The Princess Diaries 2 - The Royal Engagement it‘ioo

((iarr} .\larxhall. l'S. leU-li :\nnc llathaua}. Julic .-\ndrc\\ x. llcctor lili/ondo. 115mm. Morc right ro)al tantax) nonxcnxc madc palatablc b} tlic cwr cntcrtaining and talcntcd llathaxia}. ('( 'l lat/inlmru/i. I’t/inltm'u/i.

* Punishment Park t 12 i 0.... (Peter Watkins. l'S. l‘)7l ) Patrick Boland. Kent l’orcman. ('arnicn Argcn/iano. l.ukc Johnxon 88min. Scc rc\ icu. pagc Jo. and Rough ('utx. pagc 47. (il-"II (iltiwuu (lilt/ Film/must. Iz'tlt'ri/iiu'c/i.

Robots tl’i O. t(‘hrix \Vcdgc. ('arlox Saldhana. ('5'. 2005) \‘oiccx ol' Robin \\'illi;tiiix. llallc Bcrr}. (ircg Kinncar. liuan .\lc(ircgor. ‘)lmin. \c“ animatcd adwnturc from the titakcrx ol' It‘t’ xi L’(’. Rodm‘.‘ ('oppcrboltom t.\lc(ircgori ix a working claxx robot \\ hoxc drcamx ot' bcconiing an in\ cntor arc daxhcd \\ hcn hc dixco\crx that Big“ clt. tlic largcxt corporation in thc cit). hax bccn ovcrtakcn by Ratcth (Kinncari. a ruthlcxx capitalixt \\ ho tttakcx Rupcrt Murdoch look lilx'c Karl Marx. ()n tliix

xhou ing the ('(il formula ix dcxpcratcl} in nccd ol~ an upgradc. I.\I.-t.\’ 'I'lit'uin'. (i/uigou': \iu' lat/in/iuruli ()t‘t'mi. lit/inluiru/i. Sarkart 15! iRam (iopal Varma. ltidia. 2005 i .-\mitabh Bachchan. Abhixlick Bacltcha. Ra) Ra). 124mm. llighl} praixcd Indian \crxion ot‘(’oppo|a'x 'l'lit' (I'm/lull)” with \ctcran Bachchan taking tlic Brando rolc. ()t/(Un xi! Iii/11’ Qum. (i/tlm'mi. (i/usgmr: l‘( ‘l Iz'tliiiliuru/i. lit/in/mru/i. Shall we Dance? t 12A: coo tl’ctcr (‘hclxonr l'S. 2005i Richard (ici'c. Jcnnit'cr Lopcl. Stanlc) ’l‘ucci. ltlomin. l‘lut't'} but \Htlc‘ltttblc lioll} “ood t‘L'tttztlxt‘ til lltL‘ Japanch romancc abotit \xhat happcnx uhcn lo\ c xtrikcx tilll'lll}: ballroom dancc lcxxonx. (i/tlxumi I'll/m ]-/I(’(lll'(’. (i/tlwmi'.

Silver City 1 l5i .00. (John Sa} lcx. [3. 300-1! (’ltt‘lx (‘oopL‘tl Richard Ut'c} l'ttxx. (’ajardo l.indxc_\’. lili/abcth Raincr. llb’min. l’rL‘ViL‘W \L‘I‘L‘Cttiltg til. Sit} lL‘x' C\L‘Cllcltl tic“ political thrillcr ch icu cd nc\t ixxuc. (1mm). lit/iIi/mru/i.

Sin Cityt [Si O... tRobcrt Rodi'igiicl/ l‘rank .\li|lcr lxpccial gucxt dircctor ()ucntiii 'l'arantinot. IS. 2005! Brucc \Villix. ('lix c ()“Clt. \iiL‘kC} Rtttlt’lxc. JL‘xxicn .-\|ba. 124mm. Blcak. liardboilcd comic book adaptation l'roni tan Rodriguc/ tco-dircctiitg \\ ith crcator .\lillcri trucr to itx xoiircc than ttlt}lltlng to datc. l)cxpitc bcing rcndcrcd litttxll} in black and \xhitc. thix ixn't a lilm for thc xqucainixh. .-\lott}_'xidc thc xiipcr

xt) lixation. Sin (‘ilt boaxtx dclt xtoi'_\ tclliiig. ballx} pcrlormanch itrom a to-dic-l'or cnxcmblc caxti and a linc in bruixing humour tltat'll lcax c )ou black and bluc. Brutal and brilliant. (iv/1cm] rt'lt'tiux Space Station 30 tl'i llotti .\l}¢i‘x. ('anada/l'S. 3003i 47itiin. .\'arratcd b_\ 'l‘om ('ruixc. thix big xcrccn l.\l.'\.\ prcxcntation lolloux rcal axtronautx into thc big: bliic. lmprcxxiw. btit not ax an cxomc ax it xlioiild haw bL‘L‘tt. [VAX I'llt'tllrt'. (;/(I\L'()ll.

