Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.


Activities & Fun

Sunday Craft Club Sun 1() Jul & Sun 1“ .liil. lluin 1pm. l-‘i'cc. (iluxgou \JIISi‘lllllS choui'cc ('cuti'c. 301) \Vooillictiil Rllilll. \ihliill. 37() 9300. l)l‘i)|) in crul't cluh \\ ith u ilil'l'ci‘cnt ihcmc cgicli \\ cck. Sililuhlc loi‘ S l3-)L‘;ii‘-i)lil\. Saturday Art Club Sui ‘) Jul & Sui l() .liil. Illuin 1pm. l-'i‘cc. (iullci‘) o1~ .\loilci'n \l'l. ()uccn Sti'cci. 33‘) 19W). l’uu urt uctii lllL‘\ t'or cliihh‘cti ugcd 3 ll). \iith th'uu ing. collugc. \culpiurc muking und gumcs purcnts cun get stuck in too. Murder at Pollock House! l'niil \Vcd 31 .'\ug. lllum 5pm. {S ([5). Pollock llouxc. 3l)(il) l’ollockthw Rouil. 04‘) ilS75. \Vilcm thc hutlcr hux hccn lll}\l\‘l‘lt)ll\l} iniii‘tlci'cil. ('un )oii hclp \ohc thc ci'imc h} looking l‘oi' clucx'.’ CCA Kids Club: Checkmate! Sui 1) Jul. 11) 11.3t)uni. £3. (‘('.'\. 351) Suuchichull Strcct. 353 4‘)()(). llu\c u go .it tlcxigning uiul muking _\i)lll' \ci‘} o\\lt cllc“ \L‘l.

Supersize Me “ml 13 Jul. 1 luiii lpm. l‘i‘cc. \lclcllun (i;illci‘ic\. 370 S.iuchic|iull Sti'ccl. 5(i5 4l()(). ('rcutc u giuiit \Cl'SliHl ol' oiic of thc puintingx in llli‘ fittllt‘l'li‘N.

Summer Goes Pop! iii 15 Jul.

noon 3pm. l'lt‘t‘. (iluxgoix (irccn. (iii‘c'liil}kc‘ .Sli't‘k‘l. 3ll-l lll35. SL‘L‘ Pliolo cupiioii.

Toy Making .\lon lS Jtil. Mon

1 1.3lluiii 13.30pm & 3 3pm. l‘i'cc. Scoiluiiil Sirch School .\lu\cuni. \l11St'lllll o1 liilucution. 335 Scotluiiil Sliccl. 31570.5(“). Drop—iii ci'ull \cxxioi) \‘itll\llllcllll_‘_‘ li‘uililioitul to}\.

The Arches Circus Summer School .\loii lS Sut 33 .liil.

Ilium lllpiii. 'l'hc ;\i'chc\. 353 .-\i'g} Ic \ll't‘t‘l. .505 “H”. .'\ \\ L‘Ck-lUllg‘ L‘ll‘L'llS \‘.i)l'k\lli)|) cowring juggling. ti'upc/c unil .ici'ol);illc\ lot l5 lN-)n‘;ti'~i)lil\.

Grease Theatre Workshop 'l‘uc It) .llll. ll).3l)uni 13.311pni. £11). King\

'1 lic.iii'c. 3‘)" Ruth Sli'ccl. 3“) III]. \\i)1l\\lli)[)l);l\t‘ll on thc L‘\L‘l' poptilur 11111\l\';ll. Suiiuhlc l'oi‘ ugcx S l3 )t'UI'S.

llieatre & Dance

:53 Blast off with the Singing Kettle l‘11 15.3piiiLSul lo .liil. lluiii S 3pm. Rom! (’oncci’t Hull. 3 Suuchichull Sti‘ccl. 35 3 Sill )1). ('illu. .'\l'llL‘. (iui‘) unil Km in \llll20111?tl()\\llll\ltll'lll\\lllllllt‘ll'\lllg

