
When Harry Met Sally .\Inu 27 Jun Sui 2 Jul. 7.30pm i'l'hu & 811! mu! 3.3(lpmi.

L7 [335“. IV presenter (lull) RU\IIII élliil ('mmmlinn .S'In'i'l‘x Jnhnn} \lehei' mm; the althxlc Iihu In the \luge. eniuplele \\ llIl I/lul restaurant \eene and u wunillruek h} qu/‘x Ilimurile \nn. Jamie ('ullum.

The Merry Widow Tue 5 Sal ‘) .lul. 7.30pm IIIIU & Sui lllélI Jilipiiii. [I I [3‘ The ('url Rosa ('nuipuu} return \HIII :1 Im iin ueu produelinn nl I'rzin/;u‘\ light opera set in I‘ll: l’ui‘is. \xhei'e glilllltll'tilh \\ItItl\\ Ilzumu rum iluiigernuxl} in Im e u ith the huntlwme I);iuiln

I TRAMWAY I TRON THEATRE 25.-\|l\erlI)i'i\e,()845330351” III. \\(', (H ‘I lnligmle. 8*} l.‘n' \\'.'\| Hollywoodl nnl \ii _‘\ L... 5,)... M

Black Sun Over Genoa Iue i ,lul, "fillpiii. EH) (£75m. In enmenle \\lIII the (i8 \llllllllll ul (ileneiiglex. 'I'heuu'e \an'lulinp prexenlx [his pom-mil ueenuul nl lhe lelll [‘l'lilt'\l\ In (ienm. 'l'he piece ll\t'\ llIllI Innuige. eui'nngil \l} Ie [K'l‘ltil'lllilllt't' .llltl :1 huge euxl nl people In i'eereule lhe uliumphei'e and. ultimately the {rugged} «it the [write one man will I'm Ill\ I‘L‘IIL‘IK.

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RS \.\Il) Illllil pun \lmli‘nlx. mlupletl In I.|ltl llegyii' lvanov l’nnl \ul ‘\ Inn. All.” U i: H :\Iiliill ( ~Il\‘l\l|\ I.n\ It .iI ih' «‘1 Illll'I}\U|l1\‘Illlll1'l‘.il1i| Ilemllnng' IllIH Il\ ilunmn Ill Illiltl in

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L‘\\'.l|k’ Ill\ liinlilemx I’VIIHIIIII -I In. lx’S.\\II)

Labyrinth Ine ‘ix .\ \‘ml NI Inn \H- Kiilx Il\l|llj_'\

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Palmer’s Lear. Go see. . .h. l i" I . .I I [

Theatre Guide

' Entertainment under the olden sun of Bad In The Botamrcs 9

Glasgow. Well, that’s the theory. What’s a better guarantee than the weather is the quality of the work from the Bard in the Botannics season. Beginning with a Romeo and Juliet, the season continues with a nice mix of the best of the Bard, including Scott



I all)“ ell \\';i_\. \liixxelhurgh. 665 33-10. II’. II. 'I' I'. \\('. \\'.~\l

Morag Alexander School of Dance Annual Show l'niil Sui 35 Jun. 7pm. t‘h’f‘l) (Infill). 'l‘he \ehnnl'x unliqu peilniiuunee nl' singing and dancing.


“a \Iniillngxiile Road. 338 IISS. II’. III Funkydory ’l‘hu 23 & Hi 34 Jun. 7pm. t3 «5) I'rnin I)7X()l (334 292. Dance uelmn hum the .luniee Anne \Vilxnn Selinnl nl~ Hunting.


8.1! f) .li/f,

I IiUi’Sday 23 Friday 24 SEIIIHIIQI‘,” 71') f3: llli 1.1 Ti? I‘ ’I. ,2 :I i. 1‘ 1V Arches t' « I Gilmorehill King's Dru, Dusting; «SJ-r2. Z.)..s!.~~.r_; {me :;:..:;:.'~:; Ramshorn Theatre Royal Jam: we"? ~ t i I e ‘I I " l‘

IIIUfSt lay 28 Wednesday 29

Knit} l cw King Lear Dunne School Dance School I'll} ‘.'.i" ‘§

Vine!) lime,- Met Sail-y

When Harry Met Sally

Festival Theatre Playhouse Roxy Art House

:: a i: a in E o in

Royal Lyceum Traverse



Tron A Hill-5"” "‘ ' ".f» i l I x i r ' I .l" ,. A... ,r. y . , ItiI:;-":n!h labyrinth Brunton ) 1 Church Hill misery ;—-.,..a..,.,,(,,~..,

8621‘: Rock 3". I’m)

Skunk-visa ( ix;~txc-;r,m

92THELIST. ',.i.

Thou x KJIiI,’ Modem Millieilhoroughty Modern Millfi

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