The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie lid 0. tStcphcn llillcnbtirg. l'S. Itlll-li \‘oich oi Alcc Bald“ in and Scarlctt Johanxxon. 87min. (’hariiilcxx

at Me

Agnes Jaoui’s seamless familial romp about a cantankerous writer and his fat daughter was one of

the most enjoyable French films of last year. If you missed it then, now is


I G/ I. G/(IEK'OL'J ISt/H IO and c‘t'i.‘ 76 Jill 0/3/57.

Nickclodcon clianncl xpinoll caitoon tcatui'c mm ic. xuitablc tor tmdcr li\cx onl}. ll/Ill/IUIIH'. I‘J/Hl/HH'L‘IL

' Standert l5l O... tllroimcii llttglicx. (’aiiada/( it‘l’lll;tll_\/Sttlllll .'\llIL‘;t. Jill”) 'I homax Jaiic. .'\xltlt‘} la) lor. |)a\ id O'Hara. llomiii. Snaggcring ttuc lilc citmc capcr that might bc all out tltc placc m tci'mx ol' tonc. tlicmc aiid plotting. bttt it‘x a rcal blaxt. Sci iii I‘l'fo Joliaiincxburg. Janc go in}: a tcrrilic turn ax a cop \\ ho buclxx tlic corrupt x_\ xtcm b} bccoming a bank robbcr. .-\ l'tL‘c\\ltcclllt;.‘. li‘t‘lgood IIL‘txl/ioad tllo\ 1c \\ ith a racial. political baclxdiop. li/m/uiuxt’. Ift/iii/iiu'uli.

Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith t l3.r\l coo t(icoig_'c l.ttcax. [3. 30(5) lauan .\lc( ircgor. \atalic l’ottman. Samucl l. Jackxon. lla}dcn ('lirixtcnxcii. l-lllmm. :\t laxt. tlic xcricx ttiinx It) thc dall'lx xidL‘. l.tlc‘;tx lx xllll \\ Ilitttttl inxpiration \xhcn ll comcx to dialoguc biil about l\\tt-llltlti\ in thc uholc mm ic xtaitx to gct a Iiltlc grim). \xoi‘n aitd 7l)x looking.

\\ hilc cluiik) in placcx. it hax t‘laxlicx ot tlic cartli) charm otfll .\'t'n [lo/iv and tlic

cmotn c dri\ c ol l/It’ Iain/int .XI/iAm lit/(A and pt'o\ cx a north) concluxion to tliix moxt

t‘lilc‘ (ill Cplc‘x. (it’llt'l'il/ I‘t'/t'tl\('.

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58 THE LIST 7—21 Jul 2005

38 Home Stree 0t3t 228 4t4t

Strings tl’( it C... tx\ndcrx Roimou Klarltmd. l)cnmaik8“cdcn/Noma) ’l "K. Jill”) \lilt k'\ Hi .Jitlltt‘x \it'.\\0_\. (-.tlllc'llltt‘ _\lc( ‘oiiiiaclx. Jillian (ilou'r. l)ctcl\ Jacobi. 38min. l ntitcl} xliot \\lllt iitaitoitcltc ptippctx. tliix ix a clitldicti‘x lilm that adultx \\ ill .idmiic. 4| hc plot ix a xtandaid tliicxt and coming: ol agc xaga. a bit ol 'l‘olkicit. a daxh ol’ l/tim/t'l. and thix l'lx' Scatidinm ian production tcall} xtandx otit lor tlic xti'ilxiiig tixc ol cliaiactcix‘ xtiingx ax bcmg intcgial to tltc tiai’taliu‘. ('ti/m‘u. [JIM/Hugh.

Sunset Boulevard it’t MCCCOC dull} \\ ildcr. [8. W51“ ( iloiia Suanxoii. \\ illiam lloldcit. liiicli \‘on Sttoliciiii. Illimm. 'l ltc \ct_\ bcxt tilm about llolltuood ix alxo onc ol tlic moxt pci\cixc, 'lo bcggm \\llll it'x naii'atcd b) a dcad man. ()pciiiiig: \\ illi tlic copx lixliitig tlic btillct iiddlcd coipxc ol xciccim i ilcr .loc (iillix t l loldcni otit ol tlic x\\ iming pool ol a lloll}\\ood inaiixion_ (iillix tcllx liix talc I‘L‘lltlt'. llc x;I}\. \\ L‘ trad lltc xcllxallitltttllxt‘tl \lttl) tll lltc‘ lttlt'xl \‘tlllltilt. “'Illt ;t \\ ic‘lxt‘tll} xliaip xciipt b} ('ltailcx liiackctt atid ctltiall} \\ ickcd. xltaip diicction b} \Vildct'. Sit/1w!

li’litl. ix iii cqual paitx lloll)\\ood xaliic. (iothtc iiiclodiama and liliii noir. In a “tiltl' tctrilic. Scc picttiic caption. pagc 5‘). (i/tlvym /I/III I/Iltl/ll'. (r/tl\'\'illl.