.i long \lli)\\\,

Books Visit the Old Southwest 'l'hu 7 Jul. luc l3 .llll tk' 'l‘hu l~l .llll. Ilium noon & vllllll. licc. St .luiucx‘ Stor)iclliug (It‘llll't‘. lhl \lt‘lklt‘l'lg‘ (.l'L'\Ck‘lll. 3(135. .\ \loi'}tclliiig iiiinihux toui'. tuking 111 .i i'uiiicil cuxilc. iii}\ici‘iou\ c;ii'th\\oi‘k .lllll u ‘iiio\ iiig cliui'ch'. Suituhlc llll' ugcx \ '. (‘ull to hook. liuch tour \tui‘t\ ut ihc lliiiicll (‘ollcctioii Sunbeam Street Sut ‘) Jul. ll).3l)um. l icc ()iiukui‘\ Hookxtoi‘c. lluchuiiun (Lilli-tin. lliichuiiun Sli'ccl. 353 l5lll). l .iltllioi\ \llL‘llt‘llL‘ Slit‘likcll tillil (iloi'm (ii'ii\\iii;iii i‘cuil unil [k‘l'llH'lll \oiig\. l'ol' ugcx 3 (l. liui'l} hooking .lll\l\\'tl. Children’s Storytime Sun Ill & Sun 17 Jill. iiiioii. llol‘ili‘i'x Hookx l‘iol‘l RL‘ltill l’ui’k. Wt) l’i'o\uii \Vulk. 77.3 39“). \M'ckl} \ioi'_\tclling \L‘SSJUII l‘oi‘ klllS.

Save Money

see paqell for details

64 THE LIST i. I“

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince l‘li l5 Jill. Boi‘tlt‘lN Bookx. l'ioi'l Rcluil l’urk. 390 l’i‘muii \Vulk. 77.3 3‘)l(). .-\n cxcning ol' llurr} l’oitci' l'cxtix iticx to cclchi'utc thc luimch of thc cugci'l} unticipuicil hook. \\ ith quix/cs. rcuiliugx. L’Ulllpt'llllllllS 11ml L'\L‘ll ou lx. ‘l‘lic hook \\ ill hc muiluhlc ut midnight.

Harry Potter Day Sui 16 Jul. 7uni. Utiukur's BHUkSlUl‘L‘. Buchuuun (iullci'icx. Buchunuu Sti'cci. 353 15110. ()tiukui‘\ lloxlx u ilu} ol l'un. gumcx uiiil lunc} ilrc\\ to cclchi‘utc lhc i'clcuxc ol' l/urri l’ulli'r (UNI Illi' Hill/ill’lmn/ I’I‘illi'i'. lk‘gllllllllg \\ ith ltl‘Ctikllixl l'i'om 7um.

Family Picnic Time Sui l() Jul.

l 4P”). l‘i'cc. ('i'ookxton ('uxtlc. 'liillcrow Park. 35-“) \Vcllxhoi Rotitl. SS3 3035. You hring ihc picnic. thc Villugc Siorficllcrs prm idc stories. gumcs und songs.

Julia Donaldson Sui 16 Jul. Borders Books. Fort Rctuil Purk. 3‘)() Print”) \Vttlk‘, 773 3‘llll. 'l‘hc hL‘Sl-xclllllg uuthor ol‘ "I‘lu' (iriiHu/o i‘cuilx und \ing\ li‘om hci' incrcuxingl} cxtcnxiw cuiuloguc ol' \\ UlltlL‘l'llll \tor) hookx.

Activities & Fun

Miffy at the Library l'iiiil \Vctl 37 .liil inot Sun). .\lon ’l‘hii l()um Spm; l‘i‘i Illum 5pm; Sui ‘Jum lpiii. l'i'cc. ('cnti'ul l.ihi‘;ii'). (icoi‘gc |\' Briilgc. 343 S13 1. :\n inici'uctiw c\hihiiion tor pl'L‘-\L‘lll)l)lL‘l'\ lo cclchi'uic thc 5llth Lilllll\L‘l‘\;tl"\ ol l)ick lli‘iinu‘x l'uinoux hunn}.

