei‘al. Skse and M('s 'l’onn l’iper and B7.

Chad & Party

I G.Spot at Stihwa} ('ow gate.

Illpiii 3am. l‘ree hel'ore l lsillpm; £3 altei. Weekly .’\II the ehai't. elieese and part} times sou ean handle. plus another two hotiis ol In't' int/Lit. Stt'ewlh.