Swallows and Amazons l t ‘i 00

t( ~latidc \\ liatham. l'lx'. [974) Virginia .\icl\'cnna. Ronald l‘raxcr. Sopltic .\'c\ illc. 02min. '1 ltc adwnturcx ol' tour cliildrcii iii lltc liIkL. dlxll'tc'l llt lltL‘ lulllx id} lliL‘ xL‘t'L‘L‘ll incarnation ol tlic :\l’lltlll' Ranxomc no\ cl that ix \ci_\ much an adult'x idca ot' \xliat cltildrcit‘x ciitcrtainmcnt xhotild bc. .-\boiit ax cutting; ax a xlcad} do“ npour ol dii/IIc. (i/uwmi I‘ll/II 'I'lit’tilrt'. (i/mguu.

That Obscure Object of Desire t Iii 0.. tl.itix Btii‘iucl. l’rancc/Spain. I‘)77i lctnando Rc}. ('arolc liouqtict. .'\ll:_'t‘l;l .\loliiia. Illimin. :\ iiclt buxincxxiitan‘x dcxitcx l'or liix maid arc contintiall} litixti‘atcd. Bunticl. iii liix laxt lilm. caxt l\\t) acticxxcx ax tlic lcad t'cmalc and. althouin it ix conluxittg at lit‘xt. tliix dccixioii alloxxx ttx lo xcL‘ l\\o xidcx to lltc charactcr \\ lticlt lilL' man lailx to nottcc. l'l/HI/IUHH’. Izt/i'n/mrgli. Thirteen Conversations About One Thing t ISI .0. tJilI Sprcclicr. l’S. llllll i .\lattlic\\ .\lc('onaughc}. l)a\ id (‘onnclly Joxcph Siraxo. ('lca l)u\'al|. HHmmScc ic\ lC“. pagc 4‘). l'l/lll/IUII\('. I'It/Iii/tui‘q/i.

3D Mania tl'i itbc. l8. Zlitlii Stuart l’aiikm. l:|\ Il';t.i.\i.'\.\ .il) animation thI. l'ttl‘ maxocltixtx and comptttcr icndcr gc'ckx ottl_\. /,\l.\.\' l/lt'tlll’t'. (i/itiuuti. Torremolinos 73: Hr oooo tl’ablo Bctflcr. Sltaitrl)cnttiarlx. Milli i Ja\ ici‘ (‘attiara. (’aiidcla l’cna. .lttaii l)icg_'o. l‘ctnando 'l'clcio. 03mm. lt'x W“ m l‘ranco'x Spain. and tittxticccxxlttl cnc_\c|opacdia xalcxmaii :\lltcdo\ ict' (’aitiai'ai ix \xtlliitg to It) alinoxt

an} thing: to pa} liix rciit and xa\c liix cat'cci‘. \\ hcn liix boxx xiiggcxtx xliootin; xcicntilic lilmx c\cluxi\cl_\ tor thc Scandiiign iaii ittatkcl. .-\llicdo dixcotcrx ltc |tixt might lia\ c tltc talciil to bc a xticccxxltil porn dticctor, lltlai iotix rich black coincd}. Ii/iii/inuu'. It/Iii/iul'q/i.

Tropical Maladyt IS) coco t.'\plc‘ll;ll[tttllj_' \Vcciaxctliakul. 'lliailand/ I'ranccz( ic-i'iii;iii}/lt;i|}. letili llanlop loinnoi. Sakda Kacxtbuadcc llh’mm. Scc t‘c\ tc\\. pagc 4‘). lilmliuuu’. ]’.t/III/’III‘L'/l. UDdertOWl l5) .... tl);l\ id ( itil'tltill (irccnc. l‘S. :llll-ll Jamic licll. .loxli lucax. licimot \ltilionc). l)c\on :\lan. lt)"mm. lt‘x l‘)."tix (icoigia aitd \\ idou cr John .\limn l.\liilronc) i and liix [\Ht kidx Inc on a xhit hccp larm on tlic cdgc ol' an tini'til) torcxt. \\ licn xtiil}. cliam xiiitikiiig tailbird l‘nclc l)cc| llucaxi ttii'nx up in xcarcli ol hiddcn li'caxtiic tlicii' dixpoxxcxxcd. bucolic c\ixtciicc xtaitx lalling apart. l)ii‘cctoi‘ (iicciic‘x tlmd lcaturc ix a t'axciiiatingl} \tciid xlo\\ burn nightmarc paxtoi'alc tliat‘x alt\ c \\ llll gltoxtx li‘om thc \xoi‘k ol' (‘harlcx littiiictt Altman aitd l)oii Sicgcl .'\ll imprcxxncl} \xciid talc ol iiit'al icdcmption and thc xlitigglc lor thc xoulx ol _\otmg_' L‘lllitllc'lt. (i/(IUJHH l‘l/HI Illl'llllt'. (I/tlu'uit.

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on page t5

51 l7


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