Move Over Einstein l'uiil Sui 3() .'\ug. llluiu 5pm; Sun noon 5pm1'l'uc Ilium Spin. l‘i‘cc. Royil .\lu\cuiu Scicncc /.ouc. 3 ('humhcrx Sti'cct. 3—17 43l‘l/4-l33. l)i\co\c1' \upci' L'UtlL‘S llitil no onc cun ci'uck. 'l‘hci‘c \\ ill ulxo hc \\ohhl} \ltll'S uiiil _\ou cun c\cn plu} gumcx lllSltlL' liinxtcin'x hruin.

Pirate Ship Adventure l‘iiiil Sun l~l Aug. llum 4pm. ('umci'on loll Shopping ('cnti‘c. (who 3777. L3. (ioing to thc \hopx _lll\l got u lot nioi'c luu l'oi' littlc oncx. ux lhc \uuxlihuckliiig l’ii'utc Ship

.-\il\cniui'c tll'UpS unchoi' ui ('uiiici'on 'l‘oll.

Noddy! Hi 15 & Sui lo Jul. \cuhuilcx. \cuhuilcx Rouil. \ltixxclhurgh. (i53 55‘)‘)/()1S33 401 153. [6.50 l H.511). :\ l'un ilu_\ out \\ith liniil Bhton'x ucll-Imcil tu\i ili'i\ci‘. \\ iih \ioi'}tc|ling. muxic “ol‘kxllop, lo} luiid pui'uilc. puppct Slit)“ \ unil lolx morc. But hc \xurncil. )ou'll hu\ c to put )Ulll' llillltlS in _\()lll' pockci moi'c thun oncc \\ hilc )ou'i‘c thci'c.

Happy Birthday Katie Morag l‘iiiil Sun ll) Jul. llum 4pm. l‘i'cc. Suiiilcmun lllllISL‘. Jilinkx (low. .55 High Sll‘ci‘l. 534 (lloll. 'l'lic Scollixl) Book Ilil'lISI lioxlx un c\hihition h} utiihoi‘ unil lllllSll'ulol‘ .\l;iii'i llcililci‘\\ ick to cclchrutc thc 31x! hirlhilu) o1" hci' much loxcil chui'uctci'. Kutic Morug.

Dance Kids Sui ‘) Jul. Illum 6: llum (1—4 yours). 13.30pm (k; 1.30pm i3—-(i )curs). £4 (13150-533). North Edinburgh Arts Centre. l5u Pcnnywcll Court. 315 3 l .5 l. (icl )oiii' \llUCS (lllll \ock\ oll titlil pi'cpurc lo \ltilllll. \llth. jump uiul lcup. Bookmaking Workshop Sui ‘) Jul.

3 4pm. l'i'cc. lidinhui‘gh l’l‘lllllllttkt‘l'S. 33 [Illioll Sll'L‘L‘l. 5.57 347‘). .-\l‘li\l :\llL‘L‘ .\lc|\in \llo\\\ )iiii \implc l‘oliling uiul printing lL‘CllllltlllL‘S to crcutc )iiiii' on n hookx l'l)!‘ ugcx 5 ‘) unil thcii‘ guui'iliun. Children’s Storytime Sui ‘) .ltil & Sui ll) Jtil. lluiii. lloi‘ilL‘l'x Bookx. lhllll 3h, l‘ort Kinnuii'il Rciuil l’ui'k. (i57 404 l. \Vcckl) \\cckcnil \toi‘)tclling \cxxion l'oi' kitlx.

Cosmic Creativity 'l'uc 13 & 'I‘uc 3(1 Jul. 3 4pm. £4.50 (£3.50); luinil} tickct L"). Royil ()l)\L‘l‘\;ll()l'} \'i\itoi' (‘cnti'c. Bluckloi'il llill. (ioS S-llH. lqu uhoui lhc \lill'S unil lhcn mukc conxtcllutionx iii \hoc ho\c\. (ict thc \xholc lumil} l‘oliling origunii \ltll'S. gulu\ic\. Clillt‘l'S. \pucc \hultlcx :illil i'ockcl\.

Bug Hunting 'l‘uc 13 Jul. 3pm. £3.51). \Vulcr ol' l.cith (‘onxcruition 'Ii‘iixi. 34 l.unurk Rouil. 455 7307. Scotti uhoui in thc \ioi‘lil ol' minihcuxtx. Booking L‘SSL‘llllill.

