>2: Fidelio Scottish Opera‘s last full scale opera in their own season tor quite a few months to coi'i'ie has quite rightly attracted rave reviews. Don't

ass this last chance to see tneni lll full glory chorus, orchestra and all -- while you can. Festival theatre, fill/ibwgh. I hu 23 and Sat 25 Jill)

:2: St Mary’s Music School Concert Apart from being top in the league tables of Scotland‘s independent sci'iouls. St Mary's continues to nurture some Of the thOSI muting musical talent of the intuit.- Hear senior pupil

poi ican Strachan's new music theatre piece entitled A i'vlmiocli/o/iie laIe. which takes folk legend as its starting point. Grey/liars Kirk, Edinburgh, Mon g’x' Jun.

32’» Organ Recital Even if you are not an organ aficionado it is ell worth hearing Lionel Hogg :ioin Geneva in the seventh special annual organ recital given in memory of Herrick

ij'ui it iti‘y. who was master of the :iiusic at St (Sites for many 'ytfctlb and oversaw the installation of the cathedrals

i.- l ipiessive Hieger organ. St (tiles Cathedral. Edinburgh, ill/"ed (3 Jul.

I RSNO ScottishPower Proms: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons I<o_\al l cit Hall. .3 Satlclllc'ltull Sll‘L‘L'l. .553 ‘llllllt L5 £37. \‘iolinist l'.tl\\ttt l‘..i.i.. tll|\‘\l\ a pciloiiiiancc ol thc

‘. iiilitclil lulu .Si'ilsiun ttlltl tilltcl‘ ..~;i.s l») \ l\.tltll. \\ itli llaiitist .laiict lx'it ll.tltl\\lll .iiiil liassinitilsl l);l\ttl ll .lilt.iiil

l l"ll)tll(lll

I NYCoS Choir Charity Concert

\. t .iililicii s ('liiacli. .5 l.iit|iian Road. “" ‘li pin Lh (UH. .'\ll c\cning ol'

i, lit ( liiltoii .iiiil Ruttci‘ \\llll all

tits ;'iilli}‘ ll‘ \tollaiiil's lcatliiig ..i.itiiiii.i| iclici .iiiil tlcxclopniciit

.iiiisaliiili \lcl _\('tilps.

1- Fidelio | cstivil llicatic. l3 39

saulwn \ticct. 539 (lllllll 7.l5piii.

\ lllii .‘3

I Edinburgh Philharmonic

Orchestra ( iic_. lll.tl\ Kills. (iicsliiais

film _’lll‘) lillpiii. LN (£3l.

i-‘ '_;i I)“ l. \Hll‘ll t ts llic oiclicstia llt

til l l:‘.i| \ ( (/lt’

..ml l\'.itl.ili.ililliii\'s.3/li/

.st .\iitllc\s

do i n: LlSl


I Tayside Symphony Orchestra (‘airtl Hall. (it) Squarc. 0l383 43-19-10. 7.30pm. £9. (‘harit_\ orchcstral conccrt.


I Ouodlibet ()ran Mm: 731 735 (ii‘cat \\'cstcrii Road. 357 (i300. 3pm. £7 £3. ’l'hc classical \ocal quartct join l‘orccs \\ ith pianist l’ctcr Shaiitl and thc .\lcl\ illc \Vinil ()uartct to prcscnt an cxcning ol‘ popular classics as part ol‘ thc lli'xt Iz'm/ /’(’\Ill(l/ JUU5.


I St Giles at Six: Music of the Night St (iilcs' ('atlictlral. Ro}a| Milc. 335 9-143. (ipiii. Soprano l.ort‘atttc Murph} RL‘ltlt'UL‘ and bass haritonc Douglas Rciilroc pci‘l'orin iinisic h} llantlcl. \'i\alili. Mo/art. (iL‘t’slt\\ttt. \Vchhcr and original llchrcn compositions.


I Summerfest RS.-\.\tl). I00 Rt‘lllt't‘“ Strcct. 333 5057. Ipiii. l‘rcc. llt‘lsL‘lL‘tl. .\ lt‘sllutl ol iiiiisic loi' siiiiiiiicr (l1l}\ ll'tillt pupils and stall to cclchratc thc ciiil ol ihc ttL'ittlL‘lttlc sL'\\t0lt.


7 St Mary’s Music School Concert (irc)lriars Kirk. (ii'c) lriars l’lacc. 53X 77()(), 7.30pm. £3 l£5/£3i. .\ tlouhlc hill ol l’ui'ccll's opci'atic iiiastci'piccc l)l(/ll iiiii/ .’l('ll('(l\. along \\ith a tic“ music tlicatic nork h} pupil Duncan Strachan.

Tuesday 28

G asgow

I Summerfest RSAMI). I00 chlnws Sti'ccl. 333 5057. l0ani & Ipiii. l'icc. llclsL‘lL‘tl. SL'L' Mon 37.