Discovering Arthur \\‘cd 13 Jul & WM 31) Jul. 1pm. llt)l}l‘i)t)tl l’ui'k liilucution ('cnti‘c. l ()uccn'x l)ri\ c. ()53

S151). l)i\co\cr thc lincinuting \loi‘} hchinil Ihc uiicicnt \olcuiio ol' Arthur‘s Scut. unil lloly‘ood l’ui'k “hich \urrounilx it. .'\tl\1|llL'L' hooking cxxcntiul. “L‘tll‘ \CllSJth \liiicxl

Harry Potter Countdown Party l‘ri l5 Jul. llpiii. Limilcil lickctx. ()ttukur'x. 57 (iL‘ill‘I—K‘ Sll‘L‘L‘l. 335 4405. l’ollCl“ muniu coutinucx \\ itli u prc—i‘clcuxc pui'i) ut ()tiukui'\.

Doodles Summer Art Club .\lou

lS Hi 33 Jul. lllum noon. £55. l)t)()tllL‘\ ('ci‘umic \\'oi'k\hop. 3‘) .\lui'chniont (‘I'LWCL‘llL 33‘) I399. l)L‘l\c llllo thc \\ot’ltl ol' potici'} puiniiiig. Sic“) l'un guui'uutccil l‘oi' ugcx 7 15. l’ricc incluilcx u|| mutcriulx uiul i'cli'cthcuix.

#51 So You Want to Be a City Farmer? .\lon 1S Hi 33 Jul.

l()uni 13.30pm. £4 pct' ilu). (iorgic (‘it_\' Furm. 51 (iorgic Roud. 337 43(12.Agc.\ 8+. (‘omc und find out Whit! life’s like on u lurm. You cun hclp with grooming u pon). muking u \cui‘ccrou. clcuring out u iluck ponil unil loix iiiorc. Booking L‘SSL‘llllill.

Rocket Workshop 'l‘uc 1‘) Jul. 3 4pm. L3.5l)t[3.5(l)1luiiiil} lickcl U). Roin ()hxcriuioi'} \‘ixitor ('cnirc. liltlt‘hllll'tl Hill. (ioS S404. (ict thc luinil} togcthcr to huilil u i'ockct uiiil \cc hou lur it \\ ill go.

Flower Power luv 1‘) Jul. 3pm. £2.50. \Vutci' ol' l.ciih (’onxciwution ’l'ruxt. 34 l.unurk Rouil. 455 7307. l-inil out him groin} \\ ilil l‘loiici‘x cuu hc. Booking L‘SSL‘llllill.

Theatre & Dance

Labyrinth Sui in Jul. 11..‘~t)uin. £5

(£3 [3.511). \oi'th liilinhui'gh :\l'l\ ('cnti'c. l5u l’cnniucll (‘oui‘L 3l5 3151. “cc Stoi'ic\ ltl'illg llIL‘ tulc ol llli‘SL‘ln unil hix ilui'ing uihcniurcx to Iilc. Suiluhlc l'or ugcx ()+.


Storytelling at the Botanics 'I‘uc 1‘) Jill. llum —lpiii. l‘i'cc. Ro)ul Botunic (iui'ilcn. :\i‘hoi'ctuni l’lucc. 34S 307-1. llcui‘ tulcx o1 irccx ti';i\cl\ uiiil \\lllll~l()\\t'l’\.

Forget lounging on the floor getting PlayStation thumb, Summer Goes Pop! has alternative plans for kids this school holiday. Organised by Radio Clyde and lrn

Bru, the four-date roadshow features a host of outdoor games, plus performances by cheerleaders the GU Pussycats, Bubbles the Clown and three-piece girl band, Chocolate Monday. Best of all it’s free, and it gets the nippers outside in the fresh air. l)/i//i)/)t)//(.v Coo/ml l’ri/k. (:(XINJIIUUU. It/i? 1;’./ii/.' “(HS/It'll? l’df/x, Him/oi: mm ISL/:11; Britta“, Park, (lino/mm. 71).; .'.1 Jill; (ill'irujox‘x (3100/), In 1.") ./ti/. Af/ moo/i (him.