I RSNO ScottishPower Proms: Ballet Night Ro}al (‘oncci'l Hall. 3 Saiicliichall Sticcl. 353 X000 30pm

L5 £37 liitciiialionall} icnimnctl liallcl sl.tl\ |Hlll .'\lltll\‘\\ \liigiclia .is lic conducts thc oiclicslia in .i pciloiniaiicc ol c\ccipls

The weather may not be a reliable indication that, yes, it really is summer now, but a glance at the RSNO programme proves that it must be. This is the time of year when the orchestra lets its hair down and plays a whole series of light hearted music and some of the best loved symphonic repertoire ever penned. The ever popular Last Night of the Proms is conducted for the first time by associate conductor, James Lowe, who is handed this rather important baton remarkably early in his RSNO career. Find out why when he appears with wunderkind Nicola Benedetti, Caledon and vocalist Karen Matheson (pictured). 7 Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. until Sat 2 Jul.

ll'tilll Sivan [xi/w. ‘I'lii' A'utr‘mr'kr'r and Sh’fl/Ullg‘ Ifr'uiili'.


I Get Organised! lfshcr llall. Loihiaii Roatl. 33‘4 ll55. l.l0piii. £3. lllltil‘lllztl lunchtiiiic organ rccital l‘caturing thc l'shcr Hall's iiiagnilicciit organ.

Wednesday 29


I Summerfest RSAMI). |00 chlrcn Sti'ccl. 333 5057. Ipiii. l‘rcc. tickctctl. Scc Mon 37.

I RSNO ScottishPower Proms: Classic Tunes Rinal (‘onccri Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strccl. 353 8000. 7.30pm.

£5 £37. (iari‘_\ Walkcr conducts thc oi'clicstra in a pcrl‘oriiiaiicc ol~ popular classics )tiii'i'c hound to know including Rmcl‘s Ila/rm. l3arhcr\ sir/(ruin for Strings and llolst‘s .lliirs li'oiii T/lt' I’lum'tx.


I Organ Recital Si (iilcs‘ (’athcdi'al. Roin .\li|c. 33(i 3998. 8pm. £7 (£5). ()pcning rccital in suiiinicr scrics that puts thc cathctlral's iiiagnilicciit Alistrian Ricgcr organ through its paccs. ’l‘hc first of thc \L'H‘ll I'L‘L'tltils is gncn it} St (itlcs‘ imti Michacl llarris. \lillt) pl;i_\s a \ irtuoso sclcctioii h} JS Bach. l-‘ranck and (iiiilinanl's I) iiiiiior Siniqu Nu /.

Thursday 30


I Summertest RSAMI). l00 chl'rcu Strcct. 333 5057. lpiii 6’; 3pm. l‘rcc. lickctctl. Scc Mon 37.

I RSNO ScottishPower Proms: Dvorak’s New World Symphony Roin ('oncci't Hall. 3 Satichichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £5 £37. ()nain Arncl lliighcs conducts a pcrl'orinaiicc of this

Check out the

on page 13

lttthlt-l()\'CLl piccc. as ncll as 'l‘cliziikovsk)”s \lu/rn (.(Hlt't’l'll). \Vitli Violinist ('hloc llaiislip.


I Summerfest RSAMI). tilt) cht‘rcxx Sll'L‘L‘l. 3.3.3 5057. lpm. l't'L‘L‘. llL‘kL‘lL‘Ll. SCL‘ Mon 37.

I RSNO Scottish Power Proms - West End Classics Royil ('onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchicliall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £5 £37. Martin Yates conducts and L‘UlttPCl’C\ an m ciiing ol‘ show stopping nuinhcrs from H? ll'i'll RtH'A liiii. Mummu ,lli'u. ('liitt) (lint) Bang Bang. (‘liii‘ugrk Bum/mi Dru/ms. 'l'lii’ Plum/um oft/iv ()pr’ru. 'I‘lii' Lion King and Hit Sound “fit/um:


I RSNO ScottishPower Proms: Last Night of the ScottishPower Proms Royal (‘onccrt Hall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £5 £35. Jaiiics l.o\\‘c conducts this _\car's linalc \\ itli 3004 BBC Young Mtisician of thc \cai‘ Nicola Bciicdctti. thc thrcc Scottish tcnors group ('alctlon and \ocalist Karcn Mathcson.

Wednesday 6


I The Grove City College Choir (ii‘cylriars Kirk. (h'c) l'riars l’lacc. («is 30l9. 7.30pm. l‘rcc. l)r Doug Bromic conducts a pcrl’orniancc ol' llolst‘s .V’iiiii' Dimitri. (irctchaninol‘lk Hii/i Riiiliuiir Light. l.ca\itt's Mimi I'M/rm and Ruttcr‘s I-m- I/H' Bruit/i u] I/tt' [furl/i.


if'fi Organ Recital St (lilcs‘ (‘aihctlnil Royal Milc. 336 3998. 8pm. £7 (£5). Lioncl llogg lt‘Ulll (icncui. onc of tlic world's l'orciiiost llach intcrprctcrs. is gucst soloist in thc latcsi of this )car's cclchrit)‘ rccitals on thc St (iilcs' Ricgcr organ. In a prograiniiic hi'iiniiiing o\ci‘

\\ illt ltis l‘a\ouritc L‘Ultipnscl'. hc also lilttls spacc l'or chcr. l.is/t and